Life Changes

By MargaretRGrant

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Melanie has had a rough road. Being a single mother has been hard. Especially with her daughter's father bein... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 1

861 14 6
By MargaretRGrant

"Why are we here? New York city's right there! Nana Georgie too! I haven't been since I was a baby or seen her in person since then! Instead we're in Jersey? In this diner? Honestly, it's too gourmet to be called a diner Mama." Getting an eye roll from my daughter. I don't know why we are here to be honest. Other than one thing. "Your favorite band's performing here. If they were closer to home we would go there. Plus my friend's been waiting years to see you again. He's more like a brother Lin. He calls you niece. He adores the sweet ground you walk on. The first three years of your life, when you were around him at least." I smile knowing he still does. It's been many years since we've been in the same room. She was so little, she doesn't remember him the way he was before. "Thanks mama. I can't believe our tickets. I wish I remembered him. Nana Georgie says he's awesome." My daughter smiles happily. "Of course she does. It's her baby boy. And you're welcome baby girl. It wasn't me though. It was your Uncle." I laugh. Knowing she has no idea. I kept them apart for years. My dear friend. My brother. We've been in touch, but he's so busy. Plus other factors. "Mama, I don't know how he scored Black Pink tickets. They're always sold out. And so close! I can't believe Uncle Jeff got them!" She laughs bouncing in the booth. "It wasn't Uncle Jeff. Even though if he could, he would. Both of them would walk through fire for you. It was the other one. He's beyond excited to see you again." She does know him in a way. Not the way I do, but she's still always adored him. He even made her laugh for the first time. He was so proud. He still rubs my face in it. "I can't wait to meet him! It's been an incredible day already. So cool seeing Rutgers's, when we drove past. Did you know Sebastian Stan went there? He's my second favorite Marvel star mama! I still can't believe you went to the same schools growing up! Were you friends? Of course not! You would've told me. Plus he's a whole three years younger." Giggling her fifteen-year-old girl giggle. "I'm happy you got to see it. I think you told me that before. We may have had classes together in high school. Like you said I'm a whole three years older though. I loved New York when I lived there. I should've showed you more of the city as you got older. I know you would fall in love with it. Maybe for Christmas break we will go. See Nana? How's your milkshake?" I ask. "Oh mama that would be amazing! And you mean my frappe?" She teases. My now New England girl. I wanted to raise her in New York where I grew up, I really did. I felt it better she moved to a small town though where it was safe. Hidden. "Ok, how's your frappe smarty pants?" Drinking my martini anxiously. Trying not to be shaky. Having not seen in him in so long I'm nervous. I've missed him greatly. We moved just as his career started taking off. We still talk every day. She's clueless who the man who adores her truly is. That to him? She's his niece well, until today. His little Printesa. I shake my head to stop the tears of the memories that come along with that nickname. Our lives have changed so very much. Him with his career. Me with my architecture firm.

