Testament Of Sister New Devil...

By KyleFaroa

6.9K 70 34

Five years have passed since Kenchie fled from the Hero Village following the tragic loss of his parents. Det... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 2.5 - Heroes Part 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 1

1.3K 16 10
By KyleFaroa

3rd Person POV

Kenchie's Apartment

While sleeping peacefully in his bed, Kenchie is suddenly woken up by the piercing sound of his alarm. Half-conscious, Kenchie slams his hand on the alarm's stop button. As parts of his body were gradually turning on, Kenchie suddenly started grinning with excitement after realizing that today is his first day of High School.

Kenchie: [excited] Today is the day!! My new life as a Normal High School Student starts today!!

Kenchie jumped out of his bed, took a quick shower, and then put his school uniform on before heading out of his apartment to go to school.


Hijirigasaka Academy

As Kenchie reached Hijirigasaka Academy, he couldn't help but be fascinated by the school's impressive design. He was so captivated by it, that he inadvertently stopped moving, which caused him to accidentally block a crimson-haired girl's path.

??: Hey, You! Are you planning on moving anytime soon?! You're blocking the way!

When Kenchie turned around to see where the voice was coming from, he was quite surprised by what he saw.

Kenchie: So this is what A Human/Demon Hybrid looks like, heh? I don't know what I was expecting, but it definitely wasn't a beautiful teenage girl. [blush] Especially not one who's exactly my type.

??: Hey! Are you listening to me?!

Kenchie: [flustered] Oh sorry... I didn't mean to block your path... It's just that today is my first day... So I got a little distracted by the scenery.

??: [sighs] Well... I guess I can overlook this since you're new.

Kenchie: [smiles] Cool, thanks for understanding. So, uhm... I know we got off on the wrong foot here, but... Do you mind showing me the way to the faculty room? I'm supposed to head there right now, but I don't know my way around here yet.

??: Sure. If that gets you to move, then I guess I can show you the way.

Kenchie: [smiles] Thanks, I really appreciate the help. My name is Kenchie by the way, Kenchie Misaki. What's yours?

??: Mio... Mio Naruse.

As Kenchie & Mio began walking, Mio suddenly became quiet. Kenchie quickly took note of this & started to wonder if she might still be mad at him for blocking her path.

Kenchie: So, uhm... Sorry again for blocking your path earlier, I really didn't mean it.

Mio: It's fine... Truth be told, I should actually be the one apologizing. I could've easily walked around you, but instead, I confronted you. I was just so mad at this other guy, that I ended up taking my anger out on you. So... Sorry about that.

Kenchie: [smiles] It's cool, I can totally understand needing to let off some steam. And besides, if you had walked around me, then I wouldn't have gotten the chance to talk to The School Princess.

Mio: Princess? What do you mean?

Kenchie: Well I've started watching a lot of anime recently & I've noticed that in anime, the most beautiful girl in a school is usually hailed as The Princess or Queen of that school. So I thought you must be one since you are the most beautiful girl I've seen so far in this school.

Mio's heart started racing after she heard Kenchie's words. She was so overcome by them, that she suddenly stopped moving.

Kenchie: [chuckles] Is this your way of getting back at me or something?

Mio: [blushing] No... It's just that... No one outside my family... Has ever called me beautiful before.

Kenchie: Wait, really? I'd expect someone as beautiful as you to hear that daily. Well, if no one else will say it, how about I start calling you beautiful every day from now on as thanks for helping me out?

Mio: That's really not necessary... *I don't think my heart could take it if I heard that every day.

Kenchie: Are you sure? I'd be happy to do it.

Mio: Yes, I'm quite sure... More importantly, it looks like we're here.

Kenchie: Oh, cool. I guess you'll be heading to your class now, right?

Mio: Yeah, I should probably get going. Good luck on your first day, Kenchie.

Kenchie: [smiles] Thanks! *Mmm... She really is something else. I haven't met many girls who are as honest & kind as her. I hope I end up in her class.

As Kenchie entered the faculty room, he was quickly greeted by a teacher with dark-brown hair.

??: Ahh you must be Kenchie Misaki, I'm Mamoru Sakazaki. I'll be the teacher in charge of your class. It's nice to meet you, Kenchie.

Kenchie: Nice to meet you too, Mr Sakazaki. *Hmm... Judging from his Aura, he's most likely a God. But why would a God disguise himself as a teacher? I should probably keep my eye on him, just in case his reason for being here has something to do with Mio.

Mr Sakazaki: Well Kenchie, let's go see your classroom.

