Criminal Case: The City In Re...

By TheWriterTrixie

313 9 0

Season: 1 Genre(s): Mystery, Thriller, Adventure Series: Criminal Case Sub-Series: Writer's Trilogy, Element... More

Districts & Team Reveal
Case #2: Bending Over
Case #3 - The Heist: West Arcade
Case #4: Down With Thorns
Case #5 - The Heist: South Arcade

Case #1: A Virtual Murder

101 4 0
By TheWriterTrixie

"An ambassador of a famous technological company went out with a bang during the new product launch party! Can you find his killer before they're lost in the digital world?"


[Intro 1]

Paris, France, 2022.

Carrie James: Are you sure you want to go back to Grimsborough, Vice Director Nadia? We can still talk about this.

Carrie James: I mean, I can't stop you. But, do you really want to?

Carrie James: Alright, alright, no more complaining. If that's what you want, I'll let you go. Let's go to the airport.

{At the airport...}
Carrie James: Alright, here we are. The airport.

Carrie James: Oh, and Nadia?

Carrie James: Promise we will be friends forever?

Carrie James: Sweet! If you ever come back to Paris, I'll be always waiting for you!

Carrie James: Farewell, Nadia, and don't forget about me, or everyone else!


[Intro 2]

New Grimsborough, USA, 2022.

Gloria Hayes: Oh come on, they should be around here somewhere...

Gloria Hayes: Ah! There you are, Vice Director Nadia! It's me, your old friend Gloria!

Gloria Hayes: You cannot almost recognize me? Well yeah, I admit that I've changed a little bit since you left...

Gloria Hayes: But let's not be messing around. I'm here to pick you up, Nadia, after I got news from Gauthier that you've decided to go back to Grimsborough.

Gloria Hayes: How do I know him? Well, let's just say we've met in Paris before...

Carter Hayes: Oh great, looks like I don't exist here.

Gloria Hayes: Right, sorry. Ahem, Nadia, I'm sure you remember my son, Carter? He sure grew up really fast! Can't you believe that he is now 17 years old?

Carter Hayes: Time sure flies fast, I can't believe that it's been four years since I first joined the space camp!

Gloria Hayes: Carter, we're not going to talk about how you messed things up.

Carter Hayes: Right... I messed things up there, but thankfully, we were all okay.

Carter Hayes: But we're not here for that, are we?

Gloria Hayes: Of course, now let me take you, Nadia, into the new future bestowed upon your eyes.

Carter Hayes: Drum roll, please.

Gloria Hayes: Nadia, the future you've never seen before. Welcome to New Grimsborough!

{Inside Gloria's car...}
Gloria Hayes: What is it, Nadia? Surprised by the Grimsborough now?

Gloria Hayes: Yeah, can't blame you there. So much things have changed since the last time you're leaving for the future. You know what I'm talking about, right?

Gloria Hayes: Well, let me tell you some of them. So as you know, with the demise of Otto Kessel and his neohuman army, this city was turning to a new leaf. Along with S.A.R.A, the new mayor Tristan Connor helped on rebuilding Grimsborough City step by step until it became like now.

Gloria Hayes: Here's the funny part. Mayor Connor gave the entire land of Grimsborough to all of the five founding families and then he didn't even do anything, just watch!

Carter Hayes: Who knows? Maybe it's just another conspiracy. Especially with his sudden death one year ago.

Gloria Hayes: I mean, there could be something fishy going on, but even if it is, then what is it?

Gloria Hayes: Anyways, Carter is right, Nadia. Some people suspected that there's a conspiracy going on around the world of the politics in the city. Mayor Connor died a year ago to an unknown reason. I, Jones, and the other detectives were trying to uncover whatever scheme was going on there until now.

Carter Hayes: Well, some people started to forget about it, though.

Gloria Hayes: Only some people, Carter. The police force and the rest of the founding families cannot forget about it.

Carter Hayes: Yeah, like they care about it anyway. They are just some heartless people who wanted the city for themselves. They are the reason behind Mayor Connor's death. That's it. Why is everyone still unsure?

Gloria Hayes: Carter, you can't just accuse someone for doing such a thing. Besides, there's not enough evidence that can be used against them. We didn't even find enough to point at one of them!

Gloria Hayes: And believe me, even if we do find enough evidence, they can just simply bail their way out. Case closed. Easy.

Carter Hayes: That's not fair!

Gloria Hayes: Life is barely fair, Carter. That's why it's called life.

Carter Hayes: Humph.

Gloria Hayes: Don't worry, Carter, we're finally here. So, are we still going to the launch party?

Carter Hayes: Of course! I'll be waiting for you there, Mom!

Gloria Hayes: Well, even though he's 17 years old, Carter is Carter. Always obsessed with new things like technology. Despite his hate on the founding families, he still likes some.

Gloria Hayes: Anyway, here we are at one of the land controlled by one of the founding families, but still good nonetheless. Nadia, welcome to Benson Arcade District, home of all games, and neon lights!

Gloria Hayes: Tourists love to spend their night here, whether on playing games, drinking, or just admiring the neon pleasure this district has. Look, it's pretty crowded.

Gloria Hayes: Right, maybe too overcrowded there...

Gloria Hayes: Wait, there? Where-

panic intensifies

Gloria Hayes: Wow, good thing we avoid them all, Nadia!

Gloria Hayes: What is going on right now?

Carter Hayes: Mom! Vice Director Nadia! Something's happening at the launch party! Everybody's been making their way out!

Gloria Hayes: What? We need to go there now! Nadia, come on!

{New Crime Scene!: Launch Party Location}


[Chapter 1]

{Investigate: Launch Party Location}
Gloria Hayes: What the- What is happening there? Do we just saw a man with his face looked like it's blown up?

Gloria Hayes: Hold on, let me remove the headset from his face...

Gloria Hayes: Holy...

Carter Hayes: Wait, is that... Brad Cadbury? That famous VR player?

Gloria Hayes: Apparently, it is. Even the outfit matches.

Carter Hayes: But that's impossible! He can't be...

Gloria Hayes: Carter!

Gloria Hayes: Ah, apologize about Carter, Nadia. He's always hysteric when it comes to this...

Gloria Hayes: But no wonder people are screaming and running like that. Who would expect a VR headset exploded right in the user's face?

Gloria Hayes: And I'm pretty sure this wasn't an ordinary technical malfunction. Someone must've sabotaged the headset before the party starts. Nadia, we're facing a murder!

Gloria Hayes: Now let's look at what you found aside from the body. Hmm... that party pass sure looks out of place, and whose pass is this? His face doesn't ring any bells to me. Well, let's find out!

Gloria Hayes: And what is this? A... metal thingy?

Gloria Hayes: Well, if you want to reassemble it, I won't stop you, but be careful!

Gloria Hayes: Well, this is far different from what I've planned for you, but this could be a fresh start for your comeback in New Grimsborough! Now hit the stage!

- Chapter 1: 5% -

{Examine: Party Pass}
Gloria Hayes: So, this party pass belongs to Peter Benson...

Gloria Hayes: Oh, now I remember! He's the CEO of DreamLife, also one of the founders of Grimsborough!

Gloria Hayes: ...I forgot to tell you about him, huh?

Gloria Hayes: So basically, he rebuild the DreamLife company and he made its way back to glory.

Gloria Hayes: You can say that he revived DreamLife and made it even more famous than before.

Gloria Hayes: And if his party pass is here, there's no doubt he's also attending his own launch party. Nadia, let's find Mr. Benson and ask him about this!

{New Suspect!: Peter Benson}

- Chapter 1: 12% -

{Examine: Metal Pieces}
Gloria Hayes: What the heck is this thing, Nadia? It looks like a- ahem, you know.

Gloria Hayes: Well, whatever this thing is, it must be something important. Let us send it to the lab asap!

- Chapter 1: 18% -


Suspect Info: Peter Benson

Occupation: DreamLife CEO
Age: 67
Weight: 200 lbs
Eye Color: Green
Blood Type: A+

Relation to the Victim: Manager


{Talk to Peter Benson about the current situation on his Launch Party.}
Gloria Hayes: Mr. Peter Benson? We're with the Grimsborough PD and-

Peter Benson: Come in.

Gloria Hayes: Right.

Peter Benson: Oh, so this must be Vice Director Nadia. You know, you're a hot topic from eight years ago... until now. And I myself am a big fan of you!

Peter Benson: But now, quit around the bush. You guys must be here about the incident in one of my Launch Party, right?

Gloria Hayes: Well, you're right, Mr. Benson. Apparently one of the VR players, Brad Cadbury, became the victim of the incident. Do you know him?

Peter Benson: Brad was the victim? Oh no! Not to my best brand ambassador!

Gloria Hayes: Oh right, he's also the brand ambassador of DreamLife, if I recall...

Gloria Hayes: Anyways, what do you know about Brad, Mr. Benson?

Peter Benson: Ah, nothing much. You know, business is business. I have no relations with my workers, well except for Darius, but he's just my head programmer.

