Lovers in the Night | Yang Ju...

Autorstwa jwontoni

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"The night is when dreams come true." In which love blooms between a Human and Vampire after each night until... Więcej

Lovers in the Night II


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Autorstwa jwontoni

i'm on my way

It was the night of November 30th, the day Danah and Minji looked forward to. The two best friends had planned on simply chilling over at Minji's house, playing it a lot safer than usual.

Last year, the two adventured to a closed down amusent park and climbed up a ferris wheel. November 30th was truly their time to act rebellious. However, they decided to be a little more cautious this year after what Sullyoon had told them.

Danah heads outside, hoodie up and hands in her pocket. It wasn't raining, but she held an umbrella with a pointed tip in her hand, in case anything were to happen to her (She had Sullyoon's claim in mind). It's never bad to be prepared. Furthermore, it was pitch black outside.

Throughout the walk, Danah couldn't help but predict how many more steps it'd take for her to get to Minji's house. Her eyes were never still, frantically analyzing every nook and cranny - she'd never used her peripheral vision so much. She struggled to feel at ease because of the setting of her walk.

The streets were completely empty with no sign of people. It seemed as if Danah was the only one who didn't take the November 30 precaution seriously, and she was engulfed in fear and regret.

Something suddenly lands in front of her, and she jumps back. She didn't realize that she had screamed until the creature in front of her flinches at her volume.

It was just a damn cat.

She couldn't help but sigh in relief. She looks around, wondering where it came from. Right above her was a tree, how did this cat get up there?

Shrugging it off, she bends down and pets its black fur. She was glad that she found something cute to mitigate the tense environment.

The black cat closes his eyes and purrs at her soft touch, letting his body get caressed by Danah. But when the cat opens his eyes, he quickly jumps into defence stance, widening his eyes at something behind Danah.

Fuck. The cat sprints away, leaving Danah frozen and wondering what was behind her. She didn't know what to do. All of a sudden, her gut instinct kicks in and she felt the need to run.

While standing still and looking stupid, she wondered why the unknown being behind her hasn't made the first move yet. So, she decides to make it herself.

Well, here it goes. Danah ends up doing what her gut told her to. She swiftly turns around, swinging her umbrella at the same time, not even knowing if she'd actually hit anyone.

To her luck, the umbrella smacks the face of a humanoid being. He screams in pain and stumbles backwards. Danah tries her best to look calm, but her body language betrays her — she was quivering in fear.

The figure in front of her looked very Human, so she was confused. Did she strike a friend or foe? She couldn't tell... and that scared her.

What confirmed her worst fears was when the being hisses at her, his fangs and long nails suddenly emerging into irregular, inhuman lengths. It was a Vampire, something she didn't believe existed.

Unfortunately for her, she was uneducated on the anatomy of Vampires. Could she outrun him?

This was a life or death situation.

She had no other option than run anyway, the Vampire starts charging at her. Or so she thought she had no option. Danah doesn't run, but instead she sticks her pointed umbrella right in front of her, and the Vampire runs into it, impaling himself.

His cries could probably be heard from miles, but Danah knew that no Human would come to save her. She put herself in this situation with her recklessness, now she as to get herself out of it.

Danah pushes the umbrella forward, further deeply stabbing his body. Perhaps she was too confident, the Vampire kicks Danah with all his strength, sending her straight to the ground.

She curses herself, touching the pained area. I'm done for, she thought. The Vampire easily yanks the umbrella out of his stomach, dropping it to the side. "I commend you, young lady. This is the first time I've ever seen a Human fight back against a Vampire..."

Danah tries to get up, but her body ached.

"...and sadly, it'll be the last time." The Vampire smirks, reextending his nails. He pounces onto her, and she closes her eyes in defeat, but heis stopped when someone stands before her, grabbing both of the Vampire's wrists.

Danah realizes that she hadn't been attacked, opening one eye then the other. Great, there were two of them now in front of her.

Who was this person? Were they even a person? She wasn't sure at what to think because their face was hooded, but she notices that they wore a similar robe to the Vampire's.

This other being had just protected Danah from losing her life at that exact moment. She sighs in relief, but she knows that the fight is not over yet.

The Vampire retracts back, tilting his head in confusion at Danah's saviour. "Young Vampire, why are you protecting this young lady?" he asks, showing Danah a calmer side of him.

She could faint at any moment. There were now two Vampires in front of her, one was probably trying to eat her and the other one just saved her life. It was taking her a while to process everything.

"You've eaten too much, Jett. We swore an oath live in peace with the Humans a hundred years ago." Jett's clothing was drenched in blood, and Danah could only imagine that they belonged to different Humans. "Remember?"

Danah couldn't directly put a finger on it, but the voice that belonged to her saviour sounded awfully familiar.

Either way, the two Vampires seemed to know each other, so she wasn't sure if her saviour was truly on her side.

"That oath is preposterous and cruel to Vampires! I've had enough of it, we're starving!" the Vampire now known as Jett exclaims. He then reverts his focus back onto the girl. "Now get out my way, or I'll eat you too, little sheep."

Sheep? Is that my saviour's name?!

Jett attempts to charge at Danah again, but Sheep once again intercepts it by tackling him down.

Danah was finally able to get up, and she momentarily watches the brawl in front of her. She starts walking backwards, debating on whether she should take this chance to run away or not.

That is when Jett pins Sheep down on the floor. "You're letting her get away from me, I guess I'll just have you as my last meal today." What?! Vampires eat each other?

Jett opens his mouth to bite on Sheep's neck. On a whim, Danah grabs her umbrella and stabs the back of his head, so deep that the pointed tip comes out of one of his eyes. Blood splatters onto Sheep's face, and he pushes Jett off him, groaning in both disgust and pain.

She lets him take a moment to stabilize himself. He hisses, rubbing himself off in a proper manner.

"Thank you for saving me," Danah gratefully says in between deep breaths. This night was the most eventful night of her life. She tries to see Sheep's face, but he had a hoodie on and the dark night wasn't helping either.

Sheep simply gets up, pulling the umbrella out of Jett's head, and sticks it out for Danah to take. She hesitates in receiving it from him because it had vampire blood on it, but she had no choice but to take it from him.

"You must be a fool," Sheep begins lecturing her. "Why are you out in the open on the Night of the Vampires? Are you asking to die?"

Danah was embarrassed, she did make a dumb decision. She had nothing to say to defend her side.

Sheep exhales out in disbelief. "Go home," he instructs. "You don't know how many other Vampires are surrounding this area, and after all the chaos you just caused, several are probably making their way over here right now."

Danah's heart skips a beat. What would happen to her if more Vampires came? Would Sheep still consider helping her out.

"Go!" Sheep harshly screams at her. Danah didn't know if she'd ever see Sheep again, so she had hopes in seeing his face, but seeing how mad he was, she defeatedly started running to the direction home.

As she ran, she looked back to see that he wasn't there anymore. However, she heard clicking above her. She looks up to see a bat trailing her.

She doesn't think much of it, and gets home, locking her door. She quickly cleans up her umbrella before her parents could get home and ask about it.

Danah was exhausted and overwhelmed at what just happened, and decided to pass out on her bed after apologizing to her best friend, saying she was unable to make it. Oh Minji, I've got a huge story to tell you tomorrow.

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