Kenchie: Cool, lead the way.

As Mr Sakazaki & Kenchie made their way to the classroom, Kenchie noticed Mio arguing with someone before storming off into her classroom.

Kenchie: I guess that's the guy that Mio was so mad at. Hmm... Now that I get a good look at him... His Aura looks exactly like Rai-

Mr Sakazaki: Kenchie, I'd like you to meet our other transfer student, Basara Toujou.

Kenchie: Ahh, so it really is you... [chuckles lightly] To think, even after 5 years, your luck with girls is still as bad as ever. It's kind of impressive in its own way.

Basara: Uhm... Do I know you?

Kenchie: And it seems you're still terrible at recognizing faces... [smiles] You really haven't changed, Rainbow.

Basara: [gasp] Did you just say Rainbow...?! But the only person who calls me that is...

Kenchie: [smiles] Did you finally figure it out? It's me, Ken-

Kenchie was cut off as he was suddenly brought into a hug by Basara, to which he returned.

Basara: [smiles] I can't believe it's really you.

Kenchie: [smiles] Yeah, me neither. I barely recognized you with how much you've grown over the years.

Basara then pulled away from Kenchie & started staring at him with a broad smile on his face.

Basara: [chuckles] Yeah, but nothing compared to you. You look like a completely different person.

Kenchie: You think so? Well, I have spent the last 5 years tirelessly training, so it's natural that I'd look a bit different.

Mr Sakazaki: [clears throat] I take it that the two of you are already acquainted.

Kenchie: [smiles] Yeah, we're childhood friends.

Mr Sakazaki: Ahh, that's quite fortunate. It can be very intimidating being in a new place & not knowing anyone, so I'm glad that the two of you already have someone you can talk to.

Kenchie: Hmm... He's good. If I didn't have the ability to know when someone's lying, I would've totally believed that he actually cares about his students.

Mr Sakazaki: Now then, I want the two of you to wait outside while I inform the class about their two new classmates. It's fine if you two want to use this chance to catch up, but just make sure to come inside when I call out "Transfer Students".

Kenchie: Sure

Basara: Understood

As Mr Sakazaki entered the classroom, Kenchie realized that this is the perfect opportunity to talk with Basara about a certain incident.

Kenchie: So Basara, I uhm... I heard about The Brynhildr Incident.

Basara: I see... So you found out about that.

Kenchie: I'm really sorry I wasn't there to help... If I had known something like that was gonna happen... I never would've left.

Basara: It's fine, Kenchie. That incident happened 4 months after you left, so there was no way you could've known.

Kenchie: Yeah, but still... If I hadn't left, things could've been different... You & Jin might not have been banished from The Hero Village.

Basara: Look Kenchie, regardless of whether that's true or not, I would never hold that against you. I completely understand why you left. You needed a place where you could mourn in peace without being constantly reminded of your parent's death, and The Village couldn't give you that. Honestly, if I was in your shoes, I would've done the exact same thing.

Kenchie: [chuckles] Wow... One speech & all the guilt I've been carrying these past 5 years is starting to disappear. If I didn't know better, I'd think you learned Talk-No-Jutsu or something.

Basara: Talk no what?

Kenchie: [chuckles] It's from an anime, don't worry about it. But I have to ask, where was this ability when you were arguing with Mio?

Basara: Wait, you know Mio?

Kenchie: [smiles] Yeah, I met her this morning when I was looking for the faculty room. She was nice enough to show me the way.

Basara: Well that was nice of her. I'm surprised she would do that sin-

Mr Sakazaki: Alright, Transfer Students!! You may come in now!!

Kenchie: And just when the conversation was getting good... Oh well, I guess we should go inside.

Basara: Yeah, you're probably right.

Kenchie & Basara entered the classroom, walked up to the board to write their names, and then turned to face their new classmates.

Kenchie: Hi, my name is Kenchie Misaki. I've been homeschooled for the past 5 years, so I'm not too familiar with how public schools work, but even so, I hope we can all get along.

Basara: And my name is Basara Toujou. I know my name's a bit over the top, but I'm just an average guy. I look forward to getting to know you guys.

As soon as the introductions were over, Kenchie began to gaze at all the female students in his class. When Kenchie turned his gaze towards Mio, she suddenly averted her eyes toward the window.

Kenchie: So Mio's seat is in the second last row, next to the window, heh? Pretty fitting for The School Princess to have the seat primarily used by Anime Protagonists. I hope my seat won't be too far from hers.