"Mama why haven't I met him? Why so secretive? My Uncle a secret agent or something?" Lin laughs. I look up sensing some one standing there. There he is. Grinning like a fool. I give him a look. He knows to be quiet. A few people surround him. Quietly he asks them to go away. "No my little love. It's not like he's an actual Avenger." I say loudly. Getting a dirty look from him. Which I instantly want to laugh at. He's insulted. "Oh my god I wish! I know you aren't that cool." Lin snickers. Making him crack up silently up at my insulted face. Instant payback for my dig. "You think I'm not cool enough to have a super hero in my life Lin?" Trying my hardest to keep myself together. Watching my dear friend doing the same. "Ma. You're pretty cool but um no." Rolling her eyes at me for the tenth time today. He steps closer. Waving people off silently still. "Ok. Maybe you're right. What about an antihero though?" Raising an eyebrow sipping my drink. "No offense mama but really? Someone like Bucky would never even know you're alive." Teasing me. I love this. We are more than just a mother and daughter she's my little best friend. I parent when I have to but I always make sure she knows she can be her. That she can tell me anything. I won't judge or get angry. We talk it through. She learns from her mistakes knowing that she's allowed to make them. Everyone does. His eyes light up when he hears her say Bucky. I've told him. From his expression though I think he thinks I was paying him lip service. Something far too many people do with him now. I would hope he would know better with me. I'm his big sister. The one who kept him grounded for all these years. The minute he tries to have an ego? I remind him who he is, where he came from. I nod, signaling it's time. "I don't know doll. Mama's pretty cool. Known her for over three decades. Just saying." He laughs. Lin's face drops, knowing his voice. She stares at me. "What's wrong little love?" Smirking at her. He's standing next to her. It's been forever since I've seen him, other than on a screen. A big one or on my phone. My brother the movie star. "So. Finally get to see you again my niece? I can't believe how big you got. How beautiful you are. I should've known your mama would make the most beautiful young woman ever. You were the prettiest baby I ever saw. Since the moment you were born, cut your cord. I'd know." Looking at her lovingly he strokes her cheek with his thumb. Lin can't talk. "She really is Sebs. Inside and out. A beautiful young lady. Like you always said she would be. Lin, say hi to Uncle Sebs. Don't be rude." Cracking up at the look of shock on her face. "Oh my god! Sebastian Stan called me beautiful." She barely whispers. "See? Told you I was cool." Teasing her. "Ma! Really? Sebastian freaking Stan's my uncle?" Staring straight at me. Not looking at him. She always had a bit of a crush on him. Which amused me. "Sorry baby girl. Uncle Sebs has been busy. So has mama." Smiling at him. "She's a clone of you sis. Your attitude at least." He laughs. Lin has no idea what to do with herself. I stand up. It's been too long since I hugged him. "Sebs." Crying tears of joy. I finally get to hug my little brother again. "Melly." Wrapping his arms around me. "Oh my god." Sighing at the comfort I've missed. "I know sis." Kissing my head. "She going to be ok?" Whisper laughing in my ear. "Give her a few and she will." Laughing back as he sits down. He takes Lin's face in his hands. Studying it. "Jesus Christ Melly." Looking at me. Shaking off what I know he means. "I know Sebs." Smiling sadly as he puts his attention back to her.

