"I Think I'm In Love With You...

By PrincessAC302010

6.9K 306 313

Hogwarts AU Dream moves from America to London and starts 5th year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizar... More

"Chapter «1» : New year, who's this?"
"Chapter «2»: The Sorting ft. Simpnoblade"
"Chapter «3»: And now for Simpllumina"
"Chapter «5»: Dream meets Benchtrio (plus Simpllumina pt. 2) "
"Chapter «6»: The Dueling Club
"Chapter «7»:Dream in a skirt, what will he do
"Chapter «8»:Dream in a skirt pt. 2
"Chapter «9»: The O.W.Ls
"Chapter «10»: 6th year! "
"Chapter «11»: Interrogations and Dates

"Chapter «4»: Slytherin vs. Ravenclaw"

692 34 36
By PrincessAC302010

Dream paces back and forth in the locker room. His stomach is filled with nervous butterflies, fluttering around and making it hard to focus. Today is his first ever Quidditch game, against Ravenclaw, and he feels like throwing up. Gods, what was he thinking, trying out for Seeker? He can’t do this.

Someone grabs his shoulder, and he whirls around to face Purpled. The third year is dressed neatly in his Quidditch robes, his Nimbus 2001 clutched tightly in his hand.

“Hey, bro, you okay?” Purpled asks, eyebrows furrowing in concern.

Dream takes a deep breath, trying unsuccessfully to calm his nerves. “Y-yeah, I’m fine.” When Purpled looks skeptical, he adds, “Just a little nervous, that’s all.”

Purpled’s expression softens. “You’ll do great, Dream,” he says encouragingly. “I’ve watched you during practice, and you’re the best Seeker I’ve ever seen- maybe even better than Sparklez. So don’t doubt yourself, ‘kay?”

“Okay,” Dream replies, feeling a little better. He takes another deep breath and straightens his back. “I can do this.”

“That’s the spirit,” Purpled cheers.

Smiling, Dream walks over to the wall and grabs his broom, a Firebolt gifted to him by Captain Puffy. She’d given it to him during a practice, saying that he was extremely talented and deserved a better broom than the Shooting Star. He clutches it to his chest now, running his finger over the tip.

Just then, Skeppy emerges from the changing room, wearing his robes. “Has the game started yet?”

“In 5 minutes,” Punz replies. “Enough time to talk. Does everyone remember the strategy?”

There’s a chorus of yeses. “Good,” Punz says. “This is Fruit, so you gotta be extra careful, Pete.”

“I will,” Pete says. “They won’t get pass me.”

“That’s what I like to hear. Purpled, Kara, do what you always do. Same for you two, Skeppy and Tapl.”

Purpled salutes, and the other 3 nod confidently.

“As for you, Dream, your priority should obviously be the Snitch. Be careful not to get knocked out, though. We can’t afford to lose you.”

Dream nods shakily. “I’ll do my best.”

“You will,” Punz says firmly. “We’re going to kick Ravenclaw’s butt, understand?”

Everyone cheers, and Dream smiles, feeling more confident. Punz has a knack for motivational speeches, which is probably why he’s the team captain.

“Alright. Let’s go, team.” Punz hoists his broom over his shoulder and marches out of the locker room. Dream and his teammates follow, out the door and onto the field. His eyes immediately stray to the stands, where he can spot Sapnap, Quackity, and Karl, decked out in both Slytherin and Ravenclaw colors. Looking over to the other side of the field, he locks eyes with George and smirks, which turns into a grin when the brunette sticks out his tongue.

Punz and Fruit, the Ravenclaw team captain, meet in the middle of the field and shake hands. Coach Smajor, the flying teacher and referee, calls for everyone to mount their brooms. Dream swings his legs over his Firebolt and grips the handle tightly, bending his knees in preparation to take off.

Coach Smajor releases the Bludgers and the Snitch first. Dream manages to catch a glimpse of the tiny golden ball before it zooms into the sky and out of sight. Across from him, a tall guy with long pink hair also appears to be following the Snitch’s trail. Probably the Seeker, then.

Dream snaps back to attention as Coach Smajor picks up the Quaffle. He throws it high into the air and blows his whistle. “Go!”

Everyone takes off. Immediately, Punz snatches the ball and zooms off towards the goalposts. Dream urges his broom up into the air, wanting to get up high so he can get a good vantage point. Once he’s high enough, he hovers in the air to look around for the Snitch.

“And Slytherin team captain Punz has got the Quaffle,” Karl, who usually does the Quidditch commentary, says. Dream wheels his broom around and looks down to see the game.

In the middle of the field, the Chasers from both teams are engaging in a fight for the ball. Dream watches as Punz tosses the Quaffle to Kara, who catches it and streaks towards the Ravenclaw goalposts. Before she can get there, though, a Bludger zooms into her path. Kara is forced to drop the Quaffle and use both hands to evade the black ball. The Quaffle falls to the ground before being caught by George, who immediately shoots towards the Slytherin end.

“George Notfound from the Ravenclaw team now has the Quaffle! He’s flying to the goalposts! Is he going to score the first goal?”