Peter Benson: I do visit Brad's apartement once, though. He let me in. From what I know, nobody else have the access to his apartment room except for the super and his girlfriend, Annie. Maybe you should go see her. As a matter of fact, I already told her about the incident and... you can go now.

Gloria Hayes: Alright then, Mr. Benson. We'll give you some time to recover, and meanwhile Nadia, let's go meet this Annie!

{At the Pink Tea Parlor...}
Gloria Hayes: Are you Annie Robinson?

Annie Robinson: Yes... It's me. You guys must be the detectives Mr. Benson wanted me to meet.

Gloria Hayes: Yes. We'd like to ask you some questions, but first, do you have access to Brad's apartment? We could use some help.

Annie Robinson: Sure, why not... Here you go.

Gloria Hayes: Thank you, Ms. Robinson. Now don't leave yet, because as soon as we're done checking the apartment, we'll talk to you.

{New Crime Scene!: Victim's Apartment}

{New Suspect!: Annie Robinson}

- Chapter 1: 28% -

{Investigate: Victim's Apartment}
Gloria Hayes: I gotta say, Nadia, this is some nice looking room.

Gloria Hayes: For a man like Brad, isn't this too much, though? Well, unless his girlfriend moved in with him as well, that I can understand.

Gloria Hayes: Now then, what did you find? A... an another party pass?

Gloria Hayes: Well, the face and the name was scratched, but I'm sure it'll be no match for your skills, Nadia!

- Chapter 1: 35% -

{Examine: Party Pass}
Gloria Hayes: So, this party pass belongs to a certain Darius Rosewood...

Gloria Hayes: Oh, I know him! He's the Head IT for DreamLife, and he's famous for some of his useful gadgets!

Gloria Hayes: What was Mr. Rosewood doing at the victim's apartment? We better ask him!

{New Suspect!: Darius Rosewood}

- Chapter 1: 40% -


Suspect Info: Annie Robinson

Occupation: Bartender
Age: 24
Weight: 121 lbs
Eye Color: Grayish Blue
Blood Type: AB-

Relation to The Victim: Girlfriend


{Talk to Annie Robinson about his boyfriend's death.}
Gloria Hayes: So... do you feel a lot better than before?

Annie Robinson: I think so... I already put some of my crushed antidepressants to my matcha latte to calm my nerves down.

Gloria Hayes: Well, prepare yourself. Now, what do you know about Brad Cadbury, the victim?

Annie Robinson: What do I know about him? I knew him from A to Z! He's my boyfriend!

Gloria Hayes: If you say so... Did he ever get in trouble with his job as DreamLife's brand ambassador?

Annie Robinson: Well, not much, but yes. He was once caught breaking one of the limited holographic products last Autumn, and he had to pay for it. Thankfully, it's not that expensive, and his boss forgave him.

Gloria Hayes: Okay... anything else?

Annie Robinson: Well, that's all I remember. I don't even work at DreamLife in fact.

Gloria Hayes: Okay, last question. Did Brad have any enemies? I mean, someone could have hated him, right?

Annie Robinson: Well, yeah. Some people hated him for many reasons, 'clickbaiting' on one of his GlamTube videos and such.

Gloria Hayes: Interesting. So despite Brad's fame, there were also some people that disliked him. That could be a motive, so to speak...

Gloria Hayes: Thanks for your time, Ms. Robinson. Don't go too far-we might need you later.

- Chapter 1: 45% -


Suspect Info: Darius Rosewood

Occupation: DreamLife Head IT
Age: 27
Weight: 182 lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Blood Type: B-

Relation to The Victim: Best Friend, Younger Mentor


{Talk to Darius Rosewood about his party pass in the victim's apartment.}
Gloria Hayes: Excuse me, Mr. Darius Rosewood? We're with the Grimsborough PD and-

Darius Rosewood: Shhh! This play box are about to do its thing!

Gloria Hayes: What-


Gloria Hayes: ...Confetti? Seriously?

Gloria Hayes: But wait a second... is this Brad?

Darius Rosewood: Heck yeah! I'm making this as a gift for the success of tonight's launch party!

Gloria Hayes: Unfortunately, it wasn't successful at all, Mr. Rosewood. Someone sabotaged Brad's VR headset and explode it right when the party started.

Darius Rosewood: What?! Someone dared to tamper with one of the new VR products?!

Darius Rosewood: And oh god... it didn't explode when Brad wore it, right?

Gloria Hayes: Unfortunately, it did hit his head, and now he's dead.

Darius Rosewood: He's dead?! No! Not to my buddy!

Darius Rosewood: Brad and I were pretty good friends ever since his first days at DreamLife. He learned so much from me, and so do I. We're like... buddies, that will never break apart. He always complimented me, saying that my gadgets are the best, he's so kind! He was once willing to try one of my gadgets for testing and it worked really well! Oh, world, what will I do without him? I'm doomed!

Gloria Hayes: Umm, alright, Mr. Rosewood. We'll leave you alone for now. Stay here as we'll talk to you soon.

- Chapter 1: 50% -

{Results Ready: Victim's Body}
Gloria Hayes: Martine? Someone's here to see you.

Martine Meunier: In a moment, please!

Martine Meunier: Sorry, just grabbing my clipboard...

Martine Meunier: Nadia? Is that you? We haven't seen each other since in Paris! Wow! Miracle is real!

Gloria Hayes: I'm glad you two meet again. But Martine, we're here for Brad Cadbury's body.

Martine Meunier: With pleasure, my friend! So as you can see, something exploded right on his face, possibly his VR headset.

Martine Meunier: Happened twice or thrice, until it entirely destroyed his skull and resulting in brain damage, and some of the skull pieces also cut his carotid artery, resulting in internal bleeding, and even worse, some of the pieces went to his heart and lungs, causing even more fatal damage!

Gloria Hayes: Wow... whoever did this, they were clearly born as a psychopath! I mean, who knew that a continuous explosion could do such damage to the victim?

Martine Meunier: I know, right? This is just awful!

Martine Meunier: Well, considering how well the headset was made, I'm pretty sure your killer has a god skill in electronics. Without it, your victim might be still alive!

Gloria Hayes: So our killer is a electronic psychopath? Well, they need more than just connecting wires to escape justice, Nadia!

{New Killer's Profile!: The Killer knows electronics}

- Chapter 1: 80% -

{Results Ready: Metal Piece}
Gloria Hayes: Viola? We need your assistance here.

Viola Pemberton: Oh, there you are! Here, try this perfume!

Gloria Hayes: Okay...

Gloria Hayes: I just need a little...

Gloria Hayes: Wow! That's the most strongest scent I've ever smell in my life! What perfume is this?

Viola Pemberton: La Vie En Rose!

Gloria Hayes: ...No wonder I recognized the smell...

Gloria Hayes: Anyways, Viola, meet Vice Director Nadia. Nadia, this is Viola Pemberton, our lab chief in Grimsborough PD.

Viola Pemberton: Nice to meet you, Vice Director Nadia. Everybody in the station spoke highly of you! I mostly handle molecular gastronomy, but I'm flexible, plus the Grimsborough PD decided to recruit more of lab workers so that I don't feel pressured. Lars, Sarah, and of course, Amir the youngster.

Gloria Hayes: Viola, you should know that Amir worked here longer than you.

Viola Pemberton: I know, but when it comes to advanced lab business, I'm your woman!

Viola Pemberton: Anyways, the metal piece you were sending-

Gloria Hayes: Tell me it's not what I think it is.

Viola Pemberton: Chill, Gloria, it's only a joystick! One from the launch party, I assume, because it's still new.

Gloria Hayes: Oh, thank god... But what is this joystick doing outside its display?

Viola Pemberton: My guess is, the killer accidentally grabbed it and decided to throw it away to get rid of the evidence.

Viola Pemberton: But that was their big mistake, because they left traces of their perfume on it!

Viola Pemberton: Ladies and gentlemen, the strongest perfume of all time, La Vie En Rose!

Gloria Hayes: You mean the one that I tried earlier? The killer used it?

Viola Pemberton: 100%! I checked with Martine, and she found no traces of perfume on the victim's body!

Viola Pemberton: Nadia, your killer uses La Vie En Rose perfume! That should be pretty easy to notice, right? There's only a few in New Grimsborough that used this strong perfume!

Gloria Hayes: Well, let's see about that, but our killer uses La Vie En Rose perfume, noted!

{New Killer's Profile!: The Killer uses La Vie En Rose perfume}

Gloria Hayes: Investigating a murder is certainly not in my mind when I first picked you up at the airport, Nadia, but here we are anyways.

Gloria Hayes: Brad Cadbury, a famous VR player, got his headset sabotaged and it killed him. Peter Benson, as his mentor, he didn't even know that his own product could kill his brand ambassador!

Gloria Hayes: Annie Robinson, the victim's girlfriend. She looked pretty sad when she knew that Brad is gone, but perhaps there's more behind her tears?

Gloria Hayes: And the same thing goes to Darius Rosewood. He's also sad to hear his best friend is gone forever, but again, there might be more behind his tears of sadness as well.

Gloria Hayes: So what's our next step, Nadia?

