The Immortal Prince ✔️

By Midika

535K 18.6K 1.4K

"Tomorrow, we don't have to speak of this again." I hardly know what I'm asking. I just know I want whatever... More



9K 260 6
By Midika

Word Count: 1429


Dragging my wary body from the hot spring, I wrap a towel around me.

It's been an exhausting week. Hale has kept me busy almost every waking moment, but I'm not complaining. For the first time in a long time I feel genuinely happy.

I have my mate, a place to live that I've truly come to love, and Eyla has been coming to visit often.

But there is one looming issue I can't shake off.

Keo. And our foolish bargain that I need to get out of soon, before he calls on me for more of my blood.

The door opens and Hale walks in, looking tense. I sent him out today with a solution in mind. There is no guarantee it is going to work, but Keo will be expecting me soon.

"Any luck?" I ask softly.

Hale nods grimly. "Relm agreed to meet with you, like you asked."

I smile, relieved. It's not as if it solves all my problem, but it's the start I need. This time, however, I'm going to have to make sure I don't end up in a position where he has the power over me again.

"You don't look as happy about this as I am," I say, leaning down to grab my clothing.

"You cannot trust him. He does not do anything that doesn't benefit him," he says, watching as I drop my towel and start dressing myself again.

I roll my eyes. "Lucky this benefits him then."

"I'm being serious. I don't want him to hurt you again," Hale says weakly. He's trying to keep hard front, but I can see behind his eyes that he's struggling to accept this, just like with Keo.

I grab his hands. "I think I'm right about this, and if Relm really wants to save the passage between realm's, he will listen to me."

"What if he kills you afterwards?"

I sigh through my nose. Maybe he will, but for some reason, after I met him, I don't actually believe it."

"Believe it or not, Relm actually seemed to have a conscience. He was affected by me dying so much so that he had to leave the room. I believe he thought he was doing the right thing," I explain slowly.

Hale frowns, staring at me as if I've gone insane.

"You're telling me that the man who I've known from centuries ago that was cruel and vicious suddenly has feelings?" he questions.

"May I remind you that everyone current thinks you, the Immortal Prince, is pure evil and cannot be trusted," I tell him, folding my arms over my chest.

Obviously I don't believe that now, but were I to make any more friends, I would be cautious about introducing my mate to them.

Hale sighs dramatically. "I'm only really nice to you, and Eyla is an extension of that. Relm has no allegiance to you."

"Maybe he will, if I help him."

Hale runs his hand down his face, thinking. I tap my foot impatiently, not wanting to have to do this without him wanting it too.

"Alright fine. But I have to be there," he eventually conceedes.

Grinning, I stand on my tip-toes and kiss his cheek. "Thank you. From now on, I'm not going to be pawn in Keo's game."


We ultimately chose a place in Hale's territory to meet Relm.

I'm the one who pointed to an intimate lounge that has people nearby, but not close enough to hear our conversation, or to look and see the strange people who are gathering to talk.

I'm not sure why, but I presumed I would be seeing Relm's face for the first time today, however, upon arrival, he was sitting in the corner amidst the shadows, only the lower half of his body is visible.

"You must be hideously disfigured to want to keep your face hidden," I say jokingly, although part of me is probing to see his motivation behind keeping anonymous.

"It's been a long time since anyone has seen my face," he responds in the calm, cold voice of his. "I doubt even Hale remembers what I look like."

My mate shrugs. "It's lost on me, after all these years."

I can feel Relm's gaze shift to me. "Well, Vaela, you are brave having this meeting with me, considering you evaded my capture by befriending Keo."

"Keo and I are not friends. I wouldn't be here if we were," I assure him.

That point doesn't matter, but it doesn't sit right with me having someone think I am friends with a person as messed up as Keo.

"Why are you here then?" he asks.

I take in a deep breath, steeling myself for his reaction.

"You need to understand that I had to make a deal with Keo to get me out of there. I mean, you were trying to kill me, and I can prove that it was unjustified," I tell him quickly, afraid he will lose interest and kill me right here, in front of my mate and all.

Relm paitently taps his fingers against the arm of the chair. "Go on then. I'll entertain this."

"How are you sure that Keo coming into this realm through another is not what is causing the problem you were talking about?" I ask.

I have no evidence to prove my point, but it makes sense in my mind.

"I'm not certain for that. However, I move Keo here myself," Relm explains. "He does some work for me as a result, and is very valuable to me."

"Sure, but what if I'm right. I only stepped into Hale's pond a couple months ago. How long has this actually been a problem?" I ask, starting to get anxious that I am wrong with that.

Relm goes silent for a moment. "The issue began over a year ago. I figured you were hiding your little secret for that long."

My breath hitches. It's nearly impossible to keep the excitment off my face. I think I'm right about this...

"When did you start bringing Keo here?"

"Over a year ago."

I nearly shoot out of my seat. "See! You're bringing somewhere here who doesn't belong. That is the problem. You need to keep him in his own realm and away from me."

Maybe I shouldn't have added that part, but I can't help myself...

Relm remains silent for a disturbing amount of time. I can't tell if he doesn't want me to be right, or whether he doesn't believe it to be possible at all.

"I can remove him and see if that works," he eventually sighs. "But if it doesn't work, you cannot hide from me forever."

Grinning, I glance at Hale. He doesn't look as pleased as I am, clearly not certain I'm right about this, but I know deep inside that this has to work. I've had enough bad luck to last me a life time, so something has to work out for me.

"I can assure you, Relm, that you will be pleased with your results," I tell him assuredly.

Before I can stand up though, Relm clears his throat.

"You should know that even if I am successful, Keo is resourceful. I doubt he is pleased about having to use me as a way of getting here and back, so I'm certain he is working on a way of getting here himself. If he figures it out, he may come back to kill you," Relm warns coolly.

I glance at Hale, who frowns. "She won't have to worry about that. I'll kill Keo myself if I have to."

Relm sighs, waving his hand around dismissively. It's as if I can see him roll his eyes.

"Whatever you say, Immortal."

"Thank you Relm, for not killing me," I say, getting to my feet, anxious to leave this place and get along with my life already.

"You are not out of danger yet, Vaela. Remember that," he mutters. "Although I will admit, hurting you...hurting anyone is not something I take enjoyment out of."

I nod. I figured.

"Goodbye, Relm." I back away, keeping my eyes on him, or the shadows that shroud him anyway.

He doesn't say anymore, although I feel his eyes on my back as I walk from the door, silently praying that for once, I'm right about this.


As always, the story will be available 10 chapters ahead on Radish!!!

You can also find it on GoodNovel (:


~Midika 💜🐼

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