more than a fan | billie eili...

De welovemoo

353K 7.5K 20K

after all the sneaking, heartbreaks, and triangles, will billie be able to face everyone and admit she fell i... Mais

2 | apologies
3 | all my fault
4 | date?
5 | bye bye bestie
6 | friends... right.
7 | that's what i get
8 | face it
9 | when shit hits the fan
10 | aint it funny
11 | phase?
12 | that's suspicious
13 | who would've thought
14 | still obsessed with me
15 | dont blame me
16 | is this a mistake?
17 | another life
18 | baecation
19 | good girl
20 | family
21 | maya!
22 | betrayal
23 | nothing to worry about
24 | almost perfect
25 | not your daughter
26 | pay attention
27 | you dont wanna do that
28 | you are enough
29 | just your lover
30 | ever after

1 | guess who

30.1K 463 1.4K
De welovemoo

"test on friday guys! study study study!" my professor yelled as we walked out of the huge ass classroom.

i sighed as i threw my tote bag around my shoulder and walked along the sidewalk to get back to my dorm room.

"hey maya," some guy walked up to me. "do you have the answers to last week's homework?"

i stopped and squinted. "last week? why would i still have that shit? i turned it in," i rolled my eyes and kept walking.

a girl then walked up to me. "hey maya," she smiled. "remember study sesh tonight at my dorm."

"fuck i forgot," i slapped my thigh. "i can't, i work tonight."

i kept walking and eventually made it back to my dorm. it's a 2 bedroom dorm that's apartment style so it's very spacious. we have a kitchen, living room, and we have our own bathroom in each of our rooms.

i put the code in the keypad and walked into the apartment that smelled of vanilla. and of course it's because my roommate left a vanilla candle burning right on the kitchen counter.

"lou!" i yelled, trying to see if she was here. "lou! ugh!" i groaned as i blew the candle out and walked into my bedroom, setting my stuff down.

i went back into the kitchen and opened the fridge to find nothing but applesauce, eggs, and everything you need to make a beautiful iced coffee.

i sighed and grabbed the cinnamon flavored applesauce before digging in the dishwasher for a spoon.

the door then opens and in comes lou [ lew ].
lou is my roommate and best friend since middle school. though we grew up in compton, it was always our dream to attend ucla and we made it happen thanks to scholarships.

she's your typical pretty college girl who brings a new boy in every week. but ya know? i'm not mad at her. do ya thing playa.

she's also funny, very social and makes the best iced coffee that i mentioned earlier. oh, she's also studying law. which is perfect because she loves to argue.

me? i'm basically the same except i don't fuck with guys. and i don't study law. im studying for public relations.

"lou for the bajillionth time you cannot leave a candle burning while neither of us are here," i stressed to her.

"maya for the cajillionth time, nothing will happen," she rolled her eyes. "the place smells good doesn't it?" she grinned as she walked to her room.

"the fridge is empty!" i yelled to her.

"fill it!"

"i have to work tonight," i said. "you do it."

"ughhhh," she groaned. "you've been working every fucking day."

"yeah it's to redeem my bank account for those fucking billie eilish tickets," i scoffed.

"i thought you said the concert tickets weren't that high?" lou shrugged.

"no but the meet n greet passes took me out," i said before dumping the rest of the applesauce in my mouth.

"it'll all be worth it when you meet her though," lou squealed in excitement for me.

"i know," i smiled. "if she doesn't sing bitches broken hearts i may very well walk out."

"wait are you like camping?"

"god no," i shook my head. "i love billie but the meet n greet will make up for not having barricade. i just can't get myself to be out there all day."

"true," lou reached in the pantry and grabbed a bag of chips. "i wonder if she'll let you like get on her back for your picture."

i folded my lips in, trying not to laugh. "i doubt it babe."

"well what are you gonna ask for? or do you just wanna do a regular pose?" she asked as she threw a chip in her mouth.

"kinda wanna kiss her on the cheek but i don't wanna be weird," i cringed. "like she'd probably be so uncomfortable."

"she's done it in past meet n greets though."

"yeah but still," i shrugged. "i don't know. i just don't wanna be too gay around her straight ass."

"oh fuck, she still dates that singer doesn't she?" lou asked.

"griffin? yeah," i chuckled. "they're very public. how could you not know?"

"sorry i don't have her post notifications on like you," lou rose her eyebrows, being shady.

"what the fuck ever," i laughed. "i'm just very interested."

"more like very in love," she taunted.

"stop," i chuckled. "you know i hate liking straight girls."

"that's cause all straight girls wanna be your friend and not date you," she laughed as she started to walk to her room.

"okay don't you have a football player to fuck or something?" i yelled.

"talk that shìt when you lose your virginity!" she yelled back.

damn, she won that one. i hate but love her. and when we say virginity, we mean sex period. not just sex with men. ew.

lou and i share a car that we both put in for since we're roommates and basically go everywhere together besides our jobs.

since i work today and she doesn't, she's gonna be taking me to work. so i put my long curly hair in a bun, put my work uniform on, and headed out the door.

i arrived to the cafe that i work at and told lou bye. the cafe is a pretty popular spot, mainly for the aesthetics and good food.. i guess.

"hey," liam, my favorite waiter, came up to me in distress. "can you please take this food to table 4? i'm having trouble at another table of mine."

"yeah sure," i carefully grabbed the tray and walked over to table 4. "okay i got a bacon burger," i said waiting for someone to raise their hand for it. "steak n eggs? here ya go. andddd the loaded burrito? here you are," i set the plate down.

