My New Life

By robertwoth

218K 7.7K 1.9K

"Do you not remember who you are?" "A monster." "He's a monster." "You're a monster!" "He's going to be a mon... More

Chapter 1: An Interesting Man
Chapter 2: Welcome to School!
Chapter 3: Suspicions
Chapter 4: Making a Friend
Chapter 5: Looking for a Club
Chapter 6: Swimming
Chapter 7: Tie
Chapter 8: Cafe Pallet
Chapter 9: Theory Confirmed
Chapter 10: Info Dump
Chapter 11: Oddities
Chapter 12: Blossoming Happiness
Chapter 13: Waking Up
Chapter 14: Welcome to a Merit-Based World
Chapter 15: Chaos
Chapter 16: Sensei's Move
Chapter 17: Social Anxiety
Chapter 18: Confidence
Chapter 19: Study Plans
Chapter 20: Study Group
Chapter 21: Plan in Motion
Chapter 22: Reforming
Chapter 23: To Submit
Chapter 24: Back at the Library
Chapter 26: Dark Horse
Chapter 27: Eyes On You
Chapter 28: The Second Test
Chapter 29: Deal With Him
Chapter 30: Kushida Kikyo
Chapter 31: Knight In Shining Armour
Chapter 32: Midterm Results
Chapter 33: Start Anew
Chapter 34: Hanging Out
Chapter 35: A New Problem
Chapter 36: An Unknown Limit
Chapter 37: Sometimes Violence Works Best
Chapter 38: Annual Orchid Day
Chapter 39: Long Day
Chapter 40: Concluding
Chapter 41: Nationals
Chapter 42: The Best Motivation
Chapter 43: The Start Of Summer
Sub Chapter 1: A Caretaker's Diary
Chapter 44: The Island Exam Pt.1
Chapter 45: The Island Exam Pt.2
Chapter 46: The Island Exam Pt.3
Chapter 47: The Island Exam Pt.4
Chapter 48: The Island Exam Pt.5
Chapter 49: The Island Exam Pt.6
Chapter 50: The Island Exam Pt.7
Chapter 51: The Island Exam Pt.8
Chapter 52: The Island Exam Pt. 9
Chapter 53: The Island Exam Pt.10
Chapter 54: The Island Exam Finale
Chapter 55: A Peaceful Time
Chapter 56: Peaceful Time's End
Chapter 57: Lap Pillow
Chapter 58: The Zodiac Exam
Chapter 59: A Possibility
Chapter 60: Limit
Chapter 61: His Queen's Situation
Chapter 62: At The Ship's Bow
Chapter 63: Useful Useless
Chapter 64: Zodiac Exam, Finale!
Chapter 65: Rest, What Rest?
Chapter 66: Shizukana's Drive
Chapter 67: My Past Wishes
Chapter 68: Before The Festival
Chapter 69: The Festival Begins!
Chapter 70: Working Together
Chapter 71: Her Potential
Chapter 72: The Strongest Duo
Chapter 73: Dragon Hatchling
Chapter 74: Dangerous
Chapter 75: A Feeling
Chapter 76: Bursting Through
Chapter 77: The Sports Festival Aftermath
Chapter 78: Winding Down
Chapter 79: Waiting
Chapter 80: One Step Back
Chapter 81: Hidden Head Start
Chapter 82: The Hatchling Roars
Chapter 83: Ayanokoji Group
Chapter 84: Movies
Chapter 85: Having Fun Messing Around
Chapter 86: Carefully Prepare
Chapter 87: It's Time
Chapter 88: Confrontation
Chapter 89: Class C
Chapter 90: Atsuomi Ayanokoji
Chapter 91: Simping For Shizukana-chan
Chapter 92: The Great Koenji
Chapter 93: The Fruit Of His Work
Chapter 94: Creator
Chapter 95: Christmas
Chapter 96: Premonition
Chapter 97: Unity
Chapter 98: Talking About Feelings
Chapter 99: New Schedule
Chapter 100: Learning Environment

Chapter 25: Sneaky Kitsune

2.6K 103 23
By robertwoth

I couldn't help but smile.

I just couldn't.

All of the members of the study group, excluding myself, just got back to class after all heading to the staff room to confront Chiyabashira-sensei.

There was confusion, and irritation on all of their faces, while Horikita was going over the things she'd likely been given by Chiyabashira-sensei.

Everybody slowly got back to their own seats, but one person came to a stop beside my desk.

Horikita spoke to me as Kushida walked up to the front of the class, beginning to tell everyone about the changes made to the test.

"Shizukana-kun, did you do something?"


"Did you do something? The material for the test apparently changed last Friday, and yet, you don't seem so surprised. What's more, I'm going through the material now, and have noticed it's actually not all that different from what we've been studying. While it's true that some of the things we need to study aren't on the test, other things clearly are."

