Half Fire & Ice meets Hydra-N...

由 EllyAizawa

126 2 61

This is about a girl named Elly who joins U.A. in Japan a month late. She's a bit shy. But when she first se... 更多

The Beginning. Chapter 1:
The BIG Question/The Panic Attack. Chapter 3:
The Emotional Talks, and Grocery Shopping Disasters. Chapter 4:
The Truth Comes Out, Meetings, and Visiting Rei Todoroki. Chapter 5:
The Confession, Meltdown Leading to Nezu, and Visiting Tensei Iida. Chapter 6:
Getting to know you, and a Surprise. Chapter 7:
Talks About The Past, and IMMENSE News. Chapter 8:
Cousins??, Tests, and Talks About Adoption Chapter 9:
Discussing the problem at hand, UA SF P1, & Finding Family. Chapter 10:
UA Sports Festival P2, and Court days. Chapter 11:
Hangouts, Encounter Confinements, & A Special Announcement. Chapter 12:
Secrets & Back To America. Chapter 13:
This Is Not Goodbye & Finding Family pt 2. Chapter 14:
Rori Shuzenji, Dorms(+ rules), & Izu's Quirk Backstory. Chapter 15:
Intern decisions & Visiting Tensei again (+ additions). Chapter 16:
The Dorm Chaos Starts & Disabilities. Chapter 17:

Old Friends and Hero Training with Bakugo. (Gone Wrong.) Chapter 2:

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由 EllyAizawa

(A/N: Sorry about the a/n's ik they're annoying but still i feel i should put them smtms. TY. On w/ the story.)

They were all sitting at the counter, talking, and eating an American dish that Hizashi made. It was hamburgers and fries with whatever dipping sauce they wanted.

"So~;" Yamada starts. "How was your first day little listener?!" He asks excitedly.

"U-umm g-goo-od..."

'That's great. Did you get a lot of homework?" He inquired.

"Y-yea a-a b-it..." She says softly.

"Mmm.." He muses. "Knowing the old man here, he probably gave you a ton huh?"

"Hizashi Yamada!!" he yells but still tries to keep it low so as to not scare her. "We are literally the SaMe AgE!!"

Yamada laughs and Shota sneers.

"Lighten up~! Will ya Sho~?" Yamada comments.

Shota just scoffs.

And the whole time she just sat there quietly observing them and eating her food.


After that she did her homework with help from them both although she didn't really need help from Hizashi with her English since she's been speaking English as long as she's been speaking Japanese.


Later it was time for Hizashi to leave.

"Bye guys~!" He shouts.

"B-by-e..." Elly says.

"Mhm see you tomorrow Hizashi." Aizawa states monotonously.


After Yamada left, Elly took a shower to get ready for bed. When she came out she noticed she had a notification.

"Who's this?" She thinks. "Oh! It's Todoroki!"

Todoroki ❄️🔥 @ 7:05 PM

-"Hey Elly. It's Todoroki. Just wanted to know if you got home ok and wanted to see how you were doing."-

Shoto is in his room playing on his phone when he receives a text.

Elly 👻👀😺🐺 @ 7:15 PM

-"Oh... hey. Yea... I got home ok. I'm fine, ty. Hru?"-

Todoroki ❄️🔥 @ 7:15 PM

-"That's good. I'm alr. So, wud?"-

Elly 👻👀😺🐺 @ 7:15 PM

-"Umm... currently nth... y? Wbu?"-

Todoroki ❄️🔥 @ 7:16 PM

-"Oh, ok. Nth just playing a game on my phone. I wondered bcuz, I wanted to see if u could call?"-

Elly 👻👀😺🐺 @ 7:16 PM

-"Oh, I- umm sure... I don't have to go to bed 4 awhile anyhow."-

Todoroki ❄️🔥 @ 7:16 PM

-"Ok cool. I'll call you then."-

Todoroki then presses the call button on the top right of her name.

