"Chapter «11»: Interrogations and Dates

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Yeah, you read the title right. One of the simps finally grows bold and asks Dream out.
Oh, and of course, the simp gets interrogated by Punz and Purpled bc i love the
protective brothers trope


Illumina has several goals for 6th year.

Begin studying for the N.E.W.Ts, for one, since if he doesn’t start this year, he has a suspicion that 7th year will result in him dying from work overload. Win the Quidditch Cup a second time, for another. It’s going to be difficult, since both Slytherin and Ravenclaw have nastily good teams, and the Gryffindors aren’t to be underestimated either. But he’s confident that with a little more strategy, his team will be able to bring home the prize.

And there’s one final goal that Illumina is more determined than the others to achieve: ask Dream, the boy of his dreams, on a date.

It’ll be easy, right?


Because as soon as Illumina walks into the Great Hall and spots Dream, his knees begin to shake from nerves, even though he hasn’t done a single thing. Merlin, he overestimated his abilities, didn’t he? How’s he supposed to utter even a single word when the mere sight of Dream makes him quake from anxiety?

Illumina forces himself to take a deep breath. Relax, he tells himself. It’s only the first day, so he doesn’t have to do anything yet. Of course, the sooner he does it, the better, since that will lower the chances of someone else getting there first. Still, though, he has plenty of time to work up the courage and do it.

Plenty of time ends up being a week, during which Illumina effectively panics. He asks Bad for dating advice, since the 7th year has a boyfriend, but Bad simply replies with, “Just be yourself”, which isn’t too helpful. Finally, though, on Saturday, a week away from the first Hogsmeade weekend, Illumina feels as ready as he thinks he’s going to get. So, he heads out to search for Dream.

He finds the blonde on the grounds, sitting at the base of an oak tree and reading a book. Dream looks up as he approaches, and an adorable smile spreads across his face. “Illumina!” he chirps.

“Hi, Dream,” Illumina says. Panic begins to rise in his chest, and he tries to force it down. Is he really about to do this?

Dream closes the book and stands up. “So, what brings you out here?” he asks curiously. His golden hair and eyelashes sparkle in the sunlight, making it very hard to focus.

Illumina swallows. Just calm down, he tells himself. You can do this. “I, uh, wanted to ask you something.”

“Oh?” Dream tilts his head like a puppy. “What is it?”

Taking a deep breath, Illumina blurts out, “Do you want to go on a date with me next weekend?”

As soon as the words leave his mouth, he begins to panic again. Merlin, this was a bad idea. What if Dream says no? What if the blonde finds him disgusting now? What if-

“Sure! I’d love to go on a date with you, Illumina.”


Illumina blinks. “You- you would?”

“Of course!” Dream chirps happily, smiling. There’s a faint blush on his cheeks, and Illumina feels like he’s about to faint. Dream said yes, he said yes.

He realizes that the blonde is watching him, and he quickly says, “Great! So, uh, does next Saturday at 10 work for you? We could go to Hogsmeade.”

Dream nods cheerfully. “Yep.”

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2023 ⏰

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