Cop loving me? Code 10-0 (BWW...

By sosodef1991

344K 14.2K 2.8K

Alicia Miller is as bad as you can get them. Having develop an aversion to cops. in the past Alicia has alwa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 23

6.8K 320 49
By sosodef1991

Chapter 23

I was busy sweeping the porch when I heard the gate being opened. I looked up and saw it was Eloise. I narrowed my eyes what does she want?

At the precise moment Aunt Diane came out as well and I stopped sweeping. I looked to Aunt Diane and saw she was looking at Eloise with suspicion as well. She then turned to me and her one eyebrow rose.

Aunt Diane then whispered, "Let's not jump to conclusions." I snorted and looked at Eloise as she walked up the steps.

"Good Morning Diane, Licia." Eloise greeted.

"Morning Eloise, how ya doing?" Aunt Diane greeted back. I just nodded my head.

"I'm good, Diane." She replied.

"So what can I help ya with?" Aunt Diane asked.

"Nothing I just thought I'll pop in a bit. If aint a problem." Eloise answered and my eyes narrowed.  

"It's no problem, we're almost done here. Come inside and I'll make ya something to drink." Aunt Diane suggested. She and Eloise went inside and I went back to sweeping the porch. 

It wasn't long before I saw a courier van stop in front. The driver got out and fetched a medium sized box in the back. Someone walking past our house opened the gate for and he entered and said thanks. I waited and greeted him. He asked my name and I signed the box and he offered to bring it in as it was heavy. I could carry it but I didn't want to bruise his ego and let him inside. He put it on the table and then left.

I was on my way to my room with the box. I saw Eloise looking at the box with intrigue. I just ignored her. I went in my room and went to close and lock the door. My window and curtains were still closed and I cut the tape open.

I looked inside and saw a various boxes inside. I looked at each one and smiled when I saw my special box. I texted Beau to let him know his package arrived. I saw an A4 sized envelope and open it. I smiled when I saw it was my gun license. All legal. Wayne can go look it up on the system. It will show. I decided to close my box and go through this stuff later cos it'll take me a while. I went out and closed and locked my door.

I walked to the kitchen and saw Aunt Diane and Eloise sitting at the table.

"Is it ya birthday or what Licia?  I saw ya got a box." Eloise asked.

"no." I said and I saw she was waiting for an explanation. I wasn't gonna give it to her. I went to wash my hands and poured myself some juice.

I heard Eloise clear her throat, "so Licia ya must be missing Wayne Aint ya?"

"yeah." I replied.

"When's he coming back?" 

"In 2 weeks' time." I answered.

"Oh ya must be so excited?" she gushed and I rolled my eyes.

Aunt Diane saw me and spoke on my behalf, "oh well but next week Alicia's going away for training again. Just 2 weeks."

"That must be awful. For the time the two of ya are going out you've been away from each other." Eloise said in a tone I didn't like.

I was about to say something rude to her when Aunt Diane spoke before I could. "Oh well they have an understanding. Anyway they both want to better their careers. It just goes to show that they both aint selfish people. They're not holding the other back. They allow the other to achieve their dreams. Not many couples are like that. Others get jealous and so on. Not them, even though it is still considered early day days, they are showing their support for one another. The two of them got something good going on."

I was shocked when Aunt Diane said that. I didn't see it like that. Yes we want better careers for ourselves and we have to go away for training. If we maybe stayed in the city, we'd see more of each as we'd be right there for training but we aint so we have to go away. Aunt Diane is being more philosophical. I think Wayne and I are just using common sense and logic. If using common sense and logic is considered being supportive. Then oh well.

I then heard knocking on the front door and told Aunt Diane I would go see who it is? I went and opened the door. I was a bit surprised to see who it was.

Sue Ellen! Sue Ellen is Wayne's cousin. Remember Mrs Jenkins? Wayne's aunt. Well this was her daughter. I apparently had a bad influence on her. Then one day she told me. I had helped her develop a backbone. She was able to stand up for herself against her mother and her mother's family. 

You see Sue Ellen suffers from Strabismus or like others like to say crossed eyes. When we were in high school she was very shy and meek. I somehow help her (I don't have a clue how) and she blossomed into a confident person. She is a very beautiful woman and has a beautiful personality. 

However, it does sometimes get awkward when she looks at you. You don't know if she's looking at you or something or someone else. That is how I'm feeling at the moment. 

"Sue Ellen! How you doing?" I asked and then smiled.

