Ma Meuia (NETEYAM)

By cheezeitsforlife

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Neteyam X Oc The forest was my home. It's where I was born and where I was expected to meet my end. When we... More



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By cheezeitsforlife

We all sat in a circle. I was in the middle between Roxto and Kiri, It was probably best that I didn't sit next to neteyam. My head was still dazed.

" Breath in." Tsireya instructed.

We held it for a little bit and then she instructed, " and breathe out."

" Imagine flickering a flame." She held out her hand

" You must slow down your heartbeat."

Dammit, that wasn't happening for me right now.

Tsireya placed one of her hands on Lo'aks heart and one on his stomach.

My eyes went wide, thats the most contact hes made with a girl...ever. I held in a laugh as he watched Tsireyas face as she instructed him to breath.

" breath in."

" Breath out slowly." Lo'aks eyes flickered between hers.

" Lo'ak your heartbeat is too fast,try to focus."

" Sorry."

I snickered, Kiri pushed my shoulder. Neteyam and Roxto looked at each other and tried to hold back their laughs. Kiri rolled her eyes at us, not finding it as funny as we did. It looks like Lo'ak has a crush on the chief's daughter. I called it from the beginning.

" Let your mind go clear."

" Do you need help with your breathing, Riti?"

Roxto asked and I shook my head no really fast, I would break his hands if he touched me the way Tsireya was.

He smirked, " I can go get Ao'nung, I'm sure he would like to help you on your breathing."

That sounded really suggestive right now and I was now feeling uncomfortable

" Well I don't need Ao'nung, I'm breathing just fine."

I breathed in really hard and breathed out to prove my point.

They looked unimpressed, " RIght well we have some time for you to learn, you don't need to get it all in one day."

She basically just told me I was shit at it right? Kiri laughed, and she laughed hard. I looked at her unamused. " I will push you into this ocean."

Neteyams pov:

I glared at Roxto for suggesting that Ao'nung come. I could tell Ao'nung liked Riti by his stares and the way he was nicer to her than he was to us. Everytime I caught him staring he looked away quickly, it left a nasty feeling in my chest. I knew she was beautiful, hell I admired her beauty everyday.She wasn't just beautiful on the outside either, everything about her shined. I was used to people staring at her, I didn't blame them. Back home the only person who didn't know that Ri was beautiful was Ri herself.

Since I was used to the staring, I'm confused as to why I was feeling this in my chest whenever she was with Ao'nung. I knew her well enough that she didn't like him back but.. It didn't stop that nagging feeling... I think I needed to ask my dad about it.

" Netty?"

Ri was talking to me and she was laying on her stomach with her head in her hands staring at me. " Sorry what?"

" Everyone left."

I looked around, " What when?!"

She laughed and I smiled in response. I recalled her promise to herself to make me smile everyday. She didn't know that just seeing her, made me smile. I didn't understand how she always knew how I was feeling and knew the right things to say to make me feel better.She had a talent for making me happy. She was so adorable when telling me about her promise that I couldn't help but kiss her cheek. I'll never forget the blush and the dazed look in her eye. I didn't know if that meant that she liked it or not.My heart was pounding a mile a minute and I was about to lose my shit so I walked away before she could see the stupid smile and blush on my face.

" I thought you were taking a nap. I've never seen you do it sitting up with your eyes open but You were unresponsive." She shrugged.

I don't think I would ever understand how her brain works.Another thing that made Ri beautiful. She had a different mindset than most, if you asked her what she was thinking it would be probably the most out of pocket thing you wouldn't even think of.

" Where did they go?"

" I think they went to ride Ilu's."

I groaned and she groaned with me. " We should probably look after Lo'ak." I sighed.

I loved my brother but having the duty of constantly watching him was straining our relationship.

She grinned, " Lo'ak and his girlfriend are just fine. But I guess if you want to ride Ilu's together I would love to join you."

I rolled my eyes, " Don't let Lo'ak hear you say that."

I held my hand out for her to grab and she placed it in mine, I pulled her up and we didn't let go.

She swung our hands as we walked on the beach..I felt like holding her hand wasn't enough. I wanted to hold her close to me, I wanted to tell her how beautiful she was everyday...I wanted to call her mine... She let go of my hand and I instantly felt the loss.

"Here the lovers come!" Lo'ak made kissy noises

" FINALLY!" Kiri groaned.

Tisreya called for the Ilu's, " Don't listen to them you came right in time."


" Hurry up Loser!" Riti gave me one last smile before she disappeared into the water. As I dove underwater on my own Ilu I remembered that Riti still has a wish she needs from me and Lo'ak. I was actually scared of what she would ask.

Ritis Pov:

We spent a few the rest of the day working on our breathing.

I handed the seashell to Neteyam, " Okay so you're going to throw this and I'm going to swim after it. But I have to breathe first and let it go down."

