The Princess Cassandra Trilog...

By that_fan_girl0

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~ Forgotten Narnian ~ Cassandra is the twin sister of Caspian X of Narnia, she is nearly the exact opposite o... More

Book 1 - The Forgotten Narnian ✔
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Book 2 - To the End of the World ✔
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Quick Author's Note
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Book 3 - The End of an Era ✔
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8

Part 4

64 0 0
By that_fan_girl0

We rushed into the Professor's cell and Caspian shook him awake, "Five more minutes?" he said to the Professor.

"What are you doing here? ... I didn't help you escape just so you could get captured again. You have to get out before Miraz learns you're here," said the professor.

"He'll learn soon enough," I explained,

"We are giving him your cell," Caspian continued. We started running before the Professor grabbed our arms,

"Don't underestimate Miraz as your father did!" He warned,

"What are you talking about?" said Caspian,

"I don't understand," I said looking at the professor's tired eyes.

"I'm sorry," the professor sighed. Something clicked in mine and Caspian's brains we looked at each other before we ran toward Miraz' chambers. We ran all the way up to the door. There were no guards so we just walked in. Caspian and I drew our swords and Caspian put his at Miraz' throat. Miraz opened his eyes and chuckled,

"Thank goodness... you're both safe," he said,

"Get up," said Caspian forcefully, Miraz climbed out of bed but woke his wife while doing so,

"Caspian? Cassandra?" questioned Prunaprismia,

"Stay where you are!" I ordered her,

"What are you doing?" she asked us,

"I should think it's obvious dear!" said Miraz, he looked at Caspian, "You know, some families might consider this inappropriate behaviour,"

"That doesn't seem to have stopped you," Caspian spat at him,

"But you're not like me, are you?..." Miraz replied,

"It's sad. The first time either of you shows any backbone, and it's such a waste!" Miraz sighed,

Prunaprismia aimed a crossbow at Caspian, "Put the sword down, Caspian. I don't want to do this," I turned my full attention to her as Susan and Peter came into the room,

"We don't want you to either!" said Susan coming into the room and aiming her bow at Prunaprismia. Peter drew his sword and looked at us.

"This used to be a private room," said Miraz sarcastically,

"Cassandra! Caspian! what are you doing? You're supposed to beat the gatehouse," Peter said,

"Be quiet Peter!" I said loudly, Peter stared at me,

"Tonight, for once, I want the truth!" Caspian turned to Miraz, "Did you kill our father?"

"Now we get to it!" Miraz sighed,

"You told me your brother died in his sleep," Prunaprismia questioned Miraz,

"That was more or less true," replied Miraz,

"Did you kill our father?" repeated Caspian,

"Caspian, this won't make things any better," said Susan from the door,

"We Telmarines would have nothing had we, not taken it. Your father knew that as well as anyone," spat Miraz, Prunaprismia lowered her crossbow slightly,

"How could you!?" she asked,

"For the same reason, you will pull that trigger!" yelled Miraz. He stepped forward forcing Caspian to step back. I raised my sword slightly,

"Stop! Stay right there," Susan said quickly,

"Tell us, Miraz," I was getting mad, "Why?" I put my sword on the opposite side to Caspians and pushed it slightly into his neck. Two trickles of blood were falling down his neck where the swords were. But I didn't care, I was blinded by pure rage,

"For our son! You must choose. Do you want our child to be king or do you want him to be like Caspian and Cassandra here?.." Miraz paused, "Fatherless!"

"No!" Prunaprismia yelled. She shot and Caspian toppled over, in the confusion I saw Miraz escape through a secret passage in the wall.

I helped Caspian up and saw that the arrow just grazed his arm. Bells started ringing and Peter yelled at us, "Come on!" We ran through the halls. After a while, Peter went down a different hallway,

"Peter!" yelled Susan,

"Our army is just outside!" came the reply, we quickly followed after him. We went into the courtyard. Two soldiers came at Peter but he killed them both easily, "Now, Ed, now! Signal the troops!" Peter yelled,

"I'm a little busy right now Pete!" I looked up and saw Edmund struggling against a soldier. Peter ran to the gate and started turning the wheel to open it,

"Peter, it's too late! We have to call it off while we still can!" yelled Susan,

"No, I can still do this! Help me!" he replied. We ran over and helped him turn the wheel.

