The wild card(Slow Updates)

By PiratePhox4

12.1K 337 229

living a normal life with his grandfather, a young boy is gifted a strange book, that spoke about four specia... More

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The cardinal heroes

3K 63 49
By PiratePhox4

A young boy, no older than ten, wakes up from a peaceful sleep. Climbing out of the bed he was resting in, which was inside an old mobile home, called "the rust bucket".

An elderly man sat at the table inside the RV, a book in his hand, but not opened.

The boy gets to his feet, and walks over to sit on the opposite side of the elderly man. These are the Tennyson's. Y/n and Max Tennyson to be specific.

Max: "hey sport, how'd you sleep?"

Y/n: "pretty well actually"

Y/n then let out a yawn, then points at the book in Max's hand.

Y/n: "what's that grandpa?"

Max: "oh, this old thing? It's a book I used to have. I found it in one of my memory boxes. Thought you might like it"

Max hands it to y/n, who takes it, and opens it up.

Y/n: "the four cardinal weapons?"

Max: "when I was your age, I had this book myself, and rather enjoyed it. Why don't you read through it a bit? I need to head out and pick up a few more things"

Y/n: "huh? oh, uh.. sure thing grandpa"

Max nods, and gets up from the seat, and heads out the rust bucket, with y/n left staring at the book. Opening it, y/n began to read out loud.

Y/n: "let's see... "the waves of apocalyptic catastrophe. To save the world from the waves, four heroes will be summoned from another world" hm. Like those Japanese shows I saw that one time. Didn't know grandpa was into this type of stuff..."

Y/n kept on reading, finding out more of the four weapons, and heroes.

Y/n: "what's next.. ah, here. "each of the four heroes wield a characteristic weapon. A sword, a spear, and bow, or a shield" that's weird.. they class a shield as a weapon here. Maybe it's like a throwable shield like those comic books!"

Y/n turns to the next page, and to the next, and the next. All until the pages were left blank.

Y/n: "huh? That's odd... Why is this blank? Maybe grandpa grabbed the wrong one? Or was this book just always unfinished?"

Y/n kept turning the page, until he finally saw a page with more writing.

Y/n: "ha! There we go! Dramatic pause much? Hm. "the four heroes are strong, but every team needs its wild card. The fifth weapon, a gauntlet, is the final of these weapons, and seen as a nobility compared to other weapons. One so strong that the form of the wielder must change to accommodate" wow, that sounds kinda painful.."

Suddenly, before his very eyes, the pages began to glow, blinding y/n. Dropping the book on the table, y/n covers his eyes, trying to protect them from the blinding light in front of him. At some point, y/n felt as though he was falling, but he finally uncovered his eyes when a sharp pain went through his back.

Y/n: "gah! ow! ow!"

Y/n had indeed fallen, right onto his back. Rubbing his sore back, y/n takes a chance to look around himself. He noticed four other people in rather regular clothing, however, surrounding all of them, we're robed men, with one of them not having a hood over his head.

Robed man1: "we did it! The summoning was a success!"

Y/n: "h-huh..?"

Robed man2: "O brave heroes, please save our world!"

???1: "excuse me?"

The voice took y/n's attention, as he finally noticed something with the other four he was with. One had a sword, one had a spear, one had a bow, and another had a shield.

Y/n: "they have the weapons from the book! But.. wait.. those four.. plus me are five.. so that means..."

Y/n looks down, and sees a stone-like gauntlet on his wrist, with a green gem in it, almost shaped like an hourglass.

Y/n: "this is weird.. I don't like it..."

Bow boy: "what do you mean by that?"

The bow boy looked at the leader of the robed people.

Robe leader: "there is a long and complicated story behind this, but we've summoned you five cardinal heroes here using an ancient ritual"

Y/n: "s-so he summoned us here.. like the book foretold... b-but why do I have to be here?"

Robe leader: "our world teeters on the brink of destruction. We beg you O brave heroes! Please help us!"

He, and the other robed people behind him bowed, as shield dude spoke up.

Shield dude: "I guess I could hear you out at least"

Sword bro: "I refuse"

Bow boy: "likewise"

Y/n: "a-actually yea.. same..."

Spear lad: "we can go back to our world, right? We'll talk about your problems after that"

Sword bro points his sword at the robed people.

Sword bro: "don't you feel any guilt at all for bringing us here without our consent?"

Bow boy: "and if you send us home as soon as peace is restored, we'd have worked for nothing"

Spear lad: "how willing are you to accommodate us? Depending on your answer, we might end up becoming your enemies instead"

Y/n: "oh God.. these guys wanna cause war! What am I supposed to do?! I don't even know how to throw a punch! Let alone fight with this stupid gauntlet thing!"

