Cigarettes and Hickies [n.h]

By _killerqueen_

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[ONE DIRECTION] "The only thing worse than a boy who hates you: a boy that loves you." ... More



14 0 3
By _killerqueen_

A treacherous week had gone by, the skies had furiously broken into a storm, flooding gardens and making birds seek refuge in any nook and cranny between trees they could find. The sun had made an appearance, sweeping a bright hand over the town and making puddles glisten with the light, but no later had this begun than another hellish storm followed suite. 

Despite the melancholy weather, the girl with silvery-blue hair and the pop star had a rather joyful week. 

With every moment Niall could spare from his free time, he spent it with Ocean. A lot of heated romping had been made, and a lot of cigarettes had been smoked. The latter solely taken by Ocean. The two had explored their bodies as an astronomer explored the stars, so meticulously and thoroughly taking notes of moments they've experienced the most profound pleasure and remembering details each other liked for next time. 

It was a week that didn't see a lot of Ocean's fiery side, the only fire she expressed was in the bedroom and Niall was rather thankful for that. Her smile fell onto her face a lot easier and Niall found himself being quite the jester around her and making her laugh wholeheartedly. 

The drugs that entered her bloodstream were more sporadic that week, and every time the chemicals would call for her, Niall distracted her with his exploring hands on her body. The passion to feel bliss inside her body was greater than the act of temporary relief, so Ocean would cave to Niall's touch and their romping would continue.

So, as the weather had been an abhorrent one there wasn't much else to do than spend it in each other's arms and under and over Ocean's bedsheets. There were other activities that were suggested to go and do, but the girl would refuse them all, stating that she didn't want to be seen out in public with Niall and that it was more fun staying at hers. Every time Niall would try and object to her reasoning, she would pull his pants down and twirl her tongue on his hard member and the moment would be instantly forgotten.

However, as the week was drawing to a close, it was time for Niall to travel to the next city to perform to his many fans. As the dreaded moment became more tangible, Ocean's mood started to turn like the skies above her.

"Why don't ya come to Manchester wi' me?" Niall muttered, his eagerness to be around her oozed into his blue orbs making them twinkle with hope. 

"What for?!" Ocean pulled a face.

Niall's face fell slightly but perked up again as he said, "so I can fuck ya in another city."

Ocean laughed and rolled her eyes, pushing his naked torso back and falling onto his chest so her face rested on top of her clasped hands.

"You're ridiculous," she said plainly. "I'm sure you won't have a shortage of girls there; I personally don't need to go."

"I suppose you're right about that," Niall paused and examined Ocean's face who was looking blankly at him not showing that the statement had bothered her. "But I'm happy with your body, and your body only."

"I don't want you thinking we're anything special, Niall." Ocean added quickly. "You're just my fuck buddy and that's all."

To that Niall looked hurt, but he tensed his jaw and didn't say anything. He wasn't sure if Ocean really meant it. In some way, he hadn't really thought about anything serious about their time together, but when he said he wanted to just have her to fuck, he meant it with more than just the physical aspect of that. He wanted to keep seeing her smile and make her laugh, and spend more time with her. In fact, thinking about it in that moment, he really didn't want to leave her behind.

Ocean's words had thrown him off slightly and he was now really thinking about it. What did he want with this girl? The idea of having him to himself was a prospect that sent a pack of butterflies loose in his stomach and he twitched at the thought. He hadn't exactly thought about her as anything serious yet, but he really wanted to have her exclusively to himself. 

Inches away from him, Ocean frowned as she looked at Niall's series of expressions. She could tell he was hurt by her words at the way he looked down and away from her, but wasn't entirely sure what other things were running through his mind. It looked like Niall was contemplating something and weighing things in his head, and she wondered if he was going to agree to her matter-of-factly statement without any form of objection. 

She didn't want to hear anything blunt come out of his mouth, in fact, she wanted to hear something deeper come from him. Although she was hesitant to admit it, she really wanted Niall to express to her how he felt about her.

The thought of seeing him with another girl frankly upset Ocean, and she huffed at the frustration that her heat was telling her to stop fighting him and to keep him close. But she was stubborn as hell; however, she couldn't backtrack from what she had just said and wasn't going to surrender that easily. However, if Niall felt like asking her again, she would happily comply.

"I suppose.." Niall finally said before adding, "But I would miss you." 

He wanted to keep it real with enough to leave the door ajar for her to follow in. He was expecting her to laugh coldly and say something mean back, but he sure as hell didn't expect her to do what she did next.

