Dragon's Tale Book Two

By DragonBallFan2085

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The following is a fan-based story, all plots, concepts, themes, and characters are owned by their respective... More

Round One
New Challengers
It's Brawl in the Family
Lessons Learned
Never Miss a Beat
Beginning of the End
Battle of Beacon
Heroes and Monsters
End of the Beginning
The Path Forward
The Next Steps
Of Runaways and Stowaways
Tipping Point
A Much Needed Talk
Two Steps Forward, Two Steps Back
Taking Control

No Safe Haven

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By DragonBallFan2085

The following is a fan-based story, all plots, concepts, themes, and characters are owned by their respective creators. I acknowledge that without the series; RWBY, Fairy Tail and Dragon Ball my story would not exist. Please support the creators of these shows by watching any or all of the original series.

The sound of gunshots filled the air. Team JNRR were fighting the Nuckelavee, a terrifying Grimm that once destroyed Ren's home village. The memories of such still haunting him. The whole team was at it's mercy, all four being thrown away from it. The group stood up, every one of them breathing heavily, to see the Nuckelavee reveal it's monstrous form to them again from the smoke

First, the horse body positioned itself in front of them. The head giving quick breaths, the smoke being visible from it's nostrils. Then, the fingers of it's long, lanky arms twitched and curled inwards. The upper body of the Nuckelavee quickly shooting up from it's limp position and giving a screech that seemed to shock the air around them

The Nuckelavee's upper body then lay looking up for a second, only to crack it's shoulders forward. The head soon jolted forward as well, to where it looked at the ground. The Nuckelavee then eyed off Team JNRR, only to turn it's head to the injured and unconscious Qrow that lay against the tree. Jaune noticed and was the first to act

Quickly sheathing the blade Crocea Mors, he ran over to Qrow, the Nuckelavee reacting as well. It threw one of it's lanky arms out and it stretched to slam against the ground where Jaune ran. Luckily Jaune managed to avoid it and continue running to Qrow. The Nuckelavee returned it's arm and began charging at Jaune who had only just begun to lift Qrow up

Jaune watched in anticipation as the Nuckelavee charged at him with no way for him to protect himself. Nora quickly looked to Ren, and he took a deep breath before placing a hand on the floor and activating his Semblance. Jaune and Qrow began to lose their colour, and the Nuckelavee stopped in it's tracks, unable to see them

Jaune looked over to Ren in shock, and he raised his head to yell

Ren: just get him to safety!

Jaune began to help Qrow make it to a safe place as they fought. Nora began firing rounds to draw the Nuckelavee's attention. The shots all hit the Nuckelavee's body, and it screamed in pain. The Nuckelavee then charged towards the others. Jaune made his way out of sight behind a building, the colour slowly returning to him and Qrow

Jaune placed Qrow down at the building and looked to get back in the fight. With one more look at Qrow, Jaune turned to leave, but his hand was grabbed by Qrow. Jaune looked back down to Qrow to see his eyes. It was clear to Jaune that he was concerned for them. However, Qrow's strength quickly ran dry, and Jaune ran out of his reach to help fight

Ruby used Crescent Rose to shoot herself up but was quickly grabbed and slammed to the ground by the Nuckelavee's long arm. Nora ran over to find an opening, only to be hit by the other lanky arm. The Nuckelavee recalled it's arms to feel several shots hit it's back. Ren began to circle the Grimm and continuously fire at it

The Nuckelavee sent both of it's arms out and grabbed Stormflower. Ren holding it at bay

Jaune: Guys! Keep moving, go in a circle!

Nora fired another round at the Nuckelavee's back, distracting it from it's struggle with Ren. The Nuckelavee let go of Stormflower and Ren circled it again while firing. Ruby, Ren, and Nora all ran in a circle around the Grimm as they fired, the Nuckelavee not able to grab or hit any of them. Eventually, Jaune ran in, slicing at one of it's legs

The Nuckelavee's horse body roared in pain, then looked back and kicked Jaune next to Ruby. Ruby stopped to give Jaune time to get up, aiming Crescent Rose at the Nuckelavee. Ren and Nora continued to fire at the Grimm as Jaune stood up again. To Ruby's surprise, Jaune sheathed the blade of Crocea Mors once again

Ruby: what are you doing?!