Robed man1: "f-first, we'd like you to have an audience with the king of our country, melromarc. You can negotiate your reward after that, so please.."

Sword bro: "tch. Fine, I guess"

Bow boy: "I suppose we could consider their offer"

Spear lad: "not like our demands are gonna change, no matter who we talk to"

The three walk forward, past the robed people, as y/n and shield dude watch them for a moment. The shield dude quickly followed them, with y/n soon trailing behind.

The five are soon led up a stone spiral staircase, with a window for each of them to peek out of.

Shield dude: "we really are in another world, huh?"

Spear lad: "we sure are"

Shield dude: "such a present breeze.. it's like the typical sales pitch in all those tour brochures"

Bow boy: "wait, you never traveled out of Japan before?"

Y/n: "these guys are from Japan?!"

Y/n was left stunned. He himself was from America, so he was surprised at the fact that he was the only one there outside of Japan... Apart from the actual occupants of this world.

The group is soon led outside, with the sunlight beaming down onto them. The five are soon told to enter the throne room, with the king waiting inside. Standing side by side with one another, the group stood in front of the king himself.

King: "so these men are the four cardinal heroes of ancient legend? I see that we also have the fifth hero in our presence. I see this as a gift from those above. Allow me to introduce myself. I am the king of melromarc, aultcray melromarc"

The king pauses, and looks over the five heroes.

King: "heroes. Name yourselves"

Sword bro: "amaki ren, sixteen years old, high schooler"

Spear lad: "I'm kitamura Motoyasu. Twenty-one, and a college student"

Bow boy: "I suppose I'm up next. Kawasumi itsuki, seventeen years old, and a high schooler"

Y/n: "w-whoa.. me next? Ok.. um.. I-im y/n Tennyson. I'm ten years old and homeschooled.."

Shield dude: "and lastly, me. I'm-"

However, the king cuts him off.

King: "I see"

Y/n: "you're just gonna cut him off like that? That's a bit rude..."

King: "Ren, Motoyasu, itsuki, and Tennyson, huh?"

Y/n: "j-just y/n is fine sir.."

Shield dude: "y-yo, king, aren't you forgetting me?"

King: "hm? Oh, forgive me"

Itsuki: ""yo king"? You mustn't be so disrespectful"

Shield dude: "should I call him his highness then? That's too formal, no?"

The king clears his throat.

King: ""king" is fine"

Shield dude: "well, whatever works. My name is iwatani naofumi. I'm twenty, and a college student"

King: "now.. I suppose I owe you an explanation"

Y/n: "shield dude got ignored again... I don't like how this is turning out..."

King: "my country, melromarc, and the entire world is headed toward destruction"

This world has an apocalyptic prophecy, which mentions "waves" that will lead the world to ruin and reportedly appear in, well, several waves. Unless the calamities wrought by the waves are thwarted, the world will end.

Each country here has an ancient dragon hourglass which can predict the arrival of the waves. Before we were summoned, the first wave has already washed over this country.

Local knights and traveling adventurers managed to fend it off, but the following waves will be even more potent. The hourglass sand will keep trickling as long as the waves keep coming... Currently, less than a month remains until the second wave.

King: "we underestimated the waves. We realized once we actually experienced one That only the five cardinal heroes could counter them. And so, we followed the legend and summoned you five. We have no time to lose!"

Ren: "we get the gist of it now. Anyway, surely you didn't summon us expecting us to save you for free"

Then, a creepy old guy next to the king spoke up.

Creepy old man: "of course, once you repel all the waves, we shall reward you handsomely"

Motoyasu: "will you now? Well, as long as we have your word"

Ren: "we'll work with you provided you don't turn on us"

Itsuki: "exactly. We can't have you looking down on us"

Naofumi: "r-right..."

Y/n: "I'm in the middle of having an extensional crisis... What is happening!?!"

King: "I trust we have an agreement. Then, heroes, you should all check your statuses"

Y/n: "status? Like a status bar from a video game?"

Y/n's thought came out loud, as a large status board formed in front of him. He took notice of all the weird things he thought were out of the ordinary.

The first was his stats. They were all extremely below average. His equipment was otherworldly clothes, and a stone gauntlet, which is a given. But then he noticed something else. He was already level five, and he wasn't sure if that was the base level or not... But then he noticed a special item.

Y/n: "the transformation stone? What's that?"

Naofumi: "what is all that stuff anyway?"