Ocean leaned forward and kissed him gently on the lips, "I suppose I would miss you too." She mumbled silently almost to herself, but Niall heard the words loud and clear.

A grin crept proudly over Niall's face as he reached down to cup her ass firmly. 

Niall wanted to tease her about what she had said earlier, but he decided against it. It was best to tread lightly and simply accept her words and move on. 

"Would ya want to come up with me then?" He asked, cautious of what Ocean's response might be.

There was a moment of silence as Ocean weighed the option in her head. Her inner rebellious side, that wanted to fight her feelings was about to retort but she pushed it down and instead decided to risk the outcome into saying yes. Even before agreeing, Ocean was inwardly smiling, but her voice showed her expression even if her features were hiding it.

"I guess I can."

"Sick!" Niall expressed happily and grinned at her, tapping his hands on the curve of her ass. "It'll be like a li'le road trip."

"There will be no songs of yours playing in the car though,"

"Don't worry, I don't lis'en to my own music." Niall reassured her, eager at the prospect of spending the car journey up to Manchester with her in a couple of days. "And no sad songs either!"

"Lana Del Rey is not sad." Ocean objected as she rolled over onto her back and Niall towered over her.

"Ha! As if!" Niall mocked her with her usual movie quote as he eyed her up and down below him. His eyes were getting hungrier the more he looked at her and he soon fell in the nook of her neck and sucked on her skin lightly.

Ocean giggled and squirmed underneath him as she allowed him a few moments of pleasure, before pushing him away. However, a hickie had already been formed and was glowing crimson on her neck.

A hand went to touch the swollen side of her neck as she shuffled away and stood by the side of the bed. She then bit her lower lip and went to open her bedroom door. 

"If you want the rest of me, you'll have to catch me." Ocean slurred seductively as she quickly had to run out her room, as Niall quickly jumped out of her bed not giving her enough time to finish her sentence before he was already chasing her around the flat. 

He was enjoying the chase, and luckily Scarlette wasn't home to witness their chasing but as he thought about that, he knew Ocean probably wouldn't care if she was there or not.  Discreetness wasn't exactly a trait Ocean lacked in. He watched her as she ran half naked around the flat, her thong hidden tightly in between that delicious ass Niall liked so much, and her bare chest leaving nothing to the imagination. 

For a moment, Niall simply paused and took in her glorious body in before he made the final move and ended the chase.

He was aware of her heartbeat against his chest getting louder the closer he pinned himself against her. They were against the wall of the kitchen, the pile of dishes in the sink was moderately high, the washing machine was on as Scarlette threw a load in before she had left and the girl with silvery-blue hair was eyeing it up curiously. 

"Let's do it on top of the washing machine," Ocean mumbled quickly and excitedly before taking off her underwear.

Niall quickly turned his head to glance over at the machine that was vibrating as it was almost finishing its cycle. He looked back at Ocean and smirked at her as he lifted her up and placed her on top of it. Ocean's leg had wrapped around his body tightly when she was being moved and then used them to bring him closer to her as he plopped her on the machine. 

Her body was moving to the rhythm of the working machine and she escaped a little giggle as Niall entered her hastily. He was feeling euphoric as her movements along with the movements from the machine worked him up almost instantly. He tried to control his peak as he wanted to enjoy the moment longer, but as Ocean moved her hips desperately forward and back it was hard to resist. 

"I love this!" Ocean gleamed as she threw her head back and closed her eyes, taking in all emotions. 

With the tilting of her head, it meant her breasts moved closer to Niall's face, and Niall gladly took one in his mouth. Ocean gasped, and clasped her hands on the back of his head as she arched her back some more - trying to give him as much access as possible.

Niall moved his hips faster, and quickly looked over as the pile of dishes was slightly jiggling with his movements and almost tipping over. Ocean moaned loudly as her climax was approaching, almost perfectly in-sync to the end of the cycle and quite on cue with Niall's own approach. 

And as the both of them quickened their actions hungrily eager to reach the euphoric end, Scarlette was just coming in to the flat.

She heard the couple groan loudly in unison as the peaked almost identically and she quickly banged the door shut making her appearance known. 

"I'm back!" She shouted and pulled a face, knowing the sound of sex almost instantly. 

Niall looked over shyly at the door the minute he heard her voice and widened his eyes at Ocean. Ocean only laughed and moved back, making Niall pull out of her. She quickly grabbed the small kitchen towel that was next to her and threw it over at Niall.

"Quickly, before she sees your willy." She teased him and laughed. 

Niall huffed and peaked his head out of the kitchen to see if Scarlette was still there. She was hanging her jacket on the back of the door.