Eduardo Ramirez: Oh, hey, there you are! I was told that I can find you guys here!

Eduardo Ramirez: Hey, Nadia, it's me, Ramirez! We've met before when the old Grimsborough was still around!

Gloria Hayes: Don't worry, Ramirez, we'll put up a welcoming party later, as soon as we're done investigating Brad Cadbury's murder, of course.

Eduardo Ramirez: Speaking of which, here! I found something for you regarding the victim!

Gloria Hayes: Let's see.

Gloria Hayes: "With signing here, you've agreed to transfer your ownership of West Arcade to our client. Please deliver this back to us once you signed this agreement paper."

Gloria Hayes: Wait, does that mean-

Eduardo Ramirez: That's right! The owner of the West Arcade was about to transfer their ownership to the victim!

- Chapter 1: Complete! -


[Chapter 2]

Eduardo Ramirez: Nadia! I found something regarding the victim! Here you go!

Gloria Hayes: Let's see.

Gloria Hayes: "With signing here, you've agreed to transfer your ownership of West Arcade to our client. Please deliver this back to us once you signed this agreement paper."

Gloria Hayes: Wait, does that mean-

Eduardo Ramirez: That's right! The owner of the West Arcade was about to transfer their ownership to the victim!

Gloria Hayes: But why?

Eduardo Ramirez: I don't know, ask the owner yourself. She should be around the West Arcade.

Gloria Hayes: Well then. To the West Arcade, Nadia!

{New Crime Scene!: West Arcade}


{Investigate: West Arcade}
Gloria Hayes: I see no sign of anyone, do you, Nadia?

Gloria Hayes: I agree, it's a bit suspicious. Well, what did you find?

Gloria Hayes: A... DreamFit wristwatch? It's pretty famous around people over 20, even I use it!

Gloria Hayes: But hey, you're right. It's locked. We need to unlock it to see who it belongs to, asap!

Gloria Hayes: Well, Jones always said that you're an expert in trash hunting, so if you wanna explore the trash can, I won't stop you! Just make sure to use your gloves!

Gloria Hayes: Glad to see us making progress on our investigation, Nadia!


Gloria Hayes: Oh my god! I'm so sorry, sir!

???: It's okay. Next time, watch your step.

Gloria Hayes: Wait, sir, you forgot your hat!

Gloria Hayes: Umm... be right back, Nadia. I'm going to put this hat in the lost and found service, in case he will come back for it.

- Chapter 2: 6% -

{Examine: DreamFit Wristwatch}
Gloria Hayes: Crack, unlock, and barrel, Nadia! You're a force of nature!

Gloria Hayes: Now let's see...

Gloria Hayes: Wait, is this Donald Fairbanks? The famous golfer?

Gloria Hayes: You don't know who he is? Well, just like Mr. Benson, Mr. Fairbanks also own a district quite far from here. I'm sure you'll see it soon.

Gloria Hayes: It's surprising to see one of the district controller visited his rival's district. Nadia, let's find Mr. Fairbanks and ask him!

{New Suspect!: Donald Fairbanks}

- Chapter 2: 11% -

{Examine: Trash Can}
Gloria Hayes: What did you find? A... napkin? How will that help us?

Gloria Hayes: Wait, what's that written on the napkin? Let me see that.

Gloria Hayes: "This world isn't virtual like yours, Brad. You didn't deserve to live here!"

Gloria Hayes: Wow, sounds like someone wanted Brad's demise!

Gloria Hayes: And who would do it besides the killer? We should send this napkin to the lab to see whoever wrote this threat!

- Chapter 2: 16% -


Suspect Info: Donald Fairbanks

Occupation: Golfer
Age: 68
Weight: 177 lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Blood Type: B+

Relation to The Victim: ?


{Talk to Donald Fairbanks about his purpose of being on Benson Arcade District.}
Gloria Hayes: Mr. Donald Fairbanks? We're with the Grimsborough PD and-

Donald Fairbanks: Oh ho ho! If it isn't Vice Director Nadia, the famous Grimsborough detective and the senior detective, Gloria Hayes! Please, sit down!

Gloria Hayes: Okay... Mr. Fairbanks, we're here to ask you about Brad Cadbury.

Donald Fairbanks: Brad Cadbury? What happened to him?

Gloria Hayes: You know him?

Donald Fairbanks: The entire city knows about him! He's the brand ambassador of the most famous IT company in New Grimsborough! If you don't know about him, you're a classic lag!

Gloria Hayes: Well, we know a bit about him. But we're not here for that.

Gloria Hayes: Mr. Fairbanks, Brad was murdered earlier at one of the launch party DreamLife held. Do you know something about him?

Donald Fairbanks: Brad's dead? Oh my god, that's awful!

Donald Fairbanks: But eh, sorry detectives, but I only know when you tell me about it. I'm not really interested in this family problems. Plus, I'm only here for fresh air, knowing that this district is the second most crowded after APHID.

Gloria Hayes: Are you sure, Mr. Fairbanks? Your voice said otherwise.

Donald Fairbanks: Yeah, I'm pretty sure. Now, are you done? I need to finish my tea.


Gloria Hayes: Nadia, you don't know how much I tried to 'survive' the formal meeting. How come you didn't feel anything?

Gloria Hayes: Well, I guess Jones is right about you. You're marvelous.

Gloria Hayes: Also, I noticed that Mr. Fairbanks had a very strong scent on his polo shirt. If I guessed right, he might be using La Vie En Rose perfume, just like the killer! I'll write it down!

- Chapter 2: 29% -

{Result Ready: Napkin}
Gabriel Herrera: Oh hey! Look who's back! Vice Director Nadia, it's me, Gabriel!

Gloria Hayes: I'm pretty sure Vice Director Nadia still remember you, Gabriel. Now, we'd like to hear your result of the napkin we sent you.

Gabriel Herrera: What's the first that came into your mind when you saw this?

Gloria Hayes: It belonged to the killer?

Gabriel Herrera: Then you're right! From the language style and the handwriting itself, looks like whoever wrote this message hated the victim so much, and boom, the murder happened.

Gloria Hayes: Do you have any better results?

Gabriel Herrera: Well, notice that this napkin has some hidden dots all over it. I didn't know what to do with it at first...

Gabriel Herrera: Until I started to connect all of them into a single line, and here's what I got. The Leo sign!

Gloria Hayes: Okay, how does that help?

Gabriel Herrera: Well, I asked Cathy to search the victim's personal info, and she found out that the victim was an Aries, not a Leo.

Gabriel Herrera: And I found the sign on the killer's napkin, so...

Gloria Hayes: So our killer is a Leo? Ha, guess there will be no luck for them tonight!

{New Killer's Profile!: The Killer is a Leo}

Gloria Hayes: Nadia, I almost forgot to tell you, Darius once made a video about him celebrating his birthday on August 2nd, which is a month for Leo. I'll write it down!

Gloria Hayes: Now that's being said, maybe we should do one last check at the launch party to see if we missed something important! I'll drive!

{New Crime Scene!: Glass Displays}

- Chapter 2: 41% -

{Investigate: Glass Displays}
Gloria Hayes: Is that... a butterfly knife in your hand, Nadia? Dang, how did you find it?

Gloria Hayes: I agree, bringing a weapon to a launch party is suspicious. There's a tag scratched at the handle-I'll let you uncover it.

Gloria Hayes: Why did you pick up that book, Nadia?

Gloria Hayes: It belongs to Annie? Alright, alright, I'll let you unlock it.

Gloria Hayes: Oooh, that glove looks very futuristic! Let's see if it fits my hand!

Gloria Hayes: Pretty cool, but what does it do?

Gloria Hayes: It'll be useful for later. I'll send it to Cathy to determine its function.

Gloria Hayes: ...Nadia, is that the man that we saw at the West Arcade?

???: ......


Gloria Hayes: ...And he's gone.

Gloria Hayes: Nadia, something tells me that this won't be the last we'll see of him. We better be extra careful next time.

- Chapter 2: 46% -

{Examine: Butterfly Knife}
Gloria Hayes: "Property of Jill Benson"?

Gloria Hayes: Wait, now I remember! Jill Benson is the owner of West Arcade, and the youngest daughter of the Benson family! She's the one we're looking for since Ramirez showed us the agreement paper!

Gloria Hayes: We need to find Jill, now!

{New Suspect!: Jill Benson}

- Chapter 2: 51% -

{Examine: Locked Book}
Gloria Hayes: Oh, it's a pull-out book! I love those! Hand it to me!

Gloria Hayes: I'll pull this, and this too...

Gloria Hayes: Umm, Nadia, what did I just see? Is that Brad as a half-robot?

Gloria Hayes: Why did Annie make this horrible creation? We need to confront her! To the Pink Tea Parlor!

- Chapter 2: 55% -


Suspect Info: Jill Benson

Occupation: Owner of West Arcade
Age: 15
Weight: 100 lbs
Eye Color: Green
Blood Type: A+

Relation to the Victim: Enemy?


