Taming The Hybrid (TVD. Klaus...

By BeckySmolder

507K 9.7K 4K

Allison Lockwood, the older sister of Tyler Lockwood, returns to Mystic Falls after spending four years in Ca... More

Brotherhood of The Five
Obtaining the Sword
Dinner Date with Klaus
A Day in New Orleans
Kol's Death
Making Things Official
Klaus is Free
Saving Hayley
Expression Triangles
Back in New Orleans
Rebekah Visits
Meeting Marcel
Plan B is War
Carol and Tyler Visit
Bayou Bar Distraction
Unlinking Spell
The Baby's Blood
Klaus in Combat
To New Orleans
The Bar Attack
Casket Girls Parade
Four Elements, Four Stages
Mystic Falls Reunion
Saving Rebekah
Werewolf House Party
Magic Dreams
The Opera House
Rebekah's Trial
A Party for Peace
Feast of Blessings
The Bayou Attack
Dreaming of Mikael
Moonlight Rings
Esther's Decree
Home Town Comfort
Fighting for Family
Mystic Falls Return
The Wedding
10 Years Later
More Stories By Me

The Winter Wonderland

22.6K 444 263
By BeckySmolder

Chapter Five

I woke up in Klaus' arms, feeling rather cozy. I smiled and looked up at his face. I gently caressed his cheek and pressed my lips to his. He let out a small groan and I could feel his lips pull into a smile. I pulled away and stared at him, waiting for him to open his eyes.

"Morning," I whispered once his blue eyes were in view.

"Morning, love," he smiled, leaning down to kiss me. He immediately deepened the kiss and pulled me on top of him. I let out a squeal of surprise and then giggled, pulling away.

"Someone is in a good mood again," he noted.

"I guess so," I blushed. "I'm sorry about last night. If you wanna take it all back, I understand."

"Now why would I do that?"

"Because I kind of forced this on you. I'm not the girl you've been pining over. And--"

"And you're insecure. Everything I said last night, I meant. Now stop thinking I'm going to back out on this," he said and I bit my lip, looking down at his chest to avoid looking in his eyes.

"And what exactly is 'this'?" I asked quietly.

"I'm not quite sure, love. I have things to figure out and obligations to see through," he said and I nodded slowly.

"Well, then I'll let you get to all that," I replied, climbing off of him. He sighed and got out of bed and began getting dressed.

"I'll call you or I'll text you. This time don't ignore me," he warned once he was dressed to leave and head to his place no doubt.

"Don't lead me on," I quipped. He locked eyes with me and slowly a smile spread across his face.

"I'll do my best not to, love. Now kiss me goodbye," he smirked and I blushed, rolling my eyes. I walked over to him and placed a small peck on his red lips.

"Bye, Klaus," I smirked and he winked before leaving my room. Once he was gone I sighed to myself and dived onto my bed. I liked that man too much for my own good.


I had breakfast than spent all morning finishing my book finally. And now I had nothing to do. I was bored but I knew I had to get ready for my mother's charity thing. There was a Winter Wonderland set up. And I needed to be there.

I took a quick shower and then pulled on my tight, short, red dress. It had a bunch of ruffles down it and tied around my neck. I pulled on a black and cream blazer and matching cream colored heels. I looked myself over once more before doing my make up and hair. I didn't bother with my make up really but I curled my straight brown hair and then put into a nice bun with a few curls framing my face.

I met my mother downstairs and we left together. She had just returned home for something and now was taking me with her to the grill. It only took about twenty minutes for us to get there. She quickly rushed us over to a small group of people. "This is my daughter, Allison," my mother introduced.

Everyone kindly greeted me and we mingled with them for awhile. Thankfully Matt pulled me away from the awkwardness. "Hey, Allie," Matt greeted, pulling me in a hug.

"Hi," I giggled, pulling away afterwards.

"Having fun?" He asked and I shrugged.

"Not really, but my mom forced me to go of course. And now that you got me away from her I'm going to ditch this place and look for that idiotic brother of mine," I joked.

"Well, go. I think your mom left too," he chuckled and I sighed. I left the Grill and headed across the street. I walked around and ran into my brother luckily. He pulled me in a hug and I raised an eyebrow.

"Caroline is seriously the best. I'm finally gonna get rid of Klaus," he whispered in my ear.

"What?" I gasped in shock.

"It's complicated but I'll explain later," he said and ran off.

