Life as A Winchester Sister:...

By CheyenneBenton21

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Follows the story of Dean and Sam starting when they look for their dad with one key difference. They have a... More

Pilot Pt. 1
Pilot Pt.2
Pilot Pt 3
Wendigo Pt 1
Wendigo Pt 2
Wendigo Pt 3
Dead in the Water Pt 1
Dead in the Water Pt 2
Dead in the Water Pt 3
Dead in the Water Final
The talk
Phantom Traveler Pt 1
Phantom Traveler Pt 2
Phantom Traveler Pt 3
Bloody Mary Pt 1
Bloody Mary Pt 2
Bloody Mary Pt 3
Skin Pt 1
Skin Pt 2
Skin Pt 3
Hook Man Pt 1
Hook Man Pt 2
Hook Man Pt 3
Bugs Pt 1
Bugs Pt 2
Bugs Pt 3
Home Pt 1
Home Pt 3
Asylum Pt 1
Asylum Pt 2
Asylum Pt 3
Scarecrow Pt 1
Scarecrow Pt 2
Scarecrow Pt 3
Scarecrow Pt 4
Faith Pt 1
Faith Pt 2
Faith Pt 3
Faith Pt 4
Route 666 Pt 1
Route 666 Pt 2
Route 666 Pt 3
Route 666 Final
Nightmare Pt 1
Nightmare Pt 2
Nightmare Pt 3
Best Brothers Ever
The Benders Pt 1
The Benders Pt 2
Shadow Pt 1
Shadow Pt 2
Shadow Pt 3
Hell House Pt 1
Hell House Pt 2
Hell House Pt 3
Hell House Final
Something Wicked This Way Comes Pt 1
Something Wicked this Way Comes Pt. 2
Something Wicked this Way Comes Pt. 3
Provenance Pt 1
Provenance Pt 2
Provenance Pt 3
Provenance Pt 4
Dean Mans Blood Pt 1
Dean Mans Blood Pt 2
Dead Mans Blood Pt 3
Dead Mans Blood Pt 4
Salvation Pt 1
Salvation Pt. 2
Salvation Pt. 3
Devils Trap Pt. 1
Devil's Trap Pt. 2
Devils Trap Pt 3

Home Pt 2

397 9 1
By CheyenneBenton21

   The next morning, we headed out to talk to anyone dad knew in the time when mom died. First on the list was an auto shop that dad used to co-own with a man named Guenther. 

  "So, you and John Winchester, you used to own this garage together," Dean asked the man. 

 "Yeah, we used to, a long time ago," Guenther told us as he worked on a car. "Matter of fact, must be 20 years since John disappeared, so why are the cops interested all of a sudden?"

  We decided it would be best, to not tell anyone else John was our dad. We wanted to get the best information we could. 

  "Oh, we're reopening some of our unsolved cases," Dean explained to the man. "And the Winchester disappearance is one of them."

  "Uh huh, well, what do you want to know about John?" Geunther asked. 

  "Whatever you remember." I told him. "Whatever sticks out in your mind."

 "Well, he was a stubborn bastard, I remember that," Geunther started. "And whatever the game, he hated to lose, you know?" He laughed a little. "It was that old marine thing, but uh, he sure loved Mary and he doted on those kids."

  I let out a sigh and turned away for a minute. I can hardly remember dad "doting" on any of us. Dean noticed and stepped in front of me a bit.

   "But that was before the fire." Sam stated.

"That's right," Guenther agreed. 

 "He ever talk about that night?" Sam asked. 

 Geunther shook his head. "No, not at first," he admitted. "I think he was in shock."

  "Right, but eventually..." Sam looked over at Dean. "What did he say about it?"

 "Oh, he wasn't thinking straight," Geunther told us. "He said..uh.. he said something caused that fire and killed Mary." 

  "He ever say what did it?" Dean spoke up. 

 Now, Geunther looked at Dean like he was crazy. "Nothing did it, it was an accident," He clarified. "An electrical short in the ceiling or walls or something." 

 I couldn't keep listening as they talked about mom's death over and over again. "You know what," I spoke to my brothers. "I have to uh, go make some calls, I'll be in the car." I told Geunther goodbye and walked off. Once again, tears made their way down my face. This time I didn't stop them. I didn't get in the car, I sat on the trunk. My brothers got the information they wanted and followed me out. I heard them whispering, before on of them got in the car. Footsteps came my way.

  "Cheyenne," Dean called quietly. "Can you look at me, please?"

 "I'm sorry, Dean," I cried as I looked up at him. "I tried to be strong like you, but I just.."

  "Hey, hey," Dean interrupted me. "Who said you had to be strong?" He asked. 

 I looked back at my lap. "No one, i just... I didn't think that it would get to me this much."

 "Cheyenne, look at me," He pulled my chin to look into my eyes. "You never have to pretend to be okay, never, not with me or Sam, okay." 

  "But why is it so hard," I cried. Dean pulled me into a hug.

