Hermione's Desires

By NarutoGirlxxx

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I don't own Harry Potter, or any of the characters, the only thing I would own will be my story plots...the r... More

Soul Bond
Fact and Lies
The Secret Within Slytherin House
The Secret Within Slytherin House - Part 2
Magic Knows Best
".....could you love us too"

The Secret Within Slytherin House - Part 3

83 1 0
By NarutoGirlxxx

#11,292+words Edited --/--/----

Pairing: Draco/Hermione

A/N: I'll be skipping a year or so in this chapter - Jayne


Hermione POV

My first year at Hogwarts was simply figuring out where I stood in the magical world, learning about magic and focusing on studying, my second year came and went quickly but with a difference, the warning the headmaster gave in his opening speech made me wary but I didn't stop my 'misfortunes' completely, the other houses where also unhappy with the headmaster, no-matter who it was students were talking about what he said that night and no-one could forget the look in his eyes as he looked over the hall, the only thing I was glad about was that he didn't focus his words to Slytherin house, I've overheard a lot of the older Slytherin's say that the headmaster has never liked the house covered in green and silver but as the headmaster he has no right in having a favourite house or student and though the Gryffindor's still got away with a lot of things,

They too were wary now, mostly because the other houses were beginning to show how they feel about them being without consequences for their actions, the older students from each house except theirs have begun to settle some scores or they are getting sneakier on doing it, but the warning the headmaster gave that first night didn't help with certain people, certain members of that house now use it as an excuse to be more harsher either with their pranks or the bullying knowing they would get away with it and while slytherin house has always known this to be fact, it has finally been shown to other houses more clearly, I had noticed that the Weasley started smirking at some of the first years that had joined and knew he would be targeting them with his bullying, it was why I had told professor snape that I couldn't stop it completely

When professor snape left the common room that night and we were all left to ourselves, I knew I had to get to my dorm before being stopped because now that the news that it was I that had been doing it, they would want to know why and some of them might not care for the reason and were just happy that a Gryffindor was getting pranked by someone from their house, even if it is a muggleborn doing the pranking

Flashback Start

When professor snape finally left the room, I quickly made my way to my dorm room before anyone could say something, I wasn't happy that he told all of slytherin house that I was the one who was doing the 'misfortunes' to certain people but now they know, I sighed in relief as I finally made it to my dorm, quickly getting inside, the older snakes might like the fact that I'm pranking the lions but they wouldn't care that it's because of someone bullying a muggleborn witch, I made my way to my bed and decided to get started on unpacking my trunk -one that Lady Rowle helped me pick out- I shook my head I still couldn't believe that my aunt allowed me to go to another persons home, all without knowing them, I sighed to myself knowing that Rowle and the others are going to be impossible now that they know for certain it was me, I had figured out that they had an idea that it was me but now they all know that for definitely

I was sitting on the floor going through my books for the new term before suddenly remembering that I didn't pick up my new class schedule for this year, I sighed heavily knowing full well that I had to go back downstairs but not really wanting too, I was still thinking about it when my dorm room door opened, I looked up and saw my dormmates filling in, though the boys were standing in the open doorway, I raised an eyebrow to them and waited "you forgot your schedule" daphne mentioned as she moved closer to me with a sheet of paper, I nod my head "thank you" I had a quick look over it and then went about sorting the books I would need for tomorrow classes "why didn't we know, what you were doing to the lions" I heard draco ask casually, I looked over my shoulder and stared into his grey/blue eyes "I didn't think anyone would care about why I was doing it, in the first place" I commented slowly, before turning back around

I allowed them to think whatever they wish too, while I continued to sort my things out, once everything is done and my uniform was hung up I sat on my bed, I could sense they were still there but I ignored them and then started to read, I knew they would get tired of watching me soon enough and I was right because within minutes I heard movements, when I looked up though I groaned because standing in the doorway was Rowle and his merry men "well little snake, now we know for certain it was you, are you going to tell us what else you have in stall for him" he asked me teasingly but I could see the smirk on his face, I placed my book down and moved off my bed getting ready to leave my dorm room "we might as well go into the common room" I huffed out when he tried to stop me from leaving, the others quickly followed us and when we got there, I noticed a few other older snakes that I don't know the names off were waiting as well, everyone took a seat and then stared at me, with draco sitting close to me, so close that he was touching my leg with his own

I shifted uncomfortably at all the attention until I snapped out "what" I noticed that Sofia and Melina where close to me on my other side "tell us what you've been doing to them" Josh Rosier asked somewhat gently, I sighed before explaining slowly "I don't do it to all of them, the weasley twins are suppose to be the pranking kings and while their pranks can become borderline dangerous, they have never bullied someone personally for what I have seen of them, but their little brother is a disgusting excuse for a wizard" I looked at the older ones and scoffed softly, I turned my head so I was staring into the fire "muggleborns come into this world either excited or nervous, I know I felt both of those things but I already knew that entering a new country you need to know about it first, it's the same thing for the wizarding world as well, I researched what I could on my own, before getting help from someone born into this world, other muggleborns are not so forward thinkers" I started quietly, as my eyes got lost in the flames

"I heard that there use to be a class that focused on magical traditions, I really am not sure why it was stopped to be honest, I would've loved learning about it all and I'm sure that the other muggleborns would as well, if they were told of how important it is maybe they would be more willing to learn but having a headmaster who doesn't think it's important, makes them unwilling to" I said not looking at any of them, the headmaster is to blame about the whole thing, most students trust the headmaster about keeping them safe and making sure they have the right tools to move out into the real world, but Albus Dumbledore doesn't do that and that makes him dangerous "this is about the little first year, isn't it" Sofia asked me suddenly, I looked up and saw everyone looking at me but the difference was, they weren't sneering at me, I looked at her and nod my head "at first it was but other witches from muggle backgrounds were being bullied by him and no-one from their own houses were doing anything about it" I said knowing that it was true, those witches may leave this world as well and it would be Ronald Weasley's fault