George throws the Quaffle, but before the ball can go through the goalposts, Pete appears in its path and whacks it away with the tail end of his broom.

“The answer is no! Pete Zahutt has hit the Quaffle away!”

“No points for you!” Pete yells triumphantly. Dream smiles at the successful defense and continues his search for the Snitch.

From his vantage point, he can see the entire field. He scans the area, looking for a tiny speck of gold. Nothing. He frowns and zooms over to the Slytherin end before beginning to search again.

Dream’s eyes stray to the other players, and he pauses to watch the game. Purpled is currently in possession of the Quaffle, but he’s being chased by Fruit and George. As Dream watches, the 3rd year swerves away and chucks the Quaffle in Punz’s direction. Punz dives for it, but the 3rd Ravenclaw Chaser, an extremely tall boy, gets there first. He grabs it out of the air and zooms towards the Slytherin goalposts, dodging a Bludger Skeppy hits his way before throwing it. It goes through the middle hoop despite Pete’s attempt to block it.

“And Ravenclaw scores with an excellent throw from Ranboo Biluved!”

The stands explode into uproar as the Ravenclaws cheer triumphantly. Dream winces, feeling slightly discouraged. Of course, 10-0 isn’t a huge lead, but still, he puts on an extra burst of speed and scans the field with laser focus, looking for his prey.

He hears a whistling sound behind him and looks over his shoulder to see a Bludger speeding towards him. With barely any time to react, he goes with his first instinct. He throws himself into a barrel roll, turning upside down just in time for the Bludger to zoom over his feet.

“Oh, a fancy dodge there from Slytherin Seeker Dream Wastake! It’s Dream's first game- will he be able to get the Snitch? Or will Techno Blade beat him to it?”

Huh. So the Ravenclaw Seeker’s name is Techno. Dream files that information away for another time and zooms away to continue looking.

For the next few minutes, there’s no sign of the Snitch. The game is still plenty eventful, however, with Punz and Purpled each managing to put a goal past the Ravenclaw Keeper, bringing the score to 20-10. And after a few more minutes of intense gameplay, both sides have scored multiple times, resulting in a 50-50 tie.

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, Dream spots a flash of gold. He whirls around in the air, eyes flicking back and forth. For a moment, there’s nothing, and he’s afraid that he imagined it. Then, he sees a tiny winged ball hovering 10 feet below him. The Snitch.

Dream dives for it, the wind whooshing through his hair. The Ravenclaw Seeker must’ve seen it too, because he also dives, turning it into a race for the Snitch.

“And it appears that the Seekers have spotted the Snitch! Who will get it?”

The Snitch darts away, forcing Dream to make a wild swerve to keep up. He can hear Techno Blade right behind him, quickly catching up. Dream puts on a burst of speed, stretching out his hand. Come on, so close, so close-

Suddenly, the Snitch changes direction, streaking backwards. Dream is forced to skid to a stop and wheel his broom around to continue pursuing it. Only problem- now Techno Blade is in the lead.

Cursing under his breath, Dream urges his Firebolt forward, but he can’t seem to catch up. A pit of dread pools in his stomach as Techno Blade draws closer and closer to the Snitch, his arm outstretched. It seems like it’s about to be over, but Dream doesn’t give up, continuing to give chase.

And it appears that luck is on his side, because the Snitch changes direction once again, zooming down towards the ground. Dream reacts almost instantly, urging his broom into a dive and shooting after it. The ground comes hurtling up at a rapid pace, and at the last second, Dream pulls out of the dive, flying so that he’s level with the ground. The Snitch speeds along mere feet above the dirt, so close that Dream can almost touch it, but not quite.

“Come on,” Dream mutters. He’s so close! He just needs to reach down a little further, but how? Doing another dive with the ground so near is risky- he would probably crash face first. So how does he do this?

He glances over his shoulder to see that Techno Blade is hot on his tail. Whatever he does, he needs to to it quickly. An idea pops into Dream’s mind, and before he can think about the consequences, he’s already moving. He shifts so that he’s sitting side-saddle on his broom, with both his legs dangling over the same side.

Dream takes a deep breath, preparing himself. He grips the broom tightly with both hands and scoots backwards until his knees are hooked over the wood.

“What is Dream Wastake doing?” Karl asks, sounding startled.

Dream squeezes his broom tightly with his knees, and with a small yelp, he lets go with his hands. His world immediately flips upside down as he dangles by his knees from his broom. For a moment, he feels nothing but terror as his head comes dangerously close to the ground. It’s quickly replaced by excitement, however, as the Snitch is now within reaching distance. He stretches his arm out and snatches the golden ball out of the air.

He barely has any time to celebrate, however, because his broom is quickly approaching the curve in the walls of the field. Panic immediately fills every fiber of Dream’s body. He did not think this part through.

Luckily for him, his instincts kick in. Holding the Snitch tightly in one hand, he curls his body up and uses the other hand to grab onto his broomstick. With only seconds left to escape the situation, he quickly decides that trying to get back onto the Firebolt would be too risky. Instead, he unhooks his knees and performs a messy flip off of his broom, landing with a thud on the ground.

