What The People Don't See

By hystericalgiggles

4.2K 248 102

"You meet someone one day, and the next day, they're your addiction." More

Author's Note
Meeting Place
London Calling
Mystery Man
Never Miss A Beat
Rebel Rebel
What A Shame
Best of You
I Need To Be Your Only
Sneaky Feelings
Every Day I Love You Less And Less
Fake You Out
Hard To Say No
Turn To Dust
The Sound
Drive It Like You Stole It
Space Oddity
Everything Is Embarrassing
What's it Gonna be?
What the People don't see

Scumbag City

154 11 4
By hystericalgiggles

Pete got us inside in less than 20 seconds flat; only three seconds off of my unbeatable record. I was still slightly in awe of his impressive moves that made the bouncer melt like putty in his hands when we were pulled into a sweltering, steamy room. A tanned man wearing nothing but these incredibly tight undies and a red neck tie pressed three cocktail glasses into our hands, winking at Ross as he shimmied away. I didn't even bother to wonder what was inside my violent green glass and knocked it back in one, sucking the olives off the cocktail stick for dessert. Ross looked uneasily at his pink and purple drink before setting it down at the bar. Pete sipped at his, making disgusted faces and retching noises every two seconds.

I scanned the crowded bar and the dance floor, my mind already beginning to twist and churn in time with the disco lights. All we needed to do was find her fast and get the hell out of there. I glanced down at the empty glass clutched in my fist and grimaced. I wouldn't be able to drive home now. I shrugged off my lack of will power, grabbed Ross's drink and downed it fast. God knows I needed it.

The music, I hated it. It increased my heart rate by at least 50 beats and my head was throbbing like I had a hangover from hell. It was like a casual Saturday night. I was almost expecting to see Calum through the crowds, grinding against some girls and drowning himself in a pint. Except there wasn't any girls. Anywhere.

I scanned the crowd, ignoring Ross and Pete's complaints about the terrible music, searching for long, blonde hair and a black jumpsuit. But I could already tell it was useless. I'd have to go looking for her. I pulled out my phone and searched through the gallery, eventually finding a good picture of Eloise. It was after her eighteenth last month and she was standing in the bath in her pyjamas, laughing at something Adam had said.

"This is who we're looking for so keep an eye out" I said, brandishing my phone at the lads. Pete took it and raised his eyebrows, a small smile creeping on to his face.

"I don't like that smile, O'Hanlon" I grimaced, reaching my hand out. He held on to my phone, looking up at me with big, round eyes.

"What? It's a pretty picture!" he whined.

I rolled my eyes and walked into the crowd, leaving Pete to ogle over my friend. I wasn't even bothered to tell him that he'd never have a chance. Every boy in Bristol was after her and she overlooked every single one of them, even the best looking lads.

I glanced over my shoulder at Ross who was now wedged uncomfortably between two half naked dancers. He shot me a look of utter terror and I sighed in frustration, beckoning him over. He squeezed his way between them, panting heavily by the time he reached me. He looked like a terrified little boy who'd just lost his parents in tescos. I entwined his hand in mine and gave him a small smile.

"I know it's packed; I hate big crowds too" I roared into his ear. He grinned and followed me on to the dance floor, every inch of it occupied with hopping, squirming bodies. We zigzagged across the room, swinging our hands over people's heads and jumping to avoid being trampled on. I suddenly slipped on something sticky and lumpy, and Ross quickly grabbed my waist, steadying me. My heart fluttered violently in my chest and I was horribly ensnared between wanting to run hell for leather away from Ross and ripping his jacket off. I glanced up at him, expecting him to be just as flustered as I was but instead he was squinting ahead, as if he was thinking really hard about something. I stared at him for a moment longer than I should have, admiring how his pale skin glowed different shades of pink and blue and green beneath the lights.

"Uh Stella? I think I found your friend" he said suddenly, leaning right into my ear. His breath trickled down my neck and I shuddered.

I reluctantly turned my head away from his and immediately spotted Eloise who was struggling to climb on to a bar stool. A group of guys pushed her up, hooting and howling as she stood up unsteadily and began to dance.

"Oh for fuck sake!" I muttered, already pushing my way through the thickening crowd. I reached Eloise and grabbed her ankle, only for her to pull me up. She continued to dance, wrapping her arms tight around my waist and swaying from side to side. This earned more hoots from the crowd and a couple of people even began to copy our awkward jerky movements.

"Eloise!" I hissed. "We have to go now, you're completely pissed!"

"Noo...Stel please! I met a real nice guy...and he's taking me with him...to Milwaukee!" She giggled as she motioned her head towards a guy leaning next to her at the bar. He was old and balding but his skin was glowing orange like he'd just spent the last ten months on a sun bed.

"Oh how lovely" I said, rolling my eyes. "Too bad he's as gay as Christmas, just like every other man in here!"