"Just who exactly are you doing this for, Peter?" Susan asked calmly. We continued turning the wheel when it was opened I turned and saw Edmund turn on the torch to signal the troops. I heard yelling as our army rushed into the courtyard. They charged past us. We drew our weapons and ran to join the battle,

"For Narnia!" yelled Peter. The Narnians charged toward the oncoming soldiers and begin to fight. I kill a few soldiers until I hear an, "Ed!" escape Peter's lips. I looked to where Peter was looking and saw Edmund to the right of Telmarine archers! He dived into a room and kicked the door shut just in time. I keep fighting before I feel something sharp and cold go into the side of my right arm. I looked and saw that a soldier had cut it slightly. I sucked in through my teeth.

I heard a THUMP! and looked to where it came from. A satyr was dead. I quickly stab a soldier before looking over my shoulder. A large minotaur was holding the gate up.

"Fall back! Retreat!" I heard Peter yell. He swung around and continued to yell at the other Narnians. I see Susan get swung onto the back of a centaur before yelling,

"Caspian!" I looked over my shoulder and heard Peter yell the words,

"I'll find him!" another centaur raced toward me and swept me onto his back. I clung to him, looking back to try and see Caspian. I saw him riding out into the courtyard on a horse, the professor in tow. He handed Peter a horse and they galloped toward the exit.

Peter barely made it out before the minotaur collapsed and the gate shut. Many Narnians were still trapped inside. We all looked back in horror. The centaurs nodded and I see another few, nod back, still inside the gate. The drawbridge started going up. I could see that Peter was holding back tears. He hesitated and then rode toward us.


It was a silent ride back to the How. The army, led by Peter and Caspian stopped at the entrance as Lucy came out, "What happened?" she asked sadly,

Peter looked back at me and Caspian, "Ask them!" he said simply.

"Peter," I heard Susan say behind me,

"Us?" I asked him,

"You could have called it off. There was still time," continued Caspian

"No there wasn't thanks to you. If you'd kept to the plan, those soldiers might be alive right now," Peter replied,

"And, if you'd just stayed here as I suggested, they definitely would be!" Caspian said quickly,

"You called us, remember?" Peter spat,

"Our first mistake," I replied,

"No. Your first mistake was thinking you could lead these people!" Peter said,

"Hey!! We are not the ones who abandoned Narnia!" Caspian yelled,

"At least we came to their aid! Where were you over the past 1000 years!?" I asked,

"You invaded Narnia. You have no more right to it than Miraz does!" Caspian and I pushed past him, "You, him, your father... Narnia's better off without the lot of you!" Peter replied.

I froze. Caspian yelled and Peter and he drew their swords. Caspian pointed them at Peter's throat and Peter pointed his at Caspians. I felt tears well in my eyes, but I managed to hold them back.

"Stop it!" yelled Edmund. A centaur set down an injured Trumpkin. Lucy ran over and quickly poured a drop of her cordial into his mouth,

"What are you all standing around for? The Telmarines will be here soon enough," Trumpkin said almost immediately. Lucy smiled at Trumpkin, "Thank you, my dear little friend," I heard him whisper to Lucy.

Caspian marched inside and I followed him, still mad about what Peter said. Caspian and I went over to the wall where the pictures of the Pevensie's were and looked at them, "It's not our fault Caspian, take no heed of Peter's words," I said to him, and partly to myself.

"Are you so glad of that magic horn now, eh? The kings and queens have failed us. Your army is half dead. And those that aren't will be soon enough," said Nikabrik, walking up to us,

"What do you want?" Caspian sighed, looking at the dwarf, "Congratulations?"

"You want your uncle's blood. So do we. You want his throne. We can get it for you," Nikabrik walked toward the end of the tunnel and we hesitated before following.