He nodded, waiting with his hand out, " I'm ready whenever you are Ri."

We had done this a few times already and Neteyam believed in me every time I didn't get it.

" The way of water has no beginning and no end. The sea is around you and in you. The sea is your home before your birth and after your death. Our hearts beat in the womb of the world .Our breath Burns in the shadows of the deep. The sea gives and the sea takes. Water connects all things. Life to death. Darkness to light."

Neteyam threw the shell as I closed my eyes breathing, I dove for the shell. It was a far dive, in the beginning I might not have been able to make it. I let my heartbeat slow, even when I got the shell I started swimming up. I couldn't let myself get too excited. This was the first time I had actually gotten it. My head burst through the water , " NETEYAM I GOT IT!"

He had been peering into the water to make sure I didn't drown.. There had been a close couple of times,



I wrapped my arms around his neck .He fell into the water laughing.

He wrapped his arms around me in a hug, " I actually did it."

" I am very proud of you Ri."

I hugged him tighter. The moment was better because I was spending it with him.

—------Next Day—-------

As soon as we had gotten into the hut yesterday I had knocked out.

" Is she dead?" Tuk giggled

" Tuk." Kiri scolded

" She is just very exhausted, Tuk." Neytiri explained

It was the first time I hadn't slept outside, it was weird but good?

"You awake sleepy head?" Lo'ak questioned from the other side of the room

" Are you sick? You were asleep for a while." Neteyam feels my head and I push his arm off, its been a while since i've last slept that good. Especially with not being in the forest.

"Common we don't want to be late for our lessons." Lo'ak rushed out and I knew why he was so excited for today. Neteyam and I made eye contact. Jake looked at us confused and we all shrugged.

" What was that all about."

" No idea."

" Nope."

" Yeah thats weird."

We all answered suspiciously and he narrowed his eyes at us, " No funny business?"

" No sir ." We all answered innocently.

Tuk grabbed my arm before we could get ready to leave. 

" I want Riri today. She's been hanging out with you guys a lot!" She complains and I pick her up.

" I can spend a day with you and Kiri. I don't think the boys have any rejections."

I winked at Neteyam, who had a slight smile, on his face and I looked at him offended, "Why are you smiling? Do you want to die?"

He dropped his smile, " No, sorry."

He cleared his throat and made it so it sounded overdramatic, " I will miss you to the end of times, I will dream of your face every waking-"

" Okay I get it." I gave him a blank stare

" I'll see you after our lessons then?"

I nodded, I'd probably see him at the bonfire tonight. We had told Jake about it beforehand, and he let us go knowing it was a good opportunity to make friends. 

Kiri sat down next to me, " We are going to be finding herbs that are underwater today. Tsireya is helping us."

"Wait so Tsireya won't be there helping the guys with the Ilus'?"

Kiri smirked and shook her head no and I laughed, Lo'ak was going to be upset.

3rd person pov:

Tsireya introduced a new sea animal that is supposed to help breath underwater to the three girls. Kiri spent time bonding with the underwater animals while Riti and Tuk made jewelry on the side after their lessons.

Neteyam was paired up with Ao'nung to his distaste, and Lo'ak was paired up with Roxto. The boys were definitely not having as much fun as the girls were.

By the time the teenagers knew it, it was time for the bonfire.

Ritis Pov

" It's not going to be awkward is it?"

" Hopefully not."

" We're just going to make friends with the other people here." I nodded to myself, I never liked social gatherings. Mostly because I was very awkward and I would make a joke, laugh at it and then realize no one else was laughing.

" Riti, it'll be fine. You'll have me, Lo'ak and Neteyam there."

I breathed through my nose and nodded. The boys where already gong to be there because they just had lessons with them. I was wearing the new pearl bead that Tuk made in my hair from our adventures today.


Neteyam and Lo'ak waved us over. There was a big bonfire in the middle and a whole bunch of teenagers around our age were scattered around talking.

I sat down next to Neteyam and realized the other people in the circle was Ao'nung and most of his friends and a few girls. I waved to one of them and they gave me a scowl. Ahhh okay, retracting the hand. Going to act like that never happened.

" How was your lessons today?"

" It was good I learned a lot of things about the underwater resources for the tribe.OH! And theres this fish that gives you breath -"

" Riti! Nice seeing you." Ao'nung sat down right next to me

" Oh hey Ao'nung."

Neteyam gave him a glare but I gave him a look, we needed to make friends not enemies tonight.

I look around and Kiri was talking to Tsireya and Lo'ak was sitting there staring at her. It was like he was the third wheel. I was about to turn back to Neteyam when Ao'nung started talking to me about his day. I was down to talk to him as long as it was after I finished my conversation with Neteyam. But when I turned around the girl who gave me a scowl earlier was giggling next to him as they talked.

