The Rearguard Hero

By BronzeShark488

913 13 2

Izuku Midoriya has a quirk the only problem is it comes in late and isn't that useful on its own but he is de... More

Support type quirk
New look new school
A day to remember
Meeting with a pro
The Stellar sword
Ten months into entrance exam
First day of UA

Choice made

132 3 0
By BronzeShark488

Izuku had gone to school the next day smiling happy for one the first times in five years to go to school. The Midoriya family had went and gotten Izuku quirk registered immediately after the doctor visit. He went with the quirk name Rearguard since his quirk said that was his class.

When Izuku got to class he went to his seat trying his hardest to keep his smile from showing since he has realized that everyone at his school was essentially against him. He was honestly thankful that they would be moving on to junior high soon since he could convince his mom to send him to a different junior high now.

Izuku was brought out of his thoughts by an explosion happening right in front of him. The explosion obviously came from non other than one Katsuki Bakugo.

"Hey Deku so it's been five years your quirk was supposed to come in so did it or were you just lying this entire time," Bakugo asked with narrow eyes.

"Oh a a hey um yeah it d did come in I I just have s s some problems with it in n how it can be used," Izuku said while stuttering and rubbing his neck.

"Really now so what is it why don't you show us?" Bakugo asked.

"Y You know it w w was going t to be a s s support based q quirk I don't h have many ways t to display it I can do t thing how either," Izuku said while standing up and facing his class before point at one of Bakugo lackeys standing on the other side of the room, "keep your eyes on him and me ok."

"Alright deku," Bakugo said as he moved to where he could stand and see both of them.

"Ok here we go," Izuku focused on one of his other bullies who had just taken notice of Izuku staring at him.

"Hey deku what are you looking at huh," the boy said while making his fingers extend. This cuaght everyone attention who looked at Izuku and whispering.

Izuku ignored them and whispered the first skill he had acquired, "rear stance," the next thing everyone who was looking at izuku saw was a quick flash of light and than he was gone. The finger boy was staring like he just saw something crazy until he felt someone tap him on the shoulder from behind which quickly turned around and found Izuku standing there.

"What the how did y..." he was cut off by Bakugo laughing.

"Hahaha so you can teleport now that's your quirk deku?" Bakugo asked with a smug look.

"Ah I it I I is a p part of it," Izuku said while scratching his head, "I w would n n need a volunteer t to show a a any more t things I I could do." Izuku had actually used a few skill points to pick up more skills from his class leaving his lineage and race skills for after he decided on whether he would change race or not. The skills he picked were ones that only cost him one or two points each. He now had defense support 1, recovery support 1, attack support 1, rear stance, outside assist, rearguard general, hawk eyes, backdraft, moral support, and rear view. In total these skills brought his skill point total down from fifty to thirty five skill points with rearguard general being the most expensive at three skill points. This made Izuku so glade he had gained extra skill points for going so long without his quirk since it gave him the option to pick which skills to choose that he thought would be most helpful to a hero.

He also found out that he could invite people to a party and this would lower the amount of MP it took from him to use one of his support skill on them. Though he hasn't tried to do that yet and some of his skill use so little MP that it regenerates back almost instantly which he is happy about of course. He doesn't know what would happen if got in to a fight it may be that it regenerates because he is not in a fight like in old RPG which just makes it something he wants to test. Izuku would brought of his thoughts when the class that had been ignoring him or just straight up bullying him immediately crowded around him asking him questions about his quirk.

Izuku being the socially inept and shy boy he is was being extremely overwhelmed at the moment. Luckily for him the teacher came in at that moment and told the class to hurry up and sit in there seats. The school day went by fairly normally for Izuku except for the difference of his classmates actually trying to talk to him. Eventually it was the end of the school day and Bakugo had gotten Izuku notebook that he usual writes in from the green haired boy somehow.

