Never underestimate me!

De MullinLiam

18.4K 339 52

Izuku Midoriya. Thought to be a quirkless boy and to have comitted suicide suddenly returns. During the event... Mais

Darkest hour brings forth the greatest light!
The Strife's rejoin the fight!
"I'm Izuku Strife and this is my story!"
The start of Endeavors end
Shoto heals as the Girls learn Izuku is in pain.
Punishment and Mitsuki's aid 🍋
Fuyumi arrives as evidence begins to mount.
Izuku vs Endeavor! Mitsuki's kink 🍋 🍋!
🍋9th joins Izuku!🍋
Strongest Hero vs AFO pt 2
Bridge Between Worlds! 🍋Izumomo🍋
Ultimate Soul! Midoriya's End!
Nejire's Wounded Savior! A Soul's Worth!
Mirio's Final Fight!
Submitted for 2023 Watty's

Strongest Hero vs AFO pt 1!

496 14 2
De MullinLiam

           It's time to take the students to the summer training camp. Only a few failed their exams. None of my harem failed thankfully as the 7 girls in 1A all took time to study and train together. Which helped a lot for Toru and Mina as they had the lowest grades of all 7 girls by the time they wre graded the girls all were in top 10 which I loved as they were able to spend more time training their quirks and quirkless fighting.

     Eri enjoyed it as she had 8 of her mama's going with us. Rei and Fuyumi stayed to train with mom and dad so I knew they would be learning a lot more magic as now they had much more time to train. I was thrilled they joined the harem as they finally for the first time in their lives were truly happy. They helped Mitsuki with the dorm mother duties which was a thrill to watch as all three were treated with respect and the students enjoyed having them around. Especially when they'd kiss me right in front of Shoto. Watching him panic was amazing.

   Anyway. We're getting on the bus to ride to the camp and I'm sitting between Mitsuki and Momo. Sero said something about Kyo being built like a kid where it counts and after I hit his ass with some thunder and healed him I told his ass if ever he mentioned my wife again in a bad light I'd make what I did to Endeavor seem like a light spanking. He shut up after begging for forgiveness from Kyo. Hint his retarded ass got none. I could tell she was upset.

      "Sero you will be worked the hardest out of all the student for upsetting my rock goddess. You will get merely 3 hours sleep and do anything requested from the staff. Do you understand child?" Good. Now Kyo my sexy rocker wife there's an open seat right here called my lap. Feel free to fill it up!"

       Kyo looked a bit nervous but I gave her my genuine smile and she soon relented and sat in my lap. Aizawa spoke up. "Sero. Next time you insult a female student from any course over anything you get to be handled as Kaminari was. Forced to fight Izuku and if you fail to inflict pain you will be made to do as Mineta and Bakugo for a week. Is that understood boy?" Sero froze and nodded his head as Kyo sat in my lap facing the other way and looking sad. I lifted her up and had her facing me with her knees in the seat on both sides of me.

       "Kyo my love. Why do you let what fools say hurt you?" She teared up a bit. "B-Because they never give me a chance to get to know me. Just throw accusations around and insult me. You're the first boy to be nice and show interest in me. Because my body and face aren't all that appealing to anyone." I sighed as I listened. "Kyo listen to my heart as I say these words. Not one time have I ever lied about your face and body being beautiful and sexy. Yes you're not built like Mitsu or Momo but that's not what makes you you. Your mind and heart as well as actions are what people should look to. Not your body. I didn't fall in love with any of you due to your appearances. It was your words and actions that made me fall. You all know everything about me. Everything I hid from the rest that Bakugo did to me. I love you and trust you completely. You're perfect just the way you are." Jiro began to tear up and hug me crying happy tears as we whispered to one another sweet things only we could hear.

      "He isn't wrong Kyoka. Whether you are slim and petite or built like Mitsu and I doesn't matter to Izuku and shouldn't ever have mattered. You are an amazing woman and we all love you for that wonderful heart and personality you have behind the sassy and sarcastic shield. Never let someone's words affect you so. Izuku taught me that if you do not like what people say about you then tune it out and focus solely on the other things the good things people say about you." Momo said as she gently rubbed Kyoka's back with me.