"Mama holy shit. Bucky's my uncle." Lin gasps. "Language." Laughing. Normally that language she wouldn't use so I let it go. I'm a firm believer in what George Carlin has said. There is no such thing as dirty words. We call it colorful language. However at the right time and place only it's ok to use. For her this counts as both. "Wow." Seb joins me. "Yeah I know. It's a thing. Your niece's been watching you for so long now. You're her hero." Smiling at my daughter who's fully star struck. "Stop Lin. Sebastian Stan's your uncle. Trust me "Bucky" is not that cool. So snap out of it." I knew this would be her reaction. She's always loved him. From the second she was born. He was there with me. Along with our moms. He cut her cord. Got her to stop crying when she came into this world. Talking to her softly and gently. Saying he'd love her forever. She took her first steps to him so he'd pick her up. Seb's been the light of her life for over a decade now. Even when she had no idea he was her Uncle Sebs. It was like she knew, she's always been drawn to Sebs. Always been enamored with him. Even when she had forgotten the bond they shared. "Mama." Slanting her eyes giving me attitude. Giving her a look right back that stops it. "Girl." Warning her. "God Melly she is you. Other than her blue eyes. She must have gotten those from Nana Georgie!" He's dying laughing. I smack his arm. "Uncle Sebs! Nana Georgie's YOUR mama?" Lin gasps and he nods. She throws her hands up like her father does when he's frustrated, I hate that. "Missed you." Taking his hand. "Missed you more. Oh my friend's meeting us. Hope you don't mind" Smirking at me. Tilting my head. Silently asking. "For Christ sake's Seabass! You could've waited for me!" My mouth drops. Lin shakes with excitement. "Going to kill you." Sneering at him. "You always tell me how much you loooovve Mackie." Smirking he gets up from the table. "What's going on my man?" Sebs hugs him tightly. "Got to say I'm shocked. I didn't know you had a niece." Mackie looks at me, smiles and winks. "Didn't know you had a hot ass sister either. Thought you're an only child." Sebs fake gags. Lin laughs in her seat. I can't talk. "So this is little mama huh? What a beautiful young woman you are Lin." Smiling brightly at her. She gets shy. He picks up on it. "Your uncle told me all about you. He hated telling me that I'm on your top list of favorite Marvel characters ever. I'm beyond flattered and grateful that I get to tease him with it. Don't be shy girl. Come on, give Uncle Mack a hug." His smile grows wider trying to make her comfortable. I look at Sebs. He gives me a look back trying to ease me. He knows what Lin's been through in the last few years. He knows this means everything to her. He adores she's been watching them for years. That she loves Bucky. She loves Sam Wilson. Falcon. The new Captain America. When Sebs got the role in Marvel as Bucky I asked him to stay away. It'd be too hard for me and for Lin. He's been so understanding. Knowing it's all a reminder of him. That's why I had to. I can't see him ever again. He hurt me, but, that has to be done now. She has to have this. Her Uncle Sebs in her life again. Now meeting Falcon. The new Cap. Stifling a cry I want to let out. "Sebs." Looking at him teary. "I know sissy. It's Mackie though. You told me she adores him. He has no idea, I promise. I'd never put either of you in that position. I'll always protect my princesses." Kissing my temple. Lin interacts with one of her favorite super heroes ever. Looking at me with tears in her eyes. "Mama. This is the best day of my life." Her little voice full of excitement and awe. "Mine too punk." Smiling back. Sebs chuckles at me calling her that. "Hey Lin?" I ask her looking at Sebs. "Yeah Ma?" Her attention turns to me. "Love you three thousand." My gaze never leaving my brother's. "Love you three thousand. Til the end of the line, I'll always be on your left mama." Sebs has a sad look. Mackie looks ecstatic. "See Uncle Sebs? Never had a day where she didn't know her uncle." Hugging him tight. Trying to hold in the tears. His arms wrap tight around me too. "There's never been a day where I didn't think about you both either." He says softly. "Oh my god! Does this mean I get to see the five thousand dollar comfy couch with all the blankets Uncle Sebs?" Lin asks sounding way too excited. "That's it. You're my homegirl now." Mackie slaps his knee laughing. "Sorry doll. There really isn't that couch." Sebs shakes his head.

"Sebastian? Bebe is that you?" Mom gasps. They talk on the phone and facetime. It's not the same. He's crying, seeing her in person. He plays all these stoic rolls, some even being evil. Cruel. That's not him. He's sweet and kind. Loving and gentle. He has the biggest heart. Devoted to his family. Which we are. This is an emotional moment for him. He could care less who sees or what they think. He only knows his Mama's here. He hasn't been ,in the same room with her in over a decade. She's all that matters to him in this moment. Bad ass movie star or not. The world sees him as Bucky or the Winter Soldier many other roles were he was hard. Rough and mean. Cold. This is the real Sebastian Stan. Life has made things difficult for us. His family and him have been supportive of Lin, Ma and I. "Melly you didn't tell me Mama was here!" Joy in his eyes. "Surprise." Putting my hand to his face. "Thank you." Kissing my head. "Go on go. Before she tears up the lobby to get you." Laughing as I watch him run to her. We were a family once upon a time. We used to spend holidays together. Like a couple. Neither of us see each other like that. Much to our mother's disappointment. Wanting us to be together. To get married, have kids. We have a different bond. Never seeing each other than siblings. His mom treats Lin like she's her granddaughter. Her Nana Georgie. "My bebe's here! It's been so long Sebastian. I've missed you so much! So proud of you! Look at my big movie star! Could you get any more handsome?" Mama's shaking with happiness. He envelopes her. "I missed you too. Mama please don't cry. You know I hate it when you and Melly cry." Kissing her head. "What the hell Ma?" Lin looks at me. "I'll explain later Lin. Watch the mouth young lady." Sighing. "Let Memere have this moment. Uncle Sebs's just like Uncle Jeff to her. A son but she hasn't been able to see him in well, forever. I know this is a lot to process." Kissing her cheek. "Nope. Not at all Mama. Sebastian Stan's my uncle. I'm standing next to Anthony flipping Mackie. Watching the Winter Solider hug her, calling her Mama." Sebs is right. She has my attitude. "Little girl. Watch yourself." Mom look given quickly. "Scarier than Thanos." Mackie laughs. Making Lin too, I try to hide mine. Mom takes her bebe's face in her hands. "My boy. The world falling at your feet. What did I say when you wanted to give up? Even when my sister thought you should?" Kissing his forehead. Her eyes closed. Taking in this moment. She has her adopted little boy back."That I'd be the best actor the world ever saw. Never to give up. Mama." Smiling at her. This interaction is the sweetest thing to witness. Ma's been wanting this for far too long. To hold him, to kiss his face. To tell him how proud she is in person. As a mother. A mother with her son. She's full of pride making him embarrassed. "Was I not right? Look at me Sebastian Stan. I'm beyond proud of all you have done. As I always have been. Since the first time I saw you own a stage. Like your sister. My bebes. Though the Tommy Lee thing I could've lived without. Or being a cannibal. What is it with the roles you pick? Why is there always a focus on your penis?" Laughing she pats his cheek. "You showed Memere?" He turns to me. Knowing Ma can't stream to save her life. "She told me she wanted to see wanted to see what you were doing. She refuses to watch the stuff with. Marvel" Catching myself.