Jaune then pulled the handle of Crocea Mors, and the sword came out with the sheath still attached. The sides of the sheath then moved up, creating two spikes at the top of the blade for stabbing while keeping it's sharp edges for slicing. Jaune ran in again, and Ruby smiled as she transformed Crescent Rose into its full scythe form and continued firing

Ruby fired at the horse head, distracting it, as Jaune ran in from behind. Jaune jumped up and slashed the leg again on his way down. The horse head screamed in pain again, then it jumped around to angle itself at Jaune. The body on top cracked as it moved to look at Jaune who gritted his teeth in anticipation. The Nuckelavee then stretched both it's arms out and spun itself around

The arms swung with him and wacked everyone to the ground, giving it space. Ruby, who lost her grip on Crescent Rose, gritted her teeth as she looked back at the Grimm. The Nuckelavee slowly returned its arms and curled its body. The bone-like spikes that stuck out, grew to stick out more like blades. The Nuckelavee's upper body twitched around, the screeched once again

Ruby and Jaune covered their ears from the screech. Ren ran over to the tree and climbed it to stand on a branch. Ren fired again at the Nuckelavee, to which the Grimm instantly turned around and threw an arm at Ren. Ren was caught in the attack and sent from the tree into the wall, the Nuckelavee holding him there

Nora: Ruby!

Ruby nodded and Nora ran over to her, jumping on Crescent Rose as Ruby spun it around. When Ruby had made a full circle, she fired Crescent Rose to give Nora the boost she needed to get to Ren. The Nuckelavee threw it's other arm at Ren, Nora narrowly making it in time. Only for her to be pinned to the wall by Magnhild

Ren, who had braced himself for the impact, looked up to see Nora struggling to break free. Nora noticed Ren was looking at her, also realising his line of sight. Instantly she lifted her legs and held her arm underneath her to hold her skirt up

Nora: stop looking!

Ren: guh!

Ren looked away and shielded his view quickly. A blush appearing on both of their faces. The Nuckelavee twitched itself, then swung Nora over its head and slammed he onto the ground. Then lifted her again and did the same thing again. The second time Nora lost her grip and the Nuckelavee let go. Nora's aura flickered as she bounced and landed again

Ren, who had seen everything, grew angry. Ren raised Stormflower and slashed at the Grimm's hand twice, then stabbed it with both blades and firing them. Jaune slashed at the Grimm's leg again, the Nuckelavee screaming in pain. Ren stabbed its hand again and eventually broke free, falling to the ground. Ren quickly shot back up and charged at the Grimm

The Nuckelavee threw its hand at Ren, to which he slashed at it and continued. Ren then readied himself for a powerful swing but was knocked away by the Nuckelavee's other arm. Ren recovered and charged in again, overcome with rage

Jaune: Ren! Knock it off!

Ren didn't listen and continued charging at the Nuckelavee. The Nuckelavee recalled its arm, grabbing Ren on the way back and swung him over its head and to the ground. Ren lost his grip on Stormflower, and the Grimm threw him next to Nora, who was only just beginning to get up, Ren's aura flickering

Nora sat up, to see Ren fail to get up, then try again and succeed in getting onto his knees. Ren looked up at the Nuckelavee, rage still covering his eyes. The Nuckelavee prepared to charge again, and before Ren could do anything, Nora tackled him underneath the house next to them. Ren then crawled out to see Jaune holding back the Nuckelavee with Crocea Mors, barely

Ruby fired to help Jaune, and the Nuckelavee changed its attention to her. The Grimm threw its arm at her, and Ruby quickly reacted by shooting at the ground to launch herself up. Ruby then continued to fire to get herself onto a rooftop. Ruby fired some more rounds, before having to move again. Ren clenched his fist and moved out to fight again, but Nora grabbed his arm and stopped him

Ren: Nora, let go!

Ren tried several times to break free from Nora's grasp, but she held on tightly with her head aimed at the floor.

Ren: Nora, they're going to get hurt if we don't-

Nora raised her other hand and, using the back of her hand, slapped Ren to cut him off. Nora let go off Ren once she was sure he would listen

Nora: no. I won't let you kill yourself like this. After everything we've been through, I won't let it end

Nora raised her head to look at Ren. In his eyes, he saw the terrified young girl that he once saved from the Nuckelavee in their childhood. The same girl that was shaking with tears in her eyes. Only when he blinked, did he see the same tears in her eyes now, but she was no longer shaking or terrified

