Perfect Storm

By RainyVenus_

72.8K 1.5K 53

___________________________ "You were mine the second you put your signature on that contract." He looked at... More

• Perfect Storm • | Introduction |
• Perfect Storm • | Important Places |
• Perfect Storm • | 1 |
• Perfect Storm • | 2 |
• Perfect Storm • | 3 |
• Perfect Storm • | 4 |
• Perfect Storm • | 5 |
• Perfect Storm • | 6 |
• Perfect Storm • | 7 |
• Perfect Storm • | 8 |
• Perfect Storm • | 9 |
• Perfect Storm • | 11 |
• Perfect Storm • |12|
• Perfect Storm • | 13 |
• Perfect Storm • | 14 |
• Perfect Storm • | 15 |
• Perfect Storm • | 16|
• Perfect Storm • | 17 |
• Perfect Storm • | 18 |
• Perfect Storm • | 19 |
• Perfect Storm • | 20 |
• Perfect Storm • | 21 |
• Perfect Storm • | 22 |
• Perfect Storm • | 23 |
• Perfect Storm • | 24 |
• Perfect Storm • | 25 |
• Perfect Storm • | 26 |
• Perfect Storm • | 27 |
• Perfect Storm • | 28 |
• Perfect Storm • | 29 |
• Perfect Storm • | 30 |
• Perfect Storm • | 31 |
• Perfect Storm • | 32 |
• Perfect Storm • | 33 |
• Perfect Storm • | 34 |
• Perfect Storm • | 35 |
• Perfect Storm • | 36 |
• Perfect Storm • | 37 |
• Perfect Storm • | 38 |
• Perfect Storm • | 39 |
• Perfect Storm • | 40 |
• Perfect Storm • | 41 |
• Perfect Storm • | 42 |
• Perfect Storm • | 43 |
• Perfect Storm • | 44 |
• Perfect Storm • | 45 |
• Perfect Storm • | 46 |
• Perfect Storm • | 47 |
• Perfect Storm • | 48 |
• Perfect Storm • | 49 |
• Perfect Storm • | 50 |

• Perfect Storm • | 10 |

2.1K 53 8
By RainyVenus_


I hear the door creak and immediately stop talking. I rush to the door and swing it open looking around the space.

"Stay here, don't fucking move." I glare at the son of a bitch standing in front of me with my finger pointing at him.

I walk out and slam the door behind me. I hear running on the stairs so know it's Astoria.

"Fuck." I whisper to myself and make my way up to her room.

Once I get to her door I knock.

No answer.

I knock again.

No answer.

Fuck it. I walk into her room and see her under the blankets. I smile to myself."Belissima?" I say in a hushed voice but loud enough for her to hear me. Though she doesn't answer I know she's up.

I sigh, walking over to the bed and sitting on the edge."Bellissima, I know you're awake." I say and as if she knew she had been caught, she slowly sits up on the bed."I'm sorry. I just heard yelling and I wanted to make sure you were ok." I tilt my head and take her hand in mine.

"I'm fine, how much did you hear?" I ask while rubbing comforting circles on her hands so she knows I'm not mad. At her anyways.

"I didn-"

I shake my head. I know it was her but I need to know how much she heard. I don't want her to be worried. She already has a hard time sleeping, I don't want to add onto her plate with this."Tell me the truth." She sighs in defeat."I heard you yelling at someone saying it was 5 am. I heard everything after that but I don't know what it was about." A wash of relief passes me that she hadn't heard too much. I'm still figuring out what that asshole did to her but I don't want her knowing.

"Okay, get some sleep bambina." I move to get up from the bed when she grabs my wrist."Is it about me?" I sigh once again. I look into her eyes to find so much emotion swimming through them. Not only the good ones.

I sit back down and lay my hand on her thigh."No, it was just about one of my employees doing something wrong. It's nothing for you to be worried about okay?" She smiles softly putting her head down with a nod.

I know what she's doing. She's telling herself this is her fault in her head. I'm starting to really learn and understand her behaviors and feelings.

I put my finger under her chin lifting it up to look at me."Don't do that." Her eyebrows scrunch together and she tilts her head slightly. "What are you t-talking about? D-don't do what?" Like that. Her stutter, she does it when she's nervous or uncomfortable. She does it more around others though.

