Reincarnated into Lookism

By WinterLylacTears

25.5K 792 254

A guy, not one of those weak and useless crying bags, dies and get reincarnated into the universe of Lookism... More

Waking up
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Would you be interested?

Chapter 13

797 37 29
By WinterLylacTears

So we came into school today only to find people constantly talking about betting or straight up betting on their phones. Jay and I exchanged a look before taking Zoe to our seats. She looked uneasy too.

All of our little friend group just kept to itself, not wanting any involvement in this betting thing those common dumbasses were doing. Zack flirted and chatted with Mira as normal while Zoe was trying to convince Daniel to let her paint his nails, although Daniel was distracted by his observing of Jiho the whole time.


This kept on for a while until one day Jiho came to school looking dead.

He had lost everything.

Jay and I, plus Zoe, decided to leave him be, as it was his own fault. We even tried to warn him at the start discreetly but he basically made fun of us.

What happens to him is his own doing.


We suddenly got a call in the middle of the night from Daniel, so even if we didn't want to get involved, this is a chance to establish a connection with Koji. Zoe decided to stay at home, while I took Jay in my car to the store, so we would get less wet.

Arriving in, Koji immediately freaks out at the sight of Jay while I chuckle lightly, he then turns to me and freezes a bit, looking mildly confused in deep thoughts but moving on quickly.

We get settled in, before Zack too arrives, making the kid have a disappointed face. I kept lightly chuckling at his mannerisms.

Then at some point Koji said something about not having friends, so that's when I discreetly slipped a paper into his pocket with my number signed as friend. I think I could adopt that kid, steal him from Crystal's dad. Hehe.

As we kept doing as Koji said, I didn't question it, already knowing the outcome, so Jay, seeing me not questionning things, also didn't question it, so as everyone else looked confused and asked questions, we just did as told. Playing some intense rock paper scissors too, between breaks, Jay won that by decapitating my dragon with a table. It was brutal, the dragon's family had to hold a funeral and grieved for several decades after that.

At the end of it everything went like the webtoon, save Koji giving me glances every minute.

As he was leaving, I offered to drop him off in my car. He looked at me for a bit before accepting, being surprised when Jay followed too.

As he got in the back of my car, giving his address, he looked confused at the set up in the back. With there being a tv on the back of the front seat set up and a tablet in a child safe case. Plus the various snacks and blankets. With some fidget toys I recently got too.

"Do you have a toddler or what?"

I laughed a bit at the face he was making.

"We pseudo adopted a classmate of ours, you can take a snack if you want."

He looked weirded out at the answer but then forgot all about it as he munched on a snack, looking like a squirrel, getting distracted by the lights we were going past.

I stopped at the place he told me, bidding him goodbye as he waved like a child.

I started the car up again and drove back home.

On the way, I did turn to Jay at a stop, doing my best puppy eyes.

"Can we have kids in the future please."

He chocked on air as he went bright red, looking panicked. I just laughed a little.

"Dear, breathe please. I did say we would talk about it, no need to be shy. Besides it's not like we could have them biologically together so I don't see why you're so embarrassed."

He chocked even more at the last part, going even brighter shades of red. I just kept laughing as I rubbed his back, trying to help.

When he was done chocking he shyly turned to me and nodded, looking sideways, all embarrassed.

I smiled as I interlocked our hands on his thigh, happily restarting to drive home.


That same night, we had decided to fully live together in Jay's house, but I bought another appartment in his building that could be our studio, of sorts.

Zoe could have a room there to have more privacy, both her and us. Her stream room was also needed, plus my design studio since my small business was taking off. It wasn't that well known but I was now shipping to all of Asia. I also upgraded my factories, making sure everyone was well treated and paid. I mean I can afford it. I discovered that the money I found I had coming to this world came from a foreign company in electronics that kept making me money without the need for me to do anything with it. It apparently was my grandmother's in this world, she was a very successful and low-key businesswoman, who made sure to set up her stuff well. I should better research into her more at some point, seeing as looking at her in pictures gave me the feeling we were of the same species. By the way she held herself, the look in her eyes just reminded me of the one in mine, pupils mirroring the nothingness in which I lost my mind for an eternity.