"I just don't understand it all, I read some books about etiquette and traditions, whilst they weren't my favourite books simply because I never thought I needed to be taught how to have manners at this age since a child learns them from an early age and then continue to as they grow, from what I had found out, the weasley family are purebloods, so why aren't the children showing those manners" I said to her, not really sure what the issue was to be honest, Sofia had opened her mouth to speak but it was Rowle who answered my question

"The older families don't class them as purebloods" he said as he sat down in the spare chair that's in front of the sofa I was sitting on, I tilted my head to the side feeling confused, it must of shown on my face because Melina spoke up "they don't like them because of a number of things, though you are muggleborn you researched about our traditions, that is more than what they have done..." she trailed off and Josh continued "they aren't respected by other families, they agree with everything Dumbledore says and has never showed any interest in tradition, that is why pureblood families don't recognise they're pureblood status" I thought about that and slowly nod my head, I could understand them, why would they agree with a man who was taking all of the traditions away from their world "what have you been doing to the boy" Darius Whitmore asked, I sighed and explained what I had done, it wasn't even that bad either, the littlest things like tripping him up as he's walking, he spilt a drink on a library book and was scolded severely by Madam Pince, Hogwarts librarian, his homework had unfortunately disappeared the day it's due to be handed in...."it's even worse when he has professor Snape's class that day as well" I finally finished explaining what I have done

"Is he the only one you have 'pranked'" Josh asked me smirking, I shook my head "I first included harry potter but after a few months, he stopped agreeing with carrot boy about everything, I heard him at the end of last year, defending another student, so I left him alone, the carrot boy hasn't learnt his lesson so he will continue to have 'misfortunes' for a little longer" I paused giggling at some of the looks on his face after another bad day "with Dumbledore's threat this evening, I will have to be more careful with what I do but I wont stop" I huffed out, as I tried to think about ways around Dumbledore's threat "what are you going to do, now" Sofia asked me worriedly, I sighed softly "no idea" I shrugged my shoulders, some of the others moved away and I could hear them talking about what I had said but I didn't pay them much attention at all "Snape was right though, you would have to be careful, with the way Dumbledore is, it wont take much to push him over the edge" Antonin mentioned casually, I nod my head agreeing with him, after awhile I went back to my dorm room and finished unpacking my things

For the first few weeks of the new term I didn't make a move on carrot boy -it's his new nickname- I left him alone and waited for him to think it was all over, I've heard him mention a few times that he hopes that Dumbledore get rid of 'those death eater snakes' which I assume he was talking about the older families who had at the beginning joined Voldemort, I've never asked any of them about it since it was before I came here, but it gave me an idea on what carrot boy really thinks about slytherins, I have taken time to also watch the new weasley member that is a first year, ginny weasley I heard her name was and what I have seen, she is no better than her brother, she is constantly standing around potter, when I asked Sofia and Melina about that, they both told me that potter is the heir to the potter family fortune, which he isn't entitled until he's 17/18 years old, which is when a wizard or witch is classed as an adult in the magical world

After being told that, I watched her carefully and noticed the way she often glared at other witches when they get too close to potter, I rolled my eyes at that, so her goal was to marry harry potter I couldn't help telling the girls that and they laughed "I feel sorry for him then, that family will drain his vault dry before he even knows it" Melina commented chuckling softly, I nod my head because I agree with her, I've often seen how the girl behaves and obvious there is no manners in her at all "maybe I should do something about that, at the end of the day if he feels like a slytherin is making sure he isn't taken for granted -which he obviously is by certain people- he wouldn't be quick to judge our house" I stated slowly, with a thoughtful expression on my face, they where quiet for a few minutes before they smirked at me "that could work" they said simultaneously

Flashback Over

After that talk in the common room, my second year was harder than the first, mostly because I was trying to keep Dumbledore from trying to find out it was me who was doing anything, since the whole of my house knew it was me and some of the things that I had been doing, I'm not sure if that has made it easier or worse but I try to ignore them, I've also noticed that professor snape comes to our common room more often this year but he said that it was to make sure that non of his snakes got in trouble for anything, since the headmaster is looking for someone to blame and he might just blame slytherin house, even if there is no proof he would always blame the house of snakes before anyone else, I know that and so does the other snakes so they never made any complaints to professor snape, though with the headmaster keeping a close eye on everyone I've not been able to the portrait room as much but with the frame I was still able to speak to master merlin and Lord Slytherin when I go to bed

Since some snakes knew that I don't go home for our holidays, I've been invited to Rowle Tower a few times over the last school year, my aunt didn't seem to have any issues about me going and encourages me to make more friends, even if they are older than me by a few years, over the first few weeks I had small interactions with harry potter, one day he was looking for a book in the library and I helped him with finding it, afterwards he thanked me but I shrugged my shoulder, that happened a few times and so by the end of the year whenever he saw me in the library he would sit next to me, sometimes he would ask me a question or he would take his homework out of his bag and start doing it, I don't know where his 'friend' was because I'd been seeing him more on his own, by the end of our second year we were on first name bases and I gave him little hints that some 'good' wizards and witches are not 'good' at all, he looked at me for a few minutes and then he left, I shrugged my shoulders not knowing if he took my advice seriously or not but that was his matter