I brought a finger up to my lips, smiling still.

"A magician doesn't reveal their tricks. T-takes away from the fun."

"So you did something after all."

She began to walk back to her desk, but stopped again.

I looked back at her, and she glanced back at me, a small blush on her face.

"Thank you."

I only smiled, and she walked back to her seat.

"Excellent work as always my adoring fan."

I felt the smile vanish from my face in a snap, and immediately sighed.

I looked back forward, to see that Koenji had once more shifted in his seat so he could look back at me.

"So, how did you do it?"

"D-do what?"

"Come now. You figured out almost instantly once the test material was changed, how'd you do it? I'm curious if you did it in a different way than I."

In other words, he wants to see if I figured out a better way, a worse way, or the same way to do what I had done.

I figured there was no real reason to not tell him, besides, I've already built up this much trust with him, no point in blowing him off, he wouldn't take it the way Horikita did.

"Well. W-when we were first starting to study, there was another group in the l-library I'd noticed. The reason I'd noticed them and d-decided to keep tabs on them was unrelated, but if anything I got lucky. Last Friday, after m-my study group started, I noticed that this other group began to study completely different material. This c-continued the next day, so I switched out some of the q-questions my study group was practicing with others. Only e-enough to not really tell it happened."

The reason I'd been keeping tabs on them, well, to put it simply, was because of a girl.

I had no doubt about it either, she had noticed me, perhaps she was doing this on purpose?

No, she couldn't have known that class D wasn't informed about the test.

Then, a way to cover up being able to see me again, even if we couldn't talk?

If so, why would she do that, and why wouldn't she just approach me directly?

It wasn't just today though, during my free time, I've noticed her at the corner of my vision, also in a place of relaxation, like Pallet or the cafeteria.

Koenji looked disappointed, but still had his smile.

"I see, so it was luck?"

"You can say that. W-what about you?"

"Haha! Let's just say there's lots of young women who'd gladly answer my every question."


That's all I could form as a response.

I was aware that Koenji had a lot of women clinging to him after learning his future was set in stone as the successor of a very rich conglomerate, but to give up information so easily like that.

Hah, some women are seriously too desperate.

"Hahaha! Not the response you were expecting hm?"

"N-no. Not at all."

At the same time, there's one thing that's a little bit concerning.

After evaluating those three for these last few days, I can safely say they'll all get at least 50 in each subject so long as they keep this up.

Even without my intervention, it's likely they'd each get at least 40.

But I've noticed a problem.

What was it, 32?

32 or 33.

I'd thought that was a weird passing score before, but hadn't looked into it.

I have some more time now, luckily, so I should be able to figure that out soon.

I have an idea already, but I wasn't sure about it, I'll need to confirm with another class.

But for now, there's something I forgot to do.

Still keeping my eyes forward, paying attention to the lesson, I slipped my hand into my pocket.

Phone app at the very bottom right.

Second contact from the top.

Default keyboard holds ten on the top row, nine in the middle, and seven in the bottom row, space is just below the bottom row.

Not once taking my eyes away from the front, I began to type out the message, and pressed send after I was finished.

Less than a minute later, a hand was raised into the air.

"Yes Kushida?"

"Sorry sensei, may I go to the restroom quickly?"

"Of course."

"Thank you sensei."

Kushida stood up, and exited the room.

About two minutes later, my phone buzzed inaudibly.

I quickly pulled it out, only slightly, and put it back once I confirmed.

Every single time I do this I feel more disgusted with myself, but despite the fact I'm increasing the intensity of what I'm doing, she's yet to crack.

In other words, my plan will work.

Trying to track the phone, a bra pic.

Trying to search the phone for fingerprints, a bra and panty pic.

This third time, she had found the only store on campus that sold masks like the masks I have in my bag, only to discover that I never got my masks from there.

She's playing it smart though.

She's using the time limit I gave her to brainstorm more ideas, and then does one right before I would tell her to send me a picture anyways.

This will likely stop once she has around ten methods to continue her search, but I don't plan on letting it last that long.

I took a deep inhale, and a calming exhale.

Remove the bra.

That was all I had typed.

She had sent me a picture where her entire upper body was exposed, but used her free arm to cover her breasts as best she could.

Honestly, I should applaud her.

She must be thinking she outsmarted me, and that I was an idiot, I have no doubt about that.

In other words, I've made her think I slipped up, and because of that, she'll think that I slipped up elsewhere as well, and continue to search vigorously.


As for the test.

I have an odd feeling that I won't need to worry about that.

It's a strange feeling.

Like, a sense of reassurance.

I've felt it exactly once before, as if someone who could actually help me was about to step in.

As for when that happened...

I took a quick glance directly at my teacher, my fists curling up a bit after doing so.

