Die Jungen des Großdeutschland

By JacobGreene96

703 6 0

When Farrell volunteered for that time travel experiment, he expected to see dinosaurs, not Berlin of 1938. H... More

The General and soldiers
He returns
Signs of love
Kampf Pt. 2
New love
The next morning
Inspection day
New day
A angry general
A funeral
A Tipperarian's Testimony
Going on leave
Meeting Papa Feldgra

Kampf pt. 1

24 1 0
By JacobGreene96

Farrell POV
We were marching into Poland, I was holding my rifle on my shoulder. Looking to my right I see Lukas, our squad mate, he was an mg gunner's assistant, holding extra ammo. He was a good guy, not at all rude or racist with me, typically humans here were like that. I looked on my left, Alfred Pewter, fellow rifleman. I looked up front, and see someone I was not expecting to see, General Fahloh. Generals didn't go into combat I thought? I whisper to Luke.

Farrell: "am I stoned or is General Fahloh personally leading us?"

Luke: "oh yeah, she's a different one, she loves being in the dirt and mud with us"

Farrell: "that's oddly attractive"

Luke: "Agreed, but don't try to ask her out, she's still not over her ex husband"

Farrell: "oof"

Luke: "oof is right"

We March, making sure to be damn ready for if something bad happened. Soon general Fahloh yelled a Order.


Platoon: "Jawohl mam!"

We immediately put on our helmets if we didn't already have them on, and went into a combat zone, we fell out of formation. I immediately ran to go behind a tank, that way I wouldn't immediately get shot. God, why couldn't I have been made a tanker? I'd be a helluva lot safer in this combat operation. I walk behind, being joined by the general and Frieda.

Frieda: "this is fun!"

Farrell: "Frieda, I say this with all the respect you are due, but what the fuck is wrong with y-"

A bullet flew right past me, just barely grazed Alice's helmet, and hit Frieda in the shoulder, who just looked at her shoulder and mlemmed

Frieda: "that hurt"

Alice: "FUCK"

A medic ran over and tried pulling Frieda away, she took her grenade and hit him on the helmet. How the fuck it didn't explode I'm not sure, but the medic got a message and bolted, Alice and I looked at her

Farrell: "bitch what the fuck?"

Alice: "Frieda are you okay?"

Frieda: "yeah I'm fine! Just gonna sting for a lil bit, I can sleep it off!"

Farrell: "let me bandage it please, I want you to get home!"

Frieda: "I'll be fi-"

Alice: "as a general field marshal of the National German Reich, I order you to get bandaged! You can keep fighting if you really want too but I'm not letting you go without one!"

She relented and allowed me to bandage her arm. I pat her good shoulder and go back to fighting. As I run to cover I'm followed by Alice and Angela, we get pinned down by Polish MG fire

Alice: "shit shit shit!"

She was thinking rapidly, then waved me around to the side

Alice: "Farrell keep your head low, and go around the back of the MG nest if you can, I'll send Frieda and Angela over to draw fire away from you!"

Farrell: "Understood General!"

I snuck out of the foxhole and walked around a squad of the grey ranks, Boy Scouts. I wasn't much older then the brave men in that squad. I chuck myself into a nearby bush and wait for them to pass, I knew for a fact I wasn't going to kill any of them. After the pass I sneak to the mg nest. I jump in the hole, and stuck a grenade in a ammo box silently and pulled the cord you need to pull on German stick grenades, and fucking book it the way I came. I run into a high ranking Polish officer, who was holding a record and order book. We looked at each other as my squad ran up, he and I started throwing fists. I took my helmet off and started using it as a weapon

Farrell: "I want that book you dirty Pole!"

Polish officer: "You'll have to pry it from my cold dead hand you god damned Facist pig!"

Farrell: "I will then!"

I proceed to bash his face in, it was barely recognizable, but, then I looked into his eyes. I saw the light leave them. I just realized what I'd done. I killed this man, brutally, and unjustly, he didn't deserve what I just did to him. As this realization hit me, I blank, but I grab the book, and turn around. I walk to General Fahloh.

Farrell: "Polish, orders mam"

Alice: !

She pulled the book out and read it, her face going serious and looking at me

Frieda: "Schutze, you just saved hundreds of your comrades. PLATOON, HALT FOR A MOMENT"

Luckily people were helping fight and clear our area, and the few Polish soldiers that were left either surrendered or retreated. They were about to proceed, but ran over upon her yelling to stop advancing

Alice: "According to this book of orders found on a Polish officer, there will be a active assault on one of our armored convoys with what few anti tank weapons that they can get ahold of, and a assault on our artillery support,  we will be going to defend these positions do you all understand?!"

Soldiers: "Jawohl General Fahloh!"

Alice: "good! Squad one and two, you'll join me in protecting our artillery batteries and Squads three and four you'll go to help protect our armor!"

We all nod and grab up our weapons, I was in squad 1, Frieda was our squad leader and luckily Angela was second squad's squad leader. As we walk Ms. Fahloh walked beside me, she pulled out a cigarette

Alice: "got a light?"

Farrell: "of course General"

I pulled out my lighter and held it up to her cigarette, it got lit, and she smoked it.

Alice: "thanks"

Farrell: "no problem mam"

Alice: "you wanna know something kid?"

Farrell: "what mam?"

Alice: "you remind me of my former husband"

Farrell: "is that a good or bad thing?"

Alice: "a very good thing, he was a very brave soldier in the Spanish civil war in 1936, he volunteered to go fight in Spain"

Farrell: "is that where he"

I was hesitant to finish my sentence, i didn't want to upset her

Alice: "where my husband died? No, thankfully. He got to spend his final days with our son and I"

She'd explained and my eyes went wide, she had a son?!

Farrell: "you have a son?!"

Alice: "Ja, he's currently staying with my parents, in Aachen"

Farrell: "good, how old is he?"

Alice: "he's six, you and him share a birthday"

Farrell: "oh, he was born just after the Fuehrer came to power Huh?"

Alice: "Ja"

She smiled kindly

Alice: "I like you, you're a good guy"

Farrell: "I'm going to disagree with that mam, but thank you for the compliment"

She rolled her eyes and then looked at my chest

Alice: "your chest is looking bare schutze, I think you earned a medal for your actions"

Farrell: "no no, please don't go through the tro-"

Alice: "hush, I'm already approving awards so I might as well as approve one more"

Farrell: "but what did I do that earned me a award?"

Alice: "first off, you destroyed a MG nest close to unaided, Frieda and Angela failed in drawing fire, mainly because they met members of the grey ranks"

Farrell: ! "Are they okay?!"

Alice: "yeah, thank god, but anyways, you also got this book of orders for us, thus saving upwards of hundreds of lives in our regiment, and in others as well"

I try to further argue, but she eventually put her finger over my mouth, and hush me after taking a long drag from her cigarette.

Alice: "shut up, you earned it"

I decided to listen, but I wasn't very happy about it.

Farrell: "what're you gonna give me?"

Alice: "probably a War Merit or Iron Cross  second class"

Farrell: "alright then"

We decided to focus on the March, but other then that we were relaxed, weird I know, but we were just enjoying the calm before the storm.

Chapter Ende

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