The cardinal heroes

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A young boy, no older than ten, wakes up from a peaceful sleep. Climbing out of the bed he was resting in, which was inside an old mobile home, called "the rust bucket".

An elderly man sat at the table inside the RV, a book in his hand, but not opened.

The boy gets to his feet, and walks over to sit on the opposite side of the elderly man. These are the Tennyson's. Y/n and Max Tennyson to be specific.

Max: "hey sport, how'd you sleep?"

Y/n: "pretty well actually"

Y/n then let out a yawn, then points at the book in Max's hand.

Y/n: "what's that grandpa?"

Max: "oh, this old thing? It's a book I used to have. I found it in one of my memory boxes. Thought you might like it"

Max hands it to y/n, who takes it, and opens it up.

Y/n: "the four cardinal weapons?"

Max: "when I was your age, I had this book myself, and rather enjoyed it. Why don't you read through it a bit? I need to head out and pick up a few more things"

Y/n: "huh? oh, uh.. sure thing grandpa"

Max nods, and gets up from the seat, and heads out the rust bucket, with y/n left staring at the book. Opening it, y/n began to read out loud.

Y/n: "let's see... "the waves of apocalyptic catastrophe. To save the world from the waves, four heroes will be summoned from another world" hm. Like those Japanese shows I saw that one time. Didn't know grandpa was into this type of stuff..."

Y/n kept on reading, finding out more of the four weapons, and heroes.

Y/n: "what's next.. ah, here. "each of the four heroes wield a characteristic weapon. A sword, a spear, and bow, or a shield" that's weird.. they class a shield as a weapon here. Maybe it's like a throwable shield like those comic books!"

Y/n turns to the next page, and to the next, and the next. All until the pages were left blank.

Y/n: "huh? That's odd... Why is this blank? Maybe grandpa grabbed the wrong one? Or was this book just always unfinished?"

Y/n kept turning the page, until he finally saw a page with more writing.

Y/n: "ha! There we go! Dramatic pause much? Hm. "the four heroes are strong, but every team needs its wild card. The fifth weapon, a gauntlet, is the final of these weapons, and seen as a nobility compared to other weapons. One so strong that the form of the wielder must change to accommodate" wow, that sounds kinda painful.."

Suddenly, before his very eyes, the pages began to glow, blinding y/n. Dropping the book on the table, y/n covers his eyes, trying to protect them from the blinding light in front of him. At some point, y/n felt as though he was falling, but he finally uncovered his eyes when a sharp pain went through his back.

Y/n: "gah! ow! ow!"

Y/n had indeed fallen, right onto his back. Rubbing his sore back, y/n takes a chance to look around himself. He noticed four other people in rather regular clothing, however, surrounding all of them, we're robed men, with one of them not having a hood over his head.

Robed man1: "we did it! The summoning was a success!"

Y/n: "h-huh..?"

Robed man2: "O brave heroes, please save our world!"

???1: "excuse me?"

The voice took y/n's attention, as he finally noticed something with the other four he was with. One had a sword, one had a spear, one had a bow, and another had a shield.

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