"Your grandma has no idea who I am? Kind of hurt girlfriend." Mackie laughs looking at Lin. "Oh no sweetheart! I know exactly who you are! They made sure I did. I watched you and Sebastian's show. And you're Clarence from that Eight mile movie Melly's friend Jasmine likes. It's such a honor to meet you! Watching you and my boy on screen? You two make me laugh! Please call me mama." Ma hugs him. "Honor's all mine." Hugging her. "How was the concert?" Ma asks. "Memere! It was amazing! I was only two rows back and guess what?" Lin starts jumping up and down. Ma knows Sebs must have pulled strings with the way she looks at him. Mama pats his cheek. Making him smile. He's going to spoil the heck out of her as much as he can now. Having his little girl back. "What princess?" She asks. My heart falls. Sebs catches it and rubs my back. That's what Lin's father used to call me. Looking up quickly to deflect. Making sure my girl doesn't see. Instead I see Mackie looking at me oddly. A look of something clicking in his brain. He looks back at Lin. Studying her face, his eyes go wide. Tilting his head to Sebs. Shit. He knows. Sebs waves his hand. A gesture to not ask. A nod of understanding is given to me. One that tells me I can trust him. I breathe a shy of relief as Mackie puts his hand on my shoulder. I wonder? Did he ever talk about me to him? Of course not. I'm a part of his past. I was left behind swiftly and with out warning. If he knew, I wonder if things would have been different? Probably not. He tossed me away with no regard. Without any thought of the years we spent together. The life we were supposed to have built together. It was as though it all meant nothing to him. I spent years coping with that. I really did. Because who would do that to someone they loved? The way he said he loved me. He never did is the only thing that makes sense. As much as it hurt. Still kills me. I'm broken from memories by Lin's voice. "Uncle Seb and Uncle Mack got me back stage! Memere I met BlackPink! Look! Rose found out that shes mama's favorite and took a selfie with us! She posted it on HER Instagram! They all did Mems! Best day ever! Sebastian Stan's my uncle? Anthony Mackie tells me to call him uncle? Like who's life am I living? ALL my dreams all came true today." She starts to cry hard. I take her in my arms. "I know baby." Kissing her head. "Mama. I'm part of Marvel kinda now. I met my heroes. Almost all of them." She sobs. Holding my tears back because I know there's only two left that she could be thinking of. "You've had such a hard road. Today's a big deal. In more ways than one. Right Uncle Sebs?" Taking his hand in mine. "Happy eight weeks being seizure free little punk." Joining our hug. "You? You know?" She asks Sebs. "Of course I do. Had to do something special today to celebrate right? Mama always tells me every moment of your life. My favorite? When she told me that you watched my movies when you were going through everything. That they made you happy. Kept you going. To be honest I thought she was just trying to make me feel better. Being away from you for so long. I should've known your Mama would never. Nothing I've ever done in my whole career could ever make me prouder. Knowing my niece loved something I did so much." He kisses her hair. "I always loved Bucky and Steve. Auntie Celia says she's the Bucky to my Steve. Auntie Celia really likes you. Uncle Mack you always made me laugh though. You're going to be an amazing Captain America." Grinning at the two of them. Mackie's heart melts I can tell. Coming from her? He knows that has meaning. "Celia's my best friend Sebs. You haven't met her. Yet." Smiling at him trying to lighten the mood. "Oh my god Aunie's going to freaking die when she finds out." Lin laughs hard. "She just may. Come on sweet heart. Let's get you ready for bed. Mama and Uncle Sebs have a lot to catch up on. You going to be here tomorrow right?" Mom takes his face into her palm again. "Of course Mama. Right down the hall." He smiles kissing her hand. "Good. Anthony it's a pleasure to meet you. Thank you for keeping my girls laughing even in their worst times So thankful you did. You have no idea how much it means to me." She wraps Mackie in a hug. "It's my pleasure mama. Seabass, I have a feeling you and your girl need to catch up. Plus way too many feels for one man tonight. I'm going to head out. Melly, awesome to meet you. You have a great kid. Looking forwards to hanging with you all again. If you need anything ever. I'm here ok?" He kisses my cheek. "Sounds awesome. Thanks Mack. It was incredible to meet you. I may take you up on that I have a feeling." My heart goes into my stomach.