 She smiled, "hey Licia, I'm good and you?"

"I'm okay. Come in." I said.

She shook her head, "sorry I can't. I just came to give you this?" 

I saw she had two envelopes in her hand and I took it. "Okay thanks. This is?"

She smiled brightly and had a glow on her face, "it's invitations to my wedding. Yours and Aunt Diane. I hope you can make it. It's in a month's time."

I smiled at her and her hug, "congratulations. I'll look at the date and make arrangements at work. I'm so happy for you. It's about time Mason made an honest woman out of you."

We pulled away and she blushed, "yeah thanks. I'm happy too. It was nice seeing you, but I still have to go to a few other people. So see you around Licia."

"Take care. Sue Ellen." We said bye and I went back inside. 

I gave Aunt Diane her invite and she was excited. I saw Eloise getting a bit fidgety.

She cleared her voice, "err... Licia has Wayne told ya anything 'bout his parents? I've been hearing rumours that he daddy Uncle Deacon has a girlfriend, but he's still living with his wife." 

I wondered when someone was gonna ask me. I haven't asked Wayne anything as I feel it aint something to ask him over the phone. 

 I looked at Aunt Diane and she kept her face blank.

I then spoke, "no he hasn't told me anything."

She looked at me like she didn't buy it, "ya sho?"

I then glared at her, "yeah I'm sho and even if he did. I wouldn't tell you." I made sure my tone was rude and then I walked away. 

I was in my room looking at the gun in my hand. I pulled the slide and looked inside. The bullet was there. I wonder what's Wayne gonna say 'bout this gun. Beau also sent a gun safe. I put the magazine and the gun inside and closed it. I'll put the license with my other important papers. 

I then looked at the other gadgets. A bug detector and a spy camera jammer. Wayne told me to search his place a week before I left. He gave me the keys to his place and asked that I'd go twice a week to his house on the pretence of taking some of my clothes to his place. So when I do go search, it don't look suspicious.

It was Thursday night and we were sitting in a car watching our target as he left stumbling out of the pub. He had his arm around Talia and was grinning from ear to ear. He looked in no condition to drive. Damn that pill work's fast or this guy's liver can't take much anymore.

"The fool is so damn clueless. He's as happy as a dead pig in the sunshine." Roy commented. 

Tyrell snorted, "He don't know what lies waiting for him."

Talia then offered to drive for him. He was happy to give her the keys. We searched his truck for any weapons just in case that was a ploy of his. Talia started car and she drove off. We waited for her to turn left on the highway and then followed her. We were behind him and followed him to the motel. He and Talia got out with some struggle and went straight into a room that he rented monthly. We waited a while and got the text from Talia.

We walked to the door and whistled. She came to open the door and glared at us. 

"I think this guy is a killer or something."

I frowned, "why'd you say that?" 

She unfolded her arms, "come let me show you what's in the kitchen closet."

Roy closed the door and we walked to the kitchen. I saw the guy was passed out in his bed. Talia had already tied him up. She opened the bottom closet door and I frowned. Roy and Tyrell whistled. We saw various knives, a pair of leather gloves, plastic sheet wrap and bleach. 

I then realised what that smell was in his house. 

"Oh shit." I cussed loudly. 

Roy then frowned at me, "what?"

I turned to look at him, "Roy I think I know, what that smell was in that house. Remember that day when we were ten and we found that dead dog."

He pulled his face but nodded, then realisation dawned on him, "Fuck!"

Tyrell pulled a face, "what?"

I looked at Talia, "what happened at the bar? Did he approach you?" 

She nodded, "yeah. I had a difficult time getting that damn pill in his drink. He was a bit too observant. I got a lucky break and put the pill in. so what we gonna do now? Cos this changes things, Licia. You know for a fact you can't keep something like this away from Wayne."

I rubbed my temple and sighed, "I know. You know what? I aint even gonna bother asking this guy anything he disgusts me. We're gonna send the cops to his place and find him."

Tyrell folded his arms, "so what's the plan?"

"Let me think," and I bit my lip, "we can't send an anonymous tip to his house cos he lives in the middle of nowhere."

"Licia I think I got an idea. He's truck is death on wheels right. We can send an anonymous tip about his truck driving on the highway. We can say where he turned in and they will have to go look. Cos it's from a concerned citizen." Tyrell suggested.

"It's not a bad idea." I looked at Talia, "you do a real good soccer mom accent. You can complain about you, you're husband and kids' lives were in danger. He was driving recklessly and his truck should not be on the road. Would mind calling for us?"