{Talk to Jill Benson about her agreement with the victim.}
Gloria Hayes: Jill Benson? We need to talk to you just for a few minutes please.

Jill Benson: Oh, look, it's the police! I've done something wrong, did I?

Gloria Hayes: Actually, no. We're here to return your butterfly knife, if it really is yours.

Jill Benson: Ah yes, you found it. I thought it'll be lost forever.

Jill Benson: Now then, what do you want?

Gloria Hayes: We'd like to ask you about Brad Cadbury. He's been murdered.

Jill Benson: Brad's dead? Ha! Serves him right!

Gloria Hayes: Looks like you hate the victim, Jill. Can you tell us why?

Jill Benson: Well, the same reason why you guys are here. I refused to transfer my ownership to that scumbag! Who knows what will he do to my beloved arcade!

Gloria Hayes: Well, pardon me to say, but looks like you have the motive to kill Brad...

Jill Benson: Pssh. Even if I have, I still have no interest in dirtying my hands. Now go! Leave me alone!


Gloria Hayes: Well, that's not what I expected, but at least we can still keep an eye on her.

Gloria Hayes: And I noticed that she had a very strong scent on her jacket. Must be from that goddamn perfume again. I'll write it down, Nadia!

- Chapter 2: 63% -

{Confront Annie Robinson about the victim's half-robot head on her pull-out book.}
Annie Robinson: spraying her perfume to her body

Gloria Hayes: Oh crap, it's the perfume again-

Annie Robinson: Oh! I didn't see you there! What's up?

Gloria Hayes: Ms. Robinson, we found this pull-out book which shows a mini head of your boyfriend as half-robot. Care to explain?

Annie Robinson: Oh... You found that...

Annie Robinson: Well, it describes him anyways. He's always fascinated with those VR games, and he even said that VR will be the next evolution of New Grimsborough.

Annie Robinson: There's even this day when I came to Darius's workplace, and I saw Brad being trapped inside some kind of incubator. I asked Darius, and he said Brad wanted to be a part of the VR itself!

Gloria Hayes: A part of the VR itself?

Annie Robinson: So basically, he transferred half of his mind into the newest products, and Darius said he would replace his empty brain with mechanical systems to make him look like a cyborg. What a trash! I quickly grabbed Brad's body and brought him to the apartment with me before he could do anything!

Annie Robinson: That's so dumb of him to think that he can be a part of his hobby by becoming a half-robot, but he just wouldn't listen!

Gloria Hayes: Be careful of what you say, Annie, because just you listen, Vice Director Nadia might find out that you were the one who made Brad a part of his products and trust me, you'll be into a big problem!

- Chapter 2: 70% -

{Result Ready: Futuristic Glove}
Elliot Clayton: Left! Left!

Elliot Clayton: I say left, you bastard! Go left!

Gloria Hayes: Elliot? Are you ok-

Elliot Clayton: You don't hear me, you stupid bastard? I said, go left!

Gloria Hayes: Elliot!

Elliot Clayton: I hate this stupid game!

Gloria Hayes: Elliot Clayton! We're here!

Elliot Clayton: What the fu-

Elliot Clayton: Oh, it's just you, Gloria. And you, Nadia.

Elliot Clayton: Wait, Nadia? Is that you?

Gloria Hayes: You know each other?

Elliot Clayton: Of course! We've worked together before at the Bureau!

Elliot Clayton: So miracles are real, heh? I need to apologize to Archer later.

Gloria Hayes: Can you at least tell us where Cathy is?

Elliot Clayton: Well, she went home early. Both her children got sick or something like that.

Gloria Hayes: Oh no, get well soon for Sammy and Poppy!

Gloria Hayes: But wait! What about the glove then?

Elliot Clayton: You mean this glove? No need to thank you.

Gloria Hayes: Okay... What does that glove do?

Elliot Clayton: Apparently, it's a camouflage glove. It's basically a device that can literally turn you into another person.

Elliot Clayton: Like this for example.

Gloria Hayes: Wait, is that the man we saw earlier on the launch party and West Arcade?

Elliot Clayton: Well, I don't know who you're talking about, but looks like it.

Gloria Hayes: Well... Let's go meet this mysterious man, should we?

{At the West Arcade...}
Gloria Hayes: Strange. I was expecting him to be here, Nadia.

Gloria Hayes: Or maybe he doesn't want his glove anymore? I can give this to Carter to-


Gloria Hayes: Hey, come back!

Gloria Hayes: Uhh...

???: You found my glove, huh?

Gloria Hayes: Umm, yeah...

Gloria Hayes: We're here to return it.

???: Thanks. I'll give you something in return.

???: Go to Peter Benson. He had been on hot water with his brand ambassador lately.

Gloria Hayes: Really? That's something Mr. Benson didn't tell us!

Gloria Hayes: But wait. Who are you? And more importantly, how do you know about our investigation?

???: About my identity, sooner or later, you'll know. As for the investigation, well, I've been following you ever since I saw the crowd at the launch party.

???: I'm sure we'll meet again soon. For now, may the light forever shine upon us.


Gloria Hayes: Okay... Let's just forget about what happened and go to Mr. Benson, should we?

- Chapter 2: 90% -

{Confront Peter Benson about his heated arguments with the victim.}

Peter Benson: Just need to disconnect this wire...

Peter Benson: And there you go, good as new.

Gloria Hayes: Fixing your DreamWatch, Mr. Benson?

Peter Benson: Oh! I didn't see you there!

Peter Benson: Sorry, but is there something I could help you with?

Gloria Hayes: Mr. Benson, there's some wind news that you and Brad were on hot water before the new product launch. Is that right?

Peter Benson: Oh, well...

Peter Benson: We were. Everyone in DreamLife company knows about that.

Gloria Hayes: But why? I thought you were his mentor!

Peter Benson: Well, he didn't treat me like one. Remember the incident when half of DreamLife's salary almost got taken by fake investment?

Gloria Hayes: Did Brad had something to do with it?

Peter Benson: Well, guess who got the salary instead. It was Brad!

Gloria Hayes: Wait, so Brad was the one who made that fake investment?

Peter Benson: Yes! Thanks to him, the company's salary was freefalling!

Peter Benson: I never understand his mind. I payed him more than enough to live a life with his girlfriend, that apartment is mine and I gave it to him for free, and that's how he thanked me! So ungrateful!

Gloria Hayes: Watch your mouth, Mr. Benson. A single word like that can put you in prison, and once we find out that you're the creator of your own company chaos by killing your own brand ambassador, more troubles will come for you!

Peter Benson: I didn't kill Brad! That British he-devil was so lucky I didn't get to him first, because he didn't know how hurtful a Leo's punch is!


Gloria Hayes: This case is slowly coming to its climax, Nadia. It seems that some suspects are finally revealing their hate against the victim!

Gloria Hayes: Take Jill Benson for example. She hated the victim for overtaking her beloved West Arcade!

Gloria Hayes: Although I kinda agree, she's still too young to own a place. She's like, what, Carter's age? Or maybe younger than that?

Gloria Hayes: And Mr. Benson also shared his hate against the victim. Who knows that Brad was the mastermind behind DreamLife's collapse? That's just out of the bag!

Gloria Hayes: And not only that, he even wanted to make himself a cyborg by transferring half of his mind into the newest VR product! I'm actually glad Annie could stop him before it's too late!

Gloria Hayes: Now then, what's the next thing we gotta-


Gloria Hayes: Ouch! Is this hot chocolate?

Gloria Hayes: Hey, whoever splashed the hot chocolate to me, I'll-

Carter Hayes: Just admit it, you liked Brad, do you?!

Jill Benson: Once I said no, it's a no!

Carter Hayes: Don't deny! I saw you walking with him at the park! You're cheating on me!

- Chapter 2: Complete! -


[Chapter 3]

Gloria Hayes: This case is slowly coming to its climax, Nadia. It seems that some suspects are finally revealing their hate against the victim!

Gloria Hayes: Take Jill Benson for example. She hated the victim for overtaking her beloved West Arcade!

Gloria Hayes: Although I kinda agree, she's still too young to own a place. She's like, what, Carter's age? Or maybe younger than that?

Gloria Hayes: And Mr. Benson also shared his hate against the victim. Who knows that Brad was the mastermind behind DreamLife's collapse? That's just out of the bag!

Gloria Hayes: And not only that, he even wanted to make himself a cyborg by transferring half of his mind into the newest VR product! I'm actually glad Annie could stop him before it's too late!

Gloria Hayes: Now then, what's the next thing we gotta-


Gloria Hayes: Ouch! Is this hot chocolate?

Gloria Hayes: Hey, whoever splashed the hot chocolate to me, I'll-

Carter Hayes: Just admit it, you liked Brad, do you?!

Jill Benson: Once I said no, it's a no!

Carter Hayes: Don't deny! I saw you walking with him at the park! You're cheating on me!

Jill Benson: Son of a b*tch!


Carter Hayes: Aaah!

Carter Hayes: You're a f*cking cheater! I'll break up with you from now on!

Jill Benson: YOU-

Gloria Hayes: Kids, stop this immediately! What in the world is happening here?!