"Please tell me you have tequila Melly." Sebs laughs. "Are you like new here or something?" I laugh pulling the chilled bottle out of the freezer. "Patio? It has heaters." Asking holding up the bottle. "Well duh. We have a bunch of shit to talk about don't we?" Wrapping his arm around my shoulder. We get to the seating area. I pour two shots as he starts the heaters. "So." Lifting my glass. "For fuck's sake Melly." Raising an eyebrow. "It's been how many years since I've seen you? Can we not right now?" Tipping the shot back. For the first time in two decades I light a cigarette. "Seriously? Back at this huh?" He laughs grabbing one out of the pack. "Oh my god! Look at the super hero! Who should I call? I think I need to tell Stark!" Teasing him. He turns to me. I see the look in his eye. "Don't even fucking dare say it Stan. I will throat punch you right now." Taking a drag from my smoke. Leaning over I pour us two more shots. We clink glasses. "It's bullshit Melly." He sighs flicking the smoke in his hands. If the world saw this? It would implode I laugh to myself. "Yup. Yup it is Sebs." My eyes line with tears. "Still not going to tell him? Anyone else?" He's trying not to look at me. Testing the waters. Seeing where my head is at. Not pushing. Afraid I'll pull back again. I won't. She needs her Uncle Sebs and he needs her. She'll bring him back to earth. Back to the man he was before all of this. WE will. His life has been too much lately. I have been watching. Sad seeing him becoming something he isn't. It's a front he is putting out I know that. But it needs to stop. He needs more happiness, to be light and free again. "I'd rather get dusted by Thanos. Did it hurt though? Before I make any final decisions." Making a joke to lighten the mood. "Eventually she's going to want to know Melly. To know who her dad is. Her family. What are you going to tell her?" Sebs takes my hand. God I'm so blessed to have him as a friend. He wants us in his life. But his life? Comes a whole other multiverse of drama. Laughing to myself at my own pun. "The truth. I met her father. We dated. He made me believe he's someone he isn't. Like he does the rest of the world. I mean for fuck's sakes. His girlfriend's age difference is how old Lin is. I got pregnant when this girl was eleven. Yet he tries to make it look like he's this caring amazing man. That isn't superficial. Caring about people and the world around him. Fuck him. I know better. The messed up part Sebs? Is he always talks about wanting kids. Having family and marriage the whole thing. However I wasn't perfect enough for him. So no. She'll never know who her father is. Because she admires him too much. I refuse to be the one that shows her there's no such thing as heroes." Stifling a sob. "Oh Melly." Sebs wraps his arms around me. "Let's get wasted?" He laughs. I nod my head into his shoulder. "Great fucking plan." He tucks me under his arm. "Ma's right you know?" He snickers. "What do you mean?" I ask. "We should've just married each other. Melanie Cosette Stan. Sounds pretty good right?" How does he always do this? Still after all these years. Always makes me feel better. "You're forgetting something." Knowing how to get him back. "What's that?" He pulls on his smoke. "We would like actually have to have sex and stuff." Groaning at my comment. "Gross." Making me giggle.

