All on me | byler

mo_is_maladaptive द्वारा

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SEQUEL TO 'KEEP IT BETWEEN US' SO READ THAT FIRST!!! (or don't idrc) Mike and Will are finally off to college... अधिक

For the better chapter 1 preview
thank you


310 11 46
mo_is_maladaptive द्वारा

tw: mentioned of ed and weight/ not proofread even in the slightest.. sorry


"Mom!" Johnathan called out as he headed out the door of his Mom's house to go to work. "The doctors are sending over Lonnie's records soon. I gave them your address."

"Ok, that's fine honey. I'll see you tomorrow." Joyce came over to hug her son.

"Bye Mom." Johnathan pecked her cheek before leaving Joyce all alone.

She wasn't alone but for 30 more minutes, because that's when Hopper came in back from the station.

"Hey." He smiled.

Joyce was snuggled onto the couch, watching a movie. "Hi. How was work?" She asked cheerfully.

"Uneventful." Hopper shrugged, going to the bedroom. Probably to change his clothes. He returned a few minutes later and sat with Joyce. "What're we watching?"

"Oh, some werewolf movie. I don't get it." She chuckled.

"Hey, how's Will holding up?" He asked.

"I don't really know. He says he wants to get over it, and he doesn't wanna give Lonnie the satisfaction and whatnot. I know he's still upset, but he won't let himself be. He and Mike went over to Max's earlier to say hello though." Joyce explained.

"Yeah, he does that alot." Hopper agreed. "Where is he now? His room?"

"I don't know actually. I think he went to Mike's. They drove his car over there." She replied.

"You think? He didn't call?"

"No, he didn't. But he's with Mike, everything's fine." Joyce assured.

"Well how do you know he's with Mike? Unless he told you, how would you know?"

"Hop, of course he's with Mike! And if he wasn't, Michael would call me himself. They left together so if they weren't still together now, I can assure you, Mike would be the first to let me know. I don't wanna bother them, they're probably having some alone time since they haven't seen each other in so long." She said.

"I don't know. I feel like you're leaving a lot up to assumption." Hopper grumbled. "But hey, if you say he's safe, he's safe." He shrugged. "I'll leave it at that."

"Thank you." Joyce huffed back into the couch.

There were a few minutes of silence with them both watching the movie, except Hopper continued to take glances over at Joyce.

"I'm sorry, but I thought we were 'leaving it at that'? What's wrong now?" Joyce spoke up.

"I just think you put a lot of trust into the kid. Not to say he isn't trusted, but he's 18 Joyce. I feel like you let him run around here like he's an adult." Hopper explained.

"He is an adult! Hop, he doesn't even live here anymore for Goodness sake! He's in college, all the way up in New York. If he's fine over there with his boyfriend, he'll be fine here, in a more relaxed town that he has known his whole life."

"Well I don't just mean now, I mean whenever. Even before he moved away, you let the kid do whatever. You don't know what could've happened!" He said. "Well, something DID happen Joyce. And you know what I mean."

"So you're telling me, I didn't raise him correctly?" Joyce questioned, cocking an eyebrow.

"I'm not say that, I'm just saying-"

"No. We both know what he's been through. You're making it seem like that's my fault though, Jim. What, because I gave him his freedom, and that happened to him, it's all my fault?"

"Joyce no-"

"Well that's what it sounds like to me!"

"All I'm saying is maybe we should keep a closer eye on him when we can." Hopper told her.

"Oh, but not Jane though?" She responded in a rhetorical tone. "She can go and live with her girlfriend in her own place where YOU help her on rent, but God forbid MY son have some freedom, and get a little spoiled by his boyfriend." Joyce threw her arms in a fit.

"I know what happened Jim. I think about it everyday, and I couldn't be more grateful that you were there for him, and you found him before it was too late. I feel like you're insinuating that because I don't keep tabs on him at all times, I could be the reason he attempts again." She choked on a sob. "And I'm not gonna sit here and let you say that." Joyce got up and left for her bedroom.


All Hopper heard in response, was the slam of a door.


Suddenly, the phone rang. Obviously, Joyce wasn't going to get it, so Hopper did.


"Hopper? Hey, huge favor." Will started on the other line in a whisper.

"What's up? Why so quiet?"