So we planned to move my stuff in Jay's appartment and the "studio", which should furnish it fully.

I sold the old place at a higher price than I bought, weirdly enough, and we were set.


The next day at school, we shared the news with the others and Zack was really happy for us, finally moving in together, he also requested a tour of the place after the movers came today. We hired painters and other such things to be done while we were at school, so it should be fine enough. Having money is wild, really. Anything is possible, you discover.

We got interrupted by the sports festival announcement, I just let it play out until Jay proposed himself to be the third spot, to which I turned to him and wiggled my eyebrows at him. Leaning in to whisper.

"I'll be cheering for you honey.."

He went a bit red before nodding violently, looking determined.


In preparation for Jay's great exploit, I and the puppies started training him. Running was really fun, watching the beautiful views... *Cough* Jay's ass....

I also upgraded my training schedule, making sure to build my strength and speed, as well as agility and flexibility. I'm determined to become more than any monster in this world. I'm going to be a god. I'll be strong, and I'll protect my love and our family and friends.

I even started studying different fighting techniques, from looking at videos of people using them, to reading about them, I did everything I could. With utmost concentration, my memory acquired from being in the great nothing really kicked in hard.

Even my inhuman abilities were worked on during that time, practicing making myself, or parts of myself, disappear. Although Jay did freak out when he walked in on me without a head. And him freaking out freaked me out, which made my legs disappear as I panicked in trying to get my head back quickly with my concentration broken.....So I ended up almost falling through the floor. Good news is ; my legs were still in a state of disappearance as we pulled me out, which means our downstairs neighbor didn't see legs hanging from her ceiling, and I obviously didn't get cut in half. Also other good news ; I apparently can go through things, and live without legs or major organs. Bad news ; If I try to be all invisible to follow people and get info, I could fall through the floor in the process if not careful, and if I get startled while using this ability I could trigger another ability accident, which isn't guaranteed to always be harmless. I need to get better control and concentration basically.

Sunshine, of course, the adorable sweetness he is, comforted me from my almost heart attack. He even gave me a sticker for my progress.


So the day of the sports festival, we're here, all dressed as bees. Jay looking absolutely adorable as always. Zack for some reason still seemed like he'd do like in the webtoon, as in, try to beat Daniel, but this time he looked like he was actually doing it to better himself and for fun, little less jealousy. Although there still was that undertone as he still really wants Mira to love him and Daniel seems to get her attention more.

Zoe had bee war paint on her face, she looked really serious about this, commanding the class's underlings without faces as if she was an army general. Cheering them on, igniting their spirits.

"My minions! We shall win this event, and bring honor to our empire! I expect you all to make the queen empress mother proud!! LONG LIVE THE QUEEN!!!!"


When exactly did she find the time to build an empirical system in our class.

Then all the little soldiers got moving, running in formation to get to the soccer field.

It just so happens that for that they need to pass by me.

So I stood there, as a row of teenagers passed by me, and when they did they'd bow and go "Empress" and then keep going.

My jaw dropped to the floor. I just turned to Jay, who looked like he thought this was a pretty regular occurrence, which to be fair, yeah, but still!

Zoe then came to me, did a soldier pose and broke into a shit eating grin.

... Moving on.

Soccer. A sport where you kick a ball into the enemy's goal, as said enemies try to stop you and do the same to you. You also need to stop them from doing it.

Zack was just trying really hard, looking back at Mira all proud of himself. Like a puppy.

Most people remind me of puppies actually when you think about it.

Am I a puppy too? Hmmm...

So, Daniel did his shot too, looking as flabbergasted as ever at his own capabilities. Man's stood there shocked silly.

So after people were over the hype, I took it upon myself to absolutely destroy the score, and make our team as much points as possible. I had been able to come across Blue Lock a bit in my past life.... And seeing as I memorised and mastered everything from then in my dead floaty time, you can understand where I'm getting at. Monster at soccer is what these mortals are now going to be looking at, not to mention that I can also do Daniel's copied kick. But I prefer the idea of Nezuko-ing this shit show. Hehehe.

The world shall suffer my strength.