******Line Break********

Third Year

Hermione POV

Today marks the start of my third year, during the summer my aunt took me to Greece for two weeks, it was really nice to spend time with her knowing how busy she normally is with work, it was an amazing two weeks and it brought us even closer if that was possible, she brought me to the train station and spoke to Lord and Lady Rowle for a few minutes before Lord and Lady Malfoy came over with draco, at first I wanted to know why draco kept on staring at me but now I'm not sure I really wish to know "hello miss granger" Mrs Malfoy said to me "good morning Lady Malfoy, how are you today" I replied softly, I could see from the corner of my eye that draco was again staring at me "I'm very well miss granger, are you excited for your third year" she questioned me, I smiled and nod my head but before I could reply my aunt butted in "I'm sorry to interrupt sweetheart but I have to leave now for work, will you ask mister blotts to send me a letter about October half-term and if he's alright with continuing with you going to him during the day, I'll try and get a day off work" my aunt asked me gently

I nod my head quickly and hugged her tightly "I'll send him a letter in the morning and ask, don't worry if you can't, we still have the weekends together" I said feeling so happy that I had her in my life, I was brought out of my thoughts by the sound of the Hogwarts express coming into the station, I gave my aunt a kiss on the cheek and quickly got onto the train, so I could look for an empty compartment for myself, just because I'm alright with some of my house I do still like to have my own space, I was just settling down to read a book about advanced spells, when my compartment door was opened, I looked up and saw draco standing there, I frowned at him because he normally sits with his friends "I think your in the wrong compartment draco" I told him, trying to figure out why he was here, he walked in and closed the door seconds before locking it "I wanted to speak with you, without anyone hearing us" he commented seriously, I watched him for a little while, our first two years was spent either barely speaking or pretending the other didn't exist, so why does he wish to speak to me now

"What could you possible wish to speak to me about, that you don't want anyone to hear us" I questioned firmly, I waited for him to start speaking and when he did, I was shocked "you know when my parents first told me that they had met a muggleborn witch at Flourish and Blotts, I didn't know how to respond, you see they have never spoken out loud...well to me anyway about what they truly think about muggleborns and then you came along" he paused and I was growing confused why he was telling me all this "and then I met you at the train station remember" he asked me, I just nod my head "and I have to admit that I didn't see anything that was worth my time, but my perceptive had changed in just a few short weeks, you beat me in every class, a witch who had only known about the magical world for a few weeks, unlike me who was born into it, at first I was angry that you were beating me and I told my father about it all" he stopped and I didn't know whether I was angry or upset at him for thinking that

I watched him take a deep breath before he slowly continued "you could imagine my surprise when he actually started talking to my mother about you, one day I heard uncle sev talking about you to them, it was a few weeks before the end of our first year, I was surprised that he was taking a interest in you, not because of you personal but because he's never taken an interest in anyone...even me" he explained and in a sense I can understand his shock at that but there is something he isn't telling me "which brings me to the reason for this conversation.....I wish to court you, up until we reach the age of seventeen" he announced surely, I gasped at him since that first day with mister blotts and him giving me those books about pureblood etiquette, I read that asking to court someone was serious in the wizarding world "what" I whispered because that wasn't what I thought he was going to say, he smirked at me before he stood up and moved to sit beside me and took my hand in his "your the type of witch that I would like to court" he told me softly

"So if we decide when were seventeen that we aren't suitable, then what" I questioned him seriously because this is something I would need to know, apparently I might have said the wrong thing because he narrowed his eyes at me "who says that we wont be suitable for each other" he snarled heatedly, I watched him "we don't know what we'll be like at seventeen, who to say that by then you wish to court someone else, the same could be said about myself" I said calmly, knowing that getting angry is not going to help the situation "I wouldn't want anyone else..." he started to say before I cut him off "you don't know that draco" I muttered gently, for an heir to announce that he was courting a witch means he intends to marry her when they are of age "I do know and we will be courting to the end and then we'll get married after graduation" he informed me firmly, stood up and then left the compartment, I watched him leave and couldn't help but be speechless at his attitude

I was sitting there in silent for the rest of the train ride and when we arrived at Hogwarts I went to the carriages, it must of not been my day because as I was getting inside someone took my hand, I looked at who the hand belonged too and saw it was draco, he smirked at me and then sat down next to me again I rolled my eyes at him because if this is what he's going to be like, then I'm going to hex him, I stayed quiet for the rest of the journey to Hogwarts, when we were finally back to the castle we all walked into the great hall and took a seat, with draco sitting next to me again, I saw harry walk in looking annoyed and made a mental note to see how his summer went, I saw Dumbledore look around the hall from his throne, I did a bit more research on him and I never realised how many titles he had, I mean why was he even a headmaster in the first place because I thought for you to be the headmaster you have to truly be dedicated to the castle and students, but with all of his titles how can he really dedicate his time to just the castle and students, when he gave his speech this time there weren't any threats included and so within a few minutes we were allowed to eat

I was silent as I was eating when suddenly I heard someone gasp, I looked up and saw tracy staring at me "is everything alright tracy" I asked quietly, not wanting other people hearing us, she quickly nod her head but then paused "hermione, keep an eye out on pansy, apparently her parents told her that draco's parents informed them that there wouldn't be a betrothal contract between her and draco" she whispered and I felt draco tense up beside me, I tilted my head to the side "why should I be worried" I was surprised because I had only heard draco mentioning a courting less than 20 minutes ago, she quickly looked around probably for pansy and leaned forward slightly "pansy thinks it's your fault that draco is no longer looking at her, whatever you do be careful" she warned me just as pansy walked in "she knows I've been pranking the weasley boy, would she try and cause me trouble" I quickly muttered to her and watched as her eyes widened as she obviously forgot about "talk to Sofia" was the only thing she managed to say before pansy sat down "hello draco" I heard pansy purr -well try to- and I felt draco shiver in probably disgust because I was feeling the same way and she wasn't evening talking to me

