The Bad Guys Justice League:...

By Flashbolt157ninja

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When an explorer arrives to the Bad Guys and heroes, he tells them of an ancient sword artifact that can give... More

Chapter 1: Discovery
Chapter 2: Earth - 7
Chapter 3: Earth - 307
Chapter 5: Earth-73 Arcadia
Chapter 6: Training on Earth-808
Chapter 7: Earth-80
Chapter 8: Earth-80 New York
Chapter 9: Earth-30
Chapter 10: Earth-30 Storybrooke
Chapter 11: Earth-24
Chapter 12: Earth-24 Asgard
Chapter 13: Earth-50
Chapter 14: Earth-50 Los Angeles
Chapter 15: Earth- 145
Chapter 16: Earth-145 Monsteroplis
Chapter 17: Earth-97
Chapter 18: Earth-97 Caribbean Sea
Chapter 19: Earth-75 Milford City
Chapter 20: Earth-208
Chapter 21: Earth-208 Galaxy
Chapter 22: Multi-Realm
Chapter 23: Battle for the Blade
Chapter 24: Farewell & Reunion
Coming Soon!

Chapter 4: Earth - 73

291 5 3
By Flashbolt157ninja

The Waverider 2.0 was now flying through the Multiversal Zone to head to the next Earth.

"So this is the third Earth with a shard of the map?" Hyena asked.

"Yep. This is where the third piece is." Markus said.

Mr. Moe Wolf—Sonic Howl and Strength Force
Mr. Hubert Snake—Pyschokenisis and Sage Force
Mrs. Tara "Webs" Tarantula—Technokenisis
Mr. Lou Shark—Hydrokinesis
Mr. Pepé Piranha—Speed Force powers
Mr. Drago Komodo—Dragon power and Still Force
Mr. Miguel Hyena—Sound Manipulation
Green Arrow—skilled archer and fighter
Flash—Speed Force super speed powers
Supergirl— Kryptonian powers
White Canary—skilled assassin
Black Wolf—sonic howl
Killer Frost—Cryokenisis
Vibe—vibrational bursts, visions, opening breaches
Firestorm— Nuclear pyrokenisis
John Constantine—magic powers
Green Lantern—Energy Constructs
Mega Man—replication powers Mega Buster
Gobber the Belch—Fire
Ironhide (Bayverse)—Vibe powers
Orgrim Doomhammer of the Frostwolf Clan
Doctor Strange—Magic
America Chavez—inter-dimensional power
Sonic—Speed Force powers
Shadow—Speed Force and Chaos powers
Knuckles—Strength Force

"Meet you guys there!" Sonic said as he, Shadow, Piranha, and Flash jump through the breach.

Earth-73; Arcadia
This Earth is known for it's connection with magic and extraterrestrials. Arcadia is said to be the center of THIS universe. This world has no idea that there's more than one. They're about to get a surprise.

"Ow! I think I broke my everything!" Jim exclaimed as he was thrown into the rocky floor of the Forge, on the sidelines were Blinky, Aaarrrgh, Toby and Claire, watching their ally spar with the
infamous Draal the Deadly, the son of the former Trollhunter Kanjigar.

"Fight, Trollhunter! Fight as if I were Gunmar! Fight as if your life depended on it! Because it will!" Draal
roared, running at Jim.

Jim summoned Daylight, and blocked the blow. Jim understood why Draal was working him so hard, to train him to be able to take the serious punishment that was no doubt in store when he faced Gunmar, in hopes he would be able to endure it and conquer it, and finally be able to kill the Lord of the Gumm-Gumms. Jim knew this all too well, but it didn't make training any less brutal!

A breach opens in the sky with Barry, Sonic, Piranha, and Shadow falling down to the ground. As they crash landed, they created a shockwave of their energy that spreads throughout the town of Arcadia. As Draal trains Jim, Toby's drink begins to float in the air.

"Ummm... guys?" Toby points to his drink. Everyone then stopped what they were doing and saw this.

"Interesting... are you doing this?" Blinky asked.

