Avatar: The Daughter of Eywa

By Nerdfanatic247

405K 9.9K 3.8K

This is a Jake Sully x Reader story. I hadn't seen many and I just love Neytiri and Jake's love story/ relati... More

Author's Note
Y/n, Daughter of Eywa
Jake Sully
Waiting for a Sign
The Exploratory Mission
A Night in the Forest
Warrior Dream Walker
Na'vi Lessons
The Flight of Ikran
Choosing Each Other
Attack on The Tree of Voices
Heartbreak & The Attack on Home Tree
Toruk Macto
A Losing Battle
Eywa Has Heard You
The Sully's
Attack On The Rail Train
Omaticayan Stronghold
Sneaking Out Into The Jungle
A Living Demon

Happiness Vanishes

13.5K 391 168
By Nerdfanatic247

Italics= Jake's monologue + Na'vi speak.
AN: The one thing I love about this movie is that they speak Na'vi but I don't have to have it italicized it anymore! Jake explains that he knows the language well enough now that it is basically English to him. So eventually the italics will stop, but just know they aren't technically speaking English.

This was what my life was meant to be thanks to my Mother. Happy, fulfilled and joyful, filled with love and laughter. Thanks to Ma Jake and our children. They are the only thing on my mind, they are what mattered most.

"Before I knew it, we had four. When we sent the Sky People back to earth, few of them stayed. Science guys, loyal to the Na'vi. And then there was Spider."

Just a human baby with bright blonde curls running through the science lab with nothing on but a diaper.

"Spider!" Some of the scientists called after him. Scooping up the small child in their arms. 

"He was just stuck here. To young for a cyrocapsule. Orphaned by the war, he was raised by the lab guys."

Norm was in one of the new trailer bases not far from our village. Preparing Spider to go out. But Spider was quick. He had on his exo-mask and rushed out the door.

"Spider... Spider, wait! Take the spare with you!" Norm yelled after the young boy. Holding a spare oxygen pack in his hands.

"I won't need it! I'm going to the village!" Spider called out behind him, not stopping his running feet as he trudged into the forest before him.

"He wasn't part of our family. He was like a stray cat that was just always around. He and our kids were inseparable."

Jake and I sat on the grassy bank of the river watching as our children played. His hand wrapped in mine. Without knowing I was squeezing Jake's hand a bit to tightly.

"I'd like to keep my hand if you don't mind." Jake chuckled and he lightly rubbed his numbing thumb over the top of my hand.

I quickly looked between us, as to not keep my protective eyes off my children for too long. Realizing I was squeezing his hand a bit too tightly.

"Sorry." I stated quickly and looked back at the kids.

Kiri and Spider were hissing at each other playfully. I frowned, especially as Spider grabbed ahold of Neteyam's tail. Hanging onto it tightly as they played. I felt Jake's chest press against my back, allowing the familiar tingling to echo through our skin. Usually he calmed me whenever he touched me, but every time Spider was around. I was always on edge.

Ever since the attack from the Sky People I had closed off my heart to anyone that was not my family. I trusted very few of the Sky People who had stayed behind as well, no matter how loyal they were. I could bare no more heartbreak. No more evil from such heartless creatures.

"But to Y/n he would always be a stranger; an alien. One of them."

"He belongs among his own kind." I stated with a small scowl along my face, watching as Spider continued to interact with my children. They all jumped into the river, piling on-top of one another.

Later that night, Spider went back to the scientists trailer and we were all up in our tree. Tuk hung around my legs, while Neteyam helped me cook our dinner. Jake watched as rain peacefully poured down from the skies. The peace never last too long though, as our children, Lo'ak and Kiri began to argue over a Toruk Macto toy that was made of colored fibers and bamboo.

"Let go. It's mine!" Lo'ak shouted at his sister.

"I had it first!" Kiri argued, pulling back on the toy.

"Why should I let you have it?" Lo'ak argued back.

"It's mine!" Kiri shouted angrily.

"It is not!"

"Lo'ak you liar! Let me have it!"

"It took me a few years to get the language through my thick skull. But now, when I hear it? It might as well be English."

"I hate you!" Lo'ak screamed.

"I hate you times infinity, Lo'ak! You penis face!" Kiri spit out angrily and Lo'ak replied by screaming in her face.

That was when Jake finally had enough.

"Hey. Hey! That's enough. Don't make me come over there." Jake threatened using his gentle but stern fatherly tone with the children, letting them know he meant business.

I absolutely adored seeing Jake as a father. He was the best one around and of course the best possible father to our children. He took time with each of them, and was always attentive to each of their needs. Especially to Neteyam. Jake and Neteyam had bonded very closely from the moment he was born and that was enough to make any women's heart beat erratically in her chest.

Neytiri and I were teaching the children their daily studies when Jake pulled Neteyam out to spend his quality time with him but to also teach him at the same time.

The two stood by a shallow pool on the bank side, waiting, watching quietly. Speaking only in hushed tones as to not scare the fish away.  

"That's the one. Over there by the big rocks. There he is." Jake murmured lowly as he stood behind Neteyam. Helping his son adjust his arm that held his arrow to his bow.