"Oh, heya Scarlette." He said shyly.

Scarlette turned around and scrunched her face before quickly covering her eyes with her hand, even if she hadn't seen anything.

"Hi to you too Niall," she added, "Can you please stay in one room! Preferably with a door? I don't need to see any of this."

"Oh Scarlette, you didn't see anything." Ocean quickly jumped in as she walked out of the kitchen naked and headed to her room.

"Ugh!" Scarlette exclaimed as she saw Ocean and headed to her room banging the door shut as she entered and shouted, "I can't wait to leave this place!"

Ocean simply lifted her shoulders and shouted back, aiming her words at a closed door, "I won't be here next week so I hope you're happy!"

Niall smiled at her comment as she wasn't backing out on the proposal of heading to Manchester with him. It made him excited at the reality of it and at the fact that Ocean had just made it known to her redheaded friend. 

He quickly jogged to her room, his hands covering his ballsack and pulled Ocean along with him when he entered. He kissed her on the mouth as soon as he was inside and smiled down at her.

"I can't wait till Sunday now," he beamed as he started gathering his clothes and putting on his jeans.

Ocean nodded but didn't say anything else, she simply smiled. She was thinking up scenarios in her head about what could unfold in Manchester. She saw herself behind stage, watching him perform and meeting the other boys. The other boys! 

Her eyes widened slightly as she remembered Harry and the one occasion she came across the lad and then used him to get back at Niall. The reunion was going to be awkward but she quickly shook her head, ridding her mind of those thoughts.

On the other side of the door, Scarlette had gotten out of her room again and had put on the TV as she plopped herself on the sofa. 

Niall had to now go back and was tying his belt around his waist as he neared the door, pecking Ocean on the forehead saying his goodbyes. 

"I'll come and meet ya in the mornin', and we can head out for coffee on the way up." He muttered as he placed a strand of Ocean's hair behind her ear.

"Sounds good!" Ocean smiled as she looked up and puckered her lips so he could give her a kiss. 

Niall kissed her and then opened the door.

"See ya!"He mumbled to Scarlette, as she lifted a hand to wave at him goodbye. 

Once Niall left, Scarlette turned to Ocean who was tying a robe around her naked body to appear more decent.

"So where are you going next week then?" She asked Ocean as she came and sat on the sofa.

"I've agreed to go to Manchester with him, he's got a couple of gigs up there," She muttered looking at the TV watching the moving images. She then turned to her friend and added, "Do you think that's a good idea?"

Scarlette raised her eyebrows in thought, took a second and then replied, "Well, he seems like a nice lad. I think it'll do you some good mixing with other people if I'm honest. You've been cooped up in this place with not much to do, but you might have fun up north. So yeah, I think it'll be a good idea," she smiled and looked at Ocean. "And it means I get to have the flat to myself in utter silence!" She raised both hands in praise to that last comment.

Ocean laughed and nodded to herself, agreeing with her words for a change. It was going to be a good change of scene hanging out with Niall and his friends, it'll keep her distracted from even thinking about Jasper and it  was going to be great getting to see the professional side of Niall. The thought of him on stage was a bit surreal to her, it flipped her stomach thinking about it and she couldn't quite pinpoint why.

"Yeah I think you're right." Ocean agreed.

Scarlette gave a short laugh, "If it means you're finally agreeing with what I have to say then spend all your time with him! Yes, please, go everywhere with him!"

Ocean threw a pillow at her in protest to being teased but couldn't help but laugh as well. She was right. The girl with silvery-blue hair was acting a lot nicer. It was a quite the surprise but neither of them were complaining. Scarlette enjoyed a more peaceful front to her friend, and Ocean was feeling content inside. 

For what seemed like the first time in her life, she was actually feeling happy

There was no worry in her mind, and no fight in her demeanour. She carried a smile as she walked back to her room, thinking of the boy with golden hair and the way he managed to make her feel at ease and with no reason to fight at all. It was a weird experience, she wasn't going to lie about it, it felt weird not trying to retort to everything and fight back for the slightest inconvenience. But for the first time in what felt like forever, Ocean didn't have those fighting thoughts and didn't feel like succumbing to put up a front. She enjoyed the calmness in her body and the soothing of her brain when she was around Niall. And she was actually craving that more so than fighting it.


Hi everyone! *waves shyly* 

I'm back to finishing this story for good. I know it's been a while, um, years in fact, but I am making this my 2023 resolution.

You will see this story come to an end.

Even if no one reads it, I'm doing this for me.

So for anyone out there still reading this, I hope you enjoy the chapter and welcome to Ocean's story.


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