"No. I'm not." Toby said. Suddenly the ground begins to shake.

"What's happening?" Claire asked.

"Earthquake?" Aaarrrggh said.

"I don't think this is a earthquake." Jim said nervously.

They then turn to see a wave of lightning head towards them like a freight train.

"TROLLHUNTER, LOOK OUT!" Draal shouts as he stands in front of Jim as the wave collides against him. The wave manages to pass over but pulls Draal into the air.

As Draal gets knocked in the air by the shockwave, he feels an energy force flow into him. As this happens, he sees a void of colored lightning flowing around a big bulky figure. It looked like... him! Along with that, inside the streaks of lightning was four figures running around in it. One was a fleshbag human, a fish, a black and blue... hedgehog?

Draal then hits the wall of the Hero's Forge and falls down on the ground.

"DRAAL!" Jim exclaimed as he and the others rush to him.

"Draal! Are you okay?" Jim asked as Draal recovers.

"Yes, I'm... fine." Draal said as he gets up.

"What the heck was that?" Toby exclaimed.

"I... have absolutely no idea." Blinky said.

"Uhhh... Draal?" Jim said as Draal's left hand vibrates with blue lightning.

Draal then starts running around. But to his point of view, he sees everything moving at a snail's speed. He looks around the area as he moves so fast. He then accidentally trips over a training equipment.


Everyone rushed to him in surprised.

"What the Great Gronka Morka was that?" Blinky said as he and AAARRRGGHH helps up Draal.

"That weird lightning wave must've given you super speed. To what cause it... I don't know." Jim said.

"Trollhunter! Trollhunter!"

The group turns to see Bagdwella, the female troll ran into the Forge, gasping, "Trollhunter! Trollhunter!"

"What? What's wrong?" he asked.

"Gunmar! Gunmar and some Gumm-Gumms, blood goblins have been seen in the Dark Forest of Arcadia!" she yelled, horrified.

"Oh, dear," Blinky turned to Jim, "Master Jim, Gunmar in Arcadia? He could very well wreak complete havoc!"

Jim sighed and turned to the others, "Let's go,

They gather their stuff as Jim sees Draal not coming.

"Are you coming Draal?" Jim asked.

"No. Sorry. You go on ahead, I'll catch up. Right now, I have business to attend to." Draal growled as he speeds off, knowing of who gave him his super speed.

Meanwhile with the speedsters, they were getting up and from the sinkhole they made.

"Whoa! Didn't know we had that in us." Sonic said as their shoes/boots sparks lightning.

"So what do we do now?" Piranha said. Barry then pulled out his A.I.


"Good evening, Barry Allen. How may I assist you?" Gideon asked.

"Gideon... we need to figure out how to locate the piece of the map." Flash said.

"My calculation suggests of you splitting up therefore covering more ground in this unknown universe." Gideon replied.

"Heh. That's the best idea I've heard all day." Shadow said.

He began walking off to the east forest, but Sonic stopped him.

"Woah there, cowboy. Where do you think you're going?" Sonic asked.

"Looking for the Emerald, of course. Any excuse to get away from you idiots." Shadow said.

"No way, Shadow! We'll need to work together on this one. There's no "I" in team." Sonic said.

"Oh yeah? Well there's no "you" in team, either. Now, get out of my way. I don't need your help!" Shadow said. He shoved Sonic out of the way and sped off.

"*sigh* He really needs to sort out that ego of his." Sonic said as he turned to Barry and Pepé.

I guess I'll go separate as well. You two best off staying together." Sonic said as he sped off.

Barry and Piranha nodded as they ran together. Little they didn't know they were being watched.

Meanwhile, in an alleyway, the other heroes breach into the town.

"Okay... now what?" Mario asked.

"I'm sensing that the piece is buried around here somewhere." Strange said. They then saw Barry and Piranha run to them.

"We didn't find the map piece but it's here, somewhere." Piranha said.

"Okay, let's go." Wolf said before Barry and Oliver stopped him.

"Not looking like that." Barry said.

"What?" Wolf said confused.