"So this is what your quirk does deku you practically can't do anything without someone else," Bakugo said while reading over Izuku notes, "I mean the thing that even makes you stronger is only if you are behind everyone."

"Ah um well I I m mean I c c could always u u use a r r ranged w weapon l l like t the pro hero s snipe," Izuku said while scratching the back of his head.

"I suppose but you can't hardly do anything by yourself except for a few things like that teleport move and even than you need a target," Bakugo said while looking at Izuku.

"I know t that and I I already h have an idea on s s something I could d d do to help b but right n now I have been looking u u up h hero t teams s since I w would work better in those s situations," Izuku stutter out.

"So you can do something to make yourself less useless than why haven't you done it yet?" Bakugo asked with a glare.

"I I am t trying t t to come u up with t the best o options is a a all," Izuku said while missing with his fingers.

"Yeah we'll whatever you'll never be as great as me when you can't hardly do anything by yourself but at least your more useful than most extras," Bakugo said before tossing Izuku his notebook and walking away with his lackeys, "if you plan on forming a hero team you need to be able to get through a hero course in high school before that! So hurry up when I become the number one I will need at least some decent hero teams to work with on keeping the civilian safe while I beat up the villains!"

Izuku didn't say anything as they left since he was picking up his stuff and packing it away. Izuku got on his phone as he left the school looking up different hero teams he saw some called the X-men, another group calling themselves the Teen Titans, and yet another called them self the Young Justice league. The last one he figured was just paying homage to the old DC comics from pre quirk times. There was another group that called themselves the Avengers also another group paying homage to pre quirk comics except marvel this time. This led Izuku to think about if the two groups argued about which franchise was better. Izuku than got two pings on his phone talking about a local hero team the Wild Wild Pussy Cats and Mirko. The Wild Wild Pussy Cats managed to take down a few criminals that were hiding out in the mountains wilderness and apparently some people were camping nearby and managed to record it. While the rabbit hero Mirko had managed to take out quite a few villains by her self but still managed to stop harm from happening to civilians.

Izuku decided he would watch the videos on the news app once he got home.

Once Izuku got home he watched the video of the Wild Wild Pussy Cats and how they managed to defeat the villains. The video wasn't of good quality but still allowed him him to see what was going on. He also noticed how the pro hero Mandalay and Rag-doll fought. They didn't have quirks that make them stronger or faster or gave them control over elements. They primarily used their quirks in combination with support gear to trip up their opponents or mislead them. He also noticed how the hero in the back of their group Pixie bob used her quirk earth flow to control the battle field and help her teammates and even protect herself with golems. Izuku noticed how they each still have ways to attack villains and defend themselves. Izuku than watched the video of Mirko and saw how she moved around bouncing off of buildings, lamp post, and power lines to catch up to the villains and fight them or save a civilian from something falling from a building a villain had hit. Izuku saw how much more she could move around her battle field and quicker she was than most people.

Izuku rewatched these videos multiple times writing things down in his hero analysis notebook non stop. He did this for a few hours only take a break to go to the bathroom or eat dinner. After awhile he looked up more hero teams and hero's with animal based quirk since when he asked his quirk about the different races it told him that they ranged from werepeople (which are people with animal like traits and features), oni, dragon kin, all the way to hybrids of races or of species in those races. Izuku looked up videos on Ryukyu, Hound dog, and a few underground hero's which were far harder to find than others. He did mange to find things on Erasure head such as few small clips showing him fighting.

Izuku had practically filled up that notebook and had already moved on to another rewriting all of his quirk information and thoughts on a race he should choose. He decided to wait until summer break before making his final decision and than if does choose a new race it will be before he starts junior high when he does it. Right now though he was looking at the hybrid race but it had one down side the two race or species of a single race would be randomized to make his hybrid race and that was slightly scary to him since it couldn't be undone. He decided to worry about it later and try to sleep for now so he could get up early for school.