*Calling Elly 👻👀😺🐺*

Elly looks at her phone and it says, *Todoroki❄️🔥calling* She picks up.

*"H-hell-o To-d-dor-ok-ki..."*


There were a few moments of silence before Todoroki said. *"If you want, you can just call me Shoto, I mean it's only fair since I say Elly instead of Sora."*

*"U-umm o-ok..."*

It goes on like that with small talk until Todoroki makes a joke and she starts laughing hard.

Shota was just about to knock even though the door slightly ajar when he heard her laughing. He was shocked.

*"S-sho-t-to!"* She says breaking up his name. Not out of nervousness or shyness but because she's laughing. *"Th-that's the w-wor-st j-jok-ke I've ev-er he-ard-d!!"* She says still laughing.

Shota smiles to himself and thinks, "My 2 most quiet students... hmmm... they seem to be good for each other, maybe they'll start opening up more..." He then walks away to let them be.

*"But, it worked right~?" Todoroki says with a smirk that even though she can't see it, she can hear it and imagine."*

*"Oh, hush!"* She says.

*"Hmm... I'd like to see you do better~."* He says a bit cheekily.

Then there was silence.

After a few seconds he says. *"Mhm~. That's what I thought~!"*

Then they both start laughing again.

*"Y-you-r s-so c-cru-l!"*

*"Haha. Maybe so, but it made you laugh~!"*

*"Hmph. Maybe I should hang up on you~!"* She says playfully.

*"If you do that;"* He starts. *"Then I'll just keep calling you ALL nIgHt~!"*

She sighs. *"Fine, fine. I won't."*

""Thought so."* He said in a mocking voice.

*"Hmph!"* was all she said.


They had been talking and laughing for a while and had switched to a video call when an old ghost friend of Elly's appeared in her room.

"Elly~!" The ghost friend whispers.

Elly whips her head around and then sees her, her best friend that she's had ever since she got her quirks. She was so surprised when she saw her she actually started crying because she hadn't seen her friend since a while before the incident.

*"Elly?! Why are you crying?!"* Todoroki asked, concerned.

She holds up a finger out of camera view to her ghost friend and says in a wobbly voice, *"O-on-ne o-of m-my o-old-d f-fri-en-nds I-I h-ha-ven-n't s-s-e-en i-in a w-whi-le j-jus-st s-show-wed u-up..."* She has a smile on her face.

*"Just showed up?"* Todoroki asks. *"But I didn't hear anyone..."*

"That's because I'm a ghost idiot!!" Elly's friend yells although he can't hear her.

*"Th-that-ts b-bec-caus-se s-she's a-a g-gho-st..."* Elly repeats but leaves out the 'idiot' part.

*"OH~!"* Todoroki says in realization and face palms. *"I'm an idiot. Sorry. Anyways I should probably let you go then. I wouldn't want you to miss your own reunion haha."*

*"I-it's o-ok. B-bye. T-tal-k t-to y-you t-tom-mar-row."*

*"Oh!"* Todoroki says. *"I almost forgot, I was wondering if it's ok if I can pick you up for school tomorrow?"*

*"U-ummm..."* She starts. *"I-I'd ha-ave t-to t-tal-k t-to m-my g-gard-dia-n a-abou-t-t th-at-t..."*

*"Ok just text me later when you find out."*

*"O-ok. B-bye Sh-shot-to!"* She says waving to the camera.

*"Bye!"* He says doing the same.

Then the call ends.

"L-li-ly!!" Elly calls. She hugs her best friend. "W-whe-re w-we-re y-you?! Y-yo-ou kn-know-w h-ho-w I-I g-get-t!" She sobs.

Lily strokes her head in between her ears while holding her in a hug with the other arm.

"I know, I know. But you know I had to leave for a while..."

"H-how-w'd y-you f-fi-ind-d m-me?" Elly asks.

"Did you forget silly? The necklace. Remember?" Lily says a bit playfully.

