Marvel x Male Carnage Reader

By TheKing5497

29.2K 435 176

Your name is Y/n Brock, your father was Eddie Brock. He was a great man and the wielder of Venom, after some... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
I'm Sorry
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 14

396 6 0
By TheKing5497

Before we go any further I feel like I should explain that in a previous chapter Y/n created a syringe and injected himself with it. That syringe was filled with powers and I basically just haven't chosen how many yet

I head into my garage to prep for the coming battle, I grab my hammer which I named DeathBringer, and put on (pick the outfits from below). I open the garage door to see Ultron standing in front of me his mask up showing a look of concern.

Y/n: What's the matter

Ultron: I'm looking for him, he keeps switching universe, taking people from them

Y/n: So? You said this was gonna happen

Ultron: Yeah, I used the time stone to look forward and see this but there's someone new, I can't see who though

Y/n: Screw it, we'll be stronger than them no matter what

Ultron created a portal in front of the two of you and walked through. You looked back and saw Natasha and the grey/black sludge known as Powerhouse both waving goodbye to you as you put your mask on and stepped through the portal.

Emerging through the other side you see a desolate wasteland of a place

{Captain Carter POV}

Just as the situation calmed down with the Natasha of this world two portals opened up, Ultron appearing out of one and someone I couldn't recognise because of a mask covering their face appearing out of the other

Ultron: You took your time

???: Oh sue me I said goodbye to my wife

Ultron: I've got the sorcerer, take care of the others

???: Sure

The new guy started to walk towards us with Strange darting off to keep Ultron busy. He stopped in front of us

Thor: Hey did the big headed guy send us some reinforcements?

Thor started walking up to the new guy

{Y/n POV}

Thor walked up to me and held his hand up offering to shake my hand

Y/n: My Thor had a better weapon than you, nicer hair too

You reeled your fist back and punched Thor in the face with just enough force to break his jaw and send him flying, while in the air a yellowish glow surrounded him and made a shattering effect

The rest of them made a gasping sound and got ready to fight you

Star-Lord: Definitely not reinforcement for us

Y/n: Now listen up and listen up good, my wife just ordered food and I do not want my food to go cold because I was here with you lot

Out of the corner of your eye you spot a red shield with a star on it flying towards you, thinking fast you catch it without even moving your head and launch it back towards the people in front of you, it getting blocked by Carter

You raise your hand up and catch DB, green lightning striking it instilling fear into the people in front of you

Y/n: So who's first, because this is getting boring

You launch your hammer into the air with it landing in the middle of everyone sending them apart. You run up to Killmonger and punch him in his chest with his armour activating just a second before, saving him but not leaving him unscathed as he coughed up blood.

Carter POV

I hid behind some rubble as I went to talk to our 'contingency plan'

Carter: Look I know the Watcher said that you were only to come out if things went bad, but things have gone really bad

???: I don't know if I can

Carter: Listen, that guy out there thinks that Ultron is the good guy, you just need to show him the truth

???: Ok, I'll try my best

Carter: Thank you







I ran up to Y/n and threw my shield at him blindsiding him and making him stumble, by the time he had recovered his footing, Mjolnir hit him on the side of the head. What followed was all types of projectiles being used on Y/n to the point where he couldn't stand

Carter: This is our chance

Star lord flies above Y/n, Wanda jumping off his back and landing on Y/n's shoulders as everyone else grabbed a hold of his arms to stop him from attacking Wanda


I was trapped, overwhelmed and struggling. Wanda put her hands on my head and I was out

Wanda: Y/n you have to listen to us! Ultron is the one who's endangering the multiverse, he's been travelling between universes and eradicating all life!

??? POV

???: Snap out of it!

I sent tendrils in all directions out of Y/n's body sending everybody flying off of him

Carnage: Still unconscious? Glad I joined the party today

I took over Y/n's body and got ready to fight in Y/n's place. Star-Lord rushed me shooting a barrage of bullets at me, as soon as he was close enough I sent two tendrils after him, one grabbing his arm and the other grabbing his legs. The tendrils slowly started to pull apart and ripped him in half ending his life almost immediately

Killmonger: Cousin no!!

He rushed at you using his claws to cut the tendrils holding up Star-Lord causing his body to drop

Carnage: I've killed people ten times stronger than you!

Carter: But were they anywhere near as annoying?

I looked behind me to see Carter's shield flying at me which I just barely catch, however Carter jumped and kicked you causing me to get sent to the floor

Carnage: Wake up time

I use my tendrils to send myself up in the hair, retreating back into the now conscious Y/n.


I regained consciousness as I fall to the floor, landing on one knee with my fist on the floor

Y/n: Superhero landing done, let's get on with the killing

You look around and spot Carter running to grab her shield but Carnage used a tendril to grab it and pass it to you first

Y/n: It's lighter than I thought it would be

Carter: Well if it's too heavy I can't use it properly can I

Y/n: I guess not, here catch!