Creepy old man: "status magic, an ability exclusive to the heroes"

Ren: "so what are we supposed to do?"

Creepy old man: "you must leave on an adventure to develop and upgrade the legendary weapons that you have equipped"

Naofumi: "they aren't maxed out of the box? Wait, mine isn't even a weapon"

Y/n: "neither is mine, but something tells me I didn't start at level five for nothing..."

Motoyasu: "couldn't we just wield other weapons until these are usable?"

Ren: "we can figure that out as we go. Anyway, it looks like we ought to train ourselves"

Itsuki: "we'll just have to level up as much as we can"

Naofumi: "then if the five of us form a party-"

Creepy man: "one Moment heroes. You will each recruit and adventure separately"

Y/n: "i-if you don't mind me asking.. why?"

Creepy man: "it is said that the legendary weapons repel one another by nature. If you work together, it apparently hinders their development. The only one of you that this doesn't apply too, is the gauntlet"

Y/n: "so my legendary weapon is ok teaming up with the others.. but only one of them, or else it'll hinder them... I'll hold off on deciding who I'll go with. I want to explore a bit by myself first..."

King: "the sun is about to set. Rest up tonight, and set forth tomorrow. In the meantime, we'll gather the best of the best to form your parties"

A woman walks up to the five, and bows her head.

Woman: "we've prepared a room for you. Please come this way"

The woman leads the way, as the five heroes follow behind her.


Motoyasu: "I guess you get special treatment when you're heroes of legend. The girl who showed us here was a cutie pie, too"

Itsuki: "and our dinner was sumptuous, though it does taste unusual"

As the main four heroes were in one room, being the fifth, and supposedly strongest hero got his own room.

Y/n: "I wonder who's gonna party with me tomorrow..."

Y/n falls back onto the bed, looking up at the ceiling.

Y/n: "maybe someone super strong!.. I'm not very confident in my own abilities... How am I supposed to use this thing anyway?"

Y/n taps the gem on the stone piece on his wrist, when suddenly, it glows a bright green, almost blinding y/n, as mental images in his mind begin to flash.

Y/n: "w-what the..? what did I just do..."

Y/n shakes his head, as the light from the gem dims, as does the images in his head.

Y/n: "weird... I'll worry about that tomorrow"


The next morning, the five heroes regroup, and enter the throne room, with a large number of adventurers waiting.

King: "we have gathered brave warriors who will fight the waves with you legendary heroes"

Y/n: "so many people.. I wonder- huh?"

At the edge of one of the lines of warriors, a fully cloaked figure stands. Nothing is noticeable about them, only the enormous size of them, standing above literally everybody else in the room.

Y/n: "if we get a choice.. I want them. They'll protect me while I figure this stupid thing out"

King: "now, our future champions! Time to begin your journey!"

The large group of people walked forward, and all simultaneously, decided which hero to join.

Y/n: "aw man! They're choose! What if I get someone who's dependent on me?! I can't help anybody!"

Y/n closes his eyes, clenching his fist in terror of the thought of probably getting someone hurt... However, he heard the movement stop. Opening his eyes, y/n looked around, and found each of the heroes with different numbers.

Itsuki the bow, with three.

Ren the sword, with five.

Motoyasu the spear, with four.

Naofumi the shield, with none.

Y/n: "man, I feel bad for naofumi.. maybe I'll join him to not make him feel alone-"

However, y/n counted the number behind him.

Y/n the gauntlet, with one.

The absolute giant had chosen y/n themselves, which put a smile on y/n's face, until he realized that they were the only one behind him.

Y/n: "oh crap..."

Naofumi: "three.. four.. five... One..? Yo king!"

King: "I have to admit, I wasn't expecting this"

Creepy guy: "no volunteers? He must have no charisma"

A man leans over to the king, and whispers something in his ear. The king nods, as the man steps away.

King: "so there have been rumors"

Motoyasu: "did something happen?"

King: "well, rumors that the shield hero is ignorant of this world have spread around town"

Naofumi: "what?"

Y/n: "only him? Not me? If anything, I know less than all four of these guys combined. At least they got weapons they know how to use. How am I supposed to use a gauntlet that doesn't even cover my hand?!"

King: "legend says the heroes come with a firm understanding of our lands. And they seem to think he doesn't meet that criteria"

Motoyasu: "maybe someone was eavesdropping on our chat last night"

Naofumi: "seriously?"

Y/n: "eavesdroppers? Did they not eavesdrop on me? Are they scared of what my weapon can do..? I don't even know how to do anything with this thing!!"

Naofumi: "that aside, Ren, you don't need five! Gimme some of them!"