"O-oh r-right." Elly says. Then in a soft, sniffly, broken voice adds, "T-th-they-'re g-go-ne L-lil-y." She hiccups. Like how she always does when she's too upset. "Th-they're -hiccup- a-all-l g-go-on-e!! -hiccup-" She sobs.

"I know girly, but maybe you'll see them one day." Lily says trying to be optimistic for her best friend's well being and still stroking her head.

They're both sitting on the side of Elly's bed just sitting in silence besides Elly's sobs when Shota knocks on the door frame.

"Elly?" He asks coming in. When he sees her crying he rushes over and sits on her bed where Lily was. And even though he can't see her she still disappeared until tomorrow or in a few days. Whichever comes first.

What's wrong he says pulling her in for a hug which she greatly accepts and she cries into his shoulder. She's crying so hard it shakes her whole body.

"T-th-they-'re -hiccup- g-go-ne." She repeats. "Th-they're -hiccup- a-all-l g-go-on-e!! -hiccup-" She sobs harder and he tries to calm her.

"Ssshhhh~ It's ok. I'm here for you. And I'm sure the other teachers and the students are too." He says. Then adds, "And I'm sure especially Todoroki too huh~?" He says teasingly.

Her sobs start to subside but she blushes a deep red.

"S-spe-eak-kin-g o-of S-sho-t-to... h-he a-ask-ked i-if h-he c-cou-ld p-pi-ick-k m-me u-up t-tom-mar-ro-w..."

"Sure, why not?" Aizawa says sweetly.

"R-real-ly?!" She asks excitedly.

"I haven't lied to you have I?"

"W-we-ll..." She starts but he interrupts.

"My logical ruses don't count" He states.

"Th-en n-no..." she says.

"Alright then. How bout we go watch some T.V hm?"

She nods. And they go to the living room and both Snowball and Shadow curl up on her as she pets them. They aren't just normal cats, they were also trained to sense emotions and calm people down or get someone who can. Although the ironic part is Shota has had them for a year so he didn't even know Elly.


After about 2 hours Shota decided they should call it a night and now she's in her room. Shota Told her that she could tell Todoroki to come by at 6:50 so they have time to get breakfast plus he wants to see the shocked look on his students face although he kept that bit to himself.

Elly 👻👀😺🐺 @ 10:05 P.M

-"Hey. Ik it's late but, you can come tmrw. He said if you want u can come @ like 6:50 er smtn so we can get breakfast ig..."-

Todoroki's phone dings with a sweet soft melody he set for Elly right as he enters the room. He reads the text.

Todoroki ❄️🔥 @ 10:05 P.M

-"Alr. Wut's the adrss?"-

Elly 👻👀😺🐺 @ 10:05 P.M

-"Oh, it's (A/N I actually don't know I've never read nor watched the REAL thing just been told a bunch/read fanfics sooo yea I tried to look it up butttt idk.) XXXX-xxxxx-XX-XXX."-

Todoroki ❄️🔥 @ 10:06 P.M

-"Alr. See you tmrw. Sweet dreams. 🍦😴💭"-

Elly 👻👀😺🐺 @ 10:05 P.M

-"Mk. U 2! 😴💭🍡"-

They both put their phones away and go to bed.

"Hmmm... Shoto's so sweet..." She says dreamily.

Snowball comes and jumps on her bed and says "Merrow~!"

"Hey girl." She says petting her. "Here to keep me company?"

"Merow~!" She almost seemed to agree. She curls up next to Elly and almost instantly falls asleep.


That night Elly didn't really sleep that well. Too busy thinking of Todoroki. But, gets ready nonetheless.

She heads to the kitchen where she knew Shota would be, and of course preparing coffee.

"Hey kid." He says without turning around. "How'd you sleep?" He asks now, turning around.

"Umm o-ok I-I gu-ess-s..."

"Hmm..." He ponders for a second looking her over and seeing the eyebags. "Looks like you need some of the strong stuff~." He says teasingly pointing to the coffee pot behind him.