"I don't wanna wake him, but do you think you can come get me from Mike's place? Or Nancy's place- whatever." Will asked.

See?! Hopper knew something could happen! Why does Will want to leave in the middle of the night? And why was he whispering?! He was probably in trouble, and Hopper would be there to save him, and prove a point all at once.

"Of course. I'm on my way." He replied.

No less than 10 minutes later, Will was in the car and on their way back.

"What's going on, kid? What did he do to you? Are you hurt?"

"Who? Mike? Why would he do something?" Will scrunched his eyebrows.

"Why'd you have to leave in such a hurry then?" Hopper asked.

"I have a surprise. It involves you too, and Mom. But it's for Mike. I need to get ready before he leaves tomorrow." Will explained.

"Oh... yeah.. no problem." Hopper nodded awkwardly.


"Hop, I don't know. I'm sorry for the way I yelled at you the other night." Joyce started. "It's just, we have different parenting styles, and obviously my kid's circumstances are much different than yours'."

"I know Joyce, I'm just worried about him. Seeing him like that... It just has me a little extra on edge. But he's your son, you're right. So if you say that he's ok, and you trust him and Mike, then I should back off." Hopper nodded.

"Well... I'm happy that you're looking out for him. It gives me some peace. Knowing he has all these people." Joyce patted his shoulder. "Thank you."

"Of course hon."

"MOM!" Will knocked on the bedroom door. "Is it safe?!"

"Come in, Will!" Joyce answered.

"You guys ok?" He asked.

"Yep." Hopper smiled.

"Ok well, you may be wondering why I came here in such a rush, and have been in my room since then..." Will started.

"Not really, but yeah... I suppose." Joyce shrugged with a chuckle.

"Wow. Anyways, I'm gonna go back to New York tonight. With Mike." He ended.

"What?!" Joyce's eyes bulged out of her head.

"Let's calm down here." Hopper pat her back.

"Honey, why are you leaving so early?! I thought you were gonna stay until the semester was over?" She asked sadly.

"Well, I was just leaving for a break, but I think I'm ready sooner rather than later. And if I don't leave today. I'm gonna get caught in a big snowstorm over there." Will explained.

"So this is all on you, and has nothing to do with you missing your boyfriend?" Hopper asked.

"Well... Ok.. Both?"

He sighed. "We can't keep him here, Joyce. Not if he wants to go back to school."

Joyce went over to her son and forced him into the tightest hug ever. "Fine." She dramatically sighed. "Go get an education. Go get your degree. Leave your mother here alone."

"Are you trying to guilt trip me for going to college?" Will giggled.

"And can I add, I'm still here too!" Hopper exclaimed.

"Exactly." Will smiled. "I'm gonna finish packing. Mike is gonna be here soon, and I wanna surprise him."

"You two made up quickly. What was your fight about anyways?" Joyce asked.

"Uh.. Just stupid stuff really. He's just dumb. But he apologized, and yes, I missed him a lot and that's part of the reason I wanna go back. K, gonna go finish packing." Will explained as he left the room.

Will wasn't even finished emptying out his drawer before he heard a knock at the door. Dammit. He should've told Mike to come later.

"Mike, hey!" Will smiled as he opened the door.

"Hi, love."

That pet name again. Will blushed.

"I brought takeout from that breakfast diner by my place." Mike held up bags of food. "Bet you thought I forgot about what I said last night." He smirked.


"You can't keep not eating Will. I'm serious." He went into the kitchen to put the food down.

"Yeah, Mike. I know." Will groaned.

"Don't say it like that. You need to be taking care of yourself. Especially when you're going through something." Mike grabbed out a box of pancakes and eggs and sat down. "I brought your mom and Hopper some food too by the way."

"Thanks, they'll probably be out here soon."

"Come on, eat." Mike held a hand out for Will.

"Wait, I just have to do a few more things and-"

"No, come on, Will. Don't start with the excuses. Please." Mike pled.

"But it's for the surprise." Will pouted.

"It can wait. Come here." Mike got up to lead Will to the table. He sat down and sat Will onto his lap.

"I feel like a child." Will rolled his eyes.

"Don't act like one then." Mike shrugged. "You want me to feed you the airplane?" He asked in a high, baby voice.

"Fuck you."

"I'm joking! Here!" Mike laughed, passing Will his food. "Sorry." He giggled.