     "Yeah mama Kyo. You're a beautiful nice mama and you show me so much love and care. All my mamas are pretty and nice. You all treat me like a real daughter which makes me so happy. I love when we sing together especially when papa joins us. It's so fun. People who are mean to you are poopyheads and papa will not allow it. Hehe he may do to them like what he did to birdy overhaul. I know me and papa love you and my other mamas too. You're an awesome dudette hehe!" Said Eri with that billiant smile. Kyo was smiling back at her and pat her head. "Thank you everyone. I feel much better now. Hehe especially little Unicorn. Though who taught you that word Eri?" Me and Mitsu chuckle a bit. "Izu and I did Kyo. We wanted her to be able to say something nice to you and she asked why Izuku always called you and the other girls dudettes so we explained and she loved it." Kyoka flushed. "Thank you all of you!" She said as she hugged me tighter.

     We start to head out and Kyo squeaked as I asked her quietly if she as okay. "Ooh. Yeah you. Uhh just mmm your huge dick is ohhh right between my folds hehehe." I blushed as I heard that. "Want me to move you love?" She shook her head and said no. I guess that was okay. I nodded. Eri spoke with her three mamas and Kyo was barely able to keep from moaning. A little ways into the drive Eri fell asleep in Mitsu's lap giving her a hug. "Hehe Kyo if you keep grinding on him like that you may cum with an entire class to witness it." Said Mitsu as Kyo whispered back. "Hehe oooh does it uhhh look like I ahhh care?" Momo and Mitsu chuckled though Momo was blushing too as the 5 other 1A girls all rubbed their thighs together. Kyo leaned back as she kept grinding on me and kissed me causing some boys to blush and drop their jaws as all the girls drooled a bit. Aizawa just rolled over and slept. I looked at all the boys. "What? Did you not think or believe I was really married to my rock goddess Kyoka Jiro? She may be built different but she's just as beautiful and sexy as my other wives." I said barely controlling my urge to moan as Kyo kept grinding.

   The whole class was watching in awe as Kyo threw caution to the wind and dry humped far more noticeably. Her moans got a bit louder but not enough to wake up Eri. For another minute she went at it as we both moaned in unison before her back arched and before she let loose the primal lusty screams I kissed her and those powerful moans went into my mouth quieting her down as everyone was stunned at what they just witnessed. The girls are all wishing it was them in Kyo's place. "Holy sh- crap dude did you just make her orgasm from dry humping?" Asked Kirishima. Kyo had fallen atop me with her head in the croock of my neck. "Of course. Haven't you paid any attention when all my wives told you bout my skills in the sexual arena?" The boys werd blown away. "Dude just how good are you in bed?" All 8 girls said as one. "Izuku is a sex god. Nobody can come close to his skills in bed."

      The boys were feeling a bit emasculated by this. I just looked at them as I held Kyo close to me. "Not sorry boys. You just need to practice more on Katsuki and Mineta." They drooped down from that. I whispered with Kyo as they all got depressed. "Are you alright Kyo?" She nodded. "Y-Yes. Just that was t-the best orgasm of m-my life. Hehe can't wait for the r-real humping hehe."  I giggled with her "Me too Kyoka hehe you and Momo may enjoy this trip a lot if can play my cards right. Hehehe don't worry already brought protection hehe."I lean over and kisss Momo as Sero looked on in jealousy. After a few minutes we break for air and I kiss Kyo and then Mitsu for a few minutes each. 

       After a couple hours we arrive to the Cliffside. I laugh as I recognized the WWPC members Pixiebob and Mandalay waiting in the car. I knew already what was bout to happen so I walked Mitsu and the Sleeping Eri to the car. "Sup yo? Oh cool who is the little dude?" I ask as the two women were blushing at us. "Oh right. I am Izuku Strife also known as the Materia Hero: Dekiru. Nice to meet ya!" The women smiled at that as they recognized nd now. "Oh you're the quirkless hero whose considered the world's strongest. I'm Shino Sosaki aka Mandalay. This is my teammate Ryuko Tsuchikawa aka Pixiebob. The little guy is my cousin Kota Izumi. A pleasure to make your acquaintance." Said Mandalay as her and Pixiebob bowed. While Kota just clicked his tongue and shrugged.

     "Aww cute kid." Said Mitsu making Kota blush. "Hehe this is one of my wives. My first wife Mitsuki Strife. And our adoptive daughter is the sleeping snowball here Eri Strife." That broke Pixiebob and Mandalay. "One of? How many wives you have?" I shrugged "10 currently. All the 1A girls Mitsuki and the 2 who aren't here are Rei and Fuyumi Himura." They were both blushing messes at this pint. I cough and Pixiebob then remembers the reason for them being here. "Oh right. Guess we should do the thing huh? Have a safe trip kiddos!" She said as the students paled and were about to rush the bus when taken over the cliffside by a mudslide caused by Pixiebob.  "Stay safe everyone and you need to find the base camp before sunset if you wanna eat tonight!" Shouted Mandalay. Mitsu and I were cackling like fools and accidentally woke up Eri. "Wow pretty kitties!" She said before rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "Oh sorry I thought you were cats." The two women smiled brightly. "Hehe its okay little cutie. Its nice to meet you little Eri." Eri smiled at them. They introduced each other and Kota before we all drive to their base.