El's eyes widened in shock as realisation dawned on her and she leaned dangerously back, her foot slipping and the stool sliding out from beneath us. We landed with a thump on the wooden floor, my ankle grazing off an empty glass on the way down. I yelped in pain, clutching my foot as Eloise started to cry, her lip quivering and tears spilling across her cheeks.

" I'm never going to find a guy" she wailed. "They were so nice to me! I should have known they couldn't be straight!"

I was about to tell her to shut the fuck up when Ross came rushing towards us, already holding out his hand for me. I took it, doing my best to ignore the white hot pain that slithered up my foot. Eloise stumbled to her feet, her mouth forming a huge O upon seeing who was holding my hand. Ross gave her a little smile, offering her his free hand, but before she could do so much as look in awe at it, her eyes rolled backwards and she collapsed on the ground.


"You know, for a skinny girl, your friend is pretty heavy!"

"Yeah well, she eats like a pig and has the metabolism of a ninety pound thirteen year old boy".

We were back on the streets, the London Eye looming ahead of us. Ross and I walked ahead while Pete struggled along behind us, carrying Eloise over his shoulder fireman style. Ross had nervously asked if I needed to be carried too but I declined knowing how awkward that would be. Besides, I'm way to stubborn to let anyone carry me. I could walk on my own...well limp on my own.

Since our little incident, my ankle had swollen to the size of a tennis ball and it was slowly fading from a crimson red to a ghostly white. Pete suggested making a pit stop at A&E but who knew how long we'd be stuck in there for. I just wanted to get back to Bristol. It didn't look like we would be back any time soon though. It's not like I could drive or anything.

A phone suddenly wailed making me jump out of my thoughts. Pete hoisted Eloise further up on his shoulder and tried to rummage around in his pocket, cursing in annoyance.

"Calm down I'll get it" Ross said. He easily scooped the phone out of Pete's jacket and slid his thumb across the screen to answer.

"Hi Josh...ah, no, but we'll be back soon...yeah, yeah we found her...pringles? what kind?...we already have those at home you eejit...in the press near the sink...haha very funny...okay...yeah, good idea...what about her...no she's not!...stop Josh that's not funny!..no I don't she's just a friend!...piss off!"

Ross hung up and tossed the phone back to Pete who just about managed to catch it. He sighed heavily before storming on ahead, his hands wedged deep into his jacket pockets. I turned to Pete who just shrugged and smiled as if to say what's up with him? I had a sinking feeling that the conversation had been about me and I wasn't sure whether to say something or not. All I knew was that I wouldn't be able to handle the tension for much longer. Thankfully Pete broke it for me.

"Uh Stella? Your friend is sorta feeling me up..."

I hobbled behind Pete and burst into a fit of laughter. Eloise's hands were squeezing his arse and when she spotted me giggling at her, a humongous smile split across her face.

"Stella, look! I'm pinching Pete O' Hanlon's bum!"

I began to laugh even harder as Pete hurriedly placed Eloise back on her feet. She continued to gaze at him in wonderment and I decided to leave her to her own devices. I didn't want to be around to watch her first interaction with her favourite band turn to absolute shit. The hilarity would be way too much for me to handle. I limped like crazy to catch up with Ross, who now had a plastic bag hanging from his hand.

"When did you find the time to do your groceries?" I grinned.

Ross smiled knowingly and fished around in the bag, pulling out a big wad of bandages, antiseptics and an ice pack. He ignored my futile protests and sat me down on a wall, already kneeling down to inspect the damage. He gingerly rolled up the bottom of my jeans, apologising each time I yelped in pain. He grabbed the antiseptic first, unscrewing the bottle.

"Um, I just want to say sorry in advance" he said, glancing up at me. I looked down at him, puzzled but then the liquid was pouring on to my ankle and his advance sorry was not good enough. I had to stuff my fist into my mouth to stop myself from crying out and I was grabbing Ross's arm so tight, I was probably cutting off his circulation. He quickly bound my ankle up with the icepack underneath. I was gripping both of his arms now, my head hanging so low that my hair was grazing my lap. My breath was coming in low, sharp gasps. Why didn't I drink more of those cocktails?

"Hey Stella, you okay?" Ross asked quietly.

I slowly raised my head so that it was level with his. Our faces were so close that our noses were almost bumping off each other. His eyes were darting from left to right, looking anywhere but in mine. Yet he still raised a shaky hand to tidy fly away strands of hair back behind my ears. His hand moved down and lightly cupped my cheek and his eyes trailed from his hand to my mouth.

"Look at me" I urged and finally he did, his big eyes latching on to mine. And it was like I'd suddenly forgotten everything I'd ever known. Everything and everyone that had ever been of importance to me no longer mattered. Not Eloise or Toby or Adam or Mum or Dad. Or Calum. All that mattered was that I was here, on this wall covered in pigeon shit, breathing in the strangely familiar scent of a boy I didn't even know. We could do it. We could just kiss and then the universe would explode and then I wouldn't have to feel anything ever again.

Instead I stood up and walked away; my foot feeling a million times better than it ever did before.

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