Nora: not like this

Ren looked at Nora, speechless, then lowered his head. Ren raised it again and pulled out the knife his father gave him from his boot. Ren held it in both hands and looked down at it. Nora reached over to his hand that lay over the handle and made him close it with her hand. Ren looked up to see complete confidence and determination written in Nora's eyes

Nora: we can do this

Ren regained his composure, then nodded to Nora. He turned around walked out from under the building, Nora followed next to him. Nora grabbed Magnhild as they stood up, ready to fight. Ruby and Jaune regroup with Ren and Nora as the Nuckelavee positioned itself in line with them. Ren held tightly his father's dagger as Ruby looked over to him

Ruby: Ren

Ren looked up from the ground to Ruby

Ruby: Jaune and I can take care of its arms

Nora: I'll take care of the horse

Ren: and I'll take care of the rest

Nora ran over to a building next to them and jumped on top of it. Ruby began firing at the Nuckelavee to distract it as she ran around it. The Nuckelavee tried to land a hit on her but couldn't as she began to maneuverer around quickly. Ruby continued her assault and drew the Nuckelavee to throw it's arm at her. Ruby shot herself up and then in the air to slam Crescent Rose into the arm, pinning it

The Nuckelavee screeched in pain, as Ren threw his father's dagger into the side of its body. Jaune stood ready to draw in the attack, and when the Nuckelavee took the bait, Ren jumped from the building, armed with Jaune's shield and pinned the arm down

Ren: Now!

Jaune ran over and stabbed the arm into the ground. The Nuckelavee screamed in pain

Ren: Nora!

Nora, who stood on top of a tower nearby, slowly leaned back and fell off the tower. Nora's closed eyes quickly opened and her mouth forming a grin. Nora spun around several times, then slammed Magnhild against the Nuckelavee's horse head. The Grimm fell to its underbelly and continued screeching. Ren walked past, grabbing his father's dagger from the Grimm's body

Ren stood in front of the Nuckelavee's face, the Grimm screaming in his face. Ren, however, didn't flinch at the move. Ren instead eyed it off instantly, then flipped the dagger in his hand

Ren (in head): for my mother

Ren swung his arm up, cutting off the Nuckelavee's left arm completely. The Grimm shrieks in pain, then Ren grabs it by its horn to keep it in place

Ren (in head): for my father

Ren pulled its head down further and sliced off its right arm as he pivoted around. The Nuckelavee shrieked again in Ren's face, to which again, he didn't flinch

Ren (in head): for all those you've slain

Ren sliced at the Nuckelavee's upper body, and it screeched in pain. The Nuckelavee then lowered its body, allowing Ren to deliver the final blow. Ren closed his eyes and relaxed his body

Ren: for myself

With a quick effort, Ren opened his eyes and sliced the Nuckelavee's head clean off. The body moving around for a second, then collapsing and dissipating. Ren breathed heavily as the Grimm finished disappearing. Ren dropped his father's dagger, only to be tackled to the ground by a happy Nora. Nora tightly wrapped her arms around Ren, and he quickly returned the hug

Jaune smiled at the sight of the two, then turned around to see Ruby running towards where he had left Qrow. Ruby turned the corner and relaxed herself once she saw her uncle still lying there and breathing. Ruby jogged next to Qrow and leaned into him

Qrow: it's quiet

Qrow slowly looked up with a smile on his face

Qrow: good job, kiddo

Ruby smiled brightly at her uncle, then heard Jaune yelling from the other side of the building

Jaune: guys! I think I hear something!

Above their heads, two airships cruised over to them and landed down next to them. Ruby smiled to her uncle, then helped him move to the open. After being seen, medics were sent out to help Qrow onto a medical bed and carry him to the airship. The airship took off with all of them on it, team JNRR's journey had made a massive leap forward

Jaune: how did you find us out here?

Mistral Pilot: we were on patrol and saw the smoke. Nobody's been out here for years, thought something might be wrong

Ruby held onto Qrow's hand tightly as she listened

Ruby: what fi we don't make it in time?