      We got to the base and I quickly took all the luggage to the two cabins separated the boys and girls. Though since I'm married to the girls in everyone's minds they let me stay in their cabin. I met with Ragdoll aka Tomoko Shiretoko and Tiger aka Yawara Chatora while there. The whole team gushed over the princess of time hehe Eri loved their costumes so much. I explained to them the situation with Mitsuki and Eri coming along and the wwpc had no problems. Though the team was surprised to learn Mitsuki's and I's story and that I got her pregnant hehe. We waited for just under 4 hours before the kids began to show up. Which I figured was going to be between 4 and 6 hours gauging from the 7 1A girls skill with their quirks and magic in Melissa's case. Which far exceeded what the team and Aizawa predicted So I decided to cook for the kids as penance for their ordeal and a reward for his progress. The team and Aizawa were impressed with the meal as I laughed. "Well I been cooking since I was 4. So I guess I got pretty good at it. Hehe." The students however were so hungry they essentially inhaled it like freaking vacuum cleaners.

    I'd noticed Kota off by himself grumbling but he eventually went inside to his room. I went to Mandalay and asked about him. Come to find out his parents were Waterhose. A pair of heroes who died against muscular saving as many as they could. I asked if they had been cremated but Mandalay said they were buried in a cemetery in Musutafu. "Mandalay. One of my spells is revive magic. If I can get to them and dig them up I will use it on them and bring them back. Can you and the team come back to Musutafu with us and grant Kota his greatest wish?" She was shocked that such a thing could be possible. I smiled at that. "Mitsu's son was killed at the USJ. I brought him back to life so he could suffer my punishment for the various felonies he committed against me hehehe you should ask her bout it sometime. It's hilarious." Shino blinked a few times as she was still confused on how that'd work. I smiled. "Kota is in deep depression to the point he hates heroes. Right now though I hear him in his room crying begging the universe to bring them back. I have the power to do so and I'd hate to leave him in his despair. Trust me this once and you'll see I speak truth." She eyes me quizzitavely before nodding. "Okay Izuku I'll trust you. You don't seem the type to lie about something like this." I smiled as I held out a fist. "I never break a promise.  Kota will see his family alive again this I promise!" She blushed a bit before bumping my fist. "You're a rare breed Izuku hehe like a Sokoke." I smiled at her as we went back to eating. Before too long it was time to get some sleep.

       As we all got laid down on the futons I couldn't help but wonder how things would turn out after bringing back Kota's parents. I could hear the pain his heart was in for having lost them.  I explained things to the girls and they all knew I was going to keep my word no matter what. He needs them to bring him out from this darkness. Before long sleep had taken us into it's warm embraced and the kids were soon to be experiencing hell this week hehe.

    The next day I had followed Kota to his hideout. It was basically a small cave with a few things he brought to brighten the place up. "Hey Kota. Cool hideaway little dude." I said making him jump out of his boots. "What are you doing here?! This is my place go away!" I sighed. "I can see your pain Little Kota. Also you didn't eat so I came to bring you something. I notice you don't get along with the students so I was hoping we could talk." He tried to say no but his stomach had other plans. "F-Fine but just for a little bit!" He said as I chuckled. "Kota I know why you hate heroes but let me ask you. Do you hate them truly or are you just angry over losing your parents and lashing out to make the pain go away?" I asked as I handed him the meal. "I....I don't know. But heroes and villains are stupid. People only caring about quirks. It makes no sense." I smiled at him. "You know I used to be like you Kota but for many years. You saw all I have done so far. Care to tell me what my quirk is?" Kota thought on it. "You can control elements?" I smiled. "Nope. Kota I have no quirk." That surprised him. "But I've seen you use it!" I chuckled and pulled out a materia and showed it to him. "Kota my power comes from a different world where quirks never existed. Everything you've seen me do is magic created by these orbs. Magic exists in that world instead of quirks....." I explain my entire history to Kota and he looks on in awe. "But how come they did all that to you?" I laughed. "As you said when first got here quirks are stupidly the only thing people care for. If one has no quirk they are viewed as worthless wastes of genetic material. Greed and the desire for power controls much of society these days. So its funny the three strongest beings on earth are quirkless. Lets make a deal Kota. You and the WWPC come back to Musutafu and I will grant the greatest wish you have. I've heard your pleas at night and I will be the one fulfill them." He froze. "Y-You m-mean?" I smiled at him. "Yes Kota. I can bring them back." He began to finally shed tears he's held in since they passed on. "Remember Kota it is not a sign of weakness to cry when going through what you've had happen. Nor is it to cry when overjoyed. I've never broken a promise before and I will not break this one either. So try to give the kids a bit of a break and let the real you shine through. Your ordeal is nearly over Kota." I held him as he hugged me while he cried. I heard Mandalay watching and listening in but made no mention of it so as not to embarass Kota. "Plus your cousin and her team have done an excellent job filling in the void left by your parents passing. Let them see the real Kota not the angry shield you throw out to protect yourself. Well. We should head back Kota its getting late." He nodded as we stood and began to make our way to the base.