Carter Hayes: Jill's cheating on me by walking with Brad, Mom! I saw her!

Jill Benson: Bullsh*t! We're only friends!

Carter Hayes: I SAW YOU! Do you think I wouldn't notice?

Jill Benson: I said, Brad was only a friend! A FRIEND!

Carter Hayes: WHY I OUGTTA-

Gloria Hayes: Both of you, stop! We need to calm down!

Gloria Hayes: Carter, get in the car. I'll drive you home. As for you, Jill, don't leave the scene yet-we'll talk to you soon.


{Confront Jill Benson about her argument with Carter.}
Gloria Hayes: Glad to see that you're not leaving yet, Jill. Now open your voice. Why in the world would you got into an argument with my son, also your boyfriend?!

Jill Benson: He started it! He thought I was cheating on him by walking with Brad a few days ago, but it's only for the West Arcade ownership transferring, that's all! We're not dating or somethin' like that!

Gloria Hayes: I thought you guys are... were... enemies! Why would you walk with him?

Jill Benson: It's all about the deal, hey. Even though we were enemies, I still need his agreement in overtaking my beloved West Arcade.

Gloria Hayes: Let me guess. Seeing that he didn't sign the agreement paper our consultant somehow had in his possessions, he refused.

Jill Benson: Well, yes he was. That's a relief though, considering that Darius often called him a cursed man-he literally destroyed everything he touched! Can't you imagine?

Jill Benson: Also a disappointing decision, though. Since new year of school is coming soon, I f*cking need a temporary replacement owner. My assistant is out of the city for the time being, Bill has his own arcade to care about, Scott is too young, and even my parents can't do it for me!

Gloria Hayes: Wait, temporary?

Jill Benson: F*ck yes! I mean, I always, and forever will be, the owner of West Arcade! I just need a motherf*cking replacement!

Gloria Hayes: ....Not to calling you names, but you do realize that the agreement paper described a permanent ownership transferring, right? Not temporary, but permanent.

Jill Benson: Wait, what? Is that another sh*t mistake made by the f*cking law firm? Stupid b*tches! I thought I already watched them!

Gloria Hayes: Okay... just calm down already.

Gloria Hayes: We're done for now. By the way, I noticed that you have a little camera on your right shoulder. Is that an attachment?

Jill Benson: I think. Annie made it for me, as a birthday gift. I ain't no engineer.

Jill Benson: Now are you done? I need to get another coffee after I splashed one to Carter. Peace out!

Gloria Hayes: Alright, might as well have another look at the arcade, should we, Nadia?

{New Crime Scene!: Arcade Entrance}

- Chapter 3: 5% -

{Investigate: Arcade Entrance}
Gloria Hayes: Okay, who left a laptop here? Didn't the owner know this place is vulnerable to robberies?

Gloria Hayes: Well, let's just unlock it and wait until the owner comes back.

Gloria Hayes: I see the victim's name on this backpack, Nadia. It must've belonged to him! Time to get our hands dirty!

- Chapter 3: 13% -

{Examine: Locked Laptop}
Gloria Hayes: Oh, is that the victim and Darius on the desktop background? You're right, Nadia, it could be Darius' or the victim's!

Gloria Hayes: Well, we have to risk it. To the IT lab we go!

- Chapter 3: 19% -

{Examine: Victim's Backpack}
Gloria Hayes: Is that a mini golf stick? If I remember correctly, the victim didn't even like golf! What is-

Gloria Hayes: Wait a minute, we know a person who is a golfer on our suspect list: Mr. Donald Fairbanks!

Gloria Hayes: Did Mr. Fairbanks happened to sneak in his mini golf stick to Brad's backpack or was it an accident? We better ask him!

- Chapter 3: 25% -

{Ask Donald Fairbanks about his mini golf stick in Brad's backpack.}
Donald Fairbanks: "Today's horoscope for Leo: Midnight shall be your return." Interesting...

Gloria Hayes: Mr. Fairbanks? We need to talk to you again.

Donald Fairbanks: Oh, sure sure! Sit down!

Donald Fairbanks: I'm sorry, I just read the recent horoscope for Leo, but it happened to be another brain-challenging riddle. I need to get this to Annie and Darius!

Gloria Hayes: Umm, before you do that, wanna explain this mini golf stick's appearance on Brad's backpack?

Donald Fairbanks: My mini golf stick? Oh my god! I thought it was lost forever!

Donald Fairbanks: But wait! You said it was on Brad's backpack?! I should've known when he first sat beside me at Neon Park!

Gloria Hayes: He stole it from you? I thought you never met each other!

Donald Fairbanks: I never told you that I know Brad personally, huh? Well, we've met before at DreamLife Lane, and often met at Neon Park ever since. That was almost two years ago.

Donald Fairbanks: I liked how he and I shared the same favorite sport, which is golf! We've talked about it much, until he said he lost interest in golf. We stopped meeting each other since then.

Gloria Hayes: Let me guess. When you two met again, he took the opportunity to steal your belongings.

Donald Fairbanks: He did. I was kind of surprised. I was expecting that's he's going to steal my wallet, but he turned out to seek my mini golf stick. Maybe it was a present for Annie? I dunno, he would do everything for his girlfriend, that's for sure.

Gloria Hayes: Maybe, but still, that's one motive to kill Brad for you.

Donald Fairbanks: Excuse me? I never killed anybody! I may be a district controller, but I'm not a heartless tyrant! Now away with you before I call security!

- Chapter 3: 31% -

{Result Ready: Unlocked Laptop}
Gloria Hayes: Strange. I was expecting someone to greet us here.

Gloria Hayes: Alex? Elliot? Lila? Anybody here?

Hannah Choi: None of them are currently available right now. Only me.

Gloria Hayes: Okay, Hannah... did you get the laptop that we sent before?

Hannah Choi: Well, yeah. It was meant to be given to Alex, but he's outside with Elliot. Boys' habits.

Hannah Choi: Anyway, that laptop belongs to Darius. There's too much digital blueprints here that it's full on storage!

Gloria Hayes: Can't blame him. He's DreamLife's Head IT anyway.

Hannah Choi: Oh well, that would explain those freaking sixteen laptops I found outside DreamLife headquarters. That guy is truly insane at buying laptops!

Hannah Choi: Good for you to bring one to me, though. I found something interesting on the video file. Here, take a seat!

{Start of footage}
Darius Rosewood: Hello, fellow DreamFans! This is your boy Darius Rosewood, and today I'm going to a crazy stuff!

Darius Rosewood: So you see this incubator right here? It's an old product that can turn your favorite things, even humans, into robots and AIs with just a single touch!

Darius Rosewood: I'll test this with my friend here, which is willing to-

Darius Rosewood: Hey! Brad, why did you cut off the camera?!

Brad Cadbury: I'm not going to be your crazy subject, you b*tch! I'm out of here!

{End of footage}
Gloria Hayes: Looks like there's something happening between the victim and Darius, I assume?

Hannah Choi: Maybe, yeah. Even Mr. Benson confirmed it-I spoke with him already. Looks like your victim made so many enemies around him!

Gloria Hayes: First Mr. Benson, then Jill, and now Darius? This somehow got more interesting. We need to get Darius now!

- Chapter 3: 36% -

{Confront Darius Rosewood about his footage with the victim.}
Darius Rosewood: Come on! Stupid camera, just work already!

Gloria Hayes: Mr. Rosewood, we're in demand of another answer! Care to explain this footage that we found on your laptop?

Darius Rosewood: Oh f*ck... you found that...

Darius Rosewood: Well, if you haven't seen one of my GlamTube videos, basically what I wanted to do was putting Brad inside the AI incubator and turned him into one. I assume Annie told you that already.

Darius Rosewood: I literally just wanted to show a demo of real-time human-to-AI converting! He kept on refusing, until I finally snapped and pushed him to the incubator and closed it! If it weren't for Annie interrupting the stage, he would be a full human AI until his death!

Gloria Hayes: Darius, you know that something like that just put you in the hang of the murder, right? You could've killed him!

Darius Rosewood: Oh come on! I may look evil, but I wouldn't kill someone in the name of technology! Security!


Gloria Hayes: Let's do a recap. Some suspects started to reveal their hate against the victim. Peter Benson hated him for making DreamLife's salary freefalling, and that could be a reason to kill.

Gloria Hayes: Annie Robinson hated his boyfriend for being obsessed with AI and even wanted to be a part of it, and that is also a reason to kill.

Gloria Hayes: Jill Benson also had a strong motive to kill the victim, seeing the victim's less interest in temporary overtaking West Arcade...

Gloria Hayes: Of all the suspects, Darius is the only one with the strongest motive. If he previously forced the victim to be the guinea pig of his GlamTube video, there is no wonder he'll hunt Brad ever since.

Gloria Hayes: And Mr. Fairbanks is the only one with the weakest motive. I mean, who would kill someone over a single piece of mini golf stick being stolen? Or perhaps, there's more behind that?