After we finished we followed the prefects to our common room and then I went up to our dorm with tracy following me "she's down there now, sitting very close to him that if she isn't careful he is going to snap at her" tracy commented smiling, I nod my head because that sounds just what draco would do if pansy doesn't stop, I wasn't going to mention anything about what draco asked me and I hope he realises that as well, otherwise our third year isn't going to be quiet, when milly, daphne and pansy came in, tracy and I where sorting our things out, especially for tomorrows lessons, that way I could go for a run in the morning before class starts "hermione, how was your summer" I heard daphne ask me "it was good, daphne thank you for asking, how was yours" I answered and then asked her back, which is only proper "mother took me and tori to Paris to shop, what did you do" she replied and then told me about the things they got up to in Paris "it sounds like you both had a great time" I told her as she gave us all details of the shops she went to

From the corner of my eye I saw pansy sneering at me "she probably didn't do anything special, her sort never do" pansy snarled hatefully, making daphne gasp in shock {so this is how she's going to show her displeasure about not being betrothed with draco, by making snide comments to me or about me} I thought as I finally finished what I needed to do "my aunt took me to Greece" I spoke slowly without giving pansy the time of day, daphne looked at me and smiled "how was Greece" she asked me, I laughed softly "hot, sweaty and absolutely beautiful" which would explain why my skin is tanned but it was a lovely holiday and I got to spend time with my aunt who I adore

Fast Forward

The first four weeks was quiet, classes started as normal, everyone talking about their summer and all the while pansy was keeping very close to draco, I tried not to smirk at the way draco would snarl at her to keep away but pansy never seemed to understand what he's saying, ever since my first year Mrs Malfoy has sent me a few short notes, which surprised me at first, luckily she never used any of her families owls because obviously they would be noticed, no the notes came with mister Blotts letters, so I'm assuming she posts them to him and then he forwards them to me and after witnessing pansy's behaviour for a last month, I thought it was right to let Mrs Malfoy know about it

Dear Mrs Malfoy,

This letter might come as a shock to you but I thought it is only fair to warn you, during the train ride back to Hogwarts at the beginning of this year, draco asked my permission to court me until we are seventeen, I'm not sure if you and Lord Malfoy are aware of this, at first I was shocked because I have read that, that is not something an heir would do without thinking it over seriously, I also have to admit that I tried to change his mind about it, I know I'm not the type of witch you or your husband would want for a daughter-in-law and I'm not upset about it, I'm proud to be a muggleborn witch, draco will not listen to my words when I told him that he might want someone else when we are older, he also me point blank...."we're courting until we seventeen and then afterwards we will marry" were his exact words, could you perhaps speak to him about this

This next part might be too forward for me to say but I was 'told' by someone that you have refused a betrothal between draco and Pansy Parkinson, I shouldn't say this but I think your right, they are not that suited for each other though I don't think Pansy understands that....I'm only writing this because I am a bit worried, the minute we arrived at Hogwarts pansy has not let draco out of her sights and unfortunately she is beginning to look a bit 'desperate' and I'm not sure what she would do in trying to snap up an heir, especially a Malfoy, again I'm sorry if this letter is very forward but I don't think draco would let his parents know how she is acting, though I thought she had a bit more manners than what she is showing looks like I'm wrong

With Sincere Regards

Hermione Granger

I read over the letter again and then quickly folded it in an envelope before sealing it and taking it to the owlery, I don't think Mrs Malfoy would mind me writing to her since she has kindly sent me little notes in the past but this is in regards to her son and family fortune, I shook it out of my head and went to the library to finish my charms, potions and hopefully my transfiguration essays, this year we can choose which classes we wish to continue with or drop for next year and I've been asking my aunt about it but mostly I speak to my head of house or if he's busy with Lord Slytherin, as I got to the library I smiled at Madam Pince before taking a seat at my normal table in the furthest corner of the library "hello hermione" I heard bringing me out of my thoughts, I looked up and saw harry potter standing there with another boy who I'm sure is Neville Longbottom, I stood up "hello harry and..." I trailed off and stared at harry, he blushed before introducing the other wizard and I was right on who it is

"Scorn Longbottom" I said bowing a little, which caused him to blush as well "erm please call me Neville" he stuttered softly, I smiled and nod my head "then please call me hermione" I asked him gently, since the introductions were done we all sat down, I took out my essays from my bag and then went looking for the books I would need, when I got back to the table the two wizards where already writing, I nod my head and quietly went to writing my own essays, we never spoke unless it was them asking me a question about something but the silence was never an awkward one either, I was able to get all of my essays done in record time and they don't even need to be handed in for another two weeks but that gives me time for me to do some independent studying, I like to stay ahead of my class work especially with me studying with Master Merlin most nights and then the books that mister Blotts sends me, so I'm mostly kept busy

After a few hours studying harry and Neville left the library and I made it seem that I was going back to my common room but I changed direction and quickly hid in an alcove when I heard footsteps, from where I was hiding I could just see Pansy's face in the dully lit corridor and snarled silently {she's following me} I thought heatedly, now I'll have to be wary about going to the portrait room because if she ever finds out the whole castle would know about it, I stayed in that alcove for a little longer knowing that Professor snape walks pass here on his way to his classroom and when I finally heard his footsteps I slowly looked out and when I caught his eye, I saw them widen in surprise which was a real surprise to me since he never shows an emotion, luckily though the minute pansy heard his footsteps she ran away, he motioned for me to follow him and I did, I only took a breath when I was safely in the portrait room, Lord Slytherin was watching us "miss granger, may I ask why you were hiding" professor snape asked me, I took a deep breath "I had left the library and was on my way here but I heard footsteps behind so I hid in the alcove you saw me in" I answered slowly as I sat down

