Sign of the Times [Weak Hero...

By LOML4205

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Mei Shisui is the new transfer student at the infamous Eunjang High School. She meets some pretty interesting... More

Chapter 1: Are you an Ent?
Chapter 2: Two More Dumbasses
Chapter 3: Battle of the Boy Bands
Chapter 4: Jimmy Bae
Chapter 5: pinky promise
chapter 6: A promise is a promise.
Chapter 7: Eunjang vs Yoosun
Chapter 8: Aftermath
Chapter 9: Donald Na
Chapter 11: Sleepover?
Chapter 12: A glimpse at the past part 1?
Chapter 13: A Glimpse of the Past- part 2
Chapter 14: A Glimpse of the Past -Part 3 (final part)

Chapter 10: War

206 13 0
By LOML4205

Mei ran across the street toward the small group, her mind racing. She wanted to kill him to take 584
him right there in the streets and humiliate him, but she couldn't put Gerard and Alex in that kind of danger. She couldn't wrap them up in her own fight.

'Later... the time will come and I swear...'

The boys watched terrified, Gerard started to follow her but Alex grabbed him and shook his head.

Mei stood in front of Donald, staring him in the eyes.

'I'll kill you'

He smirked up at her, he opened his mouth to say something but before he could...

"Fuck you!" She yelled, kicked his bike as hard as she could causing it to fall over, and bolted as fast as she could grabbing the two boys by the hands and taking them with her. "RUN!!" She screamed and the two didn't hesitate to do as she said.


Gerard was just laughing, "You... are insane," he said between breaths and laughter.

"I know," Mei said laughing.

The group turned a corner and ducked inside the convenience store. The three stopped and breathed heavily before they looked at each other and busted out laughing.

GoGo was doubled over, "I cannot believe you just did that. You are so fucking dumb." But they couldn't take him seriously with the smile on his face.

They calmed down, "we're screwed you know that right?" Gerard said.

"Probably" Mei smiled.

Gogo shook his head but couldn't help blushing, 'she's the only person to ever do something like that'

"Is the tteokbokki ok?" Mei asked.

GoGo checked and nodded, "yeah, just a bit jostled."

"whew that's good at least"

"You think they're gone?" Gerard asked.

"Do we know if they were ever following us?" Alex returned.

"Let's just go outside and check real quick," Mei suggested.

She started to walk towards the door when Alex stopped her, "If they are out there, they're less likely to recognize me."

Mei nodded and Alex walked out the door and took a nonchalant look around before giving them a hand signal to follow. And they walked back to the pool hall.

"Ayy there you are- what took you so long dummies?" Big Ben asked as they walked in. But he quickly noticed their ruffled clothes and tossed tteokbokki. "Huh? What happened to yall it looks like you guys ran a 5k?"

Mei chuckled and set down the tteokbokki, "Eh, it wasn't a full 5k." The three boys looked at her confused.

"On the other side of the intersection, we saw Donald Na." Alex's words made Ben and Eugene go stiff. Gray on the other hand didn't understand what that meant.

Big Ben picked up on it, "He's the head... of the union."

Gray, Ben, and Eugene stayed silent for a second processing.

"Mei kicked his bike over and told him to fuck off," Gerard said which properly brought the boys out of one shock and into another.

Big Ben rushed to Mei and started checking her for wounds and then promptly checked her temperature, "DO YOU HAVE BRAIN DAMAGE?" He yelled, his actions were joking, but his tone was serious and worried.

The pool hall fell silent again, it's not every day that Ben loses his cool like that.

Mei grabbed his hand and moved it away from her forehead, "Hey I'm fine, we're fine. I don't think they even chased us."

Eugene interrupted the moment, "If Donald Na made an appearance himself, all the way down here..."

Ben turned to face the group, dropping Mei's hand. "Then it's gotta be because of the incident with Jimmy Bae..."

Alex shook his head, "No. If that were the case, he wouldn't have let us get away, he would've come straight for us. Donald Na isn't the type of motherfucker to drag things out or give anyone time to act. And he definitely wouldn't have waited for Mei to speak"

"That's not entirely true," Mei jumped in, "He might not know who we actually are, I mean think about it, he might know Big Ben but I doubt he'd know what any of us look like." She said gesturing to the three that went.

Alex and Ben shared a look, "He'd know what I look like." Alex mumbled.

"Whatever the case, that douchebag would never make a move on a Union scale, just to crush Eunjang..." Ben said drowning out Alex's mumbles.

Ben looked at Eugene" Eugene- what do you make of this? Why did that prick show up in this neighborhood?"

He looked scared, "How should I know... But, I think I did hear somewhere that Donald Na goes from school to school on the last day of every month for something called an accounting conference. Today is the last day of the month and the school closes to Eunjang would be... Hyeongshin."

"Don't start with 'how should I know' when you actually know," Mei mumbled and Gray seemed to be the only one who heard her looking at her with a ghost of a smile. His features didn't actually move or anything but the look on his face was definitely more of a smile look.

"Myles Joo?" Big Ben said drawing back their attention.

"Myles Joo was excommunicated by the union although I don't know why." Eugene clarified.

"The more I hear about the Union the more I think it's just a big cult." Mei shivered.

"Oh- yeah I think I heard that, too," Alex said ignoring her comment.

"If Myles Joo was kicked out... Then who's the current NO. 1 of Hyeongshin?"

Mei stretched and started unpacking the tteokbokki, "Eh, I'm sure whoever it is we'll find out soon enough, for now, let's just eat."

Big Ben came to stand next to her and ruffled her hair, "Yeah! Let's dig in!"

"Aww, my hair is a mess now!" Mei exclaimed trying to press her hair down.