Mr Sakazaki then held his hand out to show two empty seats in the second row.

Mr Sakazaki: Those two empty seats over there will be yours from now on.

Basara: Okay

Kenchie: Sweet *I'm definitely taking the seat behind the brunette! The seat isn't that far from Mio & It's the perfect spot to gaze at that blue-haired beauty in the first row. Speaking of which, is it just my imagination or does her Aura look exactly like Yu-

Basara: Hey man, you good? You looked like you were staring into space or something.

Kenchie: Yeah... [smiles] I'm great actually. Take a look at the blue-haired girl by the window. Does she look familiar to you?

Basara: Uhm... I don't know, maybe?

Kenchie: Come on, Basara. Take a good look at her face, doesn't she remind you of anyone?

When Basara took another look at the blue-haired girl, he realized that she resembled one of his childhood friends from The Hero Village.

Basara: [gasp] Wait, is that Yuki?

Kenchie: [smiles] Yeah. It really is amazing when you think about it. The three of us haven't seen each other in 5 years & yet all of us ended up in the same class. It really makes you wonder if something or someone drew us all here.

Basara: Yeah... *If I had to guess, The Village probably sent Yuki here to observe Mio.

Mr Sakizaki: Okay Class, I'm afraid I have to step out for a bit to discuss something with another teacher. So while I'm out, you'll have a self-study period.

Mr Sakizaki then asked Yuki to come to the front of the class.

Mr Sakizaki: Kenchie, Basara, I'd like you two to meet our Class Rep, Yuki Nonaka. She's in charge whenever I'm out, so if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to ask her.

Kenchie: [smiles] I was honestly worried that My Class Rep was gonna be like the Anime ones, that like butting into other people's business, so finding out that Yuki's My Class Rep is definitely a relief.

Mr Sakizaki: All right class, I'll be going now. Make sure to behave yourselves while I'm out.

As Mr Sakizaki left the classroom, Mio & the rest of the class were completely stunned as they suddenly witnessed Kenchie, Yuki & Basara hug each other.

Yuki: [smiles] It's been so long since we've done this.

Basara: [smiles] Yeah, I forgot how nice this feels. It's no wonder we used this as our morning greeting in the village.

Kenchie: [chuckles] And just like in the village, it seems that three people hugging still surprises people. Look at our classmates, they're so shocked that they've stopped moving. Well, except for Mio, who seems to be heading this way.

Mio: [blushing] Hey! What do you three think you're doing?!

Kenchie: Hugging, what else?

Yuki: Can't you tell just by looking?

Basara: Uhm, I think she was being rhetorical...

Mio was so annoyed by Kenchie & Yuki's response, that she broke up their hug.

Mio: Of course it was rhetorical! More importantly, you should stop hugging already! This is a classroom, you can't just go around hugging each other like that! Is there something wrong with you three?!

Yuki: Not really. This is actually quite normal for us.

Kenchie: Yeah, we've been doing this since we were kids.

Mio: Basara, is this true?

Basara: Yeah... Pretty much.

As Kenchie saw Basara & Mio talking to each other, he suddenly realized that he doesn't know the nature of their relationship.

Kenchie: Oh yeah Basara, I never did ask. How do you & Mio know each other?

Yuki: They're obviously dating. I saw Mio & Basara arguing earlier before class started. It definitely looked like a lover's quarrel to me.

Kenchie: [gasp] Basara, is this true? Are you two really dating?

Before Basara could speak, Mio suddenly rushed in to answer the question herself.

Mio: I can assure you that we aren't dating!! Basara is just my Stepbrother!!

Basara was at a loss for words, while the rest of the class were completely shocked by what Mio said.

Basara: Uhm Mio... I thought we both agreed that our classmates shouldn't know about that.

Mio: Yeah, I know... I'm sorry about that, Basara. *I just... [blush] I just didn't want Kenchie to get the wrong idea.

Basara: It's fine. They probably would've found out eventually.

As the class was finally coming to terms with what they'd just learned, Kenchie came to a sudden realization while he was looking at his new classmates.

Kenchie: Wait a minute, now that I look at it, this class is anything but ordinary. Without even including me, this class already has A Teacher Who Is A God,

Kenchie: A Guy Who Seems To Be A Demon,

Kenchie: A Half Human/Half Demon Girl,

Kenchie: A Girl From The Hero Clan

Kenchie: And A Guy With The Powers Of A God, Demon, Dragon & Hero...

Kenchie: [sighs] I have a feeling that my Normal High School Life just ended before it even began.

To Be Continued...

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