"hey," one of the guys got my attention, i noticed he had a ucla basketball hoodie on. he honestly looked so familiar. "you single?" he smirked.

"no," i lied and walked away.

i mean he's cute but no, ugh.

"you need some more water ma'am?" i asked as i paused at one of my tables. "lemme get that for you."

i filled her glass and brought it back to her.

i went to the kitchen and checked my phone to text lou:

"whose that really cute basketball player you used to gush about?"

"maya!" my manager called as she caught me on my phone. she didn't look to happy. "table 12 is yours, go."

"meow," i said as i looked back at the cooks. "which one of you pissed her off?"

"she's just hella stressed because of who's here," liam walked in, cutting me off.

i furrowed my eyebrows as i walked past him. "the fuck? who's here? michelle obama?" i mumbled to myself.

i was walking up to my designated table when my name tag fell off of my shirt. "ugh not again," i bent down to pick it up before continuing to walk.

i walked up to table 12 and started talking while still looking down as i was focused on pinning my tag back to my shirt.

"hi i'm maya and i will be your waitress as soon as i can stick this sucker back on here," i said, not looking up.

they laughed. "take your time," a familiar voice giggled, causing my head to shoot up.

my eyes got super wide. "oh you're fucking kidding," i covered my mouth. "oh sorry," i looked down.

"it's okay cutie," billie laughed.

yes, billie. the billie fucking eilish.

she was here with her boyfriend, griffin.

"oh my god please know i'm trying my hardest not to shit my pants right now," i said as i slightly bounced up and down without picking my feet up off the ground.

billie laughed again. "why? you act like you've seen a celebrity or some."

i smiled. "well you do look quite like michelle obama. okay what can i getcha to drink?"

"just a water for both of us," she shrugged.

"okay," i smiled before speeding off.

i quickly walked up to my manager. "you could've warned me."

"i get no warning so neither do you," she sarcastically grinned before walking away.

i rolled my eyes and filled two glasses of water before taking them back to billie and griffin. "need more time with the menu? or we ready?"

"i think we're ready," griffin answered before telling me what he wants.

"k gotcha. and you?" i looked at billie.

"i will have the vegan omelette," she said as she closed the menu.

"k cool," i grabbed their menus. "i'll get that in for you."

i ran in the kitchen and gave one of the cooks the piece of paper with their order on it. "make this now. i don't care who was next in line," i said quickly and ran out to tend to my other tables.

i was picking up the dishes off of one table when i feel a tap on my shoulder. i turned around to see the dude who asked if i was single earlier.

"i recognize you from school," he started. "next game, i'd love it if you came and spoke," he smirked before walking off and out of the cafe.

i playfully rolled my eyes at him and continued the clean the table. once i was done, i picked the tub of dishes up and i was walking back to the kitchen when billie called my name.

"hey maya!"

"hmm?" i stopped and looked at her.

"oh sorry," she noticed me carrying the heavy tub. "i'll wait."

"no, what is it?"

"it can wait-"

"girl," i chuckled. "tell me or i'll make sure you're omelette isn't really vegan," i joked.

she playfully gasped. "you wouldn't," she squinted.

"try me eilish," i leaned in close to her.

she rose her eyebrows and bit her lip as we were face to face.

i nervously laughed. "no forreal though, what do you need?" i backed up.

her boyfriend was just looking in his phone, not really caring. guess he's use to her being like this with fans.

"i was just gonna add to my order."

"im listening," i nodded.

"i want a slice of the vegan berry cobbler."

"i'm on it," i said as i sped to the kitchen.

once their food was done, i brought it out to them, along with her dessert. "don't worry it's all vegan," i evil grinned to her.

she playfully squinted. "i'm scared to eat it," she played along.

"i mean i'd take it off your hands but unfortunately i get no lunch break today," i shrugged.

"wait why?" she furrowed her eyebrows.

"busy night," i looked around. "it's all good though."

"well i'm sorry," she poked her lip out.

"you're not here to be sorry," i grinned. "you're here to eat and enjoy the atmosphere. so do that. i will be okay," i smiled before walking off.

i went to the back and checked my phone to see lou texted me back.

"i think you're talking
about dj. why?"

"girl fuck that.
guess who's here!"

"walters!" my manager called. "off the phone!"

i groaned and walked out of the kitchen. i did my rounds, checking on each of my tables. when i went to billie's, she gestured her finger for me to come here.

whew lord.

i got closer and leaned over on the table, my hands holding me up.

"thank you for making this experience so good for us. you're so sweet," she smiled. "and funny."

"i'm glad you enjoyed everything. how was your meaty omelette?" i smirked, catching her off guard and making her eyes go wide. "i'm kidding!" i laughed.

"oh my god!" she placed her hand on mine in a laugh.

i tensed up and i think she noticed. "oh sorry," she giggled and removed it.

"no you're fine," i nervously chuckled. "lemme get the ticket for you."

"holy fuck," i mumbled to myself as i walked away. i then brought them their ticket and went to tend to my other tables.

couple minutes passed and i looked up to see billie and griffin about to leave. though they had multiple people coming up to them asking for photos and shit, i went over to tell her goodbye and thanks for coming.

"i've been trying not to ask but can i have a hug?" the fan girl in me came out.

"of course," she laughed. we hugged and i felt her slip something in the pocket of my apron. "i know you won't get a lunch break but i hope you get yourself a really good dinner when you get off," she whispered in my ear before breaking the hug and leaving.

her boyfriend smiled and waved goodbye and then they were gone.

i looked in my pocket to pull out $500 in cash. "oh my god," my eyes widened.

i went over to clean their table and saw this.


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