“And Dream Wastake has got the Snitch! Slytherin wins with 200 points!”

Groaning, Dream staggers to his feet. His whole body aches from the impact, but other than that, he feels fine. Better than fine, actually. As the events of the last minute catch up to him, a wide smile spreads across his face. He did it. He caught the Snitch and won the game for his team.

He looks around. In the stands, the Slytherins have gone wild, screaming and cheering in triumph. Sapnap, Quackity, and Karl are going insane as well, chanting something that sounds like Dream’s name. Dream grins and waves at them, and they wave back.

Several thuds sound, and Dream is suddenly swept into Punz’s tight embrace.

“That was f*cking amazing, Dream!” Punz yells. Dream squeaks as the older blonde hoists him up and spins him around.

“Put him down, Punz. I think he’s going to faint,” Purpled jokes. Dream is set down, and as soon as his feet touch the ground, he’s tackle-hugged by Purpled.

“See? I told you you would do fine,” Purpled says.

Dream laughs, a little breathless. “Yeah, you did.”

The rest of the Slytherin team crowds around him. Tapl and Pete slap him on the back and tell him good job. Kara scolds him about being so risky, then gives him a sisterly hug. Skeppy cheers and offers his services as a master pranker.

Still soaking in his teammates’ praise, Dream lets out a startled yelp when a body crashes into his own, nearly knocking him over. He spins around to face Sapnap, who gives him a massive bearhug.

“That was insane!” Sapnap roars. “You’re f*cking cracked, Dream!”

“He’s cracked, your honor!” Karl crows.

“That’s going in the Quidditch hall of fame for sure,” Quackity exclaims.

“Thanks, guys,” Dream says gratefully. “Now, can you please let me go, Sapnap?”

Sapnap releases Dream, but not before squeezing him one last time and slapping him across the shoulder.

“That’s not fair,” a heavily accented voice whines. “How did you even do that?”

Dream turns to see George approaching. The brunette has a pout on his face, but his eyes tell Dream that he’s not really upset.

“You see, Gogy, he’s simply cracked,” Sapnap says.

George rolls his eyes. “Yeah, yeah.” He gives Dream a sweet, genuine smile. “In all seriousness, though, good job. You deserve the win for pulling that off.”

“Thank you, Georgie,” Dream says, smiling back.

Punz comes up and throws an arm around Dream’s shoulder. “Come on, let’s go change. We can have a celebration at lunch.”

“Okay,” Dream says happily. He bids goodbye to his friends and walks to the locker rooms with his teammates.


20 minutes later, Dream is finishing up in the locker rooms. He’s dressed in his regular school robes, but he’d volunteered to stay behind to clean up and put away the brooms. After one final glance around to make sure everything is in place, he steps outside, and promptly collides into someone.

“Sorry!” Dream yelps, scrambling back.

“It’s okay,” the person says in a deep voice. With a start, Dream realizes it’s Techno Blade, the Ravenclaw Seeker. He appears to be around Dream’s age, with long, candy pink hair and startling red eyes. His face is handsome, with high, regal cheekbones and a sharp jaw.

“You’re Techno Blade, aren’t you?” Dream says curiously.

The pinkette blinks before responding. “Uh, yeah. And you’re Dream Wastake.”

“That’s me.” There’s a brief moment of awkward silence.

Finally, Dream decides to break it. “Your team did really good.”

“Not good enough, apparently,” Techno mutters, kicking at the ground with his foot.

Dream immediately feels guilty, even though he logically knows that there’s nothing for him to be guilty about. “Sorry.”

“What?” Techno glances up, looking startled. “Oh, I didn’t mean it like that. I was just sayin’ that I could’ve done better.” He pauses, then adds, “That thing you did was epic.”

Dream smiles shyly. “I suppose. I wasn’t really thinking when I did it.”

Techno chuckles slightly. “That explains it. I don’t think any rational person would dare to do that. No offense, of course.”

“None taken.” Dream glances at the giant clock tower, visible from the Quidditch field. “I should probably get to the Great Hall. My teammates will be waiting to celebrate.”

“Cool.” Techno lets out a long sigh. “I’ll be yellin’ at myself.”

“Don’t do that,” Dream says worriedly. “You did really good! If I hadn’t done that thing, you probably would’ve won.”

Techno stares at him for a moment, his expression unreadable. Then the pinkette smiles. “Thank you, Dream.”

“You’re welcome,” Dream replies, smiling back. “Don’t beat yourself up, ‘kay?”

“Sure, if you insist.”

Dream laughs softly. “I do insist.” He starts to walk backwards. “I really do need to go now, but it was nice talking to you.”

Techno snorts. “That’s not something I’ve heard often.”

“Well, it’s true.” Dream gives Techno a wave. “Bye, Techno.”

“Bye, Dream.”


Tell me in the comments who you guys are rooting for to win Dream over! I already know what I'm going to do, but I'm curious to see what you guys think


-2682 words~

Bye Nuggets ♡

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