CYBER GIRL | Christian Yu | A...

By ErrorDaja

2.7K 89 31

Error ! "Would you like to delete all feelings?" Yes or No? She's his favorite cam girl and Christian wants... More



345 10 3
By ErrorDaja

1 Year Prior

"Chris man you gotta get up," the concerned brother said as he looked at his older brother passed out on the couch in the large hotel room. Christian was in new york with his brother on a "business trip" and he went a little too hard with tequila shots the prior night.

"Leave me alone Ken," the hungover man said as he shooed his hand away from his face. the last thing Christian wanted to do was leave the comfort of the couch.

"C'mon man clean yourself up we got some business to attend to," ken said as lifted Christian's face from the cushion by his long hair. Ken only being 26 years old always found himself playing the older sibling role to his 32 year old brother Christian. Both the men were very late for an important meeting that was scheduled for the afternoon.

"Oh fuck," the older brother said as he quickly jumped up from the reminder of the meeting with their father. Christian quickly walked into the nearby bathroom and closed the door shut.

"Dad's gonna be pissed," ken said as he fished his phone from the pocket of his slacks as he heard water running. Ken and Christian were in New York for a celebration of Christian taking over the family business. Hence why Christian drank way too much, lost his left converse, hooked up with a random girl, and threw up in a potted plant in the hotel lobby.

"We're not even that late," the disarrayed man said storming from the bathroom with only a black tee shirt, socks, and his boxers.

"We're an hour late," this little brother said glancing from his phone to his brother.

"Where the fuck are my pants? I need a cigarette," the older man said as he flipped a pillow in search of his missing black slacks.

"They're outside the hotel room door dumbass. You know man you gotta stop drinking. I'm tired of being a babysitter," the little brother said as he grabbed his pack of cigarettes from the inside of his suit jacket. He placed the one on his lips and lit the cigarette. He took a few puffs before handing it to the stressed Christian as he reentered the room but with pants on this time.

"gomawo (thanks)," he said taking the cigarette and ignoring his brother's rant. He took several puffs while putting his other pair of black converse on.

"Okay let's go," Ken said rushing him.

"Fuck off I still wanna stop for Mcdonalds before," Christian said as he quickly threw his black jacket on and grabbed his keys. The young and older man made their way out of the hotel room and into the elevator.

"We're late!" said the younger brother in frustration.

"Might as well be hella late!"


"Where the hell have you boys been?" said the angry father immediately frowning at the lateness of his sons.

"Sorry, father there was traffic. You know how these busy cities are during rush hour," the little brother said quickly making up a lie to cover their asses.

"Hmm well sit down we need to talk business," he said motioning for the sons to sit across him in the booth of the loud club.

"Wow no, how are you son?" Christian said being sarcastic.

"Sit down and shut up boy maybe I should have passed the business to Ken you're not responsible," the older man said siping his bourbon. As much as Christian pushed his buttons he had a soft spot for the boy.

"Yeah whatever old man," he said as he motioned for a waitress to come over and take his drink order.

"Christian now that you are head of the family business when are you going to get a wife son?" the father said as he lit a cigar.

"Not with this again father," Christian said rolling his eyes as he scanned the crowd of the busy club from the VIP section when his attention was caught. Sitting at the bar was a beautiful woman. The mysterious girl hypnotized Christian. He could tell she was a bit younger than Christian, who was 32 years old. He sighed a bit because his past experiences with dating younger women left him with slashed tires, burned clothing, and everything else under the sun.

The girl felt a pair of eyes on her as she looked around her eyes found Christian's. The man was almost not even staring at her but through her. The girl was feeling flirty this particular night so she sent a wink his way and broke eye contact with him. The girl pretend to be unbothered because she knew that would make the mysterious man come to her. I worked every time like a charm.

Christian watched as she chugged her drink before grabbing her friend's arm and leading her to the dance floor. She seductively danced on her friend and it only made Christian want her more. But Christi-

"Christian pay attention!" he heard as he was snapped from his thoughts.

"Did you hear anything I said boy?" his father said with furrowed eyebrows. His head was always up in the clouds even as a boy he thought.