Jaune: Ruby

Ruby looked up to look out the open wall and saw Mistral, their destination in view. They had made it in time. Ruby's quickly grew a warm smile and looked back down to Qrow, the worry gone from her eyes

Ruby: we made it, Uncle Qrow

On the other side of the airship, Ren and Nora sat with their legs hanging off the edge. Nora looked down at the scenery intently, while Ren looked at her intently. Ren then made his move and placed his hand on top of hers. Nora noticed instantly and became shocked, looking straight ahead of her with widened eyes

Nora then turned her hand around and held onto Ren's. The two looking into each other's eyes. Then Nora made her move and shuffled over closer to Ren, resting her head on his shoulder. After landing, the group go to a place where they could stay, and Ruby enters the room where she and Qrow would rest. Ruby looked around at the room and saw Qrow already fast asleep on his bed

Ruby then moved over to her bed, a compacted Crescent Rose in hand, and placed it on her bed. Ruby then walked around to the side that Qrow was facing and saw his calm and peaceful expression. Ruby gently put a hand on his head and smiled. She then walked over to the table, where a pen and notepad lay

Ruby sat down in the chair, grabbed the pen, and thought for a moment. Eventually Ruby pressed the pen against the paper and began writing

Ruby (in letter): hey sis, I hope my letters have been reaching you and dad. Hand-written stuff's never been super reliable, but I guess it's all we've got these days. Anyway, in case you haven't been getting them, I want to say that I'm sorry for leaving the way I did. I know you told me it was a reckless idea, and after everything I've been through, I can definitely say you were right. It's been hard, on all of us, and I'm not just talking about the monsters we fought out here...

In Atlas, a pilot leaned against his ship, counting credits in his hand. When he was done he looked up to Weiss

Atlas Pilot: okay, you can hide out back in the cargo hold. I'll take you as far as I can, but if we get caught, you're on your own. Understand?

Weiss nodded and went to place her belongings on the ship

Ruby (in letter): every step we made took us further and further away from the things we knew. And every morning we woke up wondering, if just over the next hill would be something good or something terrible

In Menagerie, Blake stood in her father's office, placing a box onto the table

Ruby (in letter): it's scary, not knowing what's going to happen next. And the things we do know now, just how bad it can get, it almost makes it worse

Blake opened the box and pulled out an old White Fang flag she used to carry

Ruby (in letter): you told me once that bad things just happen

On a boat out at sea, Yang held a picture on team STRQ in her hand as she laned against the wall. Next to her was her motorcycle, Bumblebee and another black motorcycle with blue patterns. Dakkon placed a hand on Yang's shoulder and nodded

Ruby (in letter): you were angry when you said it, and I didn't want to listen. But you were right, bad things do happen, all the time, everyday

Back in Patch, Taiyang sat on his couch, holding the same picture of team STRQ. Taiyang sighed then looked over to Zwei after he barked. Taiyang sat back and grew a small smile

Ruby (in letter): which is why I'm out here, to do whatever I can, wherever I can, and hopefully do some good

Taiyang then looked across the room to see a photo of team RWBY with red writing on it saying, 'New friends!!!'

Ruby (in letter): we've all lost something, and I've seen what loss can do to some people

In Jaune's room, he sat with his back to his bed as Crocea Mors lay against the wall opposite him. Ren and Nora then open the door and he looks up to them. Ren places his father's dagger next to Crocea Mors and walks to sit on Jaune's bed, Nora sitting next to Jaune

Ruby (in letter): but if we gave up every time we lost, then we'd never be able to move forward. We'd never have a chance to see what beautiful things the future might have waiting for us. We'd never have the strength to change; whether it's ourselves or the world around us. And we'd never be there for other people who might one day be lost without us. This is what we were training for, Yang, to become Huntresses, to be the ones to stand up and do something about all the bad in the world

In a train, Oscar sat staring at a advertising poster for Haven Academy. The train began to slow down and the intercom turned on

Train Announcer: approaching, city of Mistral

Oscar looked out the window to see the large view

Ruby (in letter): because there are plenty of people out there who are still lost and even more who will try to gain everything they can from their sorrow. Believe me when I say, I know it can feel impossible, like every single day is a struggle against some unstoppable monster we can never hope to beat. So we have to try, if not for us, then for the people we've already-

Ruby paused for a moment, the crossed out the last line

Ruby (in letter): then for the people we haven't lost yet

Ruby stopped writing and looked down and the pages. Tears began to form in her eyes and dropped to the pages. Ruby wiped the tears from her eyes, then continued

Ruby (in letter): I miss you so much. I miss Weiss and Blake too. but I think you'd all be proud to know that I made it to Mistral. All of us did, and we even ran into Uncle Qrow along the way!

Ruby heard Qrow moving around behind her, and instantly got up to get by his side

Qrow: hey, aren't I normally the one saving you?