He had his back turned to me but I heard him talking about the forest and the ambushes he helped almost sounded like he was...showing off? I examined the girl and felt a pang of insecurity, she was pretty. She has long goddess braids and large blue eyes, full lips and a thin but curvy body. Neteyam started laughing at something she said and my heart dropped. 

I almost slapped myself, I couldn't reserve his laughter for myself...I turned back to Ao'nung who looked as if he didn't even notice me spacing out. I was trying really hard to pay attention to him and what he was saying about "outside the reef" but all I heard behind me was the girls giggles, and the " Netty you look very strong! And you know how to use a bow and arrow can you teach me?"

I didn't wait for his response as I excused myself from Ao'nung and started walking back to the hut. If I stayed any longer I might throw up in my mouth. 

" RITI wait!"

I turned around but it wasn't the person I was hoping to see, in fact I wish I didn't turn around because when I did I saw Neteyam and the girl sitting so close they were almost kissing. 

" yes Ao'nung?"

" Where are you going?" 

" back to the hut I'm not feeling good." I lied 

" Oh, so when do you want to go on our date?"

What now?It took me a few minutes to register what he said.

"I'm sorry what? Can you repeat what you just said?"

He laughed " Our date. I'm going to take you outside the reef."

" Oh Ao'nung I don't- I don't think a date-." I started to stamper. No one has asked me on a date before and I didn't want to go on one with Ao'nung especially if I didn't have any feelings toward him.

"Are you defective?Just come out with it." He snapped

" I don't have feelings for you like that." I blurted out. 

His eyes seemed to darken and his mouth formed a thin line.

" I see."

" I'm really sorry." I 

" I think I'm going to go now, sorry-"I pointed behind my back.

" its because of him right?"

" what?"


" No I mean well I dont know but I don't-"

" You know he doesn't have any feelings for you?"

That took me off guard. " Huh?"

" Yeah He told me he sees you as a sister."


" He said that thinking of you as anything else was repulsive. Look" he pointed to him and the girl who was now holding his hands and examining them. No one even noticed I was gone.

" He's taking akusney out tomorrow. She met him earlier."

It was like a punch to my gut. I swallowed back my tears, " have a good night Ao'nung."

" I just thought I'd let you know since you practically throw yourself at him whenever you can."

I let the tears fall when I walked away.

I didn't go back to the hut, I went to the side to look at the stars. I'm so stupid. I can't believe I actually thought that Neteyam would like me. I wiped my tears off angrily, he kisses Tuk on the cheek all the time. He sees me as a sister. A person that holds no desire or romantic interest at all. I've been so stupid. I was scared of this happening, a year ago when I felt like my emotions where too much and I wanted to confess how he made me feel. I stopped myself though because I was scared that it was going to ruin our friendship.

No. No this wasn't going to ruin our friendship. If anything he doesn't even know what I felt for him anyway. He is still my Neteyam no matter if he thinks of me as just a sister. Even if it breaks my heart just a little. In fact this was going to strengthen that I know where I stand it'll be better so I don't make him uncomfortable .I wasn't going to let this ruin what we've had for years.

Neteyam Pov:

This random girl kept on touching my hands and I was very uncomfortable. It started off okay with her wanting to know more about the forest and the sky people, but then she started flirting with me? She started grabbing my hands and commenting on how strong I look and saying some other stuff that I blocked out. One thing I kept on thinking about was Ao'nung and Riti where going on a date. Outside the reef.

I couldn't tell if she had agreed but he kept on talking like she had. I clenched my jaw, no way was My Riti going to go out with some Skwanxg. No way in hell. I pulled my hands from the girl, and apologized, " I'm sorry. I'm not interested."

I turned around and Riti wasn't there. I stood up and she wasn't anywhere near the bonfire.

I walked to Lo'ak and tapped him on the shoulder, " Where is Riti?"

He shrugged, " She might have went back to the hut."

I clenched my jaw, " You didn't see her with Ao'nung did you?"

" no?" He looked at my face, " Ohhhh Is my big brother jealous?" He laughed

" No. Shut up. I am not jealous." I knew it was a lie.

"I saw Riti walk away towards your hut a little while ago, Ao'nung followed her." Tsireya added

I started walking to the hut, but Kiri grabbed my arm, " Ao'nung isn't with her. Look he's over there with Roxto." She pointed and she was right.

" Maybe she just needed some space."

I stood there debating if I should leave or stay. I wanted to see her, but before I could walk away Lo'ak started doing some dumb shit.

" Lo'ak sit your ass back down and put the fire out."

I sighed, I couldn't leave him alone. I would talk to her tomorrow. I was going to ask my dad for some advice and then tell her how I feel. It's been too many years of hiding how I feel and I'm tired of it. 

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