"This Earth is unknown so there's no telling if there's animals like you guys here. We don't want to draw attention." Oliver said.

"So you want us to stay behind?" Drago said complaining.

"Just hold still." Strange said. John and Strange then performed a spell on the seven Bad Guys giving them human forms. They were now humans on the outside.

"Whoa! What did you guys do?!" Snake asked as they look at each other.

"We gave you guys human forms so you can blend in with the people here." Doctor Strange said.

"Wow, I look and feel strange." Drago looking at himself in the mirror.

"Yeah, I look awesome!" Shark said checking himself in the mirror.

"Just keep in mind that the spell only activates when needed to blend in with people." Constantine said.

"Got it! Because I look so hot!" Hyena chuckled looking at his reflection as he's fixing his hair and flexing his muscles.

Jim and his team were now looking through the forest for Gunmar and his army.

As for the JL heroes, they were exploring the town and checking Arcadia out. The Bad Guys were able to walk around without drawing attention as Tails and Knuckles walk around in the shadows. As this happened, the Trollhunter and his friends searched the forest for Gunmar.

"Gunmar is around here somewhere, I know it." Jim said as he holds Daylight with a firm grip.

But after a few hours of looking for the piece in the town, they decided to explore the forest. But as the two groups look around, they accidentally bump into each other, screaming in shock.

"Who are you guys?!" Jim said as his troll friends got defensive.

"Who are we? Who are you guys?" Green Arrow said as the other heroes got defensive as well.

They then turn around to see Lord Gunmar with his Gumm-Gumm and Blood Goblins approach them in hate and angry.

"We'll discuss this later!" They all said in unison as they fight off Gunmar, the Gumm-Gumms, and Blood Goblins.
In the forest, a yellow streak with red lightning goes over the fields. The streak curves under the pass and hops over a small rock. It zooms from tree to tree and breaks through a bigger rock and swerves over the grass to break other rocks. A black figure spins with a yellow streak, red lightning in its weight and flies high in the air then lands, sending bits of rock flying. Shadow the Hedgehog stands with a scowl on his face and turns then speeds off. He leaps at another rock then shatters it. He leaps again and destroys another rock. He looks around and runs through another one. With black and red fur, white gloves and gold rings, he leaps at more big rocks and pummels them. Ahead of him, a green jewel floats.

"Chaos Emerald."

Shadow approaches it and holds it.

"There you are." He grinned.

He holds it up.

"CHAOS CONTROL!!!" Shadow shouts as vanishes then reappears on the pass. He skates on top of the grass and slides to a stop. He looks around and notices little birds, fly upward. Shadow looks down to see pebbles on the grass shaking. He then looks ahead to see an explosion from the forest. He groaned and dashed off there. He knew his companions were now in trouble.
Sonic was now running through the area when he thought he heard something.

"Hello.....?" Sonic asked softly, Sonic then walked into the forest, he shoved bushes aside, and noticed this particular part of the woods was very well shaded. He looked left and right, with his eyes narrowed, his hands slowly coiled up into fists with Speed Force lightning sparking off.

Suddenly a huge set of blue hands clamped around Sonic's mid-section and held him there, "H-hey!" out of pure instinct Sonic picked up his foot and kicked back.

"AH!" The hands released and Sonic ran forward and
whirled around to see.

"Whoa! Who are you? What... are you?" Sonic asked with widened eyes.

Draal was on his knees, holding his crotch, "Ow..." he groaned in pain.

Sonic backed up, "Uh, are you ok?" He asked slowly.

"You kicked me in the Gronk-nuks!" He looked up
at Sonic with a hardened gaze.

"Sorry, but you did grab at me. Who are you?" Sonic asked.

"I am Draal the Deadly, the son of the former
Trollhunter Kanjigar. A mighty troll warrior." Draal said in a growl.

"Oh! Okay. I'm Sonic the Hedgehog. The high speed Hedgehog always saving the world." Sonic said before dodging Draal's fist.

"Whoa! What was that for?!" Sonic exclaimed, dodging punches.