  "I don't know sweetheart," He whispered. "I don't know." He let go of me after a minute. "Now, are you ready to go?" I nodded and jumped off the trunk. Before I could head to my door, he grabbed my hand. "And remember, if you ever feel like you can't do something, tell me, and I will help."

  "Of course, Dean," I got in the car.

  Once I got in, Sam and Dean explained that we were trying to find palm reader that dad went to after mom died. We got a local phone book and went to a phone booth, where Sam read through the book.

  "Alright, so, there are a few psychics and palm readers in town," he informed us. "There's some named El Divino," he laughs at the next one. "There's the mysterious Mr. Fortinsky," I couldn't help but giggle. "Uh, Missouri Moseley, and some dude-" I cut him off, as a name stuck out to me.

  "Wait, wait, Missouri Moseley?" I questioned. "That's a psychic?"

 "Uh...yeah, I guess so." Sam told me. I walked over to the car, reaching in to grab dad journal. I didn't read it much, but enough to remember. 

  "In dad's journal.." I brought it over to the boys. I saw Dean start to remember too. "Come here and look at this." I flipped to the first page and handed to Sam. "First page, first sentence, read it." 

  Sam took it from me. "I went to Missouri..." I watched him slowly realize. "And I learned the truth." He looked up at Dean and I. 

  "I alway's thought it was a state," Dean told him. We gave her a call and she told us to head over to here place.

  We waited on a couch, as Missouri finished talking to someone. It was a man who walked out.

  "Now, you don't worry about a thing," Missouri told the man. "Your wife is crazy about you." He left the building and turned to us. "Poor bastard, his wife is cold-banging the gardener." 

  "Why didn't you tell him?" I questioned.

 "People don't come here for the truth." Missouri explained. "They come here for good news." We looked at her confused. "Well, Sam, Dean, Cheyenne, come on already, I don't have all day." She walked into another room. We looked at each other before getting up and following. 

  She turned to face us. "Well, let me look at you," She laughed. "Oh, you boys grew up handsome and Cheyenne you are beautiful." I smiled at her comment, I liked her already. "And you were one goofy-looking kid too," She pointed at Dean. Sam and I chuckled. 

  She reached forward and grabbed Sam's hand. "Sam..." She looked sad. "Oh, honey... I'm sorry about your girlfriend." I looked over at Dean. She must be good. "And your father, he's missing?"

 "How'd you know all that?" Sam questioned. 

 "Well, you were just thinking it, just now." She explained. 

 "Well, where is?" Dean asked. "Is he okay?"

  "I don't know?" She admitted. 

 "Don't know?" I questioned. "You're supposed to a psychic, right?" She looked at me.

  "You see me sawing some bony tramp in half?" She asked. "You think I'm a magician?" I went to say something but she cut me off. "I may be able to read thoughts and sense energies in a room, but I can't just pull facts out of thin air." I saw Sam look over and smirk. "Sit, please."

  We sat across from her, on a couch. "Boy, you put your foot on my coffee table and I'm gonna whack you with a spoon." Missouri threatened Dean. He looked confused, as he hadn't even lifted his foot.

  "I didn't do anything," He argued. I laughed. 

  "Well, you were thinking about it?" Missouri explained. 

 "Okay, so... our dad," Sam began to ask. "When did you first meet him?

  "He came for a reading a few days after the fire," Missouri told us. "I just told him what was really out there in the dark." she continued. "I guess you could say, I drew back the curtains for him."

  "What about the fire?" I questioned. "Do..Do you know about what killed our mom?" I struggled to ask the question. I felt Dean lay a hand on my leg.   

 "A little," Missouri admitted. "Your daddy took me to your house." She explained. "He was hoping I could sense the echoes, the fingerprints of this thing."

  "And could you? Sam asked. 

 Missouri shook her head. "I don't..." She trailed off. 

  "What was it?" I asked, putting my hand on top of Deans, for support. 

 "I don't know," Missouri finally said. "but it was evil." I started to feel my chest tighten and my eyes grew wide. "So, you think something's back in that house?

  "Definitely," Sam stated. I gripped Deans hand tighter. He glanced over at me, and I could tell he was worried if I was okay. I nodded. 

  "I don't understand." Missouri said. 

  "What?" I asked.

  "I haven't been back inside, but I've been keeping an eye on the place, and it's been quiet." She informed us. "No sudden death, no freak accidents, why is it acting up now?"

  "I don't know," Sam admitted. "But dad going missing and Jessica dying and now this house... all happening at once... it just feels like something's starting." 

  I felt it began hard to breath and tried to remain calm. Missouri looked over at me. "Honey, you okay?" She asked. Dean and Sam looked at me. 

  "I...I'm fine...I-I just need some air," I told her. I stood up, taking my hand from Dean and heading outside. I heard Dean say he was gonna check on me. I started to open the impala door, but Dean grabbed my arm and turned me around. "D-Dean, y-y-you need to s-stay," I managed to get out.

