My Mate Cheated On Me (Rewrit...

By readingeclipse

2.1M 36.2K 7.1K

Lana Black had been waiting to find her mate for a long time, finally at the age of 18 she found him..... Tre... More

My Mate Cheated On Me
Hot mate! Chapter 2
The dinner date chapter 3
Meeting the pack chapter 4
Shopping trip chapter 5
And party and bullshit Chapter 6
The Hospital Trip Chapter 7
Im not going! chapter 8
Chapter 9 Back To School
Chapter 11 run away
Decision chapter 12
Chapter 13 mistakes
Chapter 14 Fights and Friendship
Chapter 15 The down and dirty
Chapter 16 A Hobo
Chapter 17 unexpected visit
Chapter 18 surprise attack
Chapter 19 The Truth
Chapter 20 Confrontation
Chapter 21 answers
Chapter 22 Florida?
Chapter 23 Rejection
Chapter 24 No More Drama
Chapter 25 Take me back
Chapter 26 confusion
Chapter 27 Forgive and Forget
Chapter 28 Andrea!
Chapter 29 'Her'
Chapter 30 Not a cheater?
Chapter 31 From alpha to Omega
Chater 32 Truth about Nick
Chapter 33 Jass on board
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 Wolfnapped
Chapter 36 Room Mates
Chapter 37 Barely Breathing
Chapter 38 Save Me
Chapter 39 The Main Event
Chapter 40 Finally

WTF chapter 10

72.2K 1.1K 483
By readingeclipse

Ok in this chapter I mention religions! So if u are easily offended just dont read it! I am not meaning to offend anyone through this chapter so if u are then don't comment about it because I apologize. So please stop telling me that what I've wrote is wrong! I feel that it fits in this part of the story so I don't want to edit it. Also I am not picking on a particular religion because I have mentioned others too! So stop being paranoid cause I'm not only mentioning ur religion I'm mentioning others to! Again read at ur own accord and don't complain about the whole religion part!

So once again DONT READ IF EASILY OFFENDED!! so stop giving hate comments.

Anyway if u still decide to read the chapter I really hope you enjoy it! and I apologize for the long message


"What the fuck are you doing here Trent!" I yelled as the lady stared at me wide eyed.

"That's no way to speak young lady!" Her tone was warning as I looked away. "Mrs if you don't know something you shouldn't speak" my anger was boiling and I was afraid my wolf would take over.

"Do you want to go to the principles office?" Her tone was really harsh. I looked at Trent who gave me a smile. "Don't you dare smile at me!" I warned as he wiped the smile of his face.

"Sorry about this.Students over here don't usually act like this." She gave him a warm smile, then she turned to me and glared "this is your last chance apologise to him or go to the principles office!"

Her challenging eyes scanned my features, I could not ruin my spotless clean name. I have never been to the principles office! But I will never apologise to him I'd rather die!

"Madam it's fine" Trent said turning to the teacher then looking at me. I turned my face away in disgust still feeling his gaze on my figure. "Ok" the teacher gave me 'the look' then turned back to Trent.

"Here's your timetable of what classes you will be in" I tuned around wide eyed. He joined my school. He's that desperate! The teacher turned to me "you will be his guide and if I hear even one complaint about you from this boy then I promise you I will not rest until you are thrown out this school" She gave a smile. "Ok of to class now!"

She clapped her hands together and gave a wide smile. "Oh and Lana make sure you bring Trent back here after school" she said as I walked ahead of Trent.

I walked into the art corridor which was pretty quiet I didn't know what class he had right now and nor was I about to ask him. I turned around and looked as him. "Why are you here! What could you possibly want from me now I've already given you everything!" I yelled as he looked away from me.

"I want you to forgive me" his voice was soft but I wasn't about to fall for it. "Why don't you go ask Hannah to forgive you!" I mocked as he scratched his neck. "I just want to explain something" he said not giving any eye contact.

"I don't want to hear anything! Just tell the lady you want a different tour guide and leave me alone!" My anger was reaching boiling point and my voice kept rising only dragging unwanted attention from a few people who were late for class.

"Give me a chance I promise I won't hurt you again" his voice grew even more gentle with every word he said only making me want to vomit. "You shouldn't even say your going to make a promise cause you would never keep it!" I mocked as he stood closer.