"You're the reason I have this speed! You literally shook the town!" Draal growls as goes to attack but Sonic dodged.

"That's because I'm good! And powerful apparently, jealous?" Sonic taunted as they run fast.

"You need to stop Sonic! And listen to me." Draal growled.

Sonic zooms past Draal and does it again. Draal  chases him again as they speed around trees and bushes. Draal runs up on the path and jumps on Sonic, who goes flying.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!"

Sonic lands running, but trips on the rock and runs on his hands instead. He looks upside down and sees Draal still chasing him. He looks ahead and sees big rocks and spins over them. Draal plows through them. Sonic turns quick at the wall and Draal runs on it and speeds up on the path again. He jumps in front of Sonic, who spins behind him. Draal spins around the tree and hits Sonic, causing rings to fall out of him. Sonic slams into another tree and loses more rings.

"I could do this all day!" Sonic taunted.

Sonic throws lightning stars and Draal dodges away from them and runs at him. Sonic dodges as Draal hits the tree. They both use the tree as a ramp and fly. Draal spins closer to Sonic and knocks him down.


Sonic spins in the air as he screams until he hits the ground as Draal lands. Sonic gets up and puts his hands up as he backs away from the troll.

"Clearly you're angry, which is understandable since I kicked you in the groin." Sonic said.

He goes back to running and Draal chases.

"But I'm supposed to be on a bit of a mission here, Draal!" Sonic states.

"What mission?" Draal questioned.

"Nunya." Sonic said chuckled as he runs.

"Nunya?" Draal said running.

"Yeah, Nunya business!" Sonic smirks.

They zoom around the green clearing. Some Gnomes and Blood Goblins gather around the cliff and watch. Blue streaks cross over each other. Sonic spins around Draal to make a tornado. Draal makes a tornado that grows taller and Sonic busts out of his. Draal follows and knocks Sonic into the air. Sonic lands and jumps away from Draal, who catches up and punches him. Sonic slides across the grass and into a rock under the Gnomes. They coo at him, who looks up at them.

"I know, we're fighting. Don't worry, guys, I'll calm him down." Sonic said.

Sonic takes off and Draal lands on the rock and chases.

"Dude, whatever the beef, we're not gonna settle it this way." Sonic said to the troll warrior.

Sonic turns and jumps over Draal then runs off. Draal jumps in front of Sonic, who dodges the
jump. Draal jumps again, lands, and punches Sonic. Sonic runs around Draal and Draal spins after him, who dodges a punch. Sonic ducks another punch, spins, and flips onto his feet. They spindash at each other on the ground then in the air. A white light flashes as Sonic and Draal clashed, they are on the ground and then they get on to their feet after. Sonic turns to the forest and gasps. Explosions could be heard and seen from the trees of the forest.

"Oh, no! My friends!"

Sonic turns to him.

"Look, Draal, I'm late-"

He was cut off by Draal punching him in the face.

"Learn to focus." Draal said with a growl.

Sonic shakes off the dizziness and gasped.

"ZOMBIES!!!" Sonic exclaimed pointing behind Draal as a distraction. Draal turns around only to get knocked into rocks by Sonic's spin dash.

"Sorry Draal, but I gotta help my friends!" Sonic said as he recollects his rings and runs off.

Draal pulls himself out of the rubble and growls. He realized that the Trollhunter and his friends could be in danger as well. He then follows the Hedgehog to the fight.

Back with the heroes, they were fighting alongside the Trollhunters were fighting against the Gumm-Gumms and Blood goblins attacking them.

Strange and Constantine both using their magic on the evil trolls. Flash and Piranha use their super speed to fight off the trolls. The Bad Guys and Mario bros fight using their powers and Gobber and Firestorm blast the GummGumms as Frost and Mega Man blasted goblins.

Jim was now engaged with Gunmar in a fight as the others around them fight.

"TIME PAUSE!" Drago shouts as he snapped his fingers and froze time with the Still Force. He then slashed through the Gumm-Gumms as time resumed again.

Draal then entered the battle in a spin dash crashing through the Gumm-Gumms like bowling pins.