"Who was following you, my dear" I looked up and saw Merlin staring at me, but I looked at my professor "Pansy, tracy gave me a warning the first night back, that a betrothal contract is not on the table between her and draco, pansy has decided that I'm to blame, there is also the fact that she knows I'm the one pranking weasley, what if she decides to casually mention it where the Gryffindor's or worse Dumbledore can hear her" I told him what I was told and also what I think she might do to keep me away from draco and it was that thought that I told him what draco had said "draco asked to court me on the train ride back this year" I whispered to him, he looked stunned about that, well at least I wasn't the only one "Pansy has always wanted to be the next Mrs Malfoy, Narcissa isn't keen on the idea, never has been, luckily a courting is never published at the ministry of marriages and births, only betrothals are" he muttered slowly "my dear, have you agreed to the courting" merlin asked me kindly, I smiled at him but then sighed heavily "I was shocked when he told me, I told him that he might wish to court another witch as he got older but he refused to listen to me and told me point blank that we will be married after Hogwarts.. stupid, arrogant, pig-headed wizard" I replied slowly but then muttered the last bit

"I may have sent Mrs Malfoy a letter telling her about it and maybe she could change his mind, though I did also mention pansy's behaviour and warning her that she may become desperate in trying to snap up draco" I told them innocently, Lord Slytherin chuckled deeply, I stayed in the room for another hour with master merlin talking me through my element training, obviously he can't show me but he's good at explaining things, professor snape also managed to find the books merlin thought could be useful to me and then brought me back to the common room, since no-one would ever question him pansy closed her mouth when she saw who brought me back, I mentally sighed in relief that I managed to get away from her tonight because who knows what she would've done, had she found the portraits

A few days letter I received a letter from Mrs Malfoy as I was eating my breakfast, pansy has been watching me more closely lately, anytime I wish to leave the common room a few seconds later she begins to follow me, whilst I'm studying in the library I could see her trying to hidebehind a bookshelf -until Madam Pince found her and kicked her out- it's got to the point that hell even Sofia and Melina noticed and they were keeping an eye out on her, I was able to let them know what it was all about and they too soon began to help me get away from pansy when she's determined to follow me around the castle because if that's what I've got to put up with for the next four years, I'll end up cursing her

Miss Granger,

Thank you for your letter and also the flowers for my birthday it was a lovely gesture, as for draco in asking to court you...well he had already asked for mine and my husband's opinion on the matter and we told him that it was his choice.....for many years we thought we would make a betrothal contract with another witch and he would except it but that changed by the end of his first year, you bewitched him my dear with your intelligence, your grace and your love of learning about our world, he didn't want another witch other than you, he told us that he wanted someone like myself, a witch who was kind, caring, compassionate but also a witch who wasn't afraid of fighting for family, one who didn't just want him for his name or wealth, the first few things on that list don't mean anything to Miss Parkinson unfortunately the last ones do, she wants my draco for his name and wealth, her family has made a few bad choices in business over the years and they are quickly losing their wealth and status so they are hoping for a good match for their daughter, who I'm sure you have noticed how unsuitable she is for my draco

I think you would make a wonderful daughter-in-law, even Lucius agrees with me...please call me narcissa in private my dear and please give my dragon a chance, please write to me whilst I know you are close to your aunt, if you need any advice please don't hesitate to write to me


Lady (Narcissa) Malfoy

I smiled on the outside as I continued to read the letter but I wasn't so sure about what written inside, draco had asked his parents permission and opinion on courting me that I was shocked but I made sure not to show it since pansy was still watching me "little snake" I heard Sofia call out, I slipped the letter into my pocket and placed a ward silently around it so no-one can take it off me "are you going home this holiday" she asked me about October half-term and I nod my head "my aunt was able to get the week off work so she's hoping to book us a holiday to either Paris or Italy" I replied softly and I could pansy smirk at my answer {she probably thinks because I'm away, she would be able to gain his attention again} I thought wondering what narcissa and her husband have planned to stop her from trying to trap him in a marriage he obviously doesn't want "just make sure you write to us, now that our brothers are leaving this year, we don't have anyone to talk serious with since they never could" she teased as their brothers turned to her, I chuckled at their faces and watched as pansy looked at them smiling "I would always keep you company since you would need someone of the right calibre" she told them and with the sly smirk she sent at me I knew she was speaking about me

I just wonder if she knew that was the wrong thing to say to Sofia, I could see Sofia's face and saw the glare she was sending pansy, tracy was trying to move slowly towards daphne, blaise and theo looked stunned at the way the conversation has gone, Draco looked like he was inching for his wand ever since Sofia and Melina had befriended me in my first year and then their brothers, Rowle and Dolohov, no-one has mentioned my muggle background and they often ask me about my life before coming to Hogwarts, but pansy has never been around for those conversation though discussing this at the dinner table in the middle of the great hall wasn't the right time, I had spoken of my worries about her to Lord Slytherin and he told me about a spell that could stop someone from speaking about a secret and not even those who practice Legilimency -which I know from professor snape that the headmaster knows that skill- can discover the secret, he's been teaching me it every night for that last week and after speaking about it with professor snape he is happy with me using on pansy, since she is thinking of causing trouble for me and my secret that would cause more trouble for Slytherin House