    That night Kota smiled for the first time since his parents passed away. He apologized for how he was acting and promised to try and be better.  They all wept as they hugged him before Mandalay came over and sat beside me. "I was glad you watched us Mandalay. If you had come out of hiding I think little Kota would have gotten too angry to listen." That shocked her. "Huh how'd you know it was me?" I giggled at that.  "All my senses are at superhuman levels. I could tell from your heartbeat and lungs as well as the scent of perfume you use." She smiled. "You know I'm not sure if I should even be surprised at that. But thank you for speaking with Kota. Hehe when this camps over we definitely will head with you guys." I smiled fondly at that. As we all spent time talking before heading to bed.

       Not good. A few days have passed and now the camp is under attack. I warned everyone soon as I started to pick up the scent of the enemy forces. Luckily I was stationed near Ragdoll and was able to subdue her would be attacker. We took off back to camp and I had her and the students head inside leaving us pros to handle the situation. We took down most of the foes pretty easily at first before Mandalay realized Kota was not with the kids. I took out a lizard guy and immediately rushed to Kota's hideout. Good thing too because muscular was there. I shouted to get muscular's attention. Which apparently annoyed him because he used his quirk. "Ooh pretty muscles. But is that all you got little Cyclops?" I asked to annoy him. It worked because he got angry. He charged me like a rampaging Rhino. I sighed and let him land a few hits. "So is this supposed to do anything to me muscle boy?" He was shocked that I tanked all his blows. "Unless you go all out I doubt I'll even feel your punches. Try harder boy before I just slice you to bits." Enraged he launched into 100% and began throwing haymakers left and right. I felt them a bit but was bored. Dilly dally shilly shally. I'm bored. Hey muscles what's that on your arm?" I ask before slicing one of his arms off. "Oops my bad your arm just fell off. Oh no its on your leg now." I began to dismember him. Before healing him amd repeating the process a few times until he was left a crying mess on the ground. I sighed and put him to sleep. "Well Kota how's about we head back to camp eh?" Kota was in awe at what he saw. He just kind of nodded as he fell on his butt. I laughed and picked him up before I rushed off to the base. 

       Along the way I met Mandalay and handed Kota off to her. "Hi uhh I kinda broke muscular and put him to sleep. Kota here was shocked a bit at watching me fight but he's unharmed. I have to go find any stragglers but can you take him to base camp?" She smiled teary eyed. " defeated muscular? He was after Kota?" I sighed and said yes. Mandalay was both distraught over the possibility of Kota dying and the fact I easily beat the killer of his parents into submission. She grabbed Kota abd they rushed off as I went to find Ochaco.

     I found her but the LoV were trying to kidnap her. I took down 2 members before I tossed Ocha out of danger and tackled an LoV member through the portal and found myself in a bar. "Oi handjob. Been awhile. Can you point me to your master?" I asked with a smirk as the portal closed. Sigaraki stared blankly at me for a second before his eyes twisted into rage. "Kill this fucker!" He bellowed as I sighed and fired off a few spells totally incapacitating his group. "Oi I said your master not your little beta bitches. AFO we need to have us a chat you and I." Just then the tv which showed the words audio only lit up and I heard that sickeningly sweet voice again. "Well now if it isn't Izuku Midoriya. How nice to meet you again." I smiled as I put my weapons up and cast sleep on Shigaraki. "Yeah. Now quit hiding and face me little bitch!" I demanded. AFO snarled at me to be silent before he warped me to him. He was about to find out that hell hath no fury like a pissed off me. Just for shits and giggles I placated him for a bit. Hehe just you wait little AFO. I'll be taking you down this day!

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