"I'm here, Trollhunter!" Draal roared as he engaged the battle.

Toby and his Wingman are both fighting when a GummGumm knocked them into a corner. Just as AAARRRGGHH and Toby were about to get killed, Orgrim Doomhammer swung his Doomhammer, smashing the Gumm-Gumm to pieces.

"Whoa! Awesome hammer! Who are you?" Toby asked the Frostwolf orc.

"I'm Orgrim Doomhammer, second-in-command of the Frostwolf Orc Clan." Orgrim Doomhammer said twisting his hammer.

"Whoa... awesome-sauce." Toby said in awe.

Claire beats back the Gumm-Gumms as Vibe and America shoot vibrational bursts and open breaches to banish the bad trolls. Green Arrow and Drago fires explosive arrows at the trolls, destroying them. Supergirl fires her heat vision as White Canary used her assassin skills with Black Wolf sonic howling at the enemy. Suddenly Sonic appeared bashing against the Gumm-Gumms.

"Hey, guys! Sorry I'm late!" Sonic said as he used a Homing Attack on a bunch of Gumm-Gumms.

Draal unfortunately gets knocked down as two Gumm-Gumm soldiers prepare to kill him from the back.

"LOOK OUT!!!" Jessica shouts as she constructed a driller to smash the Gumm-Gumms to pieces.

"Are you okay?" Jessica asked. Draal groans as he gets and accidentally got face to face with Jessica Cruz.

As they suddenly made eye contact with each other, it felt as if time stood still. There was a small but quick spark between the two. As if they felt an alluring connection that was supposed to be a sign that it was meant to be.

"Uh... hi. I'm Draal." Draal sputtered.

"I'm Jessica." Jessica said blushing a bit. The two starred at each other for a while before going back to the fight.

Jim fights hard as Gunmar managed to gain the upper hand on Jim.

"This is where you die, Trollhunter!" Gunmar said with his blade about to slash Jim's head.

"MASTER JIM!" Blinky shouts as Gunmar was about to kill Jim.


Time froze as Shadow swooped Jim away from Gunmar's blade. Finally having enough of this, Shadow uses Chaos Control to slow down time and delivered blow after blow to Gunmar while he was frozen. When it was done, Shadow turned time back to normal and Gunmar was sent flying. As Gunmar fell back to Earth, Shadow used the opportunity to beat him up. Gunmar gets up angry.

"Who are you to dare fight me, freak?!" Gunmar roared.

"The Ultimate Life Form does, troll! CHAOS ARSENAL!!!" Shadow shouts as many chaos arrows fire at Gunmar. Shadow continues to teleport and land hard speed attacks before knocking him away.

More packs of goblins began to come looking all hungry at our fellow heroes.

"Ironhide! We need you here now!" Vibe shouts in comms as he fired his vibrational bursts at the Gumm-Gumms.

A GMC Topkick pickup truck drives in smashing through the Gumm-Gumms and Blood Goblins. The instant the pickup panels parted, Jim's hand flew to his mouth in shock as his friends were shocked as well. The front of the Topkick split apart as if expanded by heat. Each door extended outward along with all the side panels, folding and rearranging themselves in a synchronous order. Very abruptly the whole black vehicle seemed to unfold as a pair of huge arms sprouted from under the door frames, giant metal fingers gripping the ground. A horned metal head protruded out where the engine had been, settling comfortably between the two halves of the hood and grill-shoulders. Then the whole backside and underside of the pickup rolled over and over upon itself until a pair of very broad sturdy legs supported the entire massive frame raising it majestically into the air. At last the shifting form seemed to settle down as the true humanoid form took shape. Ironhide the Weapon Specialist.

"Hello, punks!" Ironhide growls as he starts firing his plasma and vibrational cannons at the trolls and goblins, blowing them away.

"Who are these strange warriors?" Gunmar thought. He saw they were extremely powerful and taking out his soldiers with ease. He knew they weren't gonna win.

"Warriors! Fallback!" Gunmar shouts as he and his warriors retreated.

