The Oni Partling Season Two S...

By IsaIcy

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This is just the script of the second season of a series I made on YouTube. More

Episode One: Sick
Episode 2: Do They Know?
Episode 3: Secret's Out
Episode 4: The Call
Episode 5: Captured
Episode 6: YinYang
Episode 7: A Short Life
Episode 8: Secret Mission
Episode 9: Frenemies
Episode 10: Forgiveness
Episode 11: Pushed to the Edge

Episode 12: Outlawed

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By IsaIcy

Lloyd is about to walk out of the front door, but Kai stops him.

Kai: Where are you going? School starts tomorrow, and we're your only friends.

Lloyd: Wow, that's harsh.

Kai: I didn't mean it like that! I just meant that this is kinda unexpected given that, you know...

Lloyd: My father died, you can just say it. It doesn't hurt anymore.

(That's a huge lie, but Lloyd's been working on his acting skills for quite some time)

Kai: Really? Are you sure?

Lloyd: Yes, I've accepted it, and I'm moving forward with my life.

Kai: Wow, um, okay. Have fun with whatever you're going to do.

Lloyd: Don't worry, I will.

When Lloyd says I will, his eyes turn red, but Kai doesn't see it since Lloyd's back is facing him.

Timeskip to an empty street.

Lloyd: He should be here by now.

He finds a note that says: I told you I wasn't doing this again. - YinYang

Lloyd: Fine, if you're not coming to me, I'll just come to you.

Lloyd finds YinYang in an alleyway.

YinYang: Oh, not you again, what do you want?

Lloyd: When I said I wanted to meet, it wasn't a request. You denied my offer.

YinYang: Oh, I denied your friendship request, what am I missing out on, bracelets or something? Or no, wait, I bet I'm missing out on the friendship circle you guys do every Tuesday to spread kindness.

Lloyd gets out a knife and points it at him.

Lloyd: You should've taken the offer.

Lloyd attacks YinYang, but YinYang dodges. YinYang touches the knife and it turns into ash. He then blasts Lloyd to the ground.

YinYang: I told you, you're a child, you have nowhere near the amount of power to defeat me. You know what coming here and attacking me makes you, right? It makes you the bad guy. Not me.

Lloyd stands up.

Lloyd: I'm not the one who killed a father.

YinYang smiles an awful smile, the one that doesn't look right, the one that would make passerbys walk faster if they ever saw a smile like that.

YinYang: If I take you out, I can reunite you two, father and son. That's what you want, right? The world doesn't need a future villain on their hands.

Lloyd grits his teeth.

Lloyd: Well, at least I have more honor than you. I save the city, you bribe the villains into not attacking Ninjago.

YinYang: You got a lotta nerve saying you have more honor than me.

They fight again until Lloyd is again blasted to the ground. YinYang puts a sword to his head.

YinYang: Surrender! Or I'll have to use force!

Lloyd: You mean more force that you've been using?

YinYang: You know, I wonder what it was like, having Garmadon as a dad, must've been great when the evil was gone in him, you guys must've had the best of times. Too bad they're all gone.

YinYang removes the sword from his head, thinking he won't get up.

Lloyd slowly gets up.

Lloyd: You...don't talk about him that way!

Lloyd's eyes are now red.

YinYang: Neat trick, but that won't scare me.

YinYang blasts Lloyd again, but this time he does it with more force. Lloyd is knocked to the ground and can barely get up, he looks at YinYang.

YinYang: Say hi to Garmadon for me.

YinYang blasts Lloyd for what he thinks is the last time. The energy is blocked and he looks at it in horror. The energy is now dark purple, and so were Lloyd's eyes.

Lloyd: I told you, you don't get to talk about him like that!

The dark energy overpowers YinYang's, and it sends YinYang to the ground. Lloyd walks up to YinYang to finish him off, but then realizes that he's dead. He backs away in horror.

Lloyd: No no no no no, I didn't mean for this to happen, wake up!

He is about to shake YinYang's body, but he then backs up. His face begins to pale.

Timeskip to when he's in his room.

Lloyd is in a new outfit and he's pacing around his room.

Lloyd: What am I going to do? I just left him there, what if someone finds out it was me, what if they already know! Okay, calm down, panicking isn't going to help, all I can do right now is hope that they think he died because of a side effect of the experiment or something like that.

Lloyd stops and takes a deep breath.

Lloyd: Maybe some time with the others will help me calm down.

Lloyd walks into the living room with the others.

Kai: Oh, hey! You're back. Did you have fun?

Lloyd: Uh, you can say that.

Kai: Why, what happened?

Lloyd: Nothing huge.

Zane: Are you okay? You seem tense.

Lloyd: I'm fine, Zane.

Jay: Are you sure?

Lloyd: Yes, I'm sure.

Lloyd notices that they're watching the news.

Lloyd: Um, can you change the channel?

Cole: To what?

Lloyd: Oh, I don't know. Anything is fine.

Cole: If you don't know what to watch, then I'm going to keep it on the news.

Nya: Are you afraid of seeing your dad on the news?

Lloyd: No, it's not that. It's just, the news can be so depressing sometimes, you know?

Jay: True.

Gayle: Breaking news, YinYang found dead in an alleyway!

Lloyd tenses up.

Gayle: According to the FBI, it was a murder, they say they have video footage of the event.

Lloyd tenses up even more.

The news then shows the part where Lloyd killed YinYang with purple eyes and the purple energy. Everyone is shocked to see this and the news cuts back to Gayle, who is shaken as well.

Gayle: And there you have it, the person who killed YinYang is none other than, and I hate to say this, Lloyd Garmadon.

Cole turns off the TV and everyone looks at Lloyd with shocked faces and Lloyd looks scared.

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