"Oh, what's this?" Joyce asked as she and Hopper came out of their room.

"I brought breakfast over for everyone." Mike smiled.

"Aw, how sweet."

Will got off of Mike's lap and found a chair. He started to pick at his pancakes.

"I actually gotta head to the station." Hopper kissed Joyce on the forehead. "Bye guys." He waved. He went over to Will to give him a hug. "Bye kid. Call when you're safe." Hopper said before heading out the door.

"What was that all about?" Mike asked.

"I'm not ruining your surprise. Also, don't go in my room. There's secrets in there right now." Will smiled.

Joyce joined them at the table. Mike was already almost done with all his food.

"Hey, you gonna eat?" He murmured over to Will.

"I'm not hungry." Will frowned.

"Please eat something. It's been over a day."

"Sweetie, you haven't eaten anything?" Joyce asked, concern filling her voice.

"Mom, it's fine."

"No, it's not. You could get sick, honey. You have to eat."

"I'm not just gonna magically gain a damn appetite because you guys keep telling me to eat!" Will huffed, storming off into his room.

"I'll talk to him." Mike nodded at Joyce.

Mike slowly entered Will's room to find clothes spewed out of suitcases all over.

"Babe?" He called gingerly.

"You ruined the surprise." Will sighed with his face into his pillow. "Asshole."

"Are you going somewhere? What's with the suitcases?" Mike asked, ignoring the comment.

"Yeah." Will flipped over. "With you."

"HUH?! You're going back to New York?! With me?!"

"Mhm. I just missed you too much I guess."

"Ok, well I'm gonna try and hide my excitement in that for now." Mike smirked. "But what's going on? You don't have a appetite or are you just not eating?"

Will heavily sighed again and tapped his bed, inviting Mike.

"Don't start like- puckering your lips and stuff, trying to kiss me and distract me from the conversation." Mike warned as he joined him.

"I'm not." Will murmured softly into Mike's neck. "Babe, I had a really good time with you last night."

"Stop calling me babe. You only do it when you want something or when you're horny. Wait..."

"You always make me feel really good." Will trailed off, tracing circles onto Mike's arm.

"As much as I love hearing this, and as worked up as I'm getting, I know you're just trying to switch the subject." Mike smiled. Though it quickly turned into a frown.

"Why won't you tell me what's wrong?" He grabbed Will's chin to look at him.

"Nothing. Are you ok though? Like with your parents and everything?" Will wondered.

"I asked first. What's wrong?" Mike deadpanned.

"No but we always talk about me. What about you? Johnathan said you were really upset with them."

"I don't like talking about me. You're more important than anything."

"You should though. You tell me not to bottle up my feelings all the time. Hypocrite." Will scoffed.

"Hey." Mike sat up. "Don't start."

"I'm not. Just go eat your breakfast."

"You can get really sick Will. If you don't eat. You literally know this cause it's happened before. What's wrong? Why did something change?"

"Cause I keep gaining weight! Is that what you wanna hear? That your boyfriend is getting fat?!"

Mike just stared at his embarrassed boyfriend, kind of amused. He sighed and threw his head back.

"What?" Will buried his face into a pillow.

"You're cute." Mike smirked.

"Are you serious right now, Mike?"

"Will, you're supposed to be gaining weight! Do you realize how incredibly underweight you were before? 1. You're eating a healthy amount now. 2. You're lifting a lot at the gym. Of course you're gonna gain weight, but it's good weight dummy."

"But still." Will murmured. "Like... my butt..." He buried his face even further. "It's like.. big."

"You're not fat. And it doesn't even matter what size you were cause I would still love you the same. You know how I feel about that butt of yours." Mike grinned.

"Ugh, I hate you." Will screamed into his pillow.

"No you don't. You love me. And you're perfect, don't worry about your weight so much."

"Whatever. Wanna help me finish packing?"

"Hm. Be right back." Mike hopped out of bed and ran into the kitchen. "He should be fine, Mrs. Byers." He quickly spoke.

"It's Joyce!" She reminded as Mike scurried into the room with his breakfast.

"Let's share." He smiled.


"God, you're literally so perfect." Mike kissed up and down Will's chest. (that escalated quickly)

"Put my shirt down you asshole." Will said, breathlessly, pushing Mike away. "My mom's still here."