Gloria Hayes: Well, whatever it is, there's only one suspect who put an explosive VR end to the victim. Let's go back to the apartment, Nadia. The killer might've left the final clues there!

{New Crime Scene!: Bedroom}

- Chapter 3: 41% -

{Investigate: Bedroom}
Gloria Hayes: Oh, a hand camera! The killer could've brought it here to get rid of the evidence! We have to unlock it asap!

Gloria Hayes: Is that the victim's party pass? It looks burnt!

Gloria Hayes: You're right, it might be damaged due to the VR explosion, which means the killer might tried to discard this kind of evidence! Can you try to find something in it, Nadia?

Gloria Hayes: Come on, Nadia, we're putting an end to this artificial case!

- Chapter 3: 45% -

{Examine: Locked Camera}
Gloria Hayes: There's too many videos here...

Gloria Hayes: Well, I heard that Cathy is back from taking care of Sammy and Poppy. Let's send this to her!

- Chapter 3: 51% -

{Examine: Damaged Party Pass}
Gloria Hayes: Excellent! You found some tiny fibers beneath those burned plastic thingy!

Gloria Hayes: And it calls for the forensic skills! Viola, we're coming for you!

- Chapter 3: 56% -

{Result Ready: Camera}
Cathy Turner: Oh, Vice Director Nadia! We haven't seen each other since you left Grimsborough four years ago!

Gloria Hayes: Look, Cathy, I'd love to let you continue the conversation, but we have a killer to catch. So save the talk for later and tell us about the camera we sent you.

Cathy Turner: Right, sure. All of the videos were recorded in the same place and the same background: the launch party. With the same angle, it recorded only one thing the recorder looked interested with, which is Brad Cadbury, aka the victim.

Gloria Hayes: So looks like the killer also wanted to watch the victim's death multiple times... what a psychopath.

Cathy Turner: But hey, in IT, people often make mistakes, like the killer!

Cathy Turner: See the man's shadow at the left corner of the video? With that, I compare the height of the shadow to the camera's position and angle...

Cathy Turner: It's a lot of math, but it's still safe to say that your killer is 5'6 to 6'2 tall!

Gloria Hayes: Way to go, Cathy! Noted, Nadia!

{New Killer's Profile!: The Killer is 5'6 - 6'2 tall}

- Chapter 3: 77% -

{Result Ready: Tiny Fibers}
Gloria Hayes: Viola, have you done examining the fibers that we sent you?

Viola Pemberton: Why, yes! It's from a 100% cotton!

Gloria Hayes: Okay... how does that help us?

Viola Pemberton: I'm not done yet. I put the fibers under the microscope, and looks like it's from a red clothing.

Gloria Hayes: But the victim wore blue at the time of his death, so that means...

Viola Pemberton: That means the fibers belonged to the killer! Your killer wears red, Nadia!

Gloria Hayes: Thanks, Viola! At least the killer had a taste matching their personality, though...

{New Killer's Profile!: The Killer wears red}

Gloria Hayes: After a long rocky investigation, we finally have enough evidence to arrest whoever sent Brad Cadbury to the virtual heaven. Nadia, let's go arrest the killer!

- Chapter 3: 92% -


All Suspects:

1. Peter Benson: DreamLife CEO
Age: 67
Weight: 200 lbs
Eye Color: Green
Blood Type: A+

Relation to the Victim: Manager

Suspect Profiles:
- Knows electronics
- Is a Leo
- 6'0 tall


2. Annie Robinson: Bartender / Victim's Girlfriend
Age: 24
Weight: 121 lbs
Eye Color: Grayish Blue
Blood Type: AB-

Relation to The Victim: Girlfriend

Suspect Profiles:
- Knows electronics
- Uses La Vie En Rose perfume
- Is a Leo
- 5'11 tall
- Wears red


3. Darius Rosewood: DreamLife Head IT
Age: 27
Weight: 182 lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Blood Type: B-

Relation to The Victim: Best Friend, Younger Mentor

Suspect Profiles:
- Knows electronics
- Is a Leo
- Wears red


4. Donald Fairbanks: Golfer
Age: 68
Weight: 177 lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Blood Type: B+

Relation to The Victim: Ex-friend

Suspect Profiles:
- Uses La Vie En Rose perfume
- Is a Leo
- 6'1 tall


5. Jill Benson: Owner of West Arcade
Age: 15
Weight: 100 lbs
Eye Color: Green
Blood Type: A+

Relation to the Victim: Frenemy

Suspect Profiles:
- Uses La Vie En Rose perfume
- Is a Leo
- 5'7 tall
- Wears red


{Killer Arrested!: Annie Robinson}
Gloria Hayes: Annie Robinson, you're under arrest for the murder of Brad Cadbury!

Annie Robinson: Me, killing my own love? Vice Director Nadia, what made you think I did it?!

Gloria Hayes: Well, you left a lot of evidence. You accidentally broke one of the joystick at the launch party and left some traces of La Vie En Rose perfume on it!

Annie Robinson: Hey, I'm not the only one who uses that perfume! Look at Jill! She uses it, too!

Gloria Hayes: Yeah, but she doesn't know electronics like you are. You sabotaged Brad's VR headset and explode it right in the beginning of the party!

Annie Robinson: I would never do such a thing! Look at Darius! He had that passion to kill Brad!

Gloria Hayes: Well, from an amateur video we found, the killer is around 5'6 - 6'2 tall, and Darius overpasses the height limit. But you don't. You're right in the middle.

Annie Robinson: That... That still proves nothing. Look at Mr. Benson! He's taller than me, so it could be him as well!

Gloria Hayes: Well, he doesn't wear red like you are right now, Annie. Face it. It's game over for you.

Annie Robinson: ..........

Annie Robinson: Alright, Vice Director Nadia. You got me. I killed Brad.

Annie Robinson: But I never meant to kill him in the first place! It was meant to be for Darius!

Gloria Hayes: For Darius? Why?

Annie Robinson: Well, don't you see what he already did to my beloved Brad? If I weren't going to his workshop that time, I would lose the Brad I always knew and loved!

Annie Robinson: He's a monster! He will do anything to raise his subscriber count! ANYTHING!

Gloria Hayes: Wait a second... So you weren't the one who wrote the threat to Brad?

Annie Robinson: Well, I was the one who wrote it, but Darius told me to! He wanted me! He planned to separate me and Brad!

Annie Robinson: At this point, I've had enough of his dictatorship. I decided to do something.

Annie Robinson: Brad told me that this launch party will have Darius as the special guest and one of the VR tester, and that's when I got the idea to sabotage his headset.

Gloria Hayes: So I guess that backfired. Sorry you had to went through that.

Gloria Hayes: But still, you killed your boyfriend, so for now, you're under arrest, Annie.

{At the courtroom...}
Honorable Edward Dante: Annie Robinson, you're standing here, charged for the murder of Brad Cadbury.

Honorable Edward Dante: Now then, Detective Hayes sent me the files and... you missed your target and kill another person instead? Wow, that's a double trouble. Reminds me of a serial killer who used to terrorizing my hometown, until he finally got caught by the police. He cut his victims and turned them into human-sized puppets! Can't you imagine?

Honorable Edward Dante: Anyways, how do you plead?

Annie Robinson: Guilty, Your Honor. I never meant to kill the man I loved in the first place, it was for his friend.

Honorable Edward Dante: Oh yeah, it's said here that he happened to 'almost' turned your boyfriend into an AI. Wait, what? How is that even real?

Annie Robinson: Unfortunately, you're not seeing it wrong, Your Honor. If I weren't there, Brad, until his death, would remain an AI forever!

Honorable Edward Dante: Sorry you had to went through that, Ms. Robinson. But again, what's done is done. You already killed Brad and you can't bring him back to the world.

Honorable Edward Dante: This court sentence you to 10 years in prison with a 5 year chance of parole or additional jail time for 5 years if your statement can be proven by the Grimsborough PD. Court adjourned!


Gloria Hayes: Wow, what a crazy night Nadia. Who knew that Annie Robinson, a cute and innocent bartender, would be the killer of her own boyfriend, which turned out to be an accidental target after she said that the headset was meant to be used by Darius?

Gloria Hayes: And speaking of which, that leads to another question: Was Darius Annie's real target? And if it is, we can assume from her statement that he was using inhumane ways for raising his subscriber count, but did Darius really do that?

Gloria Hayes: Well, we don't know for sure. Our work is far from done, Nadia. We have to get to the bottom of this case immediately!

Gloria Hayes: Oh, but first, I heard Roxie just held a welcoming party for you, Nadia. Let's go see her!

- Chapter 3: Complete! -


{AI: A Fresh Start (1/10)}
Roxie Sparks: Aloha, Vice Director Nadia! Welcome back!

Roxie Sparks: Guys, the star of the police is here! Raise your cannons!


Everyone: Welcome back, Vice Director Nadia!

Diane Parker: When I first received a message from Jean-Philippe that you will be heading back to Grimsborough, I wouldn't expect that it's real, and you're standing in front me right now! Oh, Nadia, just how much we missed you since four years ago!