You threw the shield at Carter at such speed that it ended up slicing her right arm off as she screamed in pain

Y/n: Too hard? Sorry about that

You walk to Carter as she was on the floor clenching where her arm should be in pain with her head on the floor. Putting her out of her misery, you summon DeathBringer and slam it onto the ground her head splattering everywhere

Carnage: That's two, four to go


You turned and found a blast of lightning coming your way, you just managed to grab Carter's bloody shield and use it to protect you

Y/n: That's not a battle cry I've heard of

You sent your hammer towards Thor as he did the same to you, your hammers clashing in midair

Y/n: Tell me, Son of Odin, why do you help the Watcher after what he's done?

Thor: What he's done?! Ultron is the one who's been attacking all these helpless universes

Y/n: Wait what..?

You recall DeathBringer and drop it at your side confused at what you were hearing

Thor: Ultron is the evil one

???: I can show you if you want

Wanda revealed herself from where she was hiding

Y/n: You can show me what's been going on? How will I know it's not a trick

Wanda: I'm not going to go into your head, you're going to go into mine

You placed your hand onto Wanda's head


Ultron POV

Ultron: I can destroy galaxies with a thought... WHY WON'T YOU DIE!!!

Before I can use the stones to send out a blast I was hit in the side of the head by a shield

Ultron: Y/n I thought you were gonna kill them?!

I look down to where the shield came from and see Y/n staring at me

Y/n: Something important has come to light

He vanished in the blink of an eye, I dart my eyes around looking for him when suddenly


I teleported behind Ultron as I strike down with my hammer sending him crashing to the ground. I land next to him to see Ultron climbing out of the crater he created

Ultron: So... you know

Y/n: Yes, and now we're going to kill you

Ultron: You're joining up with them?!

Y/n: You wish

Carnage slithered out of your neck and faced Ultron

Carnage: I am going to rip you limb from limb

Y/n: And I am going to enjoy it

Power surged through your body, you covered your fist in electricity and punched Ultron in the chest, however he didn't move

Ultron: What was that?

You pulled your fist back as it started to glow

Y/n: You know, I spent a lot of time with the infinity stones, and I know for a fact you definitely haven't been using them right

Ultron looked down only to find he was now in possession of only one stone, the mind stone

You used the newly stolen reality stone to create five rings each with a slot for the stone

On your right hand, the power ring, the reality ring, and the time ring

On your left hand, the space ring, the soul ring, and your wedding ring

Y/n: I have missed these puppies

Ultron looked on in fear

Y/n: The question now... do I kill you quickly, or do I savour the moment.

Ultron: Mercy

You were shocked, this robot was asking for mercy, this psycho who has murdered trillions wanted mercy

Y/n: Did you show mercy when you killed all those men, not just the men. But the women and the children too!

Ultron: I get it okay?! I love the power just as much as you do

Y/n: Do not compare us

Ultron: When I put you through the simulation you were going to destroy the universe. You had already killed the Avengers

Y/n: What can I say, we all have our bad days

You use the time stone to freeze Ultron in place. You walk over to him and plunge your fingers into his head ripping out the mind stone killing him in the process

Y/n: What's done is done

Dr Strange: How powerful are you kid?

Y/n: It doesn't matter really. I'm gonna be late

Dr Strange: Late for what

Y/n: My wife and I are hosting a party, can't be late to my own party now can I

You used the combined power of the stones to create a portal back to your universe and at the same time destroying the stones.

Y/n: This is where I take my leave

You walk through the portal and emerge back in your garage with the car you had been working on. You took off your armour and placed it on it's stand

Carnage: Where are the guys? I want my old body back

Y/n: That eager to get away from me huh? You were the one who snuck into my body to help me

Carnage: And if I didn't you would've been dead

You walked through the door to be greeted by your wife jumping in your arms

Y/n: Somebody missed me I see

Natasha was examining your body making sure you weren't hurt

Natasha: What are all these cuts? Who on Earth did you face?

Y/n: That's a long story, a long story for another day

Natasha: You need a shower

Y/n: I love you too

Natasha: The others are on their way you know so be quick

Y/n: Okay okay I get it


You were in the bedroom that you and Natasha shared getting ready for the party. You had your nicest suit on, your most expensive cologne was sprayed and you were in a great mood. Nothing could ruin your mood now, your friends were on the way, well apart from Thor and you were getting your favourite food delivered. Just thinking about it was making your mouth water.

Y/n: I cannot wait for this.

You were walking out of your bedroom when all the lights in the house suddenly went dark leaving you in a state of shock, it couldn't be a power outage you have backup generators outside... someone must be in the house with us

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