secrets of ghost hill

Von strawberrylipstickkk

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mileena, a reporter sent from grant corporation took on the case of the ghost hill murderer. upon accepting... Mehr



547 17 29
Von strawberrylipstickkk

"billie!" i yelled out. every single day, i had to find her. she was always some where different. it was exercise really and speaking of exercise.

i stood in the door way watching her lift weights. of course there was an indoor gym and of course she worked out.

it explained her arms and abs. im guessing i didn't search the house very well because this was my first time stumbling upon this gym.

it was spacious and there were about ten different work out stations. yea, he was very rich.

she couldn't hear me reason being she had music blasting in her ears at full volume.

but instead of stopping her i watched. her hair was in a half up, half down style and pieces of her hair stuck to her flushed face.

she was a sweaty mess. and oh how i found it so attractive.

she began rapping the lyrics to what ever song she was listening to as she tried her best to continue you lifting.

i needed to leave but i wanted to watch her. ugh, but i needed to leave.

"billie!" i yelled to which she ignored. assuming she didn't hear me, i walked over to her, and tapped her shoulder.

"shit!" she dropped the weights. oops? she took her headphones off and gave me a death stare as she picked the weights back up.

"billie." she tilted her head at me and continued lifting weights.

"what." she stated, irritation laced in her voice. she tore her eyes away from me focusing on her arms as she continued.

"what's wrong with you?"

she shook her head slightly, "you're distracting me. so would you mind doing me a favor pretty girl?"

she glanced at me briefly, "leave."

she needed sense knocked into her. who did she think she was speaking to me in this way? i would most definitely slap the shit out of her.

once more the weights in her hand dropped to the floor while her eyes fluttered close. and when opened i was greeted with warm eyes even with them being the complete replica of the artic.

"hi angel." she smiled adoringly and grabbed the bottle of water by her foot.

"i'm sorry. he doesn't really like people." she scoffed before gulping down the bottle of water. needless to say, of course it was a man.

"did you need something?" she placed the bottle of water down. i couldn't stop staring everything about her was so ugh.

and especially now.. with the sight in front of me it was hard to contain my self. my eyes lingered to her hands.

they were more veiny then usual and the rings decorating her hands made them even more bewitching.

my head tilted in thought as i imagined all the possible scenarios but they all ended the same. and that was with her fingers inside me.

"mileena." i internally cleared my throat leaving my imagination behind. i was losing sight of the mission.

"i'm leaving to ghost hill to please my boss. i don't have the tapes because you deleted them but i'm going to try my best to convince him with the pages i wrote."

"mileena," she grabbed my hand and pulled me in between her legs. "you know none of this will matter.. right?"

she was trying to end the world, at least that's what i've gathered from her responses, and actions.

i wasn't sure if i believed her. i recall telling her to prove she was a god and she never did. now my mind is left wondering.

"first, i'm going to cleanse the earth of sins." she played with my fingers. "and then i'm going to do a mass rebirth on the night of the blood moon."

"world wide destruction huh?"

"you know it baby." she smirked and leaned back. she was going to kill billions. i needed to know if she was being serious.

"prove to me that you're a god."

"think mileena, i already have." i was most definitely confused.

"your necklace, i've given you power. are you that oblivious?"

"what are you talking about?"

"you don't know what you've done?" what was she not telling me. "you'll find out soon." billie let go of my hand.

"tell me now."

"don't you have somewhere to be?" she grabbed her bottle of water before leaving. i hated when she did this.

the way i could go from happy to curious to angry in the span of a few minutes. i composed myself and left the room.

i needed to leave.


nervous. i was so nervous when i know i shouldn't be, according to billie. the world was ending and my job wouldn't matter.

the eclipse of the blood moon wasn't too far away. i didn't know how i felt in the moment. the beginning of the end.

"what happened to your neck." i had to think of a lie quick.

"um.. i scratched it with my nails."

"and you're not lying, are you?" i shook my head. "okay.. where are the tapes?"

"about that, when i transferred them to my computer somehow the information deleted." i knew he was about to yell.

"but!" i stopped him. "i'm more then half way finished with the story. i can give a presentation to the board on the contents."

he sighed, and clenched his jaw. "don't mess this up mileena." he pointed. "the board meeting starts at three. now, get out ."

i smiled and nodded. i had to impress them. but fuck was i nervous.

the sound of my phone vibrating forced me to fetch it out of my purse. it was an unknown number.



"how did you get a phone." i chuckled before leaving the building. how did she even get my number?

"i have my ways." i could hear her shuffling around. "i've come to realize i have a soft spot for you."

"that's hard to believe." i opened my car door, "if you really do have a soft spot for me tell me what you meant earlier."

"i can't."

"and why not?"

"you have to find out on your own. me telling you goes against.."

"goes against what?"

"you'll find out soon, i promise." she sighed and i just hummed. when was soon? because it was starting to feel like forever.

i was a curious person and i'm sure she figured that out by now.

"he's given me another chance but the thing is i have to talk to the board and convince them and they're intimidating."

"mileena, i told you. none of this will matter. i don't need a story, i'll have a bible dedicated to me."