"Guys... looks like Gray left his phone behind, so I think I'll have to go get it back to him!" Eugene said getting everyone's attention, Mei was sitting out this game and Gray had headed to his cram school.

"Oh really? Alright, then. You know where his cram school is though?" Ben asked.

Eugene nodded, "Yeah"

"Good see ya tomorrow then, Eugene-" Ben waved.

"Oh wait Eugene!" Mei said coming up to the boy.

"Y-yeah?" He asked nervously.

Mei extended her phone to him, "text me when you get it to him safely and get home, kay? And lemme know if you ever need help."

Eugene paused, "t-text you? Like exchanging phone numbers?!"

"Yeah, I wanna make sure you stay safe. Is that okay?"

"uh yeah, yeah sorry just caught me off guard," he said before exchanging phones with the girl and saving each other's number.

"Great! See ya!" She said as Eugene left.

She turned around to see Big Ben and GoGo holding their phones out to her.

"We don't even have your number yet" Ben sulked.

"Oh guess I just forgot, here," She said putting her number in each of their phones and saving theirs.

Gerard flicked them on the foreheads, "Don't go getting any weird ideas now." He whispered. "Now where were we, oh right I was about to kick your asses and beat you in pool!" He exclaimed going back to the pool table.

Mei just sat down on the bench and watched smiling, she couldn't help but think back to her days in middle school.

"Hahahah you're too slow Dean! No one can stop me now!"

"Jake Ji is running down the field at an impressive speed but Dean Kwon isn't going down without a fight he is running after Jake but can he stop him in time? Jake Ji lines up a shot and SCORES! Point for Team Ji! Looks like Dean will have to step it up if he wants any chance-"

"Oi shut it, Mei! I told ya I'd when this one and I still plan to!"

"How do you plan to make up a 15-point gap with only a minute and a half left?" Timothy interjects by Mei's side.

*"Wait since when was there a time limit!" Dean yelled.

Jake and Mei had their hands covering their mouths while they pointed and laughed at him. Dean's vein popped out, "Oh that is IT!" He said as he started chasing the pair around while they laughed.

Dean launched himself at the pair, catching Mei who tripped Jake until they were all on the ground. Dean looked down at Mei who was under him and she started to laugh again which made Jake laugh and eventually Dean couldn't help it either. He let himself relax his head on her shoulder as he laughed and Timothy moved to the group and sat down criss-cross and joined in laughing.

"Mei? Meiii?" Ben was in front of her poking her, "Oh good you're awake. We finished our game and it's getting kind of late so we were going to go home."

"Oh okay thanks for waking me up, how long was I out?" She asked before looking down and noticing Gerard's jacket lying on her.

"Not long, couldn't be more than a half hour," GoGo answered.

"Good, but now I'm all tired." She said and she got up to stretch carefully taking the jacket and folding it. Her phone fell down as she got up and she bent down to pick it up when it began ringing, she quickly answered it.

"Hey, Eugene?"

"Yes, it's me hi Mei, just wanted to let you know I sorta got jumped... heh"

Mei jumped up, "Oh my god, where are you, I'm on my way!" The gang all stopped and started asking questions.

"At the juncture between X street and Y street..." He kept talking but Mei didn't hear she was halfway out the door when she yelled to the boys over her shoulder, "Eugene was jumped! Stay right there, I'll be there soon Eugene."

Gerard was the first one to bolt after her, GoGo and Ben looked at each other in confusion before following but by the time they made it down the pair was out of sight, "Goddamn it where'd they go?" Ben grimaced while he clenched his jaw looking around.

"Damnit we lost them," Alex said kicking the ground, "who could've jumped him?" He asked.


Gerard was surprisingly having a hard time keeping up with Mei, he'd never seen her so worked up, she was usually so... relaxed?

Mei was sprinting and weaving through anyone she encountered, she was aware Gerard was behind her but she couldn't take the time to make sure he didn't get lost.

"Up here!" She yelled at him and took the next turn stopping when she saw Eugene and Gray, "Are you okay what happened? Why's Gray here? Who were they?" She rapidly fired questions at him.

"uhh.. well.." Eugene looked overwhelmed as he just stuttered.

"He's a bit beat up, no dangerous damage, I found him and Teddy Jin on my way back to get the phone, and two of Hyeongshin students." Gray answered, "You got here in impressive time."

Gerard, who had been leaning over with his hands on his knees, jumped in, "Yeah she sprinted all the way here. She's fucking fast."

"I told you you didn't have to come, Teddy Jin and Gray handled it," Eugene muttered.

Mei looked at him, "Oh, I was gone before I heard any of that, my bad heh." She scratched the back of her neck, "Anyways who is this Teddy Jin kid you keep mentioning? And where is he if he helped?"

Eugene side-eyed Gray who didn't notice, "He's the class 1 leader, blonde bob cut." Gray answered. Mei sensed there was something else going on but she decided to disregard it.

'The same blonde? Maybe he's not the dick I thought he'd be'

"Did they say anything about why they were targeting you?" She asked.

Eugene thought to himself before snapping his fingers, "Yeah they said something about Eunjang being fucked now and something about us spreading rumors?"

"Hmm, anything else?"

"I don't think so- wait they had this picture of who not to mess with, apparently they weren't supposed to mess with anyone in Philip's crew."

The three all nodded, the puzzle pieces coming together, "The union..." Gray started.

"They want war." Mei grinned.


I have a cute fluff chapter coming up next! Thought it'd be in this one but this chapter took longer than expected and I want to keep chapters releasing so here ya go! A nice 2K work chapter!

Also, I've been thinking about starting a Jujutsu Kaisen fanfic. I've been looking through and haven't found too many good OC or insert ones so lemme know if that's something you'd be interested in or if you just have any recs anyways, love ya <3

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