Jim and his friends hug as they cheer in victory. They then turned to the JL heroes.

"Thank you... you saved our lives back there." Jim said.

"No problem. Happy to help." Sonic said with a grin.


Everyone turned to see Draal getting closer to Sonic angrily stomping.

"Gah! Hey Draal!" Sonic said sheepishly.

"You two know each other?" Jim asked.

"We recently had a run in." Sonic said as he back up to Barry, Shadow, and Piranha.

"You four are the reason why I have super speed!" Draal growled.

"What?! What are you talking about?" Shadow said glaring.

"The lightning wave you created gave me this!" Draal said as he vibrates his hand.

"You're a speedster now." Barry said astonished.

"Perhaps it's better to discuss this somewhere else, not in the opening." Blinky said.

"Okay... where?" Sonic asked.

The heroes followed the kids and trolls as they opened a portal and ended up underground to see a beautiful crystal civilization of trolls and gnomes.


"Welcome heroes... to Trollmarket." Blinky said. The heroes follow the trolls and kids as they are shown around.

"So I guess you kids are the only ones who know about this underground civilization?" Nya said looking at the trolls they pass by.

"Correct, Water Ninja. It's unknown to the humans that we trolls live underneath them." Blinky said.

"Wow! I always knew trolls existed." Gobber said amazed by the sight.

They then lead the heroes to the Hero's Forge.

"What is this palace?!" Mario said, astonished
by the place as they took a corner and walked on a
bridge leading to the center of the arena.

"The Hero's Forge"." Blinky said as he made the
room echo from his voice.

"Magnifico!" Piranha said.

"Wait, are these...?" Cisco asked.

"Trollhunters." Aaarrrgghh said.

"Jim's predecessors, Cisco Ramon. A line of heroism that reaches back to the age of Merlin." Blinky said as they turned to one of the trolls on the pedestal on the wall.

"This is the place of the final repose of Kanjigar "the
Courageous". One day, there will be a statue of Master Jim. One day very far off in the future, of course." Blinky said.

"Yeah, about that, there's just one thing I'm not
getting." Jay said.

"Just one?" Flasheart chuckled.

"You guys are trolls. So, "Trollhunter" sounds like you just hunt yourselves, you know?" Jay explained his questioning.

"Hunt bad trolls. GummGumms." Aaarrrgghh said as he gave Jay one pat to the back which looked like it hurt him.

"Not exactly the most terrifying name." Oliver said as he crossed his arms.

"In Trollspeak, "GummGumms" means "bringer of
horrible, slow, painful and thoroughly-calculated
death." Blinky explained.

"Oh." Snake said.

"So now that we're safe and private, why don't you guys explain yourselves to us." Blinky said.

"What'd you guys know about the Multiverse?" Doctor Strange asked.

"I only know the basics. The Multiverse is a collection of all reality, every universe, planet, dimension, timeline, and realm. It is far too big and it's knowledge far to complex for anyone to understand. The Multiverse is too barren and vast to be fully explored and learned. The Multiverse also works in very mysterious ways." Blinky explained.

"Yeah well, it's real." Flash said.

"WHOA! So you guys are heroes from a different world?!" Toby said.

"Yep. We're from Earth-Prime." Yoshi said.

"Then what Earth are we?" Jim asked.

"Earth-73." Knuckles answered quickly.

"And these different Earths have existed simultaneously since..." Claire said.

"Well, since, uh——let's see. Oh, the dawn of time." Ronnie said.

"Well, how come nobody knows about this? I mean, stuff this big? The public should be aware." Claire said.

"People know. Just the right people. If the public knew? No. No, that would not be good. They would lose their minds." Cisco said.

"Right, I mean... it's all so...epic!" Claire said in joy.

"Yes, it's epic. Doppelgängers, multiple Earths, anti-matter events, cosmic beings, and speedsters like us." Sonic said.

"Can we cut to the chase on why are you here?" Draal asked impatiently.

Soon each of them explained their stories. Jim went first as he explained everything that happened in their world. How he became the next Trollhunter and how he learned about the trolls and how he started to protect them from evil trolls like Gunmar.