  "Not when my sister's having a panic attack," He told me. He helped me sit on the ground. "Now, sweetheart, can you breath for me?" He asked, holding onto my hand. Like usually, he took one of my hands and put it over his chest. "I need you to match my breathing, alright." 

  I leaned over onto his chest and after a while, my breathing calmed down. "Now, you wanna tell me what led this on?" He looked down at me.

  "Just thinking about this thing at our old house, where mom died, Sammy having dreams, and dad missing,..." I trailed off. "I just want everything to be okay."

    "Everything will be fine, okay.." He told me. "It might just take some time before it feels like it."

 "Thanks, Dean." I said, laying on him again. 

 "Hey, what are big brothers for?" He asked. We sat there for a few minutes. Sam came out with Missouri.

  "Cheyenne, are you okay," He ran over over to where Dean and I were, kneeling in front of me. He grabbed my hand.

  "I'm fine Sammy," I squeezed his hand. "Just got a little overwhelmed, that's all." Once I assured that I was okay he explained that we were gonna head back to our old house with Missouri. 

  "Wait, what are we gonna tell Jenny," I questioned. "You think she'll let us in."

  Sam and Dean exchanged looks and I knew that they had a plan.

  We arrived back at the house with Missouri. Jenny answered the door, and I couldn't help but notice she looked a little out of breath. She was holding her son.

"Sam, Dean, Cheyenne, what are you doing here?" She asked.

 "Hey, Jenny, this is our friend Missouri," Sam began. 

 "If it's not too much trouble, we were hoping to show her the house, for old time's sake," Dean asked. Jenny smiled.

 "No, you know, this isn't a good time," Jenny told us. "I'm kind of busy."

 "Listen, Jenny, It's important--" Dean began to say. Missouri hit him in the back of the head. "Ow!" I covered my hand as I laughed. 

   "Give the poor girl a break, can't you see she's upset," Missouri scolded Dean. She turned to Jenny. "Forgive this boy, he means well."  Missouri explained. "He's just not the sharpest tool in the shed, but hear me out." 

  "About what?" Jenny questioned.

  "About this house," Missouri stated. 

 "What are you talking about?" Jenny asked. She was becoming concerned. 

  "I think you know what I'm talking about," She told Jenny. "You think there's something in this house, something that wants to hurt your family." She explained "Am I mistaken?"

  "Who are you?" Jenny questioned. 

 "We're people who can help, who can stop this thing," Missouri explained to her. "But you're gonna have to trust us just a little."

  Jenny thought about it and then let us in the house. This time, I went in too. I had to see what Missouri would find. I did hold Dean's hand, just for comfort. We headed up to Jenny's daughters room. She had been the one to see a figure on fire. 

  "If there's a dark energy around here, this room should be the center of it." Missouri told us. 

  "Why," I asked. 

  "This used to be your nursery, Sam," Missouri explained to him. "This is where it all happened." 

  We glanced up to the ceiling and I couldn't help but imagine mom up there. I squeezed my eyes shut and looked down. I felt Dean squeeze my hand. I took a deep breath and looked back at Missouri. Dean pulled out a EMF machine of his pocket. He released my hand for a second to turn it on. Missouri walked around the bedroom, placing her hand over different objects. 

  "That an EMF?" She asked Dean. 

  "Yeah," Dean said, looking down at it.

  "Amateur," Missouri teased. 

  "Oh, she doesn't like your toy," I teased as well. Dean looked over at me and glared. I hid my smile in the arm of his jacket. But, a few seconds later, the EMF reader buzzed. Dean bumped me and smirked. 

   "I don't know if you guys should be disappointed or relieved," Missouri said, taking our attention from the EMF. "But this ain't the thing that took your mom."

  "Are you sure?" Sam asked. Missouri nodded. "How do you know?

 "It isn't the same energy I felt the last time I was here," Missouri explained to us. "It's something different." 

   "What is it?" Dean asked. Missouri walked over to the closet and opened it.

  "Not it..." She told us. "Them, there's more than one spirit in this place." 

  "What are they doing here?" I asked. 

 "They're here because of what happened to your family," She told us. "You see, all those years ago, real evil came to you." She stood in front of us. "It walked this house." I once again squeezed Dean's hand. "That kind of evil leaves wounds, and sometimes wounds get infected." 

  "I don't understand?" Sam questioned 

   "This place is a magnet for paranormal energy," Missouri continued. "It's attracted a poltergeist-- a nasty one-- and it won't rest until Jenny and her babies are dead." 

  "Oh my god," I mumbled. Dean took his hand from mine, and put his arm around my shoulder. I leaned into him. 

  "You said there was more than one spirit," Sam clarified. 

   "There is," Missouri assured us. "I just can't quite make out the second one."

  Dean looked at Sam and I. "Well, one thing's for damn sure," He stated. "Nobody's dying in this house, ever again." Dean turned to Missouri. "So, whatever is here, how do we stop it?"

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