Ruby smiled and wiped more tears from her eyes. In the corner of the room, lay Qrow's weapon in scythe form and next to it was Ozpin's cane

Ruby (in letter): he's going to take us to see Professor Lionheart, the headmaster of Haven Academy. And, he told us some things that you're gonna wanna hear, things I can't trust will make it to you in this letter. But maybe, if you joined us, he could tell you himself. With Beacon gone, they'll need dad at Signal more than ever, and I know you need to focus on yourself before I can expect you to come out with me. but it sure would be great to get team RWBY back together again. Until next time, your loving sister, Ruby Rose. Oh! Uh, PS. I'll be sure to give you the address of where we'll be staying at Mistral! I'd love to hear back from you and dad, and I can't wait to fill you in on whatever's gonna happen next! Now that we've made it across Anima, I really think things are gonna start going our way

On the round to Mistral, the same one team JNRR took before, Yang and Dakkon arrive on their bikes at a crossroad. Two signs read 'Mistral' and the other was marked with red reading 'Bandits'. Yang took one look at the signs and sighed

Yang: you are in so much trouble when I find you

Dakkon: please don't trash the place

Yang: coming from the member of Fairy Tail

Dakkon: come on, you know that's usually Natsu's doing

Yang: yeah, I know. Now let's get going

Yang revved the engine and drove off, Dakkon following close behind. Back over in Salem's castle, Cinder stood in the training grounds, surrounded by dead Grimm. In the corner, Atiass and Salem stood watching her. Cinder clicked her finger and Emerald focused her Semblance on her. In Cinder's mind, Ruby began to appear in front of her, on her knees

As the image of Ruby remained consistent, the Ruby image reached out her hand to stop Cinder. Cinder took no hesitation and threw her arm forward, releasing a blast of condensed fire. Salem slowly nodded her head and grew an evil smile, Atiass only laughed at her

Atiass: really? Mental image? That doesn't kill the real deal, so why even bother?

Cinder gritted her teeth and tried to muster words, only to fail

Emerald: my Semblance is more powerful than you think

Atiass: oohhhh no, I'm so scared of a tiny child. Perhaps if you weren't so insistent on being Cinder's pet you'd actually be of some use around here

Emerald: what?!

Atiass: oh, I'm sorry. did I hurt your feelings? What are you gonna do? Cry?

Emerald gritted her teeth and formed a mental image of herself in Atiass' mind that she was still standing there, when in reality she charged at him. Atiass stood confidently as Emerald closed in, but just when she jumped to attack him, Atiass reached out and grabbed her by the throat

Atiass: I might not be able to see you properly with that little trick of yours, but I still have your scent child! Give it a few more hundred years and maybe you'll land a hit, not that it'll do anything

Atiass began to laugh, then stopped himself

Atiass: oh wait, I forgot, humans don't live that long!

Atiass burst into laughter again

Salem: that's enough, Atiass

Atiass threw Emerald back into the wall next to Mercury

Salem: Cinder shall continue her training, Atiass, it's time for you to go to Haven. Our friend will help you find Dakkon from there

Atiass: finally! I actually get to do something! Heh, so long you simple minded creatures, I'm going to be useful

Atiass left the room to make his way to Haven, everyone else was almost thankful he had left. In the head office of Haven Academy. Professor Lionheart sat across the table from a shaded man. The man reached out to the teacup and took it

Watts: why thank you, Professor. Salem always did say you were...

Watts paused to take a sip from the cup

Watts: quite hospitable

Professor Lionheart said nothing, only stood there. After Qrow had recovered, he made his way to the nearby bar to start drinking again. No one else was there, so he had time to think. Qrow heard footsteps behind him, but only turned around once he heard a voice

Oscar: excuse me?

Qrow looked over his shoulder to see Oscar standing behind him. Qrow then turned around fully after realising how young he was

Qrow: you know, I don't think they allow kids in here, pipsqueak

Oscar looked down and spoke to Ozpin, much to Qrow's initial confusion

Oscar: shut up, I'm getting there

Oscar looked up again to Qrow's confused face

Oscar: umm... I'm supposed to tell you, I'd like my cane back?

Oscar himself seemed confused at the request. But Qrow's eyes widened, he knew exactly what was going on now. Qrow nodded to himself repeatedly and stood up. Oscar took a step back and waited. Qrow took out the compacted version of Ozpin's cane and looked at it

Qrow: good to see you again, Oz

Qrow tossed the cane handle to Oscar and he caught it, the cane extending once he held it. Oscar held it with both hands and looked up to Qrow

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