My hand automatically grew in a fist. "Look beat me, punch me, slap me, but please just forgive me" he wasn't giving any eye contact showing he's weak. "I'd never want to get my hand dirty on your filthy face you stupid little bastard!" I yelled. Luckily we're not near any class rooms otherwise a teacher was bound to come out.

"I will drop you of to class. But get a new tour guide for the rest of the day because I'm not doing it!" I said resentfully.

"Just listen t-" I cut him of. "You listen to me! Don't even try talking to me, touching me or even coming beside me!" I poked my finger into his muscular chest. "Because the consequences will be unthinkable" I spoke arrogantly snatching the time-table out his hand.

He has maths first period thank god! I began to walk ahead of him but felt his strong grip pull me back. I wanted to pull away but couldn't keep myself from him. I turned around and frowned at him, my teeth were clenched tightly and my arms grew weak.

"Let go of my arm" I yelled behind gritted teeth. "First listen and I will"

"What's to be heard? You slept with some slut because you wanted pleasure! Or is it I don't know....... You just never liked me and couldn't just reject me!" My eyes pierced into his flesh as he turned away.

"No I love you Lana!" He said making my heart melt. He's my mate and deny it if I will I will not be able to resist the attraction between the two of us no matter how hard I try.

"Sorry I think you said the wrong name it's Hannah" I mocked my hand still in his grasp. My insides were tingling from his touch but my wolfs fear, anger and betrayal was brewing inside of me. "I don't like her lana!" He said helplessly.

"A one night sta-" he stopped me. "Stop it!"

"No! Your allowed to say what you want but I don't even have the right to speak!"

"I never said that" his eyes turned a dark blue as he drew closer to me, I wanted to pull away but couldn't.

He leaned in and gave me a kiss taking me by shock. I never moved my lips at all as shock had electrocuted my body. He forced me to open my mouth so his tongue could enter but I refused finally coming back to my senses and pulling away.

I slapped him, then began to beat him weakly. Tears streamed down my face as I punched his rock hard chest. He pulled me into a hug and I obliged without an argument. "I'm sorry'' he said weakly.

"I really am please forgive me!" I couldn't process what was going on around me. My mind was all blurred up, but all I knew was that I really wanted to stay in Trent's arms for all eternity and never leave. "I love you lana" he whispered into my ear.

I never let go of him I just couldn't it felt so right, I hugged him tighter as he played with my hair. I wanted to say I loved him but a void inside my heart still existed making me pull away and wipe my tears.

I walked ahead of him to get him to maths as he began to jog a long side me. I took him through a few corridors thinking about what just happened. I hope he doesn't think I forgave him because I don't, the moment just felt so right that I couldn't let it go.

We finally reached Trent's class. I put the sheet on the floor not wanting to look at him or touch him again. I didn't want to fall into the trap of his magical touch again. I began to walk away I need time to think about things. What just happened? "LANA!" Trent called from behind but I never turned back. "LANA" he called again. I kept walking ahead.

I made my way back to my physics class feeling confused. The bell shrieked in my ear as I was brought back to life. I grabbed my bag sticking all my school books inside.

"What happened?" Kirsten looked directly at me as I slung my bag over my shoulder. "You look really depressed" she stressed on each word exaggerating them. "I'm fine" I replied giving her a fake smile. "Kirsten can I borrow you jotter just to copy the notes for today? I will give it back to you tomorrow" she reopened her bag and passed me the jotter.

Thank god I didn't want her to ask any questions on this topic. "Thanks" I said taking it from her hand and walking out of class. I really didn't know what was going on right now but my wolf is forcing me to forgive Trent! He's not even marked me yet and the attraction I have towards him is really strong.

I tried to forget about what happened, I looked at my time-table. Religious education next with my favourite teacher Mr. McElroy, I am his favourite student no matter what I do I never get in to trouble. I walked into class and sat beside Alexis. Should I tell her about what happened? What if she over exaggerates things. More than half the population of our school is mortal so if she yells it will attract their attention.

I took a pen out my bag and slumped myself down. I really needed to cry right now.

When he was away from me I never wanted to be beside him, but now that he's close to me I don't want to be away from him.