"Yeah yeah something about getting a wife I'm working on it," he said still eyeing the girl as he reached over and grabbed his father's glass. He chugged the rest of the bourbon and that only made the older man madder.

"Excuse me I have to take a piss," he said as he interrupted his father's rebuttal and left the table. His father yelled after him but Christian was a man on a mission.

He quickly made his way down the spiral stairs and through the crowd. He searched in the sea of people for the girl when he spotted her slowly grinding on her friend still. He walked up to the bar and ordered a drink but his eyes never left her. Christian felt as though the girl was teasing him as she occasionally made looks his way. When he was finally able to capture her eyes he motioned for her to come over. The girl bit her lip and excused herself from her friend as she sexily made her way over. Her hips swayed effortlessly as she adjusted the strap on the shoulder of her small top.

"You gonna dance or you just gonna watch?" the girl said studying his features.

"I think watching is better especially when there is a view like you," Christian said as he grabbed her hand and pulled her closer to him. The girl felt all the air leave her lungs from being in close proximity to the stranger. She got a whiff of her cologne and it was intoxicating and it was as if it swallowed her in.

"What can I do to watch you dance like that again but in a more private setting," Christian said testing his luck. She thought about saying fuck it and taking the man back to her apartment to do strange things to him but she was interrupted by her friend.

"Hunni we got to go, Devin, is on my ass about where I'm at right now," she said as she looked down at her phone with a concerned face. Harlow sighed in disappointment but a thought came to her mind quickly to at least toy with the older man before she left.

"Give me your arm," she said to Christian with her hand open waiting. Without a second thought, he did what the girl said. Harlow reached into her purse and pulled out a pen. She scribbled the name of her "channel" on his arm with the website to match.

"You probably won't see me dance but you can watch me do other things here," she said putting emphasis on the watch word. And with that, she turned her attention back to her friend walking away. But Christian grabbed her arm pulling her back not wanting the warmth of her to leave.

"When can I see you again?" he said trying not to sound desperate but deep down he was.

"Maybe tonight big boy," she said as she slowly pulled from him and walked away. Christian was stuck as if she had left a spell on the older man. That was until he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Yo what are you doing down here? Dad's up there talking my ear off," said Ken in annoyance after 5 mins of looking for his brother.

"Yeah yeah I'm coming," he said as he chugged the rest of his drink and made his way back upstair with the brown-skinned girl still on his mind.


"Fuck where is the light at," Christian said as he stumbled into his hotel room drunk.

"Ah there it is," he said as he flicked the light switch on but quickly winced at the brightness before turning it back off. He crawled into his king-size bed still fully clothed. As he laid on his stomach with his arm resting by his head. He got a glance at the neat handwriting on his wrist from the girl in the club. Even though he was half dead and ready to fall asleep right then and there his curiosity got the best of him. He grabbed. his phone and flipped over onto his back as he stared up at his phone. He typed the URL into the google search bar. He was met by an unexpected sight. It was a cam girl sight and there were naked women all over his screen. He was taken aback as to why the girl would give him this website.

"Oh yeah she gave me a name," Christain said out loud as his drunk brain pieced things together slowly but surely.

"Hun-ni-dew," he said as he typed the name into the search bar with a few errors due to him having double vision at the moment.

"Hunnidew is live!" the older man read in his head as he saw he girl from the club on his screen. The girl was in lingerie and she looked damn good laying in her bed. Christian had to sit up in his bed from what he was seeing.

"So what do you guys wanna see me do tonight," the girl said as she played with the hem of her pink lace underwear. The comments were raunchy and this was a little out of his comfort zone. Christain rarely ever watched porn. When he did feel the need to relieve himself he just called up one of the hundreds of girls' numbers on his phone.

"If you guys say so," the girl said as she got completely naked and spread her legs to show herself in all her glory. Christian quickly locked his phone and stared at the ceiling of his dark hotel room. He instantly became rock-hard. This is not how he expected this night to go.

"This is wrong," he sighed to himself. He sat there in silence before opening his phone back up to watch more of his new guilty pleasure.


This was slightly a quick one. Ignore any spelling mistakes I'll edit tomorrow!

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