I'd rather not think about that right now.


"Listen up you two, you represent the school when you go out there, you hear me? Do your best, and don't bring shame to us. Everything's all prepared for you two, so now you just need to show up."

This guy was annoying.

He glanced over at Hashigaki, who clenched her fists.

"This year better not end up a total failure."

With that, he slammed the door shut.

I leaned back in my seat, feeling rather comfortable.

There were a couple of large men wearing suits sitting closer to the doors than we were, but I was surprisingly calm.

No, it's not surprising, I have my mask on.

One of them was eyeing me wearily, before shaking his head.

"Honestly, why are we even letting this happen? Are we really that desperate to try and get something?"

I glanced over at Hashigaki, who was frowning as she kept her fists at her lap, clenched tightly.

She looked beautiful.

She was wearing a kimono, and had makeup on to give her the looks of a beautiful, female demon.

Her hair was braided, and her skin was changed pale.

The makeup team did splendid.

The dancing Demon that got clipped by Cupid's bow.

That's what one of them had said before.

"Hashigaki, focus on nothing else but this tournament."

She looked over at me, her beautiful eyes gaining focus once more.


"I don't know what happened to you last year, and what made those men say what they did, but this is a new year. I've seen you practice, you will do splendid."

Slowly, the ends of her lips turned up into a smile.

"Yeah, right. Thanks."

I looked back out across from me.

These men are workers under the chairman, bodyguards assigned to escort us to the tournament, meant to watch our every move.

Aside from any interactions made inside the actual tournament, we were not allowed the time to socialize with the outside world.

As far as I'm aware, this tournament is being held in a large, indoor stadium.

It had a complex inside, with a course for every student participating.

I've yet to know the rules, as apparently the course changes each year, but I'm sure it will be fairly simple.

All I need to focus on is getting the most points.

Hashigaki explained to me that there are three different courses we have to do, all very different, and our points accumulate through to the end.

The top three in the tournament will move onto the nationals of Japan for Archery.

If I remember right, the NJAL.

A total of ten of these tournaments are taking place all over, and only the richest get to view it live, considering how high tech the building is.

In other words, the nationals will include 30 of us students.

Well, I should think about that later, for now, it's time to kick some ass.

I could feel a smile form on my face.

A month and a half, almost two months.

Despite how small of a time it's been, I feel like I'm already one of the best in Japan.

Well, if such a thing is true, I'll figure it out shortly.


A limousine feels a bit fancy, unless we're coming in as the favourites.

"So, what is our standing in this?" I asked, tilting my head to look at Hashigaki.

She looked back at me.

"You just stick to your character, my character is a silent and vicious demon with an elegant style. As for our standing..."

She sighed, bringing a hand up to her head.


"It's annoying. We messed up bad last year, despite how many good senpais we had, not one got through to the nationals, I managed to advance through to the third round with a decent chance of getting into the nationals, I was at fourth in points overall. But I messed up bad in the last round, and lost out on advancing our school to the nationals. They also know that no first years stayed last year, so it's expected that I'll be the only one from our school this year. In other words, when you walk out, you'll have just that moment to make a perfect first impression, and come up with a name for yourself."

"Ah, I see."


I smirked, and crossed one leg over the other.

"Then there's only one thing we have to do this time, yeah? Let's show them all who's boss this time around."

She stared at me in surprise, before a grin fell on her face.


I heard a scoff, and looked back across from me.

It was the same bodyguard as before.

"Is there a problem?" I asked, tilting my head.

"You're a first year, you have no idea what the event will be like, so get off your high horse, you're gonna be going in as the only junior, probably."

"Is there a problem with being confident in my abilities?"

"I'm saying don't overestimate yourself."

I couldn't help a small laugh.

"Oh? And who's the Archer here? What's more, have you even seen what these tests are like? For all you know, I've done much harder things than what I'm about to."

"Doubt it."

"And yet, you've never seen what I've done have you?"


I got him there, and he knew it.

"Just sit back in the limo and wait a while, I'll be coming back carrying some gold."

"Arrogant kid."

"Uninformed adult."

He clicked his tongue again, before crossing his arms, turning to look out the window.

This was good, this is helping me get into the character.

Essentially, I need to act like Koenji, just more... hmm, outgoing?

As in, instead of letting them see it for themselves, I want to show how good I am.

We slowly came to a stop, and I looked outside, my eyes widening behind my mask.

Reporters, cameras.

Oh boy.

I could clearly see the entrance to the building, but it was just a large, extremely large, concrete building.

There was a bunch of bodyguards already lining the path Hashigaki and I were about to walk down, and I took a calming breath.

"We're here."

One of the bodyguards stood up, moving to open the door, and stepped outside after doing so.

"Dancing Demon."