"Wait! You trolls can go in sunlight? What are you, vampires?" Snake laughed.

"*gasps* Monstrosity lies only in the humans' hearts.  Do not judge a book by its cover. Besides, vampires have been extinct for years." Blinky said.

"Seriously?" Drago said.

"So... tell us your stories." Toby said excitedly.

Barry, Sonic, and Piranha then explained everything about their world. All the creatures, heroes, villains, and how they formed the Justice League. They then got to the point of why they were here. To find the Sword of Xion.

"By Deya's Grace... the Sword of Xion does exist!" Blinkous said surprised.

"Then what?" Jim said.

"Bushigal! It's just a story. It doesn't exist. My father and former Trollhunters tried looking for it but failed." Draal said.

"What's the Sword of Xion?" Claire asked.

"Legend speaks of an ancient master of the arts created a cosmic sword that can create, destroy, allow, or do anything the user wants." Blinky said.

"Anything?" Jim said surprised.

"Anything. From creating or rewriting reality, to making new words, creating creatures from one's imagination, even bring back those from the dead." Blinky said.

"Wait... you can... bring someone back to life?" Toby said.

"Yep. But the sword is to be hidden away from the worlds. My brother and I once looked for it... but, no luck." Blinkous said.

"Duh, it's hidden in a different universe." Drago said.

"Then why here?" AAARRRGGHH asked.

"Because, my ancestors created a cosmic map that shows the location of the sword. But after villains have tried to get it, my grandfather ripped the map into 10 pieces and scattered them across the Multiverse. One of the pieces is buried here in Arcadia." Markus said.

As everyone is talking with each other, Sonic then sees Draal giving him a death glare.

"What's with the glare?" Sonic asked.

"I'm angry that you four gave me this power that I don't understand. I now crash against walls and rocks now." Draal said as lightning sparks off him.

"Look, we're sorry. Maybe we can teach you how to control it?" Sonic said.

"Teach me? Ha! Don't make me laugh!" Draal said as he pushed Sonic out of his way.

"Well, while we wait and look around, why don't Blinky teaches us the way of the Trollhunters." Barry said.

"It would be my honor." Blinkous said.

Minutes Later...

Sonic, Wolf, Piranha, Shadow, Lloyd, Barry, and Oliver were now in the Forge suited up and prepared for Blinky's training.

"The Trollhunter lives and dies by three rules. Rule Number One: always be afraid." Blinkous said.

"Afraid? Sorry, we don't get afraid. We conquer our fears and let the courage in us be our strength." Wolf said as he dodged a rock.

"Whoa! What was that for?" Wolf said.

"See? Fear is good. Keep us alert. Keeps us on guard. Makes a vigilant. A hero is not he who is fearless, but he who is not stopped by it." Blinky said as fired more rocks at them.

Sonic, Wolf, Piranha, Shadow, Lloyd, Barry, and Oliver dodged the rocks as they countered.

"For us, we face our fears and don't let it consume us." Oliver said. 

"Two: always finish the fight. An opponent must be given no mercy. The Trollhunter must always vanquish his opponent through death." Blinky said.

"That's hurtful, we don't kill unless if necessary." Flash said.

"Plus it sounds too cruel and violent." Jay said.

"Ours is an unforgiving world, Jay Walker. Hence, the third rule: when in doubt, always kick them in the gronk-nuks." Blinky said.

"Gronk-nuks?" Barry said confused.

Blinky tapped his foot on the ground twice, and a blade came out and almost hit Flash where the sun don't shine. Toby, AAARRRGGHH, Jay, Cole, Zane, and Kai shivered in horror from the rule.

"The horror." Aaarrrgghh said. Then the blade retracted back into place where it was before.

"So basically, you're saying is that one third of being Trollhunters is by kicking somebody in the groin?" Sonic said.

"That's a weird rule, but a funny rule as well." Piranha chuckled.

"Umm... your shoes are smoking." Draal said. Barry, Sonic, and Piranha saw this and groan.