David Jones: And when I first went back to Grimsborough with Alessia, I never thought you would also follow my steps and went back here as well! Friends forever, Nadia!

Andrea Marquez: And I wouldn't expect us to meet again in a different force after your year in Pacific Bay, Nadia! Amy was right, miracle is real!

Jack Archer: Me too! Years after Bureau's end, and we meet again in a smaller force at the most wonderful city in USA! Wow! I need to hear some of your journey, Nadia!

Roxie Sparks: Boring!

Roxie Sparks: Let's just get to the main event, shall we?

Diane Parker: Ahem, alright. Let me raise the toast...

Roxie Sparks: Drum roll, please.

Diane Parker: ... To old and new friends, to new beginnings ahead!


Roxie Sparks: Woo! Party all night, Nadia!

Roxie Sparks: What do you mean your artificial case is not over? I thought you've arrested the killer already!

Roxie Sparks: What? The murder was meant to be done to another person? Whoa, that's some crazy stuff, man!

Roxie Sparks: Hmm... since I'm the only who haven't drunk yet, how about I help you?

Roxie Sparks: Sweet! Now what's our first step?

Yann Toussaint: Umm, Nadia? Mr. Fairbanks demands to see you.

Roxie Sparks: Well then, Yann! Since you and I are the only sober members here, you can come with us! Now it's up to you, Nadia!


{Explain the case summary to Roxie Sparks.}
Roxie Sparks: So, Annie Robinson aka the killer, was meant to kill the head IT Darius Rosewood, but then missed and killed her boyfriend instead?

Roxie Sparks: Classic. Even I know it's a lie.

Roxie Sparks: What are you looking at, Nadia? You know it's a lie, right?

Roxie Sparks: What do you mean it's not a lie? You can't just believe what a killer says!

Roxie Sparks: Alright, alright, it's worth checking out. Well, time to start from checking Brad's apartment then.

Roxie Sparks: Oh, FYI for you Nadia, Brad was my ex-boyfriend. Please don't tell anyone about this, okay?

Roxie Sparks: Well then, to the apartment we go!

- AI: 6% -

{Talk to Donald Fairbanks.}
Donald Fairbanks: Vice Director Nadia! It's happening! It is happening!

Yann Toussaint: First of all, calm down, Mr. Fairbanks. Second of all, what is happening?

Donald Fairbanks: So do you remember the news which said that FBI will move their headquarters to Grimsborough City?

Yann Toussaint: I do. That was two years ago, now I'm not really sure if they-

Donald Fairbanks: Well, they finally did it! They will come here soon and place their headquarters at APHID! Isn't that great? We're going to have another investigation agency!

Yann Toussaint: So the news were true? FBI will be here soon?

Donald Fairbanks: Yes! Everyone in APHID are celebrating right now!

Yann Toussaint: Wait. You keep saying APHID, Mr. Fairbanks. Is that a short or...?

Donald Fairbanks: It's a short, considering that the district has a very long name. Ackerman's Politic & Historical Ivory District.

Donald Fairbanks: Well, here's my problem. As a district controller myself, I need to get back to my district to organize the welcoming party for them, but the thing is, the tickets for the BAD-HoS bullet train were already sold out! That's my only way home! I'm doomed!

Yann Toussaint: Well, fear not, Mr. Fairbanks! We'll set up your tickets now!


Yann Toussaint: Nadia, I remember that your latest victim had two tickets for BAD-HoS bullet train. Maybe if we retrieve it, we can give them to Mr. Fairbanks?

Yann Toussaint: Well, we wouldn't know unless we check among his possessions, and maybe he left something at the launch party! Let's go, Nadia!

- AI: 12% -

{Investigate: Victim's Apartment}
Roxie Sparks: That's Brad's phone in your hands, Nadia. I recognized the wallpaper.

Roxie Sparks: Goddammit. He changed the password. Well, I'll leave it to ya, Nadia.

- AI: 17% -

{Investigate: Launch Party Location}
Yann Toussaint: Jackpot! That's the victim's suitcase! Time to get our hands dirty!

- AI: 22% -

{Examine: Victim's Phone}
Roxie Sparks: Alright, now let's-

Roxie Sparks: ........

Roxie Sparks: Great. It ran out of battery.

Roxie Sparks: Well, time to go to the IT lab then. Come on, Nadia!

- AI: 28% -

{Examine: Victim's Suitcase}
Yann Toussaint: Oh, hey! That's the tickets I was talking about!

Yann Toussaint: The only problem is, it had Brad's name on it. Surely we cannot give this to Mr. Fairbanks? That will be a bomb!

Yann Toussaint: Oh, right! Diego is the team's master forger! He can help us forge the ticket for Mr. Fairbanks! Let's send this to him!

- AI: 34% -

{Result Ready: Victim's Phone}
Alex Turner: I... was the prototype like three stacks on that CD...

Lars Douglas: An example of the perfect candidate...

Roxie Sparks: Oi, is that All Time Low? You guys like that song?

Lars Douglas: Why, yes! This single is so popular everywhere on this city!

Roxie Sparks: Whoa! I like the song, too! What a coincidence!

Roxie Sparks: Anyways, Alex, what did you find on Brad's phone?

Alex Turner: So, aside from some missed calls, digital blueprints and some photos of Annie, there's nothing much.

Alex Turner: Or at least that's what I thought until Hannah came in and show me something. She snatched the phone for me and turned it off and on.

Alex Turner: And guess what happened next. There's a virus hacking the system and entirely shutting down the phone!

Roxie Sparks: Whoa, who would do such a thing?

Alex Turner: I don't know, so I tried to look for the virus type on the database, but sadly no luck, which indicates that this virus was man-made, or here, code-made!

Alex Turner: Well, I know for a fact that code-made virus can only be transferred to a phone by having full access to it. Maybe someone whose Brad trusted too much?

Roxie Sparks: Well, we know for sure who his most trusted friend was: Darius Rosewood!

Roxie Sparks: He needs to explain this asap!

- AI: 39% -

{Result Ready: Train Ticket}
Diego Del Lobo: Bonjour, fellow visitors. Tonight shall be your greatest time in your entire life. As the wind blows, as the water flows, as the sun rises, my magic flows into your soul, and my cards fold, following the sounds of wonders.

Yann Toussaint: It's best not to interrupt him, Nadia. He thought we're here to see his show.

Diego Del Lobo: This world, it goes around and around. A baby was born, then grew into an adult, then got married and having kids, the adult got sick and died, next time the parents' children grew up and live a life continuing theirs. The wheel keeps spinning, the cycle keeps going, there is no end in everything.

Diego Del Lobo: Nature is the harmony of the world. It teached so many things to us humans. Air filled a room. Mountains stand still. Water flows. A leaf fell from its tree, with a smooth and elegant move.

Diego Del Lobo: Peace and quiet is what life desired from us. Like peace when we saw the clouds filling the sky by day and the stars filling the sky by night.

Diego Del Lobo: We've always admire the beauty of life, and so is life that always admire the wonders of humanity. However we see the nature, even a single leaf can teach us many things. That, is the essence of life. My magics flew into the direction, and it won't stop unless I say so.

Diego Del Lobo: Thank you.

Yann Toussaint: Wow, for a second there, I thought we are in another place! That's actually a good show, Diego!

Diego Del Lobo: Why, merci, mon ami. I've been practicing for my magic show tomorrow, as you can see...

Diego Del Lobo: But of course, forging things are the first in my notes and... I assume this is yours?

Yann Toussaint: Wow, you didn't even miss a single detail! Good job, Diego!

Diego Del Lobo: No need, Monsieur. As you can see, I am the master forger! Now go give it to Mr. Fairbanks before it's too late!

Yann Toussaint: Sure thing! Nadia, let's find Mr. Fairbanks!

- AI: 45% -

{Ask Darius Rosewood about the digital virus on the victim's phone.}
Darius Rosewood: Oh, hey, Vice Director Nadia! I wanna say thank you for arresting Brad's killer. Whoa, I didn't expect Annie to kill her own boyfriend! How could her?

Roxie Sparks: Well, Vice Director Nadia sure did a great job, man! Like, the best detective ever!

Roxie Sparks: Anyways, here is Brad's phone. Uhh... We don't know what happened with it, but our security engineer said that it got hacked by a code-made virus.

Darius Rosewood: Oh... well...

Roxie Sparks: A very obvious question but I'm gonna ask it anyway. Did you do it, Darius?

Darius Rosewood: ......

Darius Rosewood: Yes. I did it.

Darius Rosewood: I swear, I didn't know it was that powerful! That's my first time coding a digital virus!

Roxie Sparks: Well, what's done is done. Also, Annie told us that she wasn't even intended to kill her boyfriend. That exploded VR headset was meant for you.

Darius Rosewood: For me? Pssh, you gotta be kidding. Annie would never. Or would she?

Roxie Sparks: Unfortunately, she was. She said it herself.

Darius Rosewood: What? Why the f*ck would she do that?

Roxie Sparks: Well, for you being a monster...? I mean, we saw one of your GlamTube video where you almost turn Brad into a human AI.