"Well I'm not surprised, the last time I had a conversation with them they mostly spoke of quidditch" I replied dryly as I waved my hand at the wizards who were taking an interest in what was being said, though I think others are had repeated to the brothers about pansy's comment, Melina laughed at me "you really don't like quidditch, do you little snake" she asked me smiling though I could see the strain on her face letting me know, she still has not forgotten Pansy's comment at all "I'll show support if any friends of mine decide to play or make a career out of it but personal no I don't" I answered them honestly, Thorfinn even taught me to fly and whilst I do enjoy it sometimes, I'm not obsessed about it but at least I have the training to fly if I needed to get out of somewhere in a hurry, I continued to make conversation with Sofia and Melina until breakfast was over and then we went to our morning classes. I will have to do the casting tonight because all week she's been acting a little strange so I know something has to be done before she could announce anything, I could also see how she was getting on draco's last nerves with her being all over him, that evening after dinner I went to the library for a few hours and again she was there spying on me but all she would see was me studying as normal

Since it's harder to visit the portrait room now with pansy following me, Master Merlin now teaches me when I go to bed so I go to bed about 9:00pm train with Master Merlin till about midnight sometimes later and then sleep for five and half hours before going for a run around the Black Lake, normally Sofia, Melina and tract join me but the wizards has joined us once before, whilst I don't play quidditch I needed some form of exercise to keep me fit and healthy, so running was the perfect solution, no-one is usually up at that time so I'm able to relax and just enjoy the early mornings. I checked the time and when it was coming up to 9pm I packed up and walked towards the common room Draco had told me quickly in class today that he had a plan to get pansy off his back and whilst I was intrigued about this 'so-called plan' I didn't ask him about it

That night I went to bed as normal, trained with Master Merlin on water and earth elements which I seem to be able to do better than the other two, and it was just the knowledge portion of understanding each element and know that whilst I can control them, they do not belong to me but to mother magic herself, I understood that because I know that no-one could really 'own' the elements that make up the earth, Master Merlin also understood why Lord Slytherin was teaching me a certain spell "Gardien des Secrets" basically translate to "keeper of Secrets" in french and all I have to do is when pansy is asleep is place my wand on her forehead and mutter the incantation, she'll never be able to spread my secrets to anyone, I heard the other girls come in and talking amongst themselves, I've grown close to tracy and daphne, millie does speak to me sometimes but she spends most of her time with theo and blaise, pansy is the only one who I have no friendship with at all, all she ever does is make snide comments when she thinks I'm not looking or she wants me to hear them, for the last year I have been just ignoring them because I've had other things on my mind

Finally after an hour I heard nothing and sent a small bit of my magic around the room to see if they were all asleep and when it came back as yes then I slowly and quietly left my bed, I knew I had to be quick about this so non of the other girls know about it because it's not the type of spell that a third should know and that would bring me lots of questions that I can't answer "Gardien des Secrets" I hissed out softly the minute my wand touched her, really happy that my aunt pushed me to learn another language, when it was done I quickly went back to my bed and turned to the frame and saw Lord Slytherin already there "is it done" he asked me deeply, I nod my head sighing in relief causing him to chuckle "go to sleep little snake" he ordered me using the nickname that Sofia and Melina still use, the minute my head touched the pillow I was out like a light but I did manage to put my security wards up so no-one can get at me when I'm asleep, the one thing I learnt straight away in Slytherin House was that protecting myself was the most important thing, even if I was more friendly with most of my dormmates I still would place my wards around my bed

The weeks passed and soon it was nearly half-term, this was the first time I've seen harry since this year began "hello harry, neville how are you both" I asked them as I was walking towards my seat, harry smiled at me when he noticed who it was "hermione, it's ages since I last saw you, how are you" he replied smiling, I returned the smile slightly "I'm alright, thinking about which classes I wish to take next year and which I wish to drop" I told them since this is the year that you can drop certain classes and I wanted to make sure that I chose the right ones and not make a mistake, I'll probably make my decision and then talk it over with professor snape before handing it in to him, we do have the whole of this year to decide it but I like planning ahead, that way I can write a letter to Mister Blotts about it and ask him to put some books aside for me "we can do that" harry exclaimed looking confused, I nod my head slowly "professor snape announced it at the beginning of this year, why hasn't nobody spoken to you all about this" I replied softly not naming anyone but with what I've heard or seen the headmaster has an unusual interest in harry's life and if it was genuine surely he would've told him this

Harry and Neville didn't speak for a few minutes "do you think you could ask professor snape about neville for him, he wants to study herbology but he needs an E in potions" Harry asked me seriously, I shook my head slowly seeing the disappointment looks they were sending me "professor snape would not accept my word, he would respect you more neville if you asked him yourself, he takes his subject seriously and he only wants those in his class who actually wishes to be there and understand how important it is, why don't you come with me and then see if he's busy after I've spoken to him" I explained softly knowing how professor treats Gryffindor's especially the two in front of me "I suppose your right, I'll come with you both since I also need to speak to him about my own" harry commented and I smiled at them and told them to meet me later on in library and I'll take them down to the dungeons, I waited until I knew that professor snape didn't have anyone else to see and then the next evening took them both down to his office "a word of warning, don't babble or mess about, get straight to the point in what you need to say and he'll be honest, yes sometimes his honesty is harsh but it's better than having everyone telling you what you want to hear...not what you need to hear" I told them, his words do seem harsh when your listening to him but the message he's trying to replay is most often what we need to know at that time