"Eeeewww~~!!!" She says, then sticks her tongue out.

"If you keep doing that then I'll pour it on your tongue~!"

She stops. "Hmph." Then a light knock comes from the door and they both look at the clock then the door. It's 6:45.

Shota walks over trying to hide his grin as Elly stays out of view for the most part in the kitchen. He opens the door to Todoroki.

Todoroki looks at his teacher wide-eyed and shocked then notices Elly in the kitchen as she grabs her bag on the stool and says, "S-surp-pri-ise~...?"

"V-ve-ery." Todoroki stutters for the first time that she's met him and that was only yesterday.

Shota laughs. "Well you two better be off if you're gonna be early enough to get breakfast.

Todoroki just nodded, still shocked.

Elly pets the cats and walks over to them with a small smile.

Todoroki snaps out of it sorta and says, "Y-you uhh... You look nice..."

She places her left hand in a fist over her mouth as she dips her head while her smile grows and she blushes deeply and looks up at him through her bangs.

"Th-than-nks. Y-you t-too-o.." She says shyly.

"Alright kids, you better go to your date before you don't have any time~." Shota says in a teasing manner smirking.

"H-hey!!" She says trying to sound mad. "I-it's n-not a-a d-dat-te!!" She pouts because she knows that the stuttering isn't helping her argument and neither is the deeper shade of blush she along with Todoroki are wearing.

Todoroki just takes her arm gently and starts to pull her like he's done twice before.

Shota just waves them off and says loud enough to hear, "Have fun you two~!!"


Once they were outside on the sidewalk Elly says, "S-sorr-y a-ab-bout-t h-hi-m..."

"It's- it's uh... it's fine..." He says uncertainly. "Umm... a-anyways... There's a cafe that's on the way to school if you wanna go..? I mean we don't have to, I just thought because it's closer and uhh... yea..." He says nervously. Something he hasn't been in a long time if ever. "Stop it Shoto! It's just like she said it's not a date!! So SNAP OuT of IT!!" He meantally scolds himself.

"I-it's f-fine." She says softly that most wouldn't hear. But, he did and even though he just meantally scolded himself he couldn't stop thinking that she's so sweet and cute. And that he would do anything, yes ANYTHING for this girl even if he just met her. Neither of them know it but they've both fallen head over heels for each other and they both seem to be oblivious about it. (For now at least 😉)


They got to the cafe and they ordered their food and drinks but they were having a small quiet argument that only they and the cashier could hear.

"I-I c-can p-pay f-for m-my ow-n-n s-stuf-f!!" She said quietly and nervously.

"Let me pay for it. I insist. It's honestly not a big deal."

N-No." She stutters, turning to her bag for a second to pull out her wallet but just then she hears the cash register ring and looks up.

"Too slow~." He teases.

She sighs and puts her wallet back as the cashier says. "Your orders will come shortly. Have a good day."

"Thank you." Todoroki says and leads Elly to a table.

"Y-you d-didn't h-hav-ve t-to p-pay." She says.

"Your right I didn't HAVE to, I WANTED to." He says back emphasizing some of his words.

She looks down and blushes her bangs falling over her face again. "Th-thank y-you." She comments.

"You're welcome." He says sweetly.


After a while he looks up at the clock on the wall. It read 7:10. They had to be at school by 7:25. Luckily the cafe is only a 5 min walk to the school.

"Hey, we should probably get going." He states casually

."I-isn-n't e-ear-l-ly..?" She questions.

"Oh, sorry. I usually leave early so I don't have to deal with traffic and what-not. We can stay if you want." He says calmly.

N-no no. I-it's fi-ne." She says tiredly, smiling.

He stands up and throws their trash away.

"Do you want a coffee or something? You look tired." He inquires.

"U-umm n-no... I-I d-don't l-lik-ke c-coff-ee..." She says also hoping to get away from him paying again.

"Hmm.." He says. "How about I order you something and if you like it you have to do something with or for me. Sounds fair?" He challenges.