Darius Rosewood: Yeah, so? It's not like it would took his sanity away! Don't believe me? Then check my workshop! I ain't no monster!

Roxie Sparks: Well then, as you wish, Mr. Rosewood.

Roxie Sparks: I'll take it from here, Nadia. Here, go get yourself some midnight snack or something.

- Reward: 2000 Coins -

- AI: 54% -

{Give the ticket to Donald Fairbanks.}
Yann Toussaint: Mr. Fairbanks! We've got the ticket!

Donald Fairbanks: Wow! I never thought there's still one left! How did you find it? And, you're not faking it, right?

Yann Toussaint: Of course not, sir... It's actually Brad's, but he couldn't use it anymore, so...

Donald Fairbanks: Ah, I see. Well, I'll take this. Thank you for helping me, Vice Director Nadia!

Donald Fairbanks: Oh, from our last meeting, I saw you admiring my golf stick, Vice Director Nadia. Perhaps you'll fancy some golf thingies of your own?

- Reward: Pixelated Golf Visor [5000 Coins] -

Yann Toussaint: Well, since we're done with Mr. Fairbanks, I might as well tell you how I and the others got to New Grimsborough.

Yann Toussaint: Since you and Amy defeated Tesla seven years ago, Pacific Bay became quiet as a forest. No more crimes, no more druggies, no more street racing, and that drove Andrea crazy, so she decided to retire from her job.

Yann Toussaint: Then as five years ago, two years after Andrea retired, Hannah wanted to reunite with the others again, and that lead to this idea where she got so much tickets for us for going to New Grimsborough. She said she wanted us to be together forever. Andrea, Honorable Dante and I disagreed with her, but the others agreed with Hannah's plan, and now here we are, working at another police force. Same thing, but bigger headquarters.

Yann Toussaint: And the same thing happened with Chief Ripley and her workers too. Seems like Elliot and Hannah shared the same mind, but I'll have it on vault for now.

Yann Toussaint: So what are we going to do now?

Yann Toussaint: Oh, hey, is that Jill?

Jill Benson: Oh, c'mon... It's unreachable...

Yann Toussaint: Looks like she's busy fixing the claw machine, Nadia. Let's see if we can help her with something!

- AI: 59% -

{Seek help for Jill Benson.}
Yann Toussaint: Whoa, what happened here?

Jill Benson: This stupid claw machine isn't working! I'm trying to get whatever is inside the mechanism that made it stuck on place!

Yann Toussaint: Something's stuck there? Oh well, I forgot to bring any light source... I'll call Elliot.


Elliot Clayton: What's happening?

Yann Toussaint: Something's stuck inside that claw machine.

Elliot Clayton: Really? Lemme see.

Elliot Clayton: Outta my way, girl.

Jill Benson: Fine.

Elliot Clayton: Hmm...

Elliot Clayton: I found it! It's a... medium-size ladybug?

Jill Benson: Who the f*ck would put a f*cking ladybug inside my claw machine?! That's one flying sh*t!

Elliot Clayton: Oi! Come back!

Yann Toussaint: It's somewhere around the entrance! Let's get it!

- AI: 65% -

{Investigate: Arcade Entrance}
Yann Toussaint: A-ha! I gotchu, little guy!

Elliot Clayton: Wait, don't you see the odds of this device? Look underneath it. There's a digital lock.

Yann Toussaint: That is strange... Can you unlock it for us, Nadia?

- AI: 72% -

{Examine: Fake Ladybug}
Yann Toussaint: Is that the DreamLife's symbol?

Elliot Clayton: Now I remember! This is an exclusive Spring mini spy camera made by DreamLife! I'm surprised there's still one left, it could be a starter for my camera collection!

Yann Toussaint: Jill, any explanation?

Jill Benson: I don't know anything! Ask my father! He's the CEO after all!

Yann Toussaint: I mean, there could be an accidental reason. Alright, Elliot, go back to the headquarters while me and Nadia will go find Mr. Benson.

- AI: 80% -

{Ask Peter Benson about the spy camera inside Jill's claw machine.}
Yann Toussaint: Mr. Benson, sorry we have to interrupt you again. Don't worry, there's no murder that involve you.

Peter Benson: Don't worry, my service is always available for the Grimsborough PD! How can I help you this time?

Yann Toussaint: So, we found this limited edition Spring ladybug mini spy camera inside your daughter's claw machine at the West Arcade.

Peter Benson: What? That's impossible! That device was sold out almost so long ago, and the last purchase was done almost two months ago!

Yann Toussaint: Wait, maybe whoever did the last purchase accidentally lost his spy camera and it went to the West Arcade! Can you tell us who was the last that bought the device?

Peter Benson: Ah... That I can't help you. I didn't even handle marketing. But my marketing manager will lend you her notebook for checking. Right, Evelyn?

Yann Toussaint: Thank you, Mr. Benson! Nadia, I'll grab your dusting kit!

Peter Benson: Oh, while you're on your way to her office, make sure to grab yourself some snack, and don't worry, first one's on me, Vice Director Nadia!

- Reward: 1* Burger -

- AI: 90% -

{Examine: Notebook}
Yann Toussaint: This is the list of the buyers that bought the exact same device, Nadia! We've hit the jackpot!

Yann Toussaint: Let's see... Trixie Kyle, Henry Larson, some random person named Roxie Sparks, Thomas Black, Elliot...

Yann Toussaint: And the last one is... Carl Ackerman?! He's the last buyer?!

Peter Benson: Ah, yes! I remember when he came and bought the last camera, he payed almost five million dollars for it! Can you imagine?

Yann Toussaint: So this spy camera belongs to him! Thank you for your help, Mr. Benson!

Peter Benson: Anytime! Like I said, my service is always available!

{Back at the headquarters...}
Yann Toussaint: Hey, Roxie.

Roxie Sparks: Hey there, Yann, Nadia. So how's the problem with Mr. Fairbanks?

Yann Toussaint: Don't worry, we had it on lock! He's now able to go to his district in time!

Yann Toussaint: Eh, I don't know if you never heard of the news, but FBI will be moving their main headquarters to New Grimsborough soon, at APHID specifically.

Roxie Sparks: So we're going to have two federal agencies in the city? Wow, this world got even crazier by the day!

Roxie Sparks: Anyways, I just got back from Darius' workshop. Unfortunately, there's nothing there that can be used to prove Annie's statement.

Yann Toussaint: Don't worry, Roxie, at least that's one case solved.

Roxie Sparks: You're right, though. I'll tell Honorable Dante about it, also went home after a long night. See you guys tomorrow!

Yann Toussaint: Alright, Nadia, let's report to Chief Parker.


Diane Parker: So, how was the case? Was Darius involved?

Yann Toussaint: Unfortunately, there's no evidence that we can used against Darius, Ma'am. Roxie confirmed it.

Diane Parker: Of course, that's so stupid. Just let Annie locked up for now.

Diane Parker: What about Mr. Fairbanks?

Yann Toussaint: We managed to get him home in time! And that also confirmed the news of the FBI moving their headquarters to New Grimsborough!

Diane Parker: Wait, like a permanent move? Oh god, Ray must be celebrating in APHID right now!

Yann Toussaint: He should be. And uhh... Ma'am, not to be talkative, but any chance you know Carl Ackerman?

Diane Parker: Why, of course I know him! Everyone in New Grimsborough speaks highly about him!

Diane Parker: So, he's a detective that have the master rank as his current detective rank in the FBI, and he's the only one with such rank, although he only got it one year ago, after one and a half year working at the FBI.

Yann Toussaint: Imagine working and got each rank in just halfway through the year. Dude's speed running.

Diane Parker: He's not getting each rank. He got the master rank in just one single promotion, after his success in stealing a corrupted file from Darkville Pictures organization.

Diane Parker: But one day after his promotion, he was never seen again until 2022 approached the city.

Diane Parker: So luckily, he's still alive and you found his camera, which means Mr. Ackerman must be somewhere in Benson Arcade District!

Diane Parker: Hold on, my phone is ringing.

Diane Parker: This is Parker.

[On the telephone]

???: Diane Parker?

Diane Parker: Wait, I recognized your voice! Are you-

Carl Ackerman: Carl Ackerman? Then yes.

Diane Parker: Wh- what do you want, sir?

Carl Ackerman: Nothing. Do you think I didn't hear what you said in your office?

Diane Parker: ....I forgot about the camera.

Carl Ackerman: Let's not be long. I'm arranging a meeting for Vice Director Nadia and the partner, tomorrow, at Fairview Spa & Gym.

Carl Ackerman: And they better be coming, or else there's no point in me making the meeting.

Diane Parker: Umm... Okay then. What about the-

Diane Parker: Oh, he cut it off...

[End of telephone]

Diane Parker: Okay, Nadia, Yann, why don't you go home and rest? Tomorrow will be even more busy.

Yann Toussaint: Exactly what I was about to suggest! Thank you, Chief!

Yann Toussaint: You too, Nadia! You should go home and get some rest! Good night!

- AI: Complete! -

Case #2 coming soon!

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