Remember Me (Harry Styles Fan...

vintage_22 tarafından

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We all change in an attempt to fit in. We change due to opinion, we change due to circumstances. We change be... Daha Fazla

Go behind my back -Chapter 1-
2 years later -Chapter 2-
Never thought I'd see you again -Chapter 3-
Rock Me -Chapter 4-
Easy? -Chapter 5-
Encounters, speeches and snap decisions -Chapter 6-
Give them what they want -Chapter7-
After Shock -Chapter 9-
Crumble -Chapter 10-
One final announcement -Chapter11-
United Front -Chapter 12-
The number -Chapter 13-

Snap! Boom! Pow! -Chapter 8-

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vintage_22 tarafından I know there are probably a few people out there that want to kill me at the moment for not updating in weeks...sorry. I just got so busy with school and my social life that I just didn’t have enough time to write and update. At the same time its good to have a break between updates, makes me more motivated to write and makes the chapters better and more refreshing. But lets stop dwelling on the past and focus on the future :)

Felt like the song pretty much describes what Liv feels like doing at the moment 'i wanna scream and shout and let it all out' >>


Liv’s P.O.V

“Okay now hold that and arch your back a little and part your lips.” My photographer for the shoot called out, actually it was more like yelled out.

If there was one thing I could do, it was model. It’s pretty much the only thing I have left. I never was a very educational orientated person. Not really sporty either. I was always just there being a social person and when it comes down to it, I don’t think I would have gotten very far in life if it wasn’t for my luck and my modeling career.  

“Perfect! Now look at the camera, look at the camera.” He continued to order.

I mean I never was a person to worry about my future. I was more worried about what party there was on the weekend. What people thought of me. Who I was dating... I was pretty stupid back then. Getting drunk, looking and dressing like a slut. I pretty much had no future. The only reason anyone really went out with me was because they thought I’d be easy. 

“Turn your head a little to the left.” The photographer called out.

Modeling pretty much saved me from myself. I now have an income of millions, am a role model to others, interact with the rich and famous, I am living the life. I would of never gotten anywhere close to here if it weren’t for modeling. My manager Ruby, helped to straighten me out and here I am.

“Beautiful, beautiful! Stick your hip out a little.”

I still have the bad girl side to me and I always will. I’m damaged. But I knew after the whole Harry situation I needed to show people that I’m not some innocent girl that people can talk trash about. That’s why I needed to bring back part of my old self. 

“That’s great Liv. I think we got enough shots for that outfit, how about you go get changed into the next one and we’ll go from there.” The photographer (who I still don’t know the name of) called out.

~~ 2 hours later ~~

“Liv! You are stunning, I just need you to stare straight into the lens, pretend its someone you love.” The photographer yelled out.

“Sultry or loving stare?” I call out.

“Loving, think of your Mum, Dad, think of Harry if you want.” He called back.


It’s been what? Three days since the whole kissing scandal and I haven’t left my house once! I simply couldn’t. I couldn’t even go out to buy my own groceries. There were media parked out the front of my home as well as incessant phone calls asking if I could comment on the following. Ruby had to literally drag me out of the house to get me to this photo shoot and I sure as hell didn’t make it easy for her to get me here.   

Iv’e spent three whole days by myself trying to forget about Harry. I wouldn’t let mum and dad visit, didn’t answer any calls. Nothing. Only to then have to leave home to come to a photo shoot where the photographer finds it appropriate to mention Harry...

Now maybe it’s just me but normally people find it common courtesy to not butt into other peoples personal lives. You know, normally people would find it a personal intrusion, a step to far. Yeah, well i’m not going to let it off easily.

“Excuse me?” I call out.

“I was just saying you need to think of love and lust. I read in an article about the whole runway scandal, though it could motivate you. Nothing big.” He innocently replies.

“Nothing big? I’m sorry, I don’t think you’re the one being hounded my the media. I don’t think you’re the one that has to deal with annoying phone calls. Heck! I don’t think you have anything to do with it! Excuse me if I’m wrong but have you ever had a relationship with a guy?” I call out as I leave my posing perch and start walking forward so that I’m face to face with him, meeting him at eye level thanks to the most gorgeous pair of shoes I was wearing.