I knocked on his door and waited "come in" we heard and with that I opened the door "professor snape have you got time to see us" I asked him politely, he looked up and narrowed his eyes at who I was with "I never thought I would see two Gryffindor's in my office" he spoke dryly, I saw the boys both gulp in fear but after a little nudge from me which I'm sure the professor saw neville moved forward and after taking a deep breath he spoke "I'm sorry to bother you sir but I needed to speak to you about my grades, I would like to take an apprenticeship with professor Sprout but I was told that I would need at least an A in potions, is there anyway I can get that, is there any potions books I could borrow from the library that would help me learn what I need to" I saw him hold his breath but I couldn't help but smile and nod at him when he looked at me, when I looked to professor snape I saw he had lost the death glare and was watching neville "what you heard was true whilst I know professor sprout would take you now if she could, you need the proper grades to be an apprentice, there are books in the library you could use that I will sign for you to take out, there is going to be a change in my class come Monday" I watched neville has professor snape gave him an answer without his usual snarl

"When you all come to my class on Monday you'll be getting separated into groups, those who will be taking their N.E.W.Ts in the subject, those who don't care and just wish to pass and those like yourself mister Longbottom who needs a certain grade for their future career, since we both know that you'll never be a potions master I will give you different material in my class" professor snape finished and waited to see what neville said "thank you for answering my question sir, could I perhaps get that slip from you now so I can go and get the books before the library closes" he asked holding himself tightly, without a word my head of house quickly wrote out the slip and handed it to neville, who grabbed it and repeated his thanks before leaving the classroom "now mister potter, why are you here" he asked harry and I could see that harry was worried but after quickly looking to me he started speaking "I wish to become an auror but I don't want it without working for it, hermione mentioned yesterday that at the end of this year we can choose our classes for next year" he paused slightly, professor snape nod his head "that is correct, surely your head of house informed you of this at the beginning of the year" he commented dryly

Harry shook his head "no, professor McGonagall hasn't mentioned anything to me and I haven't heard anyone from my house talking about it either" harry replied quickly and politely, professor snape watched him closely "if your thinking about joining the auror department are you doing it for yourself or because your father was an auror, think about that for a few minutes whilst I speak to miss granger" he waved his hand to a chair and harry moved over to it without question, I could see him thinking seriously about this and I was proud of him "miss granger, why did you bring them here don't worry he cannot hear us" professor snape asked me seriously but also intrigued "I have been speaking to harry a little bit each year, by the end of last year we were speaking more often, when I spoke to them about our classes for next year they were shocked, it was their idea about coming to you and asking for your opinion about their potions grades, at first he wanted me to speak to you on Neville's behalf but I mentioned that you would rather speak to them yourself, it was my way of showing them that Slytherin House isn't as bad as some people have been saying" I answered without stopping

I didn't need to speak to him about my classes just yet because I haven't decided what classes I was dropping, professor snape nodded his head at me and waved me to another chair before bring harry out of his thoughts "well mister potter have you thought about your future" his said with a hint of intrigue in his voice "I would like to be an auror for myself, I don't know what grades I need to get into the auror academy" he paused for a second and then whispered "I heard ron saying that I wouldn't to worry about that because I would get in because of my name, is that right professor" he looked like he was in pain, professor sighed before admitting "yes that is correct but I must warn you mister potter that some people will use you and your name to get things that they have no right to get, if the auror department is the place you wish to be then I know the academy only accepts those with at least an A in potions, some say that if you can achieve an E then that would be better, I'm not sure about your other classes" he commented truthfully, that is why other students don't like him because he's honest and would never beat around the bush about something, he would tell you straight whether it was nice or not

Harry nod his head and after saying thank you we both leave the classroom "I'd better go and see if neville is still in the library, thank you for taking us down to see professor snape hermione, he isn't has bad as others say" harry said before walking towards the library, instead of joining him I went back to my common room "little snake, where have you been, it's nearly curfew" Sofia asked me the minute I walked into the room, I motioned for her and Melina to come closer and told them what happened "I think that is perfect, letting potter know that his head of house isn't telling him things was brilliant and having snape speak to him instead was a good idea, I never thought Longbottom would do it to be honest" Melina commented after I was finished speaking, I nod my head "they both thanked the professor and left with a purpose, the headmaster is determined to keep Slytherin House as the house full of dark wizards and witches but this gave me the chance to prove to them that whilst professor snape is a hard wizard to please, he is passionate about his subject, neville actually asked himself and that will give him a boast in his class, though I did mention that whilst professor snape does tend to be harsh he is truthful" I whispered back when I saw some of the others try and move closer

They both nod their heads before glaring at the idiots trying to get closer to us "I think the way your going about it is better, you have mentioned that after a year of helping him find books and seating at the same table in the library, he finally started to talk to you" Melina asked me slowly, I nod my head to her "if I rushed in too quickly he would back off and claim I was after something, to be honest I'm after anything but he's an orphan and he shouldn't be too trusting in the world, especially towards a family that only want him for the vault he will inherit in a few years, now they both know that professor Snape will listen to them if they have honest questions about their grades, I will not try and force professor snape to do anything but maybe this might give him a reason to not pick fault with them that often in the classroom" I answered her quietly, Sofia hummed in response "I think if you carry on the way your going, I think Potter and Longbottom wont be too happy with their own house by the time you all graduate" she said making Melina and I nod our heads, I quickly went to my dorm to get ready for bed and wonder what the rest of the year is going to bring

******Time Skip******

The year went by, I went to Paris with my aunt for the October half-term but what no-one else knew was that Sofia and Melina came with us, they got to see another side of my aunt, it came to a surprise when draco and his parents turned up on our second day and then the boys, it turned out to be a group of us but it was fun if I'm being honest, after that we went back to Hogwarts and made it out that we didn't see each other during the break, Sofia and Melina made it into a game to ask me the first night back what I had gotten up to during the previous week and I told her all the while watching Pansy smirk at me and trying to move closer to draco, who quickly moves further away, he continued to tell me in Paris that I was going to be his wife after graduation and that nothing would change his mind, in Paris he treated me like I was already his wife making sure no other male got within two feet of me or if I bought anything he would take it off me and carry it himself, it was a bit nice, confusing but nice anyway