Talia smiled, "no I don't mind."

"Well I'ma call Beau and tell him we're gonna have to go on a different route now. But first things first Roy you..."

It was Saturday afternoon and I was busy working out in the garage when I heard shouting outside. I put down the weight and slowly stretched. I wiped the sweat off me and went outside with a bottle of water in my hand.

I saw a crowd had gathered outside in the street. They were standing in front of Eloise's house. I then listened and heard it was Eloise and Landry. Landry what she doing here she don't even live in this street. I walked to the fence and asked one of my neighbours what was going on.

"Eloise has been running her mouth again. She told everyone Landry was having an affair. It aint true according to Landry. Now Landry has come to cancel her birth certificate." She explained.  

Yeah that was what Aunt Diane was telling me about 2 weeks ago. The two women were arguing and it was very heated. I couldn't hear what they were saying but from the tones they were using. A fight was gonna happen soon.

I saw Leshawn approach me. He came into the yard and stood next to me. He whistled, "Damn those look fixed to be tied." 

"Darn tootin'." I replied. I looked at him and he nodded. Everything's been set. The next thing I hear yelling and screaming. I look up and see Eloise and Landry at it. Leshawn is cheering next to me until we hear a siren and I frown.

A cruiser approaches and stops. Byron and Matt get out. They first look to my house and I shake my head and smiled. Leshawn gave them a dramatic wave then pointed to across the street. They frowned and looked. They then started running to Eloise and Landry. They pulled the women away from each other and tried to calm them down.

After a while the women calmed down and Byron first suggested, that they sort everything out now and apologise. If they don't they go to jail. Wow how nice of him.

Landry however didn't think so, "I'd rather go to jail and fight for my lesbian virginity. Then apologise to this bitch." Everyone who heard started laughing. 

I then heard, "all units we have a code 505 reported on the highway. We need back up. Person is considered armed and dangerous."

I lower my hand and Leshawn gives me a low 5.  

It was Saturday night and I was busy unlocking Wayne's door. I walked into his house and closed the door. I switched on the light and walk to his room. I put my bag on the bed. I unzip it and reach for the camera jammer. I press the button and then reach for the bug detector.

I start sweeping in his room. I looked in the closet, his drawers, in his lampshades almost everywhere. I then hear a beep when I'm busy looking and feeling his headboard. I move the bug detector along the headboard. Nothing. I then look up at the painting above the bed. I move the detector and it starts flashing. I stand carefully on the bed and start feeling. I feel it and I start grinding my teeth. 

Is this person sick? On top of the bed! Where we do private stuff together. Okay we haven't sex yet, but we've done stuff that no one else has to see. I start looking around the house and found a camera and microphone in the kitchen, in his living room, his study (he's not gonna be happy about that) and also his mini gym room. (Why there?") 

I'm sitting in my room when Wayne calls me.

"hello." I answered.

"Hello to you too love. Miss me?" I smiled. He voice was melting my insides.

"Very much." I replied. "So how's things that side? I ask. 

"It's good. You can feel the end is near. They're putting a lot of pressure on us, but I can handle it."

"Yes you can. So don't stress one of these days everyone's gonna call you, Detective Anderson. So you want an update?"


I sighed, "you aint gonna like it."

"I don't like already."

I sighed and told him where all the bugs were hidden. I saved the study and bedroom for last and just like I thought. He wasn't happy. He ask me hold so that he could gather himself. I waited.

At that moment I hear loud footsteps in the corridor and see Aunt Diane open my door.

"Alicia did you hear?" she asked with shock on her face.

"Did I hear what?" I asked. I kinda had a clue already.

"The police found a serial killer. You know there in the woods, South-west of town. He kept the bodies in his house. He was a hoarder, so he'd put his trash on top of the bodies." She yelled while explaining.

I frowned, "how'd they catch him?"

"I don't have all details. All I know is that, he was driving reckless on the road and someone called to complain."

"Licia what am I hearing?" Wayne yelled on the phone.

"I'll give the phone to Aunt Diane. She'll explain." I gave the phone to her and she explained to him.

When she was done she handed back the phone to me and left.

"hello." I said again.

"Oh Licia, my woman, my love. Forgive me when I say this, but you've just gone to hell. You've got a lot of explaining to do."


Hey everybody. What you think? Once again thank you for your votes and comments. Any of you missing Wayne?


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