"so then my story will be in your bible. what more could you want?"

"mm.." she moaned in thought at my statement. i could tell she wanted it. i put my car into ignition and began driving. "when you getting here?"

"the meeting starts at three and then it's gonna take about three hours to get there and that's if i'm driving fast." i whined.

"get ezra to drive you."

"how do you know his name?"

"i know everything."

"billie you don't find that weird to just tell someone? like what you told me when i questioned you in the asylum?"

i found it weird but then again it was billie. she drunk blood and ate people. and somehow i wasn't scared away.

i was peculiarly attracted. i needed brain surgery because any child of god would turn the other cheek.

"oh hush, i'm the scientific definition of weird. that shit don't bother me and you shouldn't let that shit bother you either."

"that's the first step of taking control of your life. steer the wheel steady. letting shit get to you can mess up your mental. so u know what i think?"

"and what do you think billie?" i question teasingly.

"fuck them all. everyone."

"you included?"

"obviously not." i could feel her roll her eyes through the phone before hearing loud knocking. "call me when you're on the way. i have a suprise." i hummed a yes. i loved suprises.

"and be safe. don't make me kill someone for you." i laughed softly at her remark.

mm.. she was dead serious.


"where have you been? you've been awol and now you show up at my door step." she chuckled before bringing me into a hug.

"i know, zara." i sighed. i didn't have a choice. i sat my purse down and sat down on her couch. her dog ran up to me and i began rubbing her.

it was zara, i knew i could trust her to keep quiet about anything i told her. the part i was worried about was her reaction on why i've been off the grid.

"there's this girl." i began. "and maybe she's a little insane." i handed her the folder of billie. and watched as she read through it.

her expressions turned with each line read.

"bitch a little insane?" she glanced up at me.

"yea just a little." i chuckled before rubbing the dogs tummy. "i'm writing a story on her and while i have she's been living with me."

"how? it said she was in the asylum of ghost hill." she walked over to me and sat down.

"yea about that, my boss got her released so i could write her story without having to drive back and forth to the asylum."


"i know, i know it's crazy but she doesn't act like how everyone puts her out to be. this folder, it's wrong. the way they explain her."

maybe it was a bit of an exaggeration on my part but she really was different compared to what people thought about her.

zara stared at me with curiosity lacing her eyes, "you've caught feelings haven't you?"

"no." i answered quickly trying my best to hide my crimson forming cheeks.

"you're lying. mileena, i know how fast you catch feelings considering your situation."

i stood and arched my brow, "my situation?" i scoffed. she had no right in bringing that up.

"you know i didn't mean it like that." she stated firmly. "i don't think you should pursue her. she's dangerous, i don't want you getting hurt."

"she's not dangerous.. not to me." i whispered the last part.

"mil, she's a killer. no telling how many deaths she caused." too many to count and there would be billions more.

"zara, i don't need relationship advice especially not from you."

"what's wrong with you? i care about you, i'm just trying to help. im sorry for trying to protect you." she scoffed.

"i understand but i don't need your help. i can take care of myself. i trust her." i did. i trusted her.

not with my life but i was gravitating towards it. she just had to prove it to me.

"mil, i don't know about this. you know i would usually be all for it but i'm gonna have to sit out on this one. i have this bad feeling."

hm.. she was right. billie was aiming for world wide destruction. but i could care less.

"you don't think she's manipulating you? how could you trust-"

"that's enough zara." i placed her dog down. "you've made me realize something. thank you." i smiled and left.

through all of billies flaws i still wanted her, wanted her around me. nothing anyone said could change how i felt about her.

only her actions would.

my heart was fragile. i had a hard time loving people and opening up to them especially after the incident.

but when i was really in love i was hard headed. and listened to no one.

my heart was made of glass, my mind of stone.

i wasn't saying i was in love with her but there was most definitely feelings for her. as horrible as it seemed she was always on my mind.

and there was only one way to fix that.

and that was to stand with her.. as her mistress.


"hello." i waved as i took a stand. they all looked bitter. like they had better things to do with their life.

i doubt it.

i cleared my throat and walked to the front of the room. all of their eyes were on me, booing me off stage it seemed, though their lips remained shut.

a few coughs were heard, "get on with it." i nodded.

"there are no tapes.. they were erased from my computer by a glitch." my grip tighten on the papers in my head.

they were staring so harshly, judgment coursing through their veins.

"my client has endured vasts amount of psychological evaluation in which could be described as.." i paused and glanced up from the paper. i wrote an essay on the exact words i'd present to them.

but i didn't need the paper i knew exactly what i needed to say. i had to make my argument memorable, factual, convincing. i sat the papers down and caught my breath.

"have any of you actually attained information from the woman herself?" they shook their heads.

"she has never quite spoken a word. we were beginning to think she was mute or rather deaf." one board member added.

she only spoke to me and answered my questions. good, i hope she intends to keep it that way.

"she's truly remarkable. in multiple sessions she revealed to me that she has multiple personalities. different individual personnels."

some gasped while others furrowed their brows. "and do you know whether or not she was being truthful?" another board member questioned.

i nodded, "i do. i've seen it with my own eyes."