Rowle and the others were concentrating on their school work when we returned more than they ever have according to Sofia and Melina and was often seen in the common room studying because it's their finally year at Hogwarts, even though I'm more closer to Sofia and Melina, I have gotten use to those wizards being around me so I'll miss them when they graduate but I'll never tell them that though otherwise I'll never be rid of them, they accepted draco was courting me and that no-one else knew about it other than our head of house, during November and December the weather was cold, the work hard and the homework even harder, it seemed that since professor snape had changed his classroom around to suit the different groups the other professors were doing it as well, especially after the students couldn't stop speaking of it, I like the work it gave me something to do other than stare at Pansy and her ridiculous glares she sends me

Though that did stop at the beginning of December when she learned that she couldn't spill my secret of messing around with weasley, and in a stroke of intelligence she finally stopped and just ignored me then which I had not problem with to be honest, whatever narcissa or draco did to stop pansy in claiming a betrothal with draco must of worked though I still didn't ask about it, he was able to spend some time with me which was normally us both being in the library together studying, one night in late December I overheard some of the older snakes talk about it and they said that Hogwarts was changing, that she was feeling different, I frowned when I heard that and thought about it for awhile, I mean the castle does feel slightly different like I know it's a magical school sometimes I wondered why it wasn't more magical but now it feels....alive, if that is even possible

Since I wasn't sure what it meant I shook the thoughts away and knew that it was beyond my knowledge at this point in my life, so I continued on with my classes, homework, learning from Master Merlin and checking in with Ragnok and mister Blotts, also sending letters to my aunt letting her know how I was getting on with my school work and the other students in general, the headmaster wasn't really seen much during the last half of the year and no-one knew why, I finally stopped giving 'misfortunes' to the weasley boy when I noticed that his own house was telling him off whenever he started bullying someone, the younger ones knew not to be around him because of his unfortunate behaviour, harry seems to spend most of his time with either neville, me or both, he often joins me in the library and when he asks about something that his head of house should've told him or at least explained to him about it, then I would try and answer them honestly

Yule break came and went, I stayed with my aunt during that time and I really loved it, I sent the people that I was friendly with a small gift, I sent narcissa a bunch of flowers again from my aunt and I, apart from a few letters during that week it was a peaceful holiday, I did try and send a letter and gift to harry but I didn't know where he lived so I kept it in my trunk and thought about giving it to him when we return to school, same goes for neville as well, when we got back to Hogwarts the first thing I did was pass harry and neville their gifts but then harry told me something that doesn't seem right "what do you mean, you can't access your vault but it's yours" I questioned him quietly as we sat in the library "I don't know, I wanted to send you and neville a gift as well but when I asked the headmaster for access he wouldn't allow me, saying that it can't happen at this moment in time" he to told and I couldn't help but frown at that, I noticed that he wasn't happy with the conversation so I changed the subject

When I got back to my common room I saw Rowle and the others sitting on the sofas by the fire, knowing that he was an Heir to an old family I thought he might know, so I walked over to them "Rowle" I called out softly, he looked over to me and smiled "little snake" he replied making me roll my eyes "can I ask you something without it going further" I asked him as I motioned around the room, which was nearly empty because of how late it was, he nod his head but was frowning at me "I know that your an heir to an old family Rowle, so what if you are an heir but don't have a family and are underage to accept the title and vault, who would be placed in charge of it until the person is of age" I questioned him and saw he and the others were frowning "it would be placed in either a godparent or their head of house hands until the person comes of age" Rowle commented slowly, I was quiet for awhile trying to think if harry had mentioned anything about a godparent but I don't think he has

"Who are we speaking off, little snake" I heard Josh Rosier ask me, I looked around at them and sighed "you all know that I started speaking to harry potter at the end of my first year" they all nod their heads when I looked at them "well I had a small gift for him for Yule but since I didn't know his address, I thought I'd leave it until we return to school, I passed it to him this evening and he mentioned that he wanted to do the same but when he asked the headmaster, he was disallowed, it had me thinking the headmaster is no relative of harry and shouldn't be given ownership of his family vault...." I explained my thoughts and they were all shocked "the headmaster has no right to have anything to do with potter's vault at all" Antonin spoke lowly, he's someone I don't speak to often but I do know he is excellent at charms "maybe speak to one of the goblins at Gringotts or professor snape" Darius Whitmore suggested and I slowly nod my head, maybe I could hint at Ragnok about it and see if he knew anything, I bid them all a goodnight before going to my dorm room and started my letter

Dear Ragnok,

whilst this may be an unusual way to go about this, I wasn't sure what to do.....

After finishing the letter, I placed it under my pillow with the others that needed to be sent out in the morning, I quickly went into the bathroom and changed into my sleepwear, I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep yet so I spoke to Master Merlin and Lord Slytherin about what I had discovered and Master Merlin said he will have a talk with Gringott himself about this matter "the headmaster has no right to be involved in a students vault" Lord Slytherin said seriously, I nod my head "whilst I may never use your vault Master Merlin, it's nice to know that the headmaster cannot gain access to it" I told him softly, since I was given his vault I had decided to use it for something that the magically world would need, but I would have to speak to Lucius Malfoy first since he would give me some good advice about it, though that wont be for another couple of years yet. I shook my head and after saying goodnight I went to sleep, tomorrow we would be taking our exams and then returning home for the summer, I hope next year is different than this year because this year was just confusing



The translation was on 'Translate' on iPad Pro, not sure if it is right or not - Jayne

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