Y/n: "that seems a little rude.."

Ren: "I'm actually more of a loner. If any of you can't cut it, I'll leave you behind"

Y/n: "and he's going along with it?!"

Naofumi: "what do you make of this, Motoyasu? Don't you think it's unfair?"

Motoyasu: "I'm actually surprised that my party is all girls, too"

???: "Tch"

Y/n: "hm?"

Y/n looks behind him, seeing the enormous figure. They sounded a little pissed at what Motoyasu said.

Y/n: "they sound mad... Their voice was kinda rough too.. they must have giant muscles or something!"

Itsuki: "it would be best to split them all evenly. But if we force it, it could destroy morale"

Naofumi: "so what you're telling me is to go it alone?!"

Y/n: "wow.. now I really feel bad... But he didn't even ask me... To be fair on his part though, he probably didn't ask me since I got only one person.. you'd think I'd have more cause of the gauntlet apparently being the strongest or something"

But, at the end of Motoyasu's party, a hand was raised.

Girl: "sir hero!"

Stepping forward, it's revealed to be a (bitch) beautiful red head.

Red head: "would you allow me to join the shield hero?"

Motoyasu: "are you sure?"

Red head: "yes!"

Y/n; "while I'm happy for naofumi... I can't get this feeling off my chest... Something about her..."

King: "are there any others who wouldn't mind joining naofumi?"

No answer.

King: "I suppose we'll have to take other measures. Naofumi, you will have to recruit for your party yourself"

Y/n: "w-wait! m-me and naofumi have the same number of party members! w-what about me?"

King: "hm? yes, while for regular heroes, this would be an issue. For you however Tennyson-"

Y/n: "just y/n.."

King: "-the gauntlet hero is limited to only one party member from the start"

Y/n: "oh.. thank you sir!"

Y/n: "ok.. I guess that explains a few things.. like why only one person joined me, and who no one bothered to help... But, I guess when it's this absolute unit of a person behind me.. I can't be that upset"

King: "every month, we shall provide each hero with the funds they require. To accommodate for the number, naofumi will be provided the same payment as Tennyson"

Y/n: "just!- nevermind..."

King: "here are your initial war chests. Please accept them"

Five people walk forth, and hand a bag for each hero.

King: "Tennyson and naofumi get 800 silver coins. The remaining heroes obtain 600. Use this to procure all necessary equipment and set forth on your journey"

Five heroes: "yes sir!"

And so, the five heroes were sent out to begin preparations for themselves. Y/n immediately separated himself away from the other heroes, with the unit of a party member following closely behind.

The two head into the town below the castle, with the destination being the wilderness However, y/n decided to pick up a conversation as they walked.

Y/n: "s-so! I'm y/n Tennyson! but you probably already knew that.. but just call me y/n"

???: "..."

Y/n: "o-ok.. what's your name?"

???: "..."

Y/n: "not much for conversation are ya..?"

Y/n sighs, and kept on going till the edge of town was seen.

Y/n: "hey, I'm gonna grind for a little bit.. if that's ok?"

The figure doesn't respond like before, however, they do nod.

Y/n: "well, there's a bit of communication.. let's go!"

Y/n runs forward, immediately into the field to grind, the second he stepped foot out there, several balloon monsters charge at y/n. Y/n trips over his own feet, as a balloon monster reaches him, but a fist comes from behind, and punches the balloon monster, sending it into the air with an incredible strong gust of wind.

Y/n: "w-what..?"

Y/n's companion stood beside him, their fist held out.

Y/n: "w-what was that..?"

Seeing the amount of power, y/n decided to finally check his new companions status.. only to find them at level 70.

Y/n: "oh my god... They..."

Y/n check more of the status, seeing them being a woman, with the name as well...

???: "My name is looma. And I've been assigned to protect you with my very life. I hope you accept"

Y/n looks up at looma, an overflowing sense of relief washing over him.

Y/n: "I.. happily accept..."


It's been several hours, and y/n was unable to find out how to use his weapon. Looma had become quiet again, and refused to talk about whoever sent her to protect him. Right now, they had each gotten a room in an inn for the night. Separately or course.

Y/n: "ok.. overview of today... I got some super op party member sent to protect me. found out that this gauntlet doesn't even work as a gauntlet. And finally, found out that my own clothing apparently counts as a weapon"

Y/n checked his status, seeing his clothes linked to the gauntlet.

Y/n: "I need to figure out how this thing works.. I don't really wanna rely on looma, even if she's here to protect me... I haven't even seen her face yet..."

Y/n shrugs, and falls backwards onto the bed, falling asleep after a long day.