"I know what your thinking. Look, none of this is your fault okay? But I do need you to promise me you'll sleep." It's not like I'm trying to keep anything from her but I don't like how much she's been working. Since she quit her job at the restaurant she takes more hours at the club and it leaves her exhausted. I told her not to work so much but she won't listen. Plus I know she has insomnia even if she won't tell me. I hear her most nights in the kitchen around 3 am, or in her room moving around a lot.

She nods and lays down in her bed. I need words but I can tell she's sleepy so I don't push. I lift the blanket up on her shoulders leaning down to kiss her forehead.

As I pull back I notice her blushing. That obviously causes me to smirk."Goodnight, Bellissima."

"Goodnight, Lewis," she says in a very tired and quiet voice.

I notice her eyes fluttering shut as I move her hair behind her ear."Sleep well, bambina" I say once she's asleep and walk out. As soon as I do my mood shifts to the one that seeked answers.

I walk down the stairs and into my office shutting the door behind me.

"Smart choice to stay, John."

"Now I'm going to ask one last time. Where. Were. You?" He looks at me as if he has no regrets or cares in the world. He shrugs his shoulders."I just took her somewhere. No big deal." Obviously, I've been too kind, letting things slide and now he thinks I'm going to do the same with this. I know what he did. Even if he won't admit to it.

I walk up to him and throw my fist in the air until it connects with his jaw multiple times."Your pathetic." I scoff as he falls to the floor with blood dripping from his nose and his lip bleeding.

"Get out of my house." He jumps to his feet unsteadily towards my door.

"Oh, and you're fired." I smirk.


I wake up to beams of golden light flowing through my curtains and the smell of bacon and something sweet swimming through the air.

I sit up allowing the blanket to fall from my shoulders and swing my legs over the edge of the bed. I yawn picking up my phone from the side table to check the time.



"I didn't mean to sleep in that late," I say to myself hopping out of the bed and leaving my room not taking the time to throw on a shirt.

When I walk into the kitchen Astoria's sitting on the counter next to the stove with her hands in her lap. A smirk sneaks up on my face as I lean against the island. She has got to stop wearing these pajamas. Every day she's either wearing a big shirt or short ass shorts with a tank top. I swear she's doing this on purpose.

"So she cooks, huh?" When she hears my voice she looks up at me and hops off of the counter going to check the food on the stove.

"Sorry, I just w-wanted to do something to take my mind off of things." And by things, I'm sure she means her crazy ass job. I want her to quit that job too but I get that she loves to dance.

"Don't apologize. Is there anything in that pan for me?" I push myself off of the island and walk around. I snake my arms around her waist and bury my head in her shoulder. I play with the bottom of her shirt that stops just above her belly button."What are you doing?" She whispers and I move my lips over her neck and reply to her question with one of my own with a smirk on my face."What do you think I'm doing?"

I hear her breath hitch as my lips connect with her neck. I kiss and lick over the spots closer to her jaw. I reach my hand past her and turn off the burner before putting both of my hands on her hips and turning us, and pushing her back so now she had her back on the bar top.

I hoist her up and place her on the bar, spreading her legs so I could get in between them."Have you thought about this? My lips on yours. My hands all over your body. Hm?" I whisper against her neck as I suck firmly but softly.

"I-I um, I d-don-" She stutters as she scoots back on the counter. I place both of my hands on the side of her thighs and pull her closer to me. I pull away from her and look into her eyes."Don't, lie to me, Bellissima." I hover my lips over hers until I can get some sort of sign that she wants this. That she's ready for this. Because once I start I'm not going to want to stop. Unless she were to safeword me then I am not stopping once we start.

I have always liked her. Since the day she walked into Havana I knew I wanted her, and lucky for me, I have an image for getting what I want. Businesses, girls you name it. I will make it happen. And that's what I plan to happen with Astoria. She will be mine I guarantee.

"Tell me, do you want this?" She nods a yes. I slip my finger under her chin and lift it so she's looking into my eyes."What did I tell you about using your words, baby?" I see her go a dark red and I run my finger over her beautiful honey brown thighs with my other hand.

"Y-yes. I want y-you to kiss me." I smile and lean in but before I kiss her, "Safe word?"

"Pixie." She says.

"Don't be afraid to use it, Astoria." She nods and with that said I lean in and crash my lips on hers. I wrap my hand around her neck tilting my head to the side to get a better angle.

She instantly kisses me back. I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her against me, making sure she rubs against my dick which is now straining against my sweats. She moans at the sensation and grips onto my arm.