"We?" I asked quietly, Caspian shrugged. We entered the Stone Table room,

"You tried one ancient power. It failed. But there is a power greater still. One that kept even Aslan at bay for near a hundred years" explained Nikabrik. A cloaked figure moved toward us. We drew our swords,

"Who's there?" asked Caspian,

"I am hunger, I am thirst. I can fast a hundred years and not die. I can lie a hundred nights on the ice and not freeze. I can drink a river of blood and not burst. enemies!" the hood was whipped off to reveal a werewolf! A hag on the other side of us approached us.

"Caspian?" I whispered to him.

"And you can guarantee Miraz' death?" asked Caspian,

"And more," replied the hag. Caspian sheathed his sword and looked at Nikabrik, he nodded

"Caspian, you're not seriously thinking of doing this?!" I asked him lowering my sword slightly. Without my knowing Nikabrik came up behind me and tripped me over. He kicked my sword away as it clattered to the ground he put a knife to my throat. I struggled but he pulled the knife closer to my throat. Despite his size, he was considerably strong!

"Let the circle be drawn!" yelled the hag, the hag began saying strange words and the werewolf drew a circle around Caspian. I stopped struggling against Nikabrik and watched. The hag pulled out a large staff and stuck it into the ground. Ice grew up, covering the image of Aslan and within the ice wall, the White Witch appeared. I shivered forcing the knife to go closer to my throat,

"Wait.. this isn't what I wanted!" cried Caspian,

"One drop of Adam's blood and you free me. Then I am yours, my king," said the White Witch,

"Caspian!?" I yelled Nikabrik moved the knife closer to me and I felt the cold metal touch my throat. The werewolf grabbed Caspian's hand and the hag cut it. Caspian winced in pain. The White Witch stuck her hand out of the ice. She smiled. Caspian looked at the Witch... and after a while seemed to stop resisting.

"Stop!" I heard Peter yell as he came into the room. Peter, Edmund and Trumpkin ran into the room with their swords drawn. The werewolf crawled over the Stone Table and attacked. Nikabirk let go of me and started fighting Trumpkin. I quickly grabbed my sword and stood up. I was frozen with fright. I watched the hag knock Peter's sword out of his hand. The werewolf suddenly howled.

Nikabrik stood over Trumpkin, but Lucy came up and put her dagger to Nikabrik's throat. Nikabrik twisted her arm around and threw her to the floor. Nikabrik looked at Lucy and hesitated. I quickly jumped in front of Lucy. Trumpkin stabbed Nikabrik! I looked over at Caspian and saw the Witch still reaching for him. "Caspian!" I yelled at him. Peter jumped in front of Caspian and pushed him out of the way, he pointed his sword at the Witch.

"Stay away from him!" The Witch receded slightly,

"Peter dear... I have missed you. Come, just one drop," said the Witch reaching towards Peter, "You know you can't do this alone," I saw Peter hesitate, and then he lowered his sword a little. Then the Witch gasped and looked down. A sword had gone through her stomach and then the ice wall shattered. Edmund stood behind with his sword still drawn,

"I know. You had it sorted," he said to his brother. Edmund walked off. I saw Peter and Caspian look at the picture of Aslan and then we all turned and saw Susan standing in the doorway. She shook her head and walked out. I went over to Caspian and helped him off the floor.

"Come on," I said to him. I helped him to the outside of the How and we sat down.

"Neither of us knew who Nikabrik was talking about, Caspian," I consoled him, taking his hand and placing it in my lap.

"I blame myself, if I didn't listen to Nikabrik, we wouldn't be here right now!" he replied. He looked out over the large clearing. I cleaned his hand with a cloth I had grabbed and then wrapped it with a bandage.

"Thank you," he said quietly, I sighed and leaned onto Caspian's shoulder. Doctor Cornelius came outside and sat down,

"Why did you never tell us about our father?" Caspian asked after a while,

"My mother was a black dwarf from the northern mountains. I risked my life all these years so that one day you might be better rulers than those before you," said the professor,

"Then we have failed you," Caspian replied, I listened in silence,

"Everything I told you, everything I didn't... It was only because I believe in you. You have a chance to become the most noble contradiction in history: The Telmarines who saved Narnia," said the professor,

"Caspian?" I asked looking out at the clearing, "Miraz' army!" Caspian looked out to where Miraz' army, led by Miraz himself was marching across the clearing. Caspian grabbed my hand and squeezed it. I looked at him and he nodded. I ran inside and found Edmund, "The Telmarine army is coming!" Edmund nodded and ran off. I quickly ran back to Caspian. A few moments later and Peter, Susan, Lucy, Edmund and Trumpkin joined us. Peter nodded and went back inside followed by the others. We went into the room with the Stone Table where the Narnians were already gathered.