"A-and i-if I d-don't?" She questions back.

"Then the same rule applies. I'll do something with or for you." He says smoothly as if he knew she would ask that.

"O-ok..." She accepts.

He goes to the cashier and orders a Buutterbeer frap with extra whipped cream. (A/N yes like the one starbucks has on the secret menu but i've never tried it. Also I hate coffee so yk add myself into this. I added an extra letter so I don't get demonetized if that's how it works no clue. And if you don't know it doesn't really have beer. It's like how root beer doesnt have it either.)

"It should be done soon. Thank you and come back soon!" The cashier says.

After a few minutes it's finished and he gives it to her.

"Th-thanks." She says and then tries it. "Mmm~!" She hums.

"Good?" He asks with a smirk as they walk out.

"Gue-ss you'll h-have to w-wait." She says.


They got to the class and were talking at their desks while she drank her drink and some students started filing in.

"So is it good?" He asks again looking to his left at her.

"Guess you'll have to find out for yourself." She says. By this time all the students were there talking amongst themselves waiting for Aizawa.

"Ok~" He said with a smirk and took her drink and drank some of it himself.

"Wha- TH-THAT-T'S N-NOT-T W-WH-A-T I M-MEANT-T!!" She shouts blushing a very very deep red.

Everyone is now staring at her and now she puts her head on her desk groaning.

"Do you want it back?" He asks, ignoring everyone's stares.

"N-no." she mumbles into the desk.

Shota walks in and wonders what everyone is staring at.Then looks at Elly and Todoroki.

"Do I even wanna know?" He asks in his usual monotonous voice which makes everyone but Elly jump and look up at him and Todoroki's smirking.

"Mhhhhhggggg!" Elly groans into her desk.

"Ok now i'm really curious. What happened?"

"Umm sir if I may." Iida starts. "No one knows exactly what happened except that Elly shouted at Todoroki for something."

"Which I have to add he seems completely unnerved by." Sero adds.

"Todoroki what happened?" Aizawa asks, knowing that Elly wouldn't yell unless reason. She hates loud things.

"I'll tell you later sir." He says and takes a drink of his (I mean her) drink and smirks.

"Well is whatever happened going to affect her performance? Because if you all remember we have training today.

"It shouldn't." Todoroki says.

"Oh by the way Elly I have your hero costume. It just came in this morning."

She just puts a thumbs up.

"Alright everyone, go change into your costumes. And Todoroki leave that drink here." Aizawa says.

They all except Elly get their costumes and went to change.

"They're all gone." Shota says.

She slowly lifts her head.

"Care to tell me what happened before Todoroki does?" He asks gently, walking over to her and then crouches down on one knee in front of her and puts her hero costume on the desk next to her left.

She explains stuttery and says, "W-w-ell Sh-shoto g-got-t me a d-dri-nk 'c-cau-se he sa-id I l-look-ked ti-red. A-and-d wh-en we were h-here h-he as-ask-ked me a s-sec-ond-d t-ime if I l-lik-ked it an-d I sa-id-d he'd h-have to f-find out h-hims-self-f and he S-STO-LE m-my d-drin-nk.

"Hmm... I see." Aizawa says. But do you think you'll be ok to do anything?" He asks, truly concerned due to her lack of sleep.

"M-mhm..." She hums.

"Ok." He says standing back to full height and she stands too. He hands her the costume which looks like his but has a few tweaks so it's not 100% yet. And it has blue instead of black. She'll also have a copy of his scarf but a different color.

"By the way." He starts. "The scarf is harder for them to make so you won't get that till later but you still have everything else. Now go change." He commands, giving her a small pat on the back and a bit of a shove.

She nods and heads to the girls locker room.


When she finished changing all the girls were squealing over her costume which made her blush in embarrassment.

"Umm... Th-thank y-you... B-but i-it's n-noth-thin-ng s-spe-ec-ial..."

"What do you mean?!" The pink girl gasps. "Of course it is!! It's just right for you!!"