"So any one special in your life?" He asks lightly. "You know there isn't. Too busy. The last few years have been insane. Plus no one seems to want to be with a single workaholic mom. And when the kid has health issues? Yea. It gets even slimmer. There really hasn't been any one since. Well him." I pour more shots. "You haven't dated since then? That's a joke right?" He looks flabbergasted. "It's not like I didn't try bubba. It just never worked out for me. No one held my interested. Not at least to get invested in. Serious with." Sighing I look up at the stars. I was his sun moon and stars. Fuck. "I can't believe you just called me that. You haven't since we were like in our twenties. Wait. Wait. Wait. Are you telling me you haven't been laid in like sixteen years?" His voice loud. Too loud. "Shh. Who seriously asks their sister that?" Slapping his arms. "Who seriously goes that long without sex?" Smacking mine right back. "Clearly me." Turning away from him. Looking back to the heavens. Remembering that night. Under the stars. The night Lin was made. Her father and I. Blending our souls in Vegas. Why does it still hurt? "Jesus how are you not like a raging bitch. Well more of one." Laughing his snarky laugh. I throw him a look. "Ok, so I was underestimating." I punch his arm. "Melly why? I mean honestly, relationship or not. I know you must have had opportunities. You're a beautiful, amazing, successful, hilarious woman. I'm sure men throw themselves at you. Jesus, even Mackie hit on you in the first ten seconds." Grabbing my hand. "Because Sebs. I was terrified, still am. He broke me. He still does. Every day I watch the small female version of him walk around my house. With his eyes and smile. I couldn't do that heartbreak again. Or add to it." Silently wiping a tear off my cheek. "Not all of them are him Melly. I actually know this great guy. Little older than you. Great dad. He has a little girl around Lin's age, a few years younger. You two would get along so well. He digs what you do. He does a lot of home remodels which you love. He does it as a passion project actually. Loves music. He's a singer, plays drums and guitar. Writes music. Sort of like you with your novels. He's crazy funny." He sounds hopeful. "For Christ sakes Sebs! Haven't seen you in how long and this is what you want to talk about? Trying to set me up? Stop teasing my writing. You were the one who insisted on reading them." Rolling my eyes at him. "She gets that from you. It's not as cute when you do it. And yes. Yes I do. I'm telling you he's awesome. I trust him, you know I would never say that if I didn't mean it. Maybe you could actually start living a little again? Lin's healthy now. Plus, I may have already told him all about you. Also, believe me when I say I regret reading every word of those books." The side of his mouth comes up in a smirk. "There's something seriously wrong with you." I smile back.

"What? Because I want my sister to be happy? One of us should at least have someone." He sighs taking another shot. "Maybe take my advice and date someone your own age next time?" I raise an eyebrow. "Yup, knew that was coming. You were right ok?" He pours another round. "You're only saying I'm right to butter me up. So I meet your boy aren't you?" Eyeing him. "Still can see right through me. Yes I am. What do you say sis? Come home? Live like an adult for a bit? Meet a great guy you have a shit ton of in common with?" He looks giddy. "Drop the smile Stan. It may work on every other female in the world. Not me. I'm immune. But it'd be nice to visit. Haven't been home in a long time. As long as I get to see maica." Smiling at the thought. She loves it when I call her that. Romanian for mother. Even though I come from a french Canadian background. I always make sure to honor her culture. She's going to faint when she sees me. "She'd kill us both if you didn't. Does that mean I can call my boy? Not a date. Just like hey let's meet up for drinks. He's filming in town right now so it's perfect." Grabbing his phone. "What the fuck?" I gasp. "Oh god no! I'm not a complete asshole. I would never do that to you." His voice hurt. "Sorry natural reaction. But another actor? Remember that last time you introduced me to one?" Nerves take me over. "Well maybe Lin would like having a little brother or sister?" Choking on his drink laughing so hard. "For crying out loud Sebs!" Throwing my hands up in frustration. "Kidding! Just meet him. No pressure. He thinks you're super hot." God he knows how to work me. "He better be." I look up to the heavens. What the hell am I thinking? The last time I let him talk me into this it ended horribly. This is probably going to blow up in my face. Sebs is right though. I need to start living my life. Lin's better. She's older. I've worked so hard all these years. Now it's time to enjoy it. "From what the women I know have said he is. I usually don't judge other dudes but he's what you would call handsome I guess. I've known him for a long time sis. Trust me?" Taking my hand, trying to reassure me. "I don't know how you always talk me into this shit but fine!" Frustrated with myself giving in too easily. He seems over the moon as he texts on his phone. "Who you texting?" I ask. "My boy. He's been anxious to meet you." Laughing as his phone pings right away. That's kinda cute. "What's his name?" Starting to get curious about him. "Jeremy." His voice nonchalant. My heart stops.

