10 | aint it funny

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billie's pov  -

later that same night -

the acoustic show ended but honestly, i was out of it the whole time. that whole argument with maya kept playing over and over in my head. i think i played it off well though since all i had to do was sit on a stool while singing instead of jumping around like normal.

but like would she choose to ask me all that right before my show??

and that shit with griffin?? i'm so pissed off!

once the show was over, i went back to my dressing room and just laid flat on the couch in there. soon there was a knock on the door and in came griffin.

"hey babe," he smiled. "that was so good!" he rubbed my thigh as he sat at the edge of the couch.

i sighed and sat up on the couch, scratching my forehead. "griff i have a question."

"what's up?"

"the other night when you had just came back and we were having dinner or whatever," i started. "you suddenly wanted to have sex. and even when i didn't fucking feel like it, you insisted we did. why?"

"well- well cause-"

"cause what? cause you told maya to come over that night? pretending to be me?" i rose my eyes.

his eyes got wide.

i then tilted my head and furrowed my eyebrows. "huh?" i asked. "what's up with that?"

"listen b-"

"no no," i shook my head. "you waited til i got in the fucking shower to text maya from my phone and then delete the shit!" i exclaimed standing up. "like did you even really care to have a date night?"

"of course!"

"no you didn't," i shook my head. "you just wanted to get back at her. you just wanted to hurt her. that's so fucking low, you dick."

"cmon billie," he said. "she's bad for you."

"no griffin! you're bad for me!" i yelled. "you let someone else watch us have sex, is that not concerning?! like that's literally embarrassing and and degrading!"

he just stood there, knowing he was done for.

"you hurt the wrong girl griff," i shook my head as i walked away. "you hurt her, you hurt me."

"b, where are you going?" he put his arms out.

"away from you," i started. "we're done. rot in hell, you sick bitch." i walked out.


maya's pov -

lou and i were playing uno on our kitchen island.

"im really proud of you, ya know," she said.

"thanks," i sighed.

"i know it sucks," she poked out her lip.

"it's just the whole nda thing that gets me," i shook my head. "like bitch how dare you."

"wanna invite the boys over?"

i tilted my head. "that's not gonna help me lou."

"you bond with dj so well-"

"lou i don't like him!" i exclaimed. "i'm gay! he'd be a good friend but that's it!"

"okay sorry," she looked down in shock that i flashed on her.

i then put my last card down, winning the uno game. "uno out bitch," i chuckled as i got up from the seat and went over to the fridge.

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