"Yea!!" The invisible girl says.

"Th-thank-k y-you..." She stutters.

Then they all walk out to the training field.

Todoroki sees her immediately and blushes. He also takes note of how similar her hero costume is to Aizawa's.

"Nice costume." He comments when she nears him.

"Th-thank-ks." She says blushing but looks at the ground.

"I never got to ask you;" He starts and she looks up at him. "How'd your reunion with your friend go?"

"G-goo-od.." She says quietly.

"Alright class All Might should be here soon so line up."

"Do you know what we're doing?" Todoroki whispers to her.

She nods and he nods back.

"Alright. Just making sure." He adds motionlessly.

Then All Might comes and says. "NEVER FEAR!! FOR I AM HERE!!" In his loud voice which makes Elly flinch.

Todoroki gives her a small glance but doesn't say anything.

"Seriously All Might?" Aizawa asks in a monotonous voice and gives a pointed look. Also noticing Elly's reaction.

"Aww don't be a downer Aizawa, we have to get the kids pumped up." He says enthusiastically.

Aizawa just sighs and rolls his eyes.

"Alright so you all know how this works." He says and then looks down at a chart in his hands and turns to Aizawa. "I thought you said that you don't want more than 20 kids in your class?"

He rolls his eyes again and says, "This year's different."

"Ok." All Might says dropping the subject and turning back to the class. "Since there's an uneven number one of you will go against me." He says and the students get excited.

"Ok, ok settle down now." They all get quiet. Now I will read off this chart on who will go against who." And he does and it's only down to three now. Those three are: Todoroki, Bakugo, and Elly.

"Hmm... How about young Todoroki vs me and young Bakugo vs young Sora." He says.

Aizawa secretly gives All Might a death glare and thinks "If ANYTHING happens to her you're a dead man Toshinori Yagi."

Todoroki and Aizawa then look at each other sharing a worried look both hoping that nothing will happen.

"Alright let the matches begin!" All Might says.

"Listen here extra!" Bakugo shouts. "Just because you're a girl doesn't mean I'ma go easy on you!" He states. "Now lets fight!!"


After a while Bakugo had knocked Elly to the ground.

"GET UP!!" He yells. And her ears go down. But she gets up.

They do hand to hand until he blasts her forcefully into the ground causing her to hit her head and have the wind knocked out of her.

"C'MON EXTRA SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT!!" He hollars to her.

She tries to get up but everything is spinning and she can barely hear anything but the high-pitched ringing.

"C'MON!! GET UP!!" Calls Bakugo.

"Young Bakugo I think that's enough." All Might says sternly, stopping his match with Todoroki.

"NO!" He shouts right as Elly got up. "SEE SHE GOT UP!! SHE'S FINE!!"

Bakugo hits her full force now and this time she makes no effort to move.

"C'MON WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!!" He calls to her again.

This time she absolutely can't hear anything and it's scaring her. Her body's sore and darkness is slowly filling her vision.

Todoroki pounces on Bakugo and starts to punch him.

"Oh so you wanna fight extra? Let's fight!" Bakugo comments.

Aizawa rushed over to Elly and falls to his knees trying to hold back the tears.

"Elly? Elly can you hear me?" He asks worriedly knowing that Todoroki can handle himself and Bakugo. He picks her up and she's not responding.

All Might pulls both boys away from each other. "That's enough!" He says sternly.

Todoroki makes an ice path from where he is to just a few steps away from Aizawa and slides on it.

"She's got to go to recovery girl." Aizawa states and tries not to cry. He reaches for his phone.

"Don't." Todoroki says. "I can get her there faster using my ice than she can get here."

Aizawa looks down at Elly then nods, handing her to Shoto who carries her bridal style with a tight grip.

"Be careful." He says. "And if she asks you for a pass, tell her it's an emergency and when she's done, to call me if needed but I'll be on my way as soon as I possibly can." He adds.

Todoroki nods and makes an ice path and starts running.