The next morning however, y/n awakens to looma opening the door to his room.

Y/n: "huh..?"

Looma: "wake up. The king is calling an audience with the heroes"


Now in the throne room, y/n, alongside the other heroes, all stood to the side. However, y/n noticed someone missing... Naofumi. Suddenly, the doors open, as naofumi is thrown to the ground. The second he gets up, several knights point their weapons at him.

Y/n: "what's happening..?"

Everyone in the room looked at naofumi in disgust, all but y/n, who looked confused.

Naofumi: "yo king! I had all my money and equipment other than my shield stolen while I was asleep! Please, find the thief-"

A hand is placed on y/n's shoulder, as looma leans down to his ear.

Looma: "don't believe a word that leaves the king's mouth..."

The king stands up, with a loud tone.

King: "quiet scumbag!"

Y/n: "huh?"

Naofumi: "what's that about?"

King: "myne, you poor adventurer.. could you please testify once more for us?"

Looma: "don't listen to her either..."

Y/n: "what is she talking about..?"

Myne: "th-the shield hero barged into my room drunk and pinned me down..."

Naofumi: "huh?!"

Myne: "he said.. "the night is still young" and tore my clothes off!.. I somehow escaped and ran to sit Motoyasu, who happened to be staying in the same inn for, help!"

Y/n: "w-what..? That can't be true! Wait.. looma said not to believe her... What's going on? Are they..."

Motoyasu: "if she hadn't asked me to wait till dawn and call the knights, I would've cut you down myself!"

Naofumi: "what are you talking about?! I went straight to be after dinner last night! Wait, that chain mail... You were the robber?!"

Motoyasu: "who are you calling a robber? myne gave this to me as a present when I met her at the pub yesterday"

King: "to think the shield hero would commit the gravest sin in this country"

Y/n: "sin?"

Creepy man: "in melromarc, even attempting to sexually assault a woman is punishable by death!"

King: "if you weren't a hero, you would be executed immediately!"

Naofumi: "executed?!"

Y/n: "that seems a little too far!"

Naofumi: "I'm telling you, you've got the wrong idea! I didn't do it!"

Y/n was about to speak up for naofumi, but looma shook her head no.

Looma: "you'll only make things worse.. wait till it's over.."

Y/n truly wanted to help naofumi, but held his tongue. He looked at naofumi with an apologetic expression. Naofumi noticed it, but then went on.. begging for proof... Whatever they showed was apparently too much for y/n, as looma covered his eyes.

King: "there you have it. Undeniable proof"

Naofumi: "how? It wasn't there when I woke up!"

Itsuki: "it's too bad. I was worried something bad might happen, but I was hoping you'd know better"

Ren: "he thinks a hero can do whatever the hell he wants and get away with it"

Naofumi: "that's not even the least bit true!"

Y/n: "I can't believe it... They're buying this... Looma knew... How did she know?"

Naofumi: "you... You tricked me! It was a setup all along!"

Myne: "sir Motoyasu, I'm so scared!"

Motoyasu: "shut your mouth you criminal!"

Naofumi: "screw you too!"

Y/n: "naofumi... I wish I could help you... But looma is telling me not too.. she's gotta have a reason to... I'll talk to you afterwards.. I hope you're ok by then.."

They all continued... With it all leading to naofumi eventually being banned from the castle...

Wordlessly, looma grabs y/n by the hand, and drags him out of the castle, before leading him to an alleyway.

Y/n: "ow! You pulled my arm a lot too much there.."

Looma: "apologies. But I wanted us to get away from there quickly"

Y/n: "what's up with you anyway? You told me not to believe myne and the king, and then told me to not help my friend naofumi.. what do you want me to do?"

Looma grabs her hood, and turns around, pulling it down, revealing the face behind it.

Looma: "because if you fell to his level. You'll never grow strong enough to save the world..."

Y/n's eyes widened, as before him stood the real looma. Red skin, shaved down horns, and massive sharp teeth. She was an oni.

Looma: "humans aren't the only ones being harmed from the waves... Monsters themselves are too. I've already lost my home to the wave before. I do not wish my predicament to happen to someone else. Will you help me sir hero?"

Y/n: "I... y-yes..! but uh.. just call me y/n"

Looma: "of course y/n. Now, we must get you to become stronger. Or else, you won't be able to control your weapon"

Y/n: "right!... What is this thing anyway?"

Looma: "you'll learn. Eventually"

Looma walks off, with y/n following behind.

Y/n: "whoa! Hey! Wait up! Your legs are massive compared to mine!"

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