"Tyler! Wait!" I shouted. I sighed and continued to walk around like a complete loner.


"My, my, my, don't you look lovely," someone purred from behind me. I smiled to myself and pushed my hair behind my ear before turning around to face the sexy hybrid.

"I didn't think you'd be here," I said.

"Well, I did donate a painting," he shrugged and I chuckled.

"Of what, may I ask?"

"According to Stefan it was a snowflake," he answered bitterly and I giggled, bring my hands to cover my mouth as Klaus shot me daggers with his eyes. He slowly walked over to me and stood by my side.

"Red surely does suit you," Klaus stated and I shrugged.

"I guess so."

"How was your day, love?"

"Boring. Ate, read a book, and came here with my mother."

"Hmm," he hummed. He wrapped an arm around my waist and I hesitantly leaned into him, resting my back to his chest.

"Did you see through to your obligations?" I asked him.

"Most of them, yes."

"Good," I muttered, pulling away from him as Stefan came to approach us. Klaus stepped around me so he was kind of infront of me so I moved to his side a bit. "Where have you been all day?" Klaus asked Stefan the moment he reached us.

"I've been around," Stefan answered casually.

"I'm not interested in vaguery, Stefan. You've been dodgy and Caroline's been lovely which I've come to recognize as a tool of distraction. Now, do you have something to share with me or should I compel it out of you?"

"I broke into your safe to look for the sword," Stefan admitted bravely.


"Because I don't trust you."

"I showed you the sword. I explained its value. I've been on your side the entire time. What do you want from me? A secret brotherhood handshake?" Klaus asked getting worked up.

I grabbed his hand and played with his fingers as I got anxious over their conversation. He needed to calm down. Klaus looked over at me and tugged me closer to him before pulling his hand from mine.

"I found the letters," Stefan added, looking at me for a second before putting his attention back on Klaus. "You have a few pen pals over the centuries?"

"Well, is keeping my victim's letters really so different from writing their names on a wall like you did, Ripper?" Klaus quipped. He then chuckled a bit and then looked at some guy over Stefan's shoulder.

Klaus grabbed me by my elbow and tugged me along with him as he walked around Stefan towards that one guy. "Loneliness, Stefan. That's why you and I memorialize our dead. There's the brief moment before we kill where we literally hold their life in our hands and then we rip it away," Klaus added as an afterthought. "And we're left with nothing. So gathering other people's letter, writing their names on a wall, it's a reminder that in the end we're left infinitely and utterly alone."

Klaus tugged me further away and leaned closer to me. "I have to go now, love," Klaus said and I shook my head.

"Don't leave me," I pouted and he smirked.

"Duty calls, love. I'll see you later," he said and leaned close once again to press his lips to my cheek. "I'd kiss you but your mom or brother may be around and I'm sure you don't want them to know."

"Screw it," I answered, wrapping my hands around his neck and kissing him passionately. He kissed me back for a second before pulling away and leaving without another word or even a glance in my direction as he walked away.


"Hold on, I'm coming!" I shouted, running down the staircase of my house and to the door where someone stood behind it, pouding their fist rapidly. I opened the door quickly and gasped at what I saw.

"What the--?" I cut myself off and looked away from Klaus who was covered in blood everywhere.

"Where's your brother?" He asked, letting himself inside.

"I don't know. He's not home. He was supposed to be bringing mom home. My mother was drunk and I decided to leave early so I took a cab."

"Yes, I just saw your mother. I had half the nerve to drown her to get revenge on your brother, but I stopped myself for you. I put her in a cab and then raced here to see you," he said and I raised an eyebrow.

"Wait, what?" I asked. "My mom?"

"Yes, love. I'm telling the truth. I thought I'd come here to have you keep me calm," he said, moving closer to me.

"Okay, don't touch me. You're covered in blood. Come on, go up to my room and shower. Then I need you to explain everything."

"Kiss first?" He smirked and I shook my head, smiling shyly.

"Don't think so, babe," I teased.

"Babe? I like the sound of that coming from your lips," he said and I blushed. He moved closer until I was pressed against the wall and he on top of me basically.

"Klaus, you're covered in blood," I repeated.

"One kiss is all I asked for," he purred and I rolled my eyes, pressing my lips to his for a small peck. I then pulled away and he slid his hands up my legs, over my hips, and then stopped at my waist. "God I love this dress on you," he told me.