He looks down at the limp girl in his arms. He was so ready to give Bakugo what for, right then and there and wouldn't care if he got in trouble as long as Bakugo got what he deserves. (A/N: #RESPECT 100% No One Hurts Todo's Girl And Gets Away W/ It.)


When he arrived at her office he was glad no one was there. He came to a screeching halt right outside the open door.

"Who's been running in the hallways?!" She says coming to the door. "Todoroki-" She stops mid sentence and ushers him in and points to a bed. He sets Elly down. "What happened?"

"Bakugo." He said. Figuring that in itself is enough explanation.

"Had she hit her head?" Recovery Girl asks.

"Twice." Shoto replies.

"Mmm.." The old lady muses. "She no doubt has a concussion then. And I know this may be an emergency but, why did you come without a pass?" She asks hooking up the monitor and poking some needles in. One for the I-V and the other to take blood.

He explains what Shota told him earlier.

"I see. Well I'll heal her but not fully." She says. "But first I'm going to have to take some X-rays to make sure she hasn't broken anything."

He nods seeing as that's his cue to step out.

"Before you step out could you hand me that hospital gown over there?" She points to his left.

He grabs it and gives it to her walking out and closing the door now waiting to come back in.

After a few minutes Recovery Girl opens the door and he looks at her.

"You can come in now but close the door behind you."

He does as told.

"So, is anything broken?" He asks.

Right before Recovery Girl answers, Shota bursts through the door.

"WHERE IS SHE?! IS SHE OK?!" He asks, panicked now and on the very edge of having a breakdown.

"Calm down Shota." She says patting the man's lower back, seeming as she is shorter than him and even, shorter than Shoto.

"Where is she?" He asks again.

Recovery girl sighs and knows he won't calm down unless he sees her and she shows him.

"As I told and was telling Todoroki here, she does have a concussion and a broken leg." She says.

Shota looks at Elly and runs a hand down his face. And mumbles "I knew I should have told All Might to switch it..."

"Oh, don't beat yourself up about it Shota." Recovery Girl says, trying to comfort the teacher.

Tears start to slip down his face without even realizing it. "You know very well that if i'm not careful history could repeat itself Chiyo..." He says, his voice breaking with every word.

Todoroki's shocked but says nothing.

"You know that's why I became a teacher and I don't put my students in situations they can't handle." He says sniffling.

"Yes, I know. But you've learned from the past and you make the best of it. I believe in you and so do those students." She says comfortingly, giving him a small box of tissues he greatly accepts.

"Do you still plan on telling her tonight?" She inquires and Todoroki raises an eyebrow.

"Yes, if she's not too out of it."

"Mmm. Good. You know though Shota, that this boy really is something special?"

"I know Chiyo. I know." He says.

"Don't let him slip away if you know what's best for her."

He nods.

Todoroki looks at both of them with a mix of shock and embarrassment and blushes, turning his head and his bangs covering his eyes.

"Thank you Todoroki. And I can tell that you like her. I can also tell that she likes you too, you know?"

"I- umm... r-really..?" He asks blushing more.

Shota nods. "Really." He says. "I think you'd be good for her. You're both good for each other.

Todoroki rubs the back of his neck and doesn't know what to say so he just nods.

"I healed her but not fully." Recovery Girl says after a few moments of awkward silence.

"Ok..." Shota says. His tears have subsided for now.

"If you want Todoroki, you can go back to class. All Might is watching over it till the end of the day." Aizawa says, annoyed by even mentioning All Might.

"No. And why would you leave that incompetent idiot to be in charge of the class after he teamed up Elly with Bakugo?! He doesn't even know what her quirks are or her personality!! I know more about her in these past 2 days than anyone else!! Denki is probably more capable of running the class AFTER he's used his quirk!" Todoroki shouts while having angry tears running down his face. He wipes his face on the sleeve of his costume, not caring if he ruins it. (A/N: Firey~!)

