Becoming Mrs. Zayn Malik

By Zaynlover4ever1

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Zayn Malik has been famous for 2 years and is looking for a Wife, he creates a competition series to find tha... More

Chapter 1: Arrival
Chapter 2 The Get Together
Chapter 3: 1st Elimination
Chapter 4: Betrayal
Chapter 6: The Truth
Chapter 7: Go Carting
Chapter 8: Two Dates
Chapter 9: The Turning Point
Chapter 10: The Beach
Chapter 11: Conversations with 1D
Chapter 12: The Division
Author's Note: A Sequel
Chapter 13: True Love and New Beginnings (SEQUEL COMING SOON)

Chapter 5: First Date and Fights

626 12 1
By Zaynlover4ever1

Chynna's POV:

I just got out of the confessional and went outside to see all the girls already preparing for the challenge, I already knew what song I was going to sing ,but I don't think I am that good. I will give it my all though. I sat next to Selena , I looked at her paper and she was doing a cover for What Makes You Beautiful. The only rule was that each girl can't cover the same song as the other. I will be covering Rock Me.

15 Minutes Later~


Alright ladies time is up * he said nicely but loudly* We are ready for you to perform, up first is... Cara *smiles* goodluck darling

Cara's POV:

I am so nervous because I have barely even talked to these girls let alone spent time with zayn. I need to step it up and win this challenge or I might get sent home *looks down*


*takes a deep breath* I will be singing I Would


*smiles watching eagerly*

Cara :

*she starts singing and does amazing and hits a high note all the girls plus the boys jaws drop, they are amazed, she finishes and grins at their reactions*


*speechless* WOW you were stunning!!! *The boys cheer and so do the girls* Alrihgt next , Selena you are up *smiles*


Hello everyone I have decided to sing Kiss You *she sighs,a dn starts singing she gets some of the words wrong and crumbles at the end*


*everyone is silent* Alright, Sydnee is up


*smiles and waves to everyone* I will be covering Little Things, she started singing and even danced the dance routine she came up with which was interesting, but was her singing better than Selena's?*

Fast forward after all the performances...


Alright the boys and I have discussed how all your performances went and the winner who gets to go on a date with me is.... *drum rolls* Cara

Cara's POV:

omg!!!! I just one the first challenge plus I get to go on my first date with Zayn , I am sooooooo excited

Confessional room:


*sitting in the confessional room with Miyah,Taylor, and Kindall* Soo none of us won the challenge *they all make a frowny face* But we will all do our best next challenge, right ladies *says in a cheery loud voice, she gives them all high fives*

Later That Evening~


*sitting in the confessional with Ariana* So, earlier I confessed I was plotting against Miyah and Sydnee well, before the competition me ,Sydnee,and Miyah got in a fight and it wasn't pretty, we ended up becoming friends again except I faked it , I still have a grudge against what she did.

So I decided a few days before the competition since I have known Megan,Ariana, and Ashley B for the past 3 years I called them and asked them if they got picked to be in the competition and they said yes so we teamed up and made a vow to take down those other bitches.

I have been faking this whole goody two shoes act from the start, I am not here to win zayn's heart I just want his money *they laugh* If I go down I am taking the rest of them with me *blows a kiss to the camera and leaves the room with Ariana*

Sydnee:*in her room with Cara* I am so excited for you, I mean you are gorgeous I know zayn will see your beauty inside, out. You have been my idol for a year now. *smiles sweetly*

Cara: awe you are so sweet , *hugs her* Thankyou so much, I am glad to make you smile.

Cara's POV: Sydnee is so sweet, I am glad someone like her is in this competition, I hope we become good friends as this goes on.

Cara: well, I gotta go get ready see you later hun *walks back into her room, she takes a warm shower and gently washes her body with her favorite vanilla bean body wash, she washes her hair with vanilla buttercream shampoo.After she got out of the shower she dried off, put on a white Michael Cors dress, put black Jimmy Choo Heels , She let her hair flow down to her chest, she put on very light makeup and a nude lipstick shade. *she was ready,she walked down to the foyer to find zayn waiting for her.

Zayn: Hi gorgeous *he said amazed at her beauty, he took her, he led her out to the limo and opened it for her.