Time for tug of war. I stood with Jay, waiting fashion's turn, looking at the furries and pick-me-girls.

Vasco declared war on Daniel, side eyeing me, and Zack stood near me too, looking lost in thoughts, at least he won't tie the rope this time, we might actually get something interesting!

... someone else tied it. A little baby faced classmate of ours that got really deep into the empire mindset, and really wanted us to win and make me proud.

So I lightly scolded him for dishonesty and cheating, but comforted him and reassured him that I'd always be proud of them, win or not. He got a bit emotional and hugged my leg while ugly crying with snot, to which I didn't know what to do, so I just gave him tissues and run my hand in his hair in comfort.

The rest of the minions took this as an opportunity to switch my regular bee antennas for some with a little baby crown in the middle on my head.

I just accepted my fate.

Jay was just holding my hand the whole time, being supportive and cute.

It was already time for the next activity. I just collected things to throw and brought them to Jay for him to try. He was doing nicely, not monster strength like but I think he's absolutely wonderful.

As Daniel smashed the thing, out of the corner of my eye I see Vin Jin slap Duke and walk him away. I stand, before taking Jay's hand and going after them. We arrived to Duke fighting back but looking quite bloody already.

I kissed Jay's hand, before dropping it, and just basically appearing behind Vin Jin with how quickly I got there, before spinning him around to be facing me, and just punching him into the ground by the face, although I made sure to only break his nose and maybe some teeth, but not his glasses.

He got knocked out in the one blow. Out cold.

Vasco arrived then, silently judging me for hitting someone with glasses, before having his moment with Duke.

I just took back Jay's hand and went back the way we came, leaving these two alone, with the forgotten glasses followers.

I made sure Jay stretched well, before his turn to run. I'm still traumatised by the person from my old life getting injured from not stretching and then being permanently hurt and unable to do their sport anymore for the rest of their life.

While the race was on, I was screaming like a hyena absolutely loosing it cheering for my hubby. Drowning out all the comments about him. Zoe was right next to me, matching my vibe.

When he came back to us, all sweaty and smiling, beaming at me. I picked him up and spun him, spouting about my admiration of him and how cool and great he was and thousands of compliments. He just hugged me tightly, smiling from ear to ear with his forehead to mine. Rubbing our noses together affectionately.

He's too cute I'm going to simply spontaneously combust at some point.

I simply had Jay be on my shoulders to watch the talent show performances safely in the back with Zoe being on her architecture gossip friend's shoulders. It was really nice, making those memories.

After the performance, we just waited with the group as Daniel and Mira went to get Zack, chatting and such.

It did get annoying, in said after party, when Zack kept catching things and such.

At some point he looked like he was trying to tell me something, as in communicate, but clearly he's no Jay, because I got no clue what kind of drugs he was on.

But then he threw some random things in the direction of Jay's face, so of course I caught those quickly, looking confused as ever at Zack, until I saw him sparkle, giving me a thumbs up, sending snob glares at Daniel, who was sitting in front of Jay, his hand still raised as if he was trying to catch those.



I saw no point in bringing anyone with me to meet the monster thing. I don't want them to be scared or anything.

I waited outside school until I saw both Zack and Vasco's little groups leaving, before appearing next to the demon and straight up starting to choke her. She had her back to the wall, as she was clawing at my arm, looking all demonic and trying but failing to make herself (or itself?) Seem bigger and scarier than me.

But I kept her trapped in my presence, my shadow, my stare.

I opened my mouth, as it even unhinged, and darkness could be seen. As I just did as a dementor from Harry Potter would, and swallowed her soul.

Her material body turned to dust and vanished as soon as her soul and every trace of energy or power left her.

I grinned, getting my mouth back to normal, and simply going back home.

The next day, as Zack was about to piss himself, I quickly held his shoulder, reassuring him with my presence, before I whispered in his hear, "Don't worry, I swallowed it's very soul and being and the remains turned to dust, it's gone."

He turned to me puzzled at first, but after looking in my eyes, he looked overcome with relief and nodded at me, smiling, before we made our way back to class.


It's no real use invading into the trainee side of things, but what we can actually do is go against the stalker arc.