Mr. McElroy came inside the class. "Ok class we have a new student today" I looked up in disbelief. "What's your name son?" Trent looked over at me and looked away almost instantly. "Hey guys my names Trent" he said giving a little salute. "Well good day Trent. Ok would you like to go sit beside Tyler" he said pointing to the football teams captain Tyler Gilles.

Trent sat beside him and they began talking as though they've known each other for years. "What the fuck is he doing here" I turned and looked at Alex who no doubt was gob smacked. "I already knew" I said resting my head on the table and covering my face with my hands.

"Missy you have loads of explaining to do" she whispered. I nodded picking my head back up from the table and looking at Mr. McElroy.

"Ok class today's topics are forgiveness and trust" Trent turned around and looked at me making me feel uncomfortable. "Ok let's start with forgiveness. If someone unintentionally killed your mother or father. God forbid that would ever happen. But would you forgive them" he asked.

"What do you think rose'' mr. McElroy asked a gothic girl at the back of the class. "Nah" she replied "can you expand on that. Why wouldn't you forgive them?" Trent turned around and looked at me again,this time a smile appeared on his face.

"Well they murdered my parents why should I" she replied back. "Exactly" he yelled clapping his hands together. "You have to have a big heart and be open minded to be forgiving. And I know that more than half the population of this class is not" he smiled.

"Would you forgive them lana?"he asked taking me by surprise. I could feel Trent's gaze crippling into my skin. "No because I would never forgive someone who ripped my heart out my chest and tore it in 2 without even thinking. If they never loved me why should I shower them with my love, even though I know that, that loves just going to get wasted on some horrible ugly bi-" I stopped myself before ranting on about what happened.

I can't believe I almost told the whole class what happened. "Are you sure you don't want to expand on that" he asked giving me a gentle smile.

"No sir I'm ok" I replied as Trent looked directly into my eyes. He mouthed a sorry but I looked away. I really wanted to forgive him but I had to stay strong. "What are the words that come to mind when I say forgiveness" mr. McElroy asked curiously.

A few random answers were thrown about the class.







The teacher hushed the class, "that's the word I was looking for god. We hurt god all the time yet god loves us unthinkably because god is forgiving.'' He said giving a smile.

"But were not god" Tyler said mockingly. "Just because we're not god doesn't mean we can not forgive. If you have never committed a sin in your whole life like Jesus Christ then stand up" no one stood up. But I could still feel Trent's stare on me.

"Exactly everyone has committed a sin. This is why were the servants of god. Even the prophets have committed a sin for example in islam their beloved Prophet Adam Peace Be Upon Him, committed a sin by eating of the forbidden tree,this also happened in christianity. Even one of Jesus's most trusted dispels committed a sin Judas. There's not a single person on earth who hasn't committed a sin. So what right do you have on judging others?"

He picked up a text book. "Ok let's talk about trust. Then we will do page 54 and 72 in the book" he scanned through the pages and put the book back down. "Ok trust. Once it's broken you can never get it back again. It's liked a crunched up piece of paper. You many try to straighten it out but it will never be the same again" I finally felts Trent's laser eyes look away from me.

"Ok so I want you to read the passage on trust and that will give you more information about it. My throats a bit sore so I won't be talking the rest of the period just make sure the works done." We did our work but my mind was only on one thing.

I have to forgive Trent because he's my mate and we've got a strong connection. "Lana I have to leave early I have to go to my art teachers room she said the portrait has to be done by tomorrow but I'm not even close to finishing it. She told me to leave at the end of this class." I nodded telling her I understood.

"Oh and I'm coming over to your house tonight we have things to talk about" she got up and showed the teacher her note exiting the class. The rest of the period flashed by and before I knew it the bell rang and it was time to go. I began to pack my bag as someone stood in front of me.

"Please" I looked up and looked away slumping the bag over my back and began walking. "I love you".

I turned around "are you doing this as an act because you know there's people in the class yet you want to do this here." I said behind gritted teeth.

"No I just-" he huffed "forgive me....please" he said holding my hand. I grabbed it away and began walking out the classroom. "I regret everything I did"

I stopped walking and turned around to face him "if you were really regretful you would have never let me go." I said as tears dripped down my face. I felt weak so I began to run.

I didn't want him to see my weakness so I kept running not knowing where to go and when to stop.




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