"Go shower," I ordered him.

"Only if you join me."

"Ew, no. Seriously the blood is making me sick. Go," I whimpered and he pouted cutely before getting off of me and walking upstairs. I sighed in relief before following him up to my bedroom. He went straight to the en suite and I left him there alone.

I changed into a pair of shorts and an old t-shirt before laying in bed, starting a new book. Klaus took quite awhile in his shower. When he got out he walked out in only a towel. "I was hoping you'd join me," Klaus said and I blushed.

I took off my reading glasses that I wore occasionally. Klaus walked over to the bed and I tugged on the end of his towel even though he was holding it to his waist. "You need clothes, this is a bit of a distraction to me," I said, placing a kiss on his lower torso.

"And you don't think that's a distraction to me?" He asked, tugging my hair out of its bun. I bit my lip and looked up at him.

"Yeah, you need clothes," I told him and he chuckled.

"I don't have any and I am not wearing Tyler's," he said and I rolled my eyes.

"Then put on your dirty, bloody suit and go home and get yourself some clothes. Then come back to explain."

"How about you pack a bag and stay the night at my place where we'll be all alone all night," he replied and I bit my lip nervously.

"Okay," I agreed, hopping to my feet. He slipped on his pants and shoes then we left well, after I grabbed a bag and packed it with clothes to last a few days.


"My brother did what?" I gasped as Klaus and I both laid in bed together. We were both fully clothed. Well I was. He was in a pair of sweatpants. And boy did he look cute in them. We were laying side by side, facing each other as he told me everything.

"Yes, your brother organized a death trap for me tonight. Only it didn't go as plan. I killed all my hybrids and Tyler was luckily not there. Then I ran into your mother who was calling him. I was tempted to get revenge by killing her. I envisioned it and everything but then your face popped up in my mind and I forced the drunk woman into a cab," he explained once more.

"I'm sorry. Are you okay?" I asked him, placing my hands on his cheeks.

"Fine, love. They practically didn't even fight back. They didn't stand a chance," he said and I nodded. I then sighed and laid down on my back.

"Please don't hurt Tyler."

"I won't as long as he stays away from me. From us," Klaus replied and I nodded.

"We can just stay here," I shrugged and he smirked.

"Just us two?" He asked and I nodded.

"Just us two," I assured, grabbing him by his chin and kissing him passionately. Klaus quickly began kissing me back, wrapping his arms around me as he did so. We soon pulled away and I sighed once more. "Let's get some sleep, love," Klaus suggested and I nodded.

We climbed under the covers and I pulled his arms around me so he would hold me. Klaus chuckled and pressed his lips to my neck. "Night, Allison."

"Night-night Klausy," I yawned.


"I'm sorry. Did we interrupt playtime?" Klaus asked. I giggled and smacked him playfully on the arm. It has been a few days and well I've been spending them with Klaus in his mansion. He left a lot to do things but always came back. And he was gone all day so when he returned I forced him not to leave me alone again. So here we were visiting Damon and Jeremy at the lake house, who were in the back yard of it.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Jeremy asked, obviously his anger towards Klaus.

"I'm simply appreciating the sights and smells of nature," Klaus answered, grabbing my hand in his as we walked towards the two boys. "Neither of which presently include rotting vampire flesh, so I'm a bit concerned." Oh yeah. Jeremy was supposed to be killing vampires to grow his hunter mark, which was the map to the cure. I still can't believe Elena killed Connor.

"How many vampires has he killed?" Klaus asked. We were standing right infront of them. I dropped his hand rather reluctantly but I wanted to sit down so I did on the picnic table Damon was leaning against.

"If we throw Jeremy out into the world right now, he's chum," Damon said and I nodded. I rubbed Jer gently on the arm. I didn't want the poor kid to get hurt.

"Yeah, see, that's not a number," Klaus retorted and I looked up at him, frowning. "Twelve, that's a number. That's how many of my hybrids I slaughtered with my sword. Three. That's how many days it took to quell the urge to kill your brother after he knowingly watched as I walked into a death trap. One. That's the number of purposes you serve."

"Klaus," I began and he put up a hand to silence me, which made my eyebrows raise and my mouth snap close.

"You are here to grow Jeremy's mark," Klaus said, moving closer to us all. Jeremy moving out his way as he went to stand face to face with Damon, my favorite Salvatore. "So I'll ask again how many vampires has he killed since he's been here?"

"