"You like that? Huh?" I say against her lips thrusting my hips into hers again, and again, and again. I lower my head and begin sucking and biting her neck again."Mmm." She moans in my ear causing me to get even harder if that's even possible.

Her legs begin to tighten against my thighs so I put my hands on her thighs and spread them open again.

"If we were in my red room you wouldn't even have the chance to close your legs, Bellissima," I say in a very low and breathy tone.

"I've been trying to give you time to come to me Astoria but I don't know if can take this anymore. It's been 2 weeks of watching you walk around this damn apartment wearing skimpy clothes and it's driving me crazy not being able to tear it off of you Each. And. Every. Time." She moans when my bites get harder.

She throws her arms around my neck and pulls at the hair on the back of my head. I groan as I move back up to her mouth shoving my tongue inside and dominating every inch of her mouth.

I'm not very hard on my subs. I'm what you would call a soft dom but even we have to be in control. Astoria is a very submissive person.

She has her bratty moments but I think giving up control of herself for a bit really helps her mentally and physically.

I don't have to do much when it comes to her following orders but then again, she has her moments.

I loop my fingers through her shorts pulling at them. I slide them down until they fall and hit the floor with a soft thud.

I'm not going to fuck her yet. She's not ready and that's fine.

But that doesn't mean I can't taste her. I look up at her to make sure she really wants this and by the look on her face id say she does. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyebrows scrunched.

Fucking hell. I dip my head between her spread thighs and leave small delicate kisses on the inside of her thighs. I look up at her as she leans back on her hands. I pull her panties down and she lifts her hips so I could fully take them off.


"Oh my god. Your fucking beautiful Astoria." I grab her legs, lifting them over my shoulders. I continue kissing up her thigh gradually reaching the spot I know she wants me most.

"Please Lewis, I can need you." She moans out causing me to smile.

"I told you that you wanted head between your thighs, baby," I smirk and give into her pleas and dragging my tongue along her wet needy pussy.

She squirms and arches her back. I close my lips over her clit and suck."Tell me how you want it, Bellissima." I grab her hand interlocking our fingers.

"I-i want you to go rough." She says breathlessly and I smirk. This is going to be fun.

I take my free hand and stick 2 fingers into her. She gasps at the sudden movement and her gasps quickly turn into moans.

I pair the movement with my tongue flicking over her clit. I keep doing this until she's shaking. She squeezes my hand to keep her from going feral.

"Mm. Keep going, please keep going." She begs and as her legs start to close I pull them back open."Close them again and I'll stop, do you understand?"

"I understand." She looks me in eyes and I nod putting my head back in between her thighs.

I speed up my fingers adding a finger as I do. She starts to lose control with the mixture of my tongue on her clit and my fingers inside of her causing her legs to shake and her hand to grip mine tightly.

"Are you close?" I part from her and she whimpers." Yes, Don't stop."

"Giving me commands now, hm?" I tease because I know she's close.

"Please." She cries and I chuckle and bring her to the edge until she's screaming. Holy Shit, she's hot. Her back arches and she throws her head back in pleasure.

Moments later she lets go and allows her warm orgasm to flow through her body and onto my tongue and fingers.

Once she's done I pump my fingers a few more times before pulling out.

She calms herself down as I lick her clean, keeping her cum in my mouth as I come up to kiss her. She kisses me back and allows herself to taste how good she is as it flows into her mouth.

"Are you okay? You did amazing, baby." She pulls me closer and leans her head on my shoulder while she catches her breath.

"That was amazing." I chuckle and rub her back softly in a circular motion.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it, Bellissima. I know I did."

After a few minutes of me holding her I remember something."Crap." I sigh.

"You okay?" Astoria asks with a look of worry on her face."Yea, yea I'm fine I just forgot I have to get to work. Uh, I'll be back late do you want me to give you the numbers of my favorite takeout places?" I ask in a rush as I help her put her underwear and shorts back on.

"No, I'll be fine." She says although it doesn't sound truthful.


"Hey." She looks up with a look of despair and sadness in her eyes."I'll be back. I just need to take care of something. I promise." The last thing I want is for her to feel used."

Before I leave I run my finger over her soft lips pecking them with my own.

"Think about me when you uh, just think about me," I smirk and walk up to my room leaving her flustered.

How I wish I could just stay home but I've already missed a few days and I need to figure out what's happening at the office.

Life is hard.

-Heyyy. So so sorry for the late chapter. Stuff is heating up though. I promise...


Word Of The Day:
Rine - to touch or to come in contact with

Luv ya...

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