"Lucy?" asked Peter, "You need to at least try and find Aslan," Lucy nodded, "He'll probably be in the forest,"

"Cakes and kettledrums! That's your next big plan? Sending a little girl alone into the darkest parts of the forest alone?" asked Trumpkin,

"It's our only chance," replied Peter,

"And she won't be alone," put in Susan,

"Haven't enough of us died already?" Trumpkin asked sadly,

"Nikabrik was my friend too, but he lost hope. Queen Lucy hasn't. And neither have I," said Trufflehunter,

"For Aslan," said Reepicheep,

"For Aslan!" repeated a large bear, I smiled at it.

"I'm going with you," said Trumpkin, turning to Lucy,

"No, we need you here," replied Lucy,

"We have to hold them off until Lucy and Susan get back," Peter said, looking at the crowd,

I looked at Caspian, silently asking if we were thinking the same thing, he nodded "If I may..." He asked Peter, Caspian stepped forward, "Miraz may be a tyrant and a murderer. But as king, he is subject to the traditions and expectations of his people. There is one, in particular, that may buy us some time,"

Preparations were made and the scroll was written up, "Edmund, take Glenstorm, Wimbleweather and Cassandra, for protection, just in case," I nodded at Peter and we left the How.

We walked across the clearing with Glenstorm and Edmund holding green branches. I looked ahead of us and saw Miraz looking through a telescope at us. I looked dead into the telescope and saw Miraz talk to Glozelle and then they retreated into the forest. We were let into the camp and led to Miraz. Glenstorm and Wimbleweather waited outside as Edmund and I went into the open-walled tent. Edmund didn't wait for command and started reading,

"'I, Peter, by the gift of Aslan, by-election and by conquest, High King of Narnia, Lord of Cair Paravel, and Emperor of the Lone Islands, in order to prevent the abominable effusion of blood, do hereby challenge the usurper Miraz to single combat upon the field of battle. The fight shall be to the death. The reward shall be total surrender.'" he read off the scroll, he rolled it up.

"Tell me, Prince Edmund-" asked Miraz,

"King," replied Edmund

"Pardon?" questioned Miraz,

"It's King Edmund actually. Just king though. Peter is the High King. I know, it's confusing," said Edmund. I cleared my throat to cover a laugh, Miraz gave me a look and I composed myself,

"Why would we risk such a proposal when our army could wipe you out by nightfall?" said Miraz, staring at me and then looking back at Edmund,

"Haven't you already underestimated our numbers? Only a week ago, Narnians were extinct," replied Edmund,

"And so you will be again," said Miraz,

"Then you should have little to fear!" Edmund said,

"If I may," I asked the Lord's, and before they gave me an answer, I continued, "If you are not brave enough-"

"This is not a question of bravery," Miraz laughed,

"So you're bravely refusing to fight a swordsman half your age?" Edmund retorted, I covered my smile with my hand and pretended to cough, Miraz gave me another look,

"I didn't say I refused," replied Miraz,

"You shall have our support, your majesty, whatever your decision," said one of the Lords,

"Sire, our military advantage alone allows us the perfect excuse to avoid-" Lord Sopespian said to Miraz,

"I am not avoiding anything!" exclaimed Miraz, drawing his sword,

"I am merely pointing out that my lord is well within his rights to refuse," replied Lord Sopespian,

"His Majesty would never refuse. He relishes the chance to show his people the bravery of their new king," challenged Glozelle, Miraz pointed his sword at Edmund,

"You... you had better hope your brother's sword proves sharper than his tongue," retorted Miraz. I looked over at Edmund and he smiled slightly. We quickly departed and went back to Aslan's How.

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