For what I want to do, thought, it'd be better if Jay knew more about me..

So at home, I made Zoe go to the other appartment with her more private room, before sitting Jay down on the couch.

Ever since I've moved in more permanently, the butler and such only come around once a week to check in on things, and we have to let them in first, they don't just walk in. Today is not the scheduled day for that, so nobody should actively potentially hear what I'm about to disclose or interrupt. I even double checked the whole perimeter to make sure to block everything and anything possible of leaking information with my abilities, somehow creating a private bubble around me and Jay.

"Ok so, sunshine, I'm about to tell you the truth about me and everything I know and how I know them."

He looked serious, nodding, holding my hands.

"I'm, actually, not really from this world, which I guess wouldn't be too surprising considering you already have a knowledge of my abilities."

He nodded.

"I was actually born in a world much like this one, with friends and family, I lived my life really normally, even. Believe it or not. Not much people were really monster strong or ever too deep and involved with great forces and such as is common with this universe. I had the same name, same basic features, although I was a little less muscular, more lean maybe? And I was a little taller too since I died older than this."

He squeezed my hands at hearing the word "died", looking distressed.

"Don't worry love, it's fine, I don't actually remember my death, or if I even had one. As impressive my memory of every waking moment I spent in my world, the end always came up blank, like a forbidden knowledge, locked away from me."

"Actually, love, your universe, or well this world, was actually a comic of sorts in my own. We could read this story or those connected to it with the point of view of almost omniscient gods, but I never did see your own thoughts love, I swear."

He just looked confused, but still nodded along.

"So, the main character of the story I read, is Daniel Park. Both of them, actually. The thing is ; they're the same person, one soul for two bodies, when one's awake, the other is sleeping. The small chubby one is the original, the other appeared kind of one day. I can't tell you much about it, since I never finished reading the story, because I didn't like how things went. I'm obviously regretting that now, as knowledge of the future would be very helpful in keeping you safe."

He smiled softly, patting my back, urging me to continue.

So I explained, in a summary, the plot all the way until now and how I'd changed it.

I also explained how I wasn't in love with him because he was a chari, sure he was always my favorite and I cried a lot when he'd get mistreated or forgotten, actually one of the reasons I stopped reading it, but because I met him as a person, a being, and I just fell really hard for all of him almost instantly, and proceeded to fall harder for him every passing moment.

He also finally understood why I was so convinced he was in love with Daniel. Making an O face when he understood.

It was adorable.

I just had to grab his face and kiss him.

So I'm after that I told him about the incoming 2 arcs, the trainee arc, and more importantly, the stalker arc.

He quickly understood how serious it was, doubled down with the fact that the butterfly effect is a thing, and seeing as I both exist and changed things, Daniel, or others, aren't guaranteed to be safe.

He then asked me how I planned on dealing with miss stalker.

I grinned evilly.

Well, during the trainee arc, I'll help out Daniel and Duke and participate in the trainee arc and such, but I'll also lay the ground for my stalker plan.

I'm going to stalk a stalker. And absolutely drive her insane.

Make her fearful.

Make her terrified.

Make her horrified.

I'm going to give her PTSD, and make sure to be near to prevent her from doing harm.


I was outside the door Daniel and Duke were going to come out of, on the side of the crowd, my car was further. I was the one picking up the little future trainees.

I made sure to conceal my aura in such a way that DG wouldn't notice me, so I could fuck with his mind, send him on a loop.

As my little ducks were coming out of the doors, Daniel being bent to Duke's level, flamingo got out, looking either down on Daniel or at his ass. Either way I made my presence felt in a single burst, glaring at him with my great abyss of nothingness aura, smelling like death.

His eyes snapped to me, so I mouthed to him "James Lee", and watched him go ever so slightly paler, barely noticeable if you didn't know how to look for it. I smirked like a ferocious beast that just caught it's prey.

My ducklings then appeared next to me, so I brought them to my car before driving away.


Author's note ;

Sorry for not updating for those who wished it, but I will try to do so from now on. Chapters may be far in between, and I can't guarantee I won't loose all motivation or determination, but I swear to at least try.

Thank you to those who like this story.

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