“No. I haven’t.” He slowly replies.

“Exactly. So you have no clue what it’s like for us girls. So until you have any clue what it’s like for a girl, butt out!”

“I meant no harm by it.” He stutters out.

“Well when you’ve been stuck in your own home against your will because of the media, you’ll realise that if someones going mention that certain topic, harm will come their way. And for anyone here that’s wanting to mention anything of the topic to me. Don’t!” I yell, walking off the set as I storm off to my changing room.

Harry’s P.O.V

“This sucks!” Niall yells out as he collapses onto the sofa beneath him. Opening a bag of crisps as he hurriedly digs into them.

“You know normally I’d be the one against Niall’s nagging but he’s right, enough is  enough! We’ve been stuck in this apartment thing for three days now because of you and your stupid media stunt!” Zayn agrees.

So as you can probably tell, the problem is we’ve been stuck in this hotel for the past three days...

I don’t get why everyone was complaining. I mean it was a perfectly nice looking hotel room. Penthouse, top floor, great view, flat screen t.v’s and stocked fridges not to mention the in room ordering service. Honestly, people wouldn’t mind if they were stuck in here for a month, they’d be happy and thankful for it! 

All the boys blame me but to be honest it’s Liv’s fault for kissing me. I mean she’s the one that flipping announced at the party that she only kissed me because she was made to. 

But that obviously doesn’t make a difference to the media, they’ve been hounding us more than usual. Asking us for interviews and exclusives on the whole situation, wanting to get pictures of all of us. It’s just getting annoying now. So on order by Management we have to stay in out hotel room.

“Well it’s not like we’re in a prison guys. Just tough it out it’s bound to die down eventually.” Liam cuts in. Mr. Reasonable as always.

You know, to be honest, Liam has been pretty quiet on this whole situation. Hasn’t said or insinuated one thing about it, very un-Liam-like. Liam’s normally one to say it like it is. And it doesn’t help to know that he isn’t happy in the slightest on this scandal thing. 

He’s been on the phone to Dani a whole lot as well. He normally calls her when he’s panicking or needs to have a serious chat with her. It’s not a short chat either, it’s more like an all night chat.

“You know who I blame...” 

“Who Lou? Who do we all blame?” I question, raising and eyebrow at the boy in stripes (you would of thought he would have grown out of them by now).

Louis. He’s surprisingly handling it pretty well. I could have seen him take to twitter expressing his rage or organize some kind of secret interview thing but in reality he’s very chilled and relaxed on the whole thing. 

He’s acting as though nothing’s really happened, which means he’s up to something. I mean the other day he tweeted:

@Louis_Tomlinson: God I miss secret missions... @EleanorJCalder #secretmissionsareback

“You. Y.O.U. You!”

“How is this my fault?!” I ask, slightly getting agitated at Louis un-helpfulness. 

“Harry, you can’t keep blaming all this on Liv. As much of a part she played a part in all of this you also went a long with it. It takes two to tango.” He professionally answered. Not a common thing for Louis.

“It takes two to tango? Are we seriously gonna talk about this again? I’m pretty sure we have all been through this conversation more than a million times” I state, brushing my curls out of my face.

“He has a point though. You were the one that stormed out of the club. The media ate that one up like it was a birthday cake.” Niall agreed.

Niall on the other hand is fed up with me I’m pretty sure. I hates being trapped indoors. It’s not like he hate me or anything, it’s more of a very pissed of/what the hell were you doing in the first place kind of hate...

“Oh, great! Anyone else want to say anything else?” I breathe out as I fold my arm over my face.

“Guys, just tone it down a bit.” Liam calls out.

“Why? Why should we tone it down, I mean everyone thinks this is my fault.” I argue, getting really sick of everyones bottled up attitude.

“Well yeah it is-”

“Guys, just shut up and look at the screen!” Zayn yells out, cutting Niall off.

Odd thing is, Zayn never yells out...

I know it’s very brief and most likely a very boring and bad chapter but at least I finally posted something. And to those who are very confused about the ending of this chapter it will all make sense next chapter. :) 

School has been really hectic and pretty much every weekend I’m always at some party. I’ll try to schedule my updating and hopefully things will get better from here but anyway...

As always,

Vintage_22 xx

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