"I know, I know. As much as I didn't want to, he's the only one that's available right then and there. And don't worry, I plan to have a loooooonnnnngggg~ talk with him soon." He says reassuringly and hands the box of tissues to his student.

Todoroki takes the box and mumbles, "Sorry..."

"It's fine." Shota says in understanding.


After a few hours Elly starts to wake up.

Both Shota and Todoroki jump up and go to her side.

"Mmm... W-whe-re a-am I...? She asks sleepily and confused.

"You're in Recovery Girl's office." Shota answers.

"H-ho-ow'd I-I g-get-t h-he-re?" She says now panicked.

"Calm down." Todoroki gently starts. "I brought you here after the explosive blond knocked you out." He says anger rising and they can hear it in his voice.

"I-I'm s-so-rr-y..." Elly says feeling like it's her fault that he's mad.

"Huh?" He asks. "It's not your fault. You know," He says with a small sarcastic chuckle. "Maybe if I wouldn't have stolen your drink you would have been at your best," He says a bit playfully. "But that still doesn't excuse what he did." He finishes a little bitterly.

"Haha... maybe..." She says ignoring the last part.


After a few hours Todoroki decided that he should probably head home.

"I should probably go. If you need anything, text me ok?" He says.

"Mhm!" She says with a nod and a smile. And with that he leaves.

"We should probably get you home as well dearie it's near 6:00." Recovery Girl says. "Let me just check a few more things and give you this wheel chair and a pair of crutches and you should be good to go."

So she does as she said and before they left she said, "I want you to stay off that leg of your's for a month now you hear me? Come back in a week to see how your head is."

"Y-yes m-ma'am." Elly says back. And with that they leave her office and Aizawa wheels her. I've called Hizashi and he said he'll be out front with the car.

"O-ok." She says. Then asks, "I-is he c-comi-ng o-ver to-tonight?"

Aizawa sighs. "Yes." He says exasperatedly. "And he said he already made dinner."

"Th-that's ni-ce..." She says.

"Mhm." Is all he says as they go out the doors and see Hizashi.

The window is down and he asks, "Ay Sho, need a hand?

"No." He says helping Elly in the back then closes the door folds of the wheel chair and puts it in the trunk.

"Ok~. So Elly, How are ya feeling?" He asks, still in a light mood as always.

"I-I'm o-ok..." She says stubley.

"That's good! I'm sure Chiyo did a great job fixing you up!" He says enthusiastically as he drives.

"Wanna hear a story about when both me and Sho had ended up at her office one day?" He questions.

"N-" Shota starts but was accidentally interrupted by a slightly excited Elly.

"S-sure!" She says more enthusiastically.

"Ok!" He says happily. "So when me and Sho were in high school I was hard of hearing. I'm completely deaf now due to my quirk but, I just wear hearing aids. Anyways~ One day this kid was picking on me because of it and was beating me up but Shota came in and fought him and then the next thing we know were being sent to Recovery Girl's office. Let me tell you little listener, I don't think I can ever forget that day. And I know Sho couldn't either of he tried.

Shota just rolls his eyes.

"Wow! That's cool and I'm sorry you got bullied." She says.

"Ah it's nothing, little listener. Plus," He adds. "There are definitely more stories where that came from!!"

"Hizashi~" Shota starts. "No."

"Hizashi~ YES!!" He retorts back. "AND~ I'll even show her the year books!!

"You will do no such thing. It's already bad enough that you're verbally embarrassing me. I don't need physical embarrassment by you showing those photos!"

"Too bad~! That's what friends are for."

"Then I'm not your friend." Shota says monotonously but has a small smirk on his lips.

Hizashi fake gasps. "You take that back right now!" He says playfully, mock offended.

"Why should I?" Aizawa asks blandly.

"Oh, c'mon Sho we've been best friends for this long, why stop now?" Hizashi plays along.

"Hmph." Is all he says.

"Silly Sho!" He says, patting his friend's head

Aizawa grumbles.



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