Neteyam breathed in and out watching the fish swim in the small pond before releasing his arrow. Striking down the fish in one shot.

"Go get it! Yeah!" Jake cheered proudly for his son. Neteyam smiled proudly of his accomplishment. Jumping down into the pool of water and pulling out his arrow seeing the fish attached to the end. "Neteyam, the mighty fisherman!" Neteyam giggled and smiled proudly up at his father showing him the fish that wiggled on the end of the arrow. "Good boy. Wow, that's a big one." Jake complimented as he bent down to Neteyam's level.

"By the rocks. Right where you said." Neteyam stated proudly as he put the fish out of it's pain just like he had been taught.

Unknown to my boys, I walked around the trees smiling with immense pride in my heart. Seeing the pair of them together and how well my beautiful boy was doing.

When Jake and Neteyam got back to the village. Jake marked Neteyam's height on the bamboo pole. A mark for being a mighty fisherman and another milestone in his youth. Each of our children gathered around to watch as Jake had pulled out his knife marking the pole. Even Spider.

"How tall is he?" Lo'ak asked curiously.

"He is... That tall." Jake stated proudly as Neteyam moved away from the pole to see the newest notch in the bark. Each of the children giggled.

"It goes by too fast. Like a dream."

Before our very eyes 14 years had passed by. We had spent a wonderful day together, running through the forests of Pandora and now it was time to take a updated family picture. Jake and I wrangled up our children. Neteyam, helping get Lo'ak. A teen now who was too cool for this sort of thing. Kiri, feeling very much the same way, rolling her eyes as I pulled her close.

"Come now, Kiri." I chuckled.

"Mom." Kiri whined.

Jake helped Neytiri set up the camera and moved back towards us. Tuk was easily excited for the family picture. Nearly leaping into her Daddy's arms. I placed my arm around Lo'ak and Neteyam's hand fell over mine on his brother's back.

"Smile, Skxawng!" Neytiri stated, making most of our children smile.

The flash went off and each of us were smiling happily, except Kiri who was rolling her eyes. But would it truly be her if she had done anything different?

"Happiness is simple. Like date night. Time away from the kids."

"Go. They'll be fine." Neytiri snickered as I rolled my eyes at her. Her hands on my back forcing me forward away from my tree and children. "Have fun and be safe!" She laughed as I walked away from her.

I turned back and stuck out my tongue at her, before beginning to run through the forests. Soon enough getting the calming feeling of being followed. Jake tried to sneak up on me, grabbing my hips. The birthmark on my leg glowing as always with every touch he gave. I laughed and spun out of his grip, still running forward towards our spot. Diving into the water and coming back up for air. Only to be met with a splash to the face from Jake jumping in behind me. I giggled and wiped the refreshing water away.

Jake swam underneath the water and I watched as he came circling around me. The butterflies in my belly never failing to make me feel for my husband. Jake swam around me until he was flush against my front side emerging from the water. Hands wrapped around my waist, pulling me close. Jake's forehead leaned against mine, rubbing our noses together. Eyes lightly closing in a peaceful, loving bliss.

"I love you, ma Jake."

"I love you, Y/n."

When we were done swimming in the water, Jake and I called to our Ikran. After loosing Maama, Rangi had found a mate who just so happened to choose me. So I named her Kai'ora, meaning healer. She helped heal my heart after loosing Maama who was my light.

The two of us flew around the night sky in a perfect dance with each other. Yipping and laughing. Jake grinned as he rode on Rangi flying underneath Kai'ora and I. Flashing his wings at me as he swooped in beside us. I laughed and grinned flying after them. Jake looked around after noticing us disappear from sight, feeling slightly concerned until we swooped down from above. Flashing our wings at him too.
He grinned widely and the chase continued.

We laid on the soft grasses on the top of one of the Hallelujah mountains after flying. Jake's body moved in rhythm with mine. Our breaths mingling together. Lips softly touching. Breathy moans escaping our mouths. Fingers running up and down each other's bodies. Bodies tingling. Our aches being satisfied by one another. Soon enough simply laying down next to each other. Cuddled together and enjoying each other's company. My head rested on his chest and I was lulled into a soft sleep by Jake's heartbeat. His warm hand resting over one of mine that rested on his chest.

"But the thing about happiness? It can vanish in a heartbeat."

I could feel the heat as though it were real. Fire burning my skin. Animals cried out in a moment's pain, before their souls departed their bodies. My people screamed in terror. My children's fear laced my heart as heavy as though it were my own. Their pain, their anguish was all felt though me. I wanted to take away their pain. Ease the suffering. My mind ached in pain, and my eye lids clenched shut. My peaceful sleep interrupted. My heart began to race inside my chest, only it wasn't only mine that I could feel.

Jake felt the worry inside me. Our connected bond bothering him again. Not as a nuisance for him, but in worry for me. Just as he was about to wake me. Jake looked to the night sky, seeing a bright light. A new star arriving in the outer world of Pandora. He gasped and quickly sat forward. My eyes sleepily opened and I groaned at the growing headache. But that thought quickly subsided seeing the terrified look on my husband's face. I looked into the night sky seeing the bright light as well. Growing bigger with each passing moment.