"You have officially lost your mind if it's who I'm thinking! No. Not happening. Forget it!" My voice stern. "Why? Renner's awesome. He'd treat you like a prin." Interrupting him by throwing him a mom stare. "Sorry. I forget that's what jack ass used to call you. Still pisses me off because you hate when I call you printesa. Angry he took that from me." Sighing he looks down. "I can't go out with Jeremy." Putting my hand on his knee. "Yes you can. They don't hang out anymore. Even if they did? Fuck him. He lost you. You deserve to have someone special. Plus, it's just us meeting for drinks as friends. Not marriage. You need to move on with your life. Forget him. Let him deal with the aftermath. You have for way too long on your own. Raising his daughter epically with out him. We've been apart too long because of him. It's time Melly." His eyes meet mine. I know he's right. "Fine. But when this blows up. Which it will, you better be there to help me deal with it all. Bubba." I smile. Letting him know it's ok. "Always have been, always will be. Printesa." Looking thrilled to say it. "Now let's get back to getting hammered. Thank you for today. You made your niece's lifetime. Only one other thing could have made it better." Teasing him. He hates this. "Not introducing her to Holland sis. Give it up. It's weird and grosses me out. She seriously shouldn't be crushing on a twenty five year old man." He huffs pouring shots. He makes me laugh hysterically at his reaction. "Oh get over it. She's a teenage girl. That's what they do, crush on boys. I'll stop, but I warn you. She hasn't even started. She's waiting for just the right moment to hit you up. She does the pout better than I do." Shooting my shot as he fake gags. Making the tequila almost come out my nose. "Glad you find my disgust amusing." Shaking his head. I laugh even more. "Been too long since tequila time." Smirking at him. "It has. Love you sissy." Taking my hand and kissing it. "Love you too bro. Glad to have you back." We both smile at each other. Both of us excited to be a part of each other's lives again. "This is going to be one hell of a week." Cracking up as he pours another round. "I can already feel my liver hurting." Both of us bend over laughing

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in which a marvel actor falls for his costars daughter who is 11 years younger than him "you know what they say, age is just a number." [sebastian st...
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πŸ¦‹ε½‘β˜† βͺ πš‚πšƒπ™°π™½π™³ π™±πšˆ πšˆπ™Ύπš„ ❫ πŸ¦‹ε½‘β˜† ❝I'M GONNA STAND BY YOU❞ β–ƒβ–ƒβ–ƒβ–ƒβ–ƒβ–ƒβ–ƒβ–ƒβ–ƒβ–ƒβ–ƒβ–ƒβ–ƒβ–ƒβ–ƒβ–ƒβ–ƒβ–ƒ π™žπ™£ π™¬π™π™žπ™˜π™, a single mother falls for her brother's co-star. ...
79.3K 1.7K 45
To anyone who reads this, I deeply apologize, I wrote this when I was 11, read at your own risk Ava is just your regular, 11 year old girl, except th...
169K 2.7K 50
in which tom holland's little sister falls for captain america. // lowercase intended copyright Β© 2018 pxxssive