"You're so hot." Mike went up to nip at his neck.

It was getting harder for Will to resist, but he still had packing to do. He finally sat up, pushing Mike all the way off, causing him to nearly fall off of the bed.

"OW!" Mike whined.

"We can't have sex while my mom's in the house you idiot." Will groaned.

"I wasn't trying to! I was just kissing!" Mike tried to convince.

"Yeah, that's how it starts. But I seriously need you to help me finish up here, so I can get a ticket at the airport on time. I ate your food, so compromise with me now."

"Fine." Mike scoffed, standing up. "But the things I want you to do to me when you get all bossy like that..." He sighed.

Will chucked a pillow at his face. "Perv!" He giggled.

Mike could just explode. The love he felt for his boyfriend was absolutely out of the world. Finally, he was moving back. And Mike had some news to share as well... but that would wait until they get everything settled.

About half an hour later, Will was all packed and ready to go.

He lay on the bed and sighed loudly.

"What's up?" Mike laid beside him.

"My mom is gonna be so upset. Since I've been here, she's been trying to do so much bonding since she doesn't work as much. And I said I was staying, but now I'm leaving again."

"I'm sure she'll be fine. She's got Jane and Hopper." Mike reassured.

"Hey, speaking of Jane, why'd you two keep her girlfriend a secret from me for so long?"

"Hey, it was her decision not mine." Mike put his arms up defensively.

"Yeah but, she definitely hated you more than she hated me, so I just find it kinda hard to believe that she would confide in you with something like that rather than me."

"Well, our situations were similar. I didn't think I was into guys until I met you, and she didn't think she was into girls until she met Kat." Mike explained.


"And if I'm being honest with you Will, I still don't know what I'm into. Well, you of course, but that's really all I know. But in general, I don't know if I'm attracted to guys or girls. It's been so confusing for me."

"Oh. I didn't know you felt that way." Will turned over on his side to face Mike.

"You've always known you liked guys, right?" Mike asked.

"No. But I've always known that I wasn't into girls. It look me awhile to piece together the rest." Will chuckled.

Mike smiled. "Yeah, well I'm with you now. That's all that matters."

Will frowned. He didn't like that response "You're stuck with me." He spoke sadly.

"Not stuck." Mike said mindlessly.

"Yeah stuck. And now you can't even figure yourself out."

"I am figured out. I love you, and only you, and that's that. Quit worrying about it. I'm sorry I brought it up."

There's that thing again. Will thought Mike was basically perfect. He could be incredibly stupid and say the wrong things sometimes but other than that, he was everything Will could want in a guy. Except for just one tiny little thing that he's been noticing the past few months... Mike's dismissiveness. He never talked about him. It was always Will, Will, Will. It was so sweet how Will was constantly on his mind, but it was always to the point where Mike never felt allowed to talk about himself.

Will always felt bad whenever Mike would dismiss his own problems to help with Will's. And no, he would never blame Mike for this, but that was one of the things that led to his ultimate downfall. His spiral. When Will felt like a complete and utter burden.

"I love you too." Will could only respond.


"Will, do you have to leave?" Joyce squeezed him into a tight hug.

"Mom, I have to get to the airport. Seriously." Will groaned.

"Ugh." She reluctantly let go of him and went over to Mike. "Bye Michael, honey. You better make sure Will calls me, and if he doesn't, I'm gonna need to hear from you." She demanded.

"Will do Mrs. Byers."

"I'm going to the car!" Will called out, leaving the house.

"Michael," Joyce started again as she looked up into Mike's face.


"Take care of him. Please."

"Of course." He smiled.

"Ok. Love you, be safe." She hugged Mike again before leading him out of the door.

Love. That wasn't a word Mike shared with his family. Not even because of the drama going on between them all right now, but just in general. His parents never loved each other. And 'I love yous' weren't a commonly spoken phrase between the family.

"Love you. Bye Joyce."


Mike grinned once more before heading out the door.

"So." Mike jumped into the car. "You ready?"

"Of course. If things get bad, you got me." Will nodded to himself. "And I've got you. Don't forget that."

"I know, babe." Mike chuckled, pulling off.

"That's so not funny. I got your back. Seriously."

"And I don't doubt that. I love you."

"I guess I love you back." Will slumped in his seat.

word count: 3292

a/n: next chapter is the end...

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