Hashigaki nodded.

She stood up, and walked out towards the door.

I could already see the flashes from cameras, and the voices of reporters asking questions even from where I sat, not even able to be seen by then.

"Dancing Demon! What are your goals in this tournament?" "Oh! How do you plan to get revenge on Cupid Ai?" "Last time you were here with four senpais, how does it feel knowing now that you're alone?"

She ignored the comments, staring straight ahead as she walked forward.

There are two types of people.

The quiet, mysterious type, and the social, interactive type.

Hashigaki clearly chose to be the former.

In that case...

I tapped on the second bodyguard's shoulder.

"Please address me as Kitsune, that's all."


Thankfully, this bodyguard was nicer, or at least wasn't outwardly mean.

Once Hashigaki made it into the building, the second bodyguard stepped out.

"Eh?" "Weren't we told only one person would be coming to represent ANHS?" "A surprise rep! Beautiful!"


I stood up, walking out towards the door.

The moment I stepped out onto the first step, I was bombarded with the flashes of cameras and questions alike.

"Kitsune was it? Are you also here to rep ANHS?" "Doesn't this means you've only been in the club for 2 months at most?" "Are you a first year, or a second year? Maybe a third year?" "Do you think it was a good idea to come here considering your inexperience?"

I walked down the steps, smiling, and held out my hand towards the reporters.

A mic was placed into it, and I brought it up to where my mouth would be.

"I'm a first year, and yes I've only been in the club for 2 months."

Millions of more questions shot out at me, but I ignored them, continuing to speak.

"However, I can assure you my abilities are second to none. Prepare yourselves to witness a once in a lifetime show."

You could clearly hear the smirk in my voice, and I tossed the mic back into the crowd, walking off.

I halted as I heard one question among the hundreds however.

"Do you understand what you're saying?"


I turned to face the gathered reporters.

"Keep your eyes on me! When you do, remember these words! I, Kitsune, am the greatest Archer ever seen!" I shouted those words with strength and confidence, clearly being heard by everyone around me.

With those words, I turned back towards the doors, entering through them.

Someone inside guided me past a large staircase, and opened another door for me.

"Thank you."

I stepped through it, and saw Hashigaki glance back at me as I did.

"Not bad kid, a bit cringy, but not bad."

I smiled.


It looks like the two of us were in some sort of waiting room.

"So what now?"

"Simple, once the others arrive, we'll all have to file out into another room, where everything will be explained in full. After that, shoot straight."

"Heh. Nice."

In other words, there's some more waiting to do.

It was about ten minutes later when the door at the other end of the room opened automatically.

"Come on."

Hashigaki walked out first, and I followed her.

Walking out, I looked around.

It was clear from a glance who here was a repetitive competitor and who here was new, like me.


A tall, well built man with long, wavy brown hair walked over to us, dressed in skin-tight short white robes alike to what a Cupid would wear.

He was wearing golden sandals as well, golden braces around his arms.

What's more, there was a pink heart underneath the eye, or it would be more accurate to say on the man's right cheek.

He looked quite handsome, not as much as Koenji, but getting there.

This must be Cupid Ai.

He put his hand out the moment he stopped in front of us.

"Dancing Demon, it's a pleasure to see you again."

Hashigaki kept her same cold glare that I'd learned was a custom of her character.

His eyes turned to me, and he kept his hand out.

"Cupid Ai, I take it you must be the demon's junior? I was under the impression that nobody else had joined the Archery club at your school last year."

I clasped my hand around his, despite how clearly bigger he is than I, I made sure to let him know I was not intimidated in the least, the two of us holding a firm handshake.

"Kitsune. A first year, it's come to my attention you've rid my senpai of her fangs, I've simply come to clip your wings."

An interesting glint flashed in his eyes as he smirked.

"Is that so? A first year take on the bronze medal for the nationals last year? How brave, stupid, but brave."

Our handshake ended, and I slipped my hands into my pockets.

"Do not sit so comfortably Angel, as things are, you're my target."

"I am the target kid." He quickly responded.

He kept his smirk, not once losing confidence.

"Everyone wants a piece of me, but over here nobody is on my level."

He sighed, smiling as he rolled his shoulders.

"Anyways. I also brought some juniors with me, two second years, they had a lot of promise in the first year, so I made sure to train them well. Quite frankly, I'd say they're almost at my level."

"Hah, so then we'll have to kill you three times."

Cupid Ai looked back at Hashigaki, and grinned.

"Looks like it~."

He then turned and walked off.

"Do you actually hate him or no?" I asked, knowing no one around could hear.

"Yes, he's the reason I was unable to advance to nationals."

"I see, I'll make sure to get back at him if you're not able to."


I looked around at the other competitors.

"So, anybody else I should be wary of?"

Chapter end,


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