"Of course they are. It's became a big problem for us. Unless if you guys have a way to fix this." Sonic said.

"Actually, I think I might know someone who can help." Jim said.

The heroes were now at the Akiridion's home. Krel then scans the three's bodies as he then got the results from the scan.

"Curious. There's low-level energy throughout your entire bodies. But possibly a regulator could... follow me." Krel said as the heroes follow him.

Later, they were in the Akiridion's home lab as Krel builds some devices for them.

"Wow, you're really good with tech, Krel." Sonic said.

"Thanks. I'm very good with technology, even with Earth's primitive technology." Krel said.

"I'm surprised that your house is secretly a spaceship." Kara said with Ironhide looking around.

"So... you two are aliens as well?" Jim asked Kara and Ironhide.

"We don't like that word. We prefer Akiridions." Aja said.

"As for us, I'm a Kryptonian from the planet Krypton." Kara said.

"I am a Cybertronian, an autonomous robotic organism from the planet Cybertron. We can take the forms of any vehicle." Ironhide said.

"Krypton? Cybertron? I've never heard of those planets in my travels." Stuart said.

"That's probably because we're not from this universe." Zane said.

"I still find it amazing that the theory of the Multiverse is real! This changes everything on how we know about things!" Krel said as he works.

"Yep. It's 100% real. We've had many experiences with the Multiverse." Tails said as Krel was done.

"Attach these. They might be able to regulate the excess energy coming off your gear so they don't explode." Krel said holding dic pieces.

"Might?" Sonic said as Krel and Aja place them on him, Barry, and Piranha.

"This energy is still a mystery." Krel said as he places the discs on them.

The sparks that zapped around shoes/boots zap around the rings. A white light around the shoes and gloves gets brighter. The glare bursts to reveal new shoes and gloves. The shoes and boots were still the same color scheme only now looked more Trollish and Akiridion tech combined.

"Whoa! What are these? No energy overflow and the look. I mean, come on. Mwah!" Sonic said as the three check out their new gear.

"Ah, curious. They're still your gloves and shoes, only now they seem to have attuned with the energy in your bodies instead of resisting it. I wonder why?" Krel said thinking.

"Whoa! These are killers! No more slipping and sliding! Krel, you're a genius, hermano!" Piranha said.

"Oh please. I've been call many's things." Krel laughed.

Suddenly, Barry got a call. He answers it and Luigi appears on hologram.

"Guys! We need you here right now!" Luigi screamed as it looks like he's dodging something.

"Time for a test drive!" Sonic said as they dashed back to Trollmarket.

So it turned out that Claire pressed the button for the Forge and it is going haywire. Everyone was trying to save either Toby or Claire or themselves, it was chaos. It was getting annoying and tiring for the JL heroes. Kai started to run towards Claire and swooped her away to safety as he does Spinjitzu.
Soon, Sonic, Shadow, Piranha, and Barry arrived with Draal, Jim, Blinky, Tails, Ironhide and Zane with them seeing the chaos.

"I swear, I didn't touch anything!" Toby shouted.

"The controls!" Draal shouted as he ran to the controls and tried to shut it off.

"This blasted arm!" He shouted again in anger.

"Turn it off! Turn it off! Turn it off!" Jay screamed as he dodged the blades.

"There's a manual kill switch inside the Soothseryer!" Draal pointed at the top.

"Go, Speedsters!" Blinky urged them. They didn't second think it and started going for the Soothscryer.

They dodged the blades and weapons as in super speed as they reach the top. Barry then sticks his hand in the Soothseryer's mouth and turns it off. But as Barry was about to pull his arm out, he, Sonic, Shadow, and Piranha get absorbed into the Soothseryer.

"SONIC!!!" Tails screamed.

"BARRY!!!" Cisco screamed.

"PEPÉ!!!" Webs screamed.

"SHADOW!!!" America screamed.

They rushed over to see to look for them but they were nowhere in sight.

"Where did they go?" Tails asked. 

"Your friends have been taken... to the Void." Blinky said in surprise.

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