Izuku had managed to have a slightly better experience at school these past few month since his quirk came in and even knew where most of his grade and class we're going for junior high. They we're going to Aldera which he was not planning on going to. He told his mom what had happened while he didn't have a quirk three months after he had gotten his. His mother was angry especially with Bakugo who had been the primary bully to Izuku but he had backed off once Izuku got his quirk luckily. Inko still wanted to call Mitsuki about what her son did but Izuku told her not to since Bakugo had stopped it. His mother relented for now anyway but she did agree that he should go to a different junior high. They managed to find one that was actually closer than Aldera called Mushu junior high. Which Izuku managed to get accepted too with no problems which he was grateful for.

It was actually time now though since school was over until he started junior high in April. He was going to change his race. He told his mom that he was going do so and asked her to make an appointment with the doctor office since he wanted them back if he did so. It took sometime but they eventually went to the doctor's office.

"Good evening Midoriya so you choose to go through with that race aspect of your quirk?" Dr. Renga asked while looking over some papers.

"Yes he has and since you wanted to see us if did decide to do this we made an appointment as soon as possible," Inko said.

"Right than follow me this way," Dr. Renga said as he walked out of the room and down the hall with the Midoriya family following him. They eventually came to a big room that had a door that led to another room that had window to see into the bigger one.

"Mrs. Midoriya if you will head to the observation room over there than I will conduct a few test with Young Izuku before he does what he needs to," Dr. Renga said while gesturing towards the room with the window.

"Alright I will be watching you Izuku from there ok," Inko said.

"Alright mom," Izuku said before walking over to some things to began the test the doctor wanted him to preform. After a couple of minutes of having Izuku preform some basic exercises and measuring his height and weight. Izuku eventually was allowed to go to the center of the room as the Doctor joined his mother in the observation room.

XX With Izuku XX

"Ok so here it goes stat open," Izuku watched as the green display appeared in his vision with his stats.

[stat page
Name: Izuku Midoriya
Age: nine
Race: human (select new race)
Gender: male
LVL: 5
Skill points: 38.                               ]

"It took nine months to level up even once ugh I need to find more ways to gain exp," Izuku said exasperated before tapping the button that said (select new race).

[                        New race selection screen
Were people: a race of people who have the features and sometime appearance of animals and abilities related to those animals
Dragon-kin: a race of people with draconic features and abilities
Halffa: a race of ghost that are more human but still ghostly
Oni: a large muscular race that are very strong but lack speed or intelligence
Goblin: a race of small frail creatures that are very creative but not strong in strength or defense
Dwarf: a stout race of inventive people who are strong and tough but lack speed due to their height and very short legs
Elf: a extremely charming and magical race that are great in nature but find concrete cites to be very restrictive and uncomfortable.
Hybrid: a unique race that is a combination of either two races or two species from a specific race: example would be for race and race hybrid would be a dragon-kin elf hybrid while a singular race hybrid example would be a high elf and a dark elf hybrid.
(For the hybrid everything will be random)               ]

Izuku looked at his choice before taking a deep breath and pressing the Hybrid race button. As soon as he pressed it a display pop up with a yes and no button asking if he was sure which he pressed yes on. The display than switched to a display of two wheels and both began spinning through over a thousand different races and combinations between the races. Izuku waited for what it would be and as the wheels slow down he began to tense up since he didn't know what he would get and could only hope he got at least one of the eight he wanted to choose. The wheels kept slowing and slowing until they both came to a stop. Izuku read the display and was surprised to see he had managed to luck out and get two of his choices.

Before he could do anything else his body started to heat up and felt pressure on different parts of his body. He just kept his eyes on the display reading what his new race is with a slight smile before falling over as a bright flash occurred around his body finalizing the changes to his body.
And I just decided I am not that big on this site and most of my stories will probably never be seen so I am just going with the idea I had on Izuku choosing a new race. But hey here is a good opportunity to guess what his new race will be and what combination he got so have fun.

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