"and how would you describe them?"

"well some are more malevolent then others. i've come to the conclusion that one of them came to light the night of her fathers death."

the room filled with silence, the only voice being me. billie couldn't be here so i'd be her voice.

"question." i pushed the bridge of my glasses up, "has anyone tried to find out the motive behind her malicious actions against her father?"

they shook their head. it was obvious. they didn't care about their clients nor for their lives.

"her father beat her mother almost every night and when he wasn't beating her he was raping her. now tell me did he deserve it?"

they glanced at each other. they were free to speak their minds i couldn't understand why they weren't speaking.

"her case is one of the many injustices in the system. she was a child sent to live in an asylum. i know for a fact it played a part in her becoming insane."

"a child in a building filled with insane adults. she had no one to play with, no one to talk to you. this might be a bit of a push but if i was in that position i'd become insane too. i'd most definitely think about killing people."

"i'm not asking for much, but i am asking that you allow me to finish this story. the tapes are useless, but my mind.. has so much more information."

"this could potentially help prevent future situations relating to the sort."

i stood as they talked amongst themselves. they had to let me continue. i wasn't taking no for an answer.

they could say no but then i'd have no choice but to tell billie. and i'm sure she wouldn't like them saying no to me.

not if i complained about it enough.

the whispering came to an end and they looked at me, "we're allowing you to continue." of course you are. i tilted my head and smiled innocently.

the first twenty pages of billies bible. the old testament would have to be her life before the rebirth of earth.

i hummed in thought as a smile creeped over my face.


the day had come to an end and at last i was home. and by home i mean my boss' lake house.

as i closed the door i heard the distant sound of a piano. "mileena, is that you?" she yelled.

i kept quiet and walked up behind her wrapping my arms around her neck.

she sighed in comfort as she took her hands off the piano caressing my arm. "i've missed you as much as it pains me to say." she whined pouting her lip out.

"oh really?" i rolled my eyes as she nodded.

"the guards have been running in and out all day. shit was irritating. they're lucky im with you because if i wasn't i wouldn't hesitate to kill them all."

"it's okay, i'm here."

"come sit, i wanna show you something." i told her to give me a second and that second turned into thirty minutes as i washed my face and changed into more comfortable clothes.

not to mention the food in my hand. i walked over to the piano and sat beside her. she was so patient.

maybe from all the years she spent in the asylum.

without another word she began playing the piano. the melody started off slow and i was immediately engrossed.

"bite my tongue, bide my time.

wearing a warning sign, wait til the world is mine.

visions i vandalize, cold in my kingdom size

fell for these ocean eyes.." she glared into my eyes with a smirk on her face.

"you should see me in a crown."

she continued and as i listened closely to the lyrics i could hear her plan. her plan of global domination.

her eyes lingered on my lips and it made me slow my chewing. i swallowed following the movement of her lips.

following along with every lyric she breathed. i could listen to her sing for hours on end. her voice was angelic compared to her demonic demeanor.

"count my cards watch them fall, blood on a marble wall

i like the way they all.. scream

tell me which one is worse, living or dying first?" she tilted her head and closed her eyes, focusing on the verse.

all i could do was stare at the enchantress before me. my eyes trailed every feature of her face.

even her imperfections were perfection.

"you say come over baby, i think you're pretty."she batted her lashes and nodded her head sassily making me giggle softly.

"i'm okay, i'm not your baby

if you think i'm pretty," she dragged out. "you should see me in a crown."

"i'm gonna run this nothing town,

watch me make 'em bow, one by one by one

one by one by one." she whispered the last line into my ear and i felt chills. it sent a tsunami of butterflies to a certain part of my body.

i crossed my legs and sat the container my food was once in down.

"you like it?" she whispered in my ear once more before backing away. she knew what she was doing to me.

"i love it." i smiled. she began stretching her fingers and i stared. her hands were filled with rings and her veins were showing.

what was with me and my weird fascination with her hands. i was so down bad for her.

"when i was in the asylum, i would write these songs. i wouldn't even think, i'd close my eyes and the lyrics would just come to me."

"this is my destiny, mileena. i was sent to earth for this." she sighed before playing another melody.

i nodded slowly, "how many other songs have you written?" she grabbed her notebook and began speeding through the pages

"i've had this note book since i was twelve." she let out before looking up at me. "and so far? fourteen songs."

"will you sing them to me?" i asked as i grabbed her note book. searching through the endless pages.


"maybe?" i chuckled. "what would i have to do to get you to sing them to me?" i pouted my lip out.

just as she was about to say something, she glanced down at her notebook, "not this one." she took it away.

"i don't want you to see this one. not yet." she closed her notebook and smiled cheekily.

the silence was deafening and the air around us was still, calm.

"you are just so fucking pretty." she rasped out before twirling the ends of my hair. i knew that, and the whole world was gonna know too.


"yea?" she took off one of her rings and placed it on my finger. i smiled in awe. "what were you gonna ask?"

not to ruin the moment but.. "could you kill someone for me?"


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