"A new star in the night. It could only mean one thing."

"No." I gasped in fear. Jake's arm quickly pulled me to him and he pulled our bodies to our feet.

"Ships decelerating. The Sky People returning."

Many ships began decelerating from the skies. Their fire, destroying everything in their path as they began to land. The forests went up in flames. Jake and I quickly hurried back to the village to warn the people. To gather our children. On our flight home, I gasped and let out a loud scream of pain as the first ship made it's landing with the ground. Kai'ora screeched as I was connected to her. She too could feel the heat of the heavy fires that were quickly scorching the grounds around us. And we began tumbling towards the ground.

"NO!" Jake screamed and dove after us. Rangi letting out a terrified shriek as well.

They flew faster and faster downward, before finally making it underneath us as we twirled out of control. Rangi flipped upside down and used his claws to grab onto Kai'ora's underside. While Jake swung around and reached for my arm. His skin touched mine and he hissed, as the heat was hotter than it ever had been before. Regardless of the pain, Jake held onto me tighter and pulled me up into his body. He commanded Rangi to flatten out and continue to fly us home. The four of us took a hard landing to the ground. We rolled over each other until we came to a quick stop.

The pain was too much. Too much at once. I laid unable to move on the ground, groaning in pain. I blinked a few times and saw Jake as he stood over me this time. Lifting me up and into his arms.

"Stay with me, Y/n. Come on, baby." Jake coo'ed trying to force away the fear he felt.

"I-I... hurts..." I managed to make out as Jake ran.

"It's okay. I know, I know. Don't talk. We are almost there." Jake shushed me gently.

"Jake! Y/n! What is happening?" Mother yelled as she saw Jake running into the village with me in his arms. "What was that light?"

"The Sky People have returned, Mo'at. We must go. Now!" Jake demanded. "We need to get to higher ground!"

"Jake." I gasped clutching my chest.

Every soul, every animal that came into contact with the flames was a sudden scream at once in my chest. Their souls quickly leaving Pandora and rejoining the All Mother, Eywa. Almost like they didn't even suffer. Gone in a flash of light, Incinerated.

"Put me... down." I gasped again letting air refill my lungs.

"No way. We are all going. I've got you." Jake replied quickly, ushering people to go as I still laid in his arms.

"I'm okay. Put me down." I assured him. Reaching up and touching his face. Jake quickly looked back down into my eyes. The tough demeanor he had put on for everyone else, couldn't fool me. I saw the fear in his eyes. He nodded quickly, realizing I wasn't asking to be left behind.

I breathed as my feet touched the ground and thought of my children. My sister. My Jake. It was like the pain was suddenly able to flow away from me with the new focus I had. I could feel them. I could feel their terrified heartbeats. The soles of their feet hitting the ground as they ran. Neteyam and Neytiri leading the younger ones away from the flames, chaos and destruction. Kiri, carrying my little Tuk. Lo'ak helping the girls and making sure no one got left behind.

"Come on, baby. I-I know it hurts. But we have to go." Jake stated in alarm as my eyes reopened.

I hadn't even realized they had closed. I nodded and we grabbed ahold of each other's hands and ran. Ran for the hills as did our people. As soon as we were far enough away. Jake and I turned. Looking out on the horizon before us. Everything was in flames and the skies were as black as charcoal. Everything in sight was destroyed, with at least a hundred ships landing on the ground. With thousands of troops in armor coming out of the ships. Giant bulldozers rolling out with Sky People armed with many guns walking alongside them.

I finally had taken a moment to see everything before me. My knees buckled at the sight and I fell to the ground, sobbing, mourning my home. The place where I grew up. The place where I met Jake. The place where I had our children and the place they were supposed to continue to grow. My dreams were right and I failed to listen.

I felt strong arms wrap around me as I cried. Jake was horrified at the destruction of our home once again. He was sad, yes. But then he was consumed by anger. How dare they do this to his home? To his wife, to his family? There wasn't a second thought that passed before he knew he wanted revenge on the Sky People. He would make them pay for being here.

"Mom! Dad!" Each of our children's voices echoed through the air.

Both Jake and I turned seeing our children and Neytiri coming running towards us. I got up off the ground and ran towards my children. Each of them coming and grabbing my body. I held them close to me, breathing them in. They were safe and that was what mattered to me in that moment.

Kiri and Tuk letting out small sobs, clutching to me tightly. Lo'ak had tears in his eyes, but a look of determination on his face. Neteyam looked out at the destruction with a look on his face that was identical to his father's. Jake was quick to join in on the family hug. Wrapping his long, strong arms around us all.

Neytiri sobbed at the sight of our home. I let go of my children and walked over to her, placing my hand on her shoulder in comfort. She stood to her feet and wrapped her arms around me and I around her.

"They cannot get away with this." Neytiri scowled as tears still rolled from her eyes.

"Believe me, sister. They won't." I stated and turned to look at my husband. He looked at me approvingly and let out a simple, single nod of his head.

We were at War once again.

Word Count: 3,082

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