Cara: Where are we going? *smiles*

Zayn: That's a secret *winks*

~15 minutes later

Zayn: We are here *blindfords her and takes her hand leading her onto the sand, they are on the beach, he unblind folds her*

Cara's POV: Zayn unblind folds me, and I look over, I see a candle lit dinner on the beach, my melts*

Cara: This is amazing , it's beautiful zayn *smiles , she hugs him and kisses his cheek*

Zayn: I am glad you love it *he leads her to the table . he pulls out her chair for her, he then sat across from her facing her, there was prepared pasta he made for them* I made this *they both take a bite* mmm that's good *chuckles* I didn't know I make something this good.

Zayn: I would love that *smiles

~Meanwhile at the house

Taylor: *sitting with Sydnee, Miyah, Kindall,and Ashley T.* I hope none of us gets eliminated , one of the others has to go home, I DO NOT want to go home but if I do, one of us has to win this and be with him , non of those other girls should win they just want him for his money.

Ariana's POV: So I walk past the living room and all I hear is Taylor saying I don't want to be here,I cant wait to tell zayn when he comes back *smirks*

Kindall: We won't just have confidence hun, I know all the girls in our alliance have some connection with zayn, the difference between us and them, is that they try to fake a genuine connection and mask so that zayn thinks they are true to him when in reality they aren't, when we are truly here for him ONLY.

Ariana: *walks to her room which she shares with Selena and Ashley B, she sees Selena sitting on her bed* They are down there talking shit *points towards the door* I am sick of it, I can't take it anymore I am going down there and calling Taylor out on her shit that she did to me yesterday, fucking snitch *walks downstairs as Selena follows*

Selena's POV: Some shit is about to go down, I am alittle nervous but, if one of these girls hit my friend it's on , its done , so they better watch it.

Ariana: So, what was that about yesterday? You are a fucking snitch!!

Taylor: *stands up* well, I am not going to stand there and let you take advantage of her *points to Sydnee

Ariana: *goes up to her and gets in her face* You are going to get your ass kicked bitch, dont fucking mess with me!!!!!

~Back at the date

Zayn: So, what do you like to do other than model and cook? *smiles*

Cara: Well I love to draw and hangout with my girlfriends

Zayn: That's awesome I love draw sometimes also, I love to read my favorite class was English, if I wasn't famous for singing I would have been an english teacher

Cara: oh cool , Mr. Malik the english teacher I like it *they both laugh*

Zayn: Well, let's get back to the house

~Back at the house

Taylor: Don't get in my face *all the girls stand up from the couch ready if anything happens*

Ariana: *shakes her,pushes her*

Sydnee's POV: Ariana pushes Taylor , Taylor pushes her back , then BAM Ariana throws the first hit and all hell breaks loose

Taylor: *grabs her haiir and pulls her hair and thrashes as Ariana has her hair and is punching her*

Sydnee and Kindall: *starting hitting Ariana* get the fuck off her!!!! *AshleyB hears them and runs down and starts hitting Kindall*

Taylor: *hears the door open , Zayn and Cara are home from their date, Cara is shocked at what's going on* get your hands off me bitch *hits Ariana in the face, the securtiy pulls them off*

Ariana: *gasping for air* You better fucking watch yourself ho! *walks up stairs to her room as she tries to catch her breath*

Zayn: Omigod what the hell happened *looks at the girls in shock*

Taylor: *sighs* Me and Ariana got in a fight because I told you what she did to Sydnee yesterday, she pushed me, I pushed her, then she took the first hit

Cara's POV: Omigod I still can't believe what happend, I walked in the door with Zayn heard all this yelling and then of course we them hitting and punching eachother, I am beyond shocked I am still trying to wrap my head around it

Zayn's POV: I am quite shocked I mean I didn't know it would get this out of hand while I was gone, *sighs, he looks at the camera with a tense* I honestly don't know what to do,

Taylor: *looks down and sighs* I am sorry for all of this, I didn't mean for it to get out of hand *teary cuz she thinks he will send her home

Sydnee's POV: I cant believe this, but the question was where the hell was Chynna while all this happened, something is going on and I intend to find out soon

To Be Continued....

I hope you all love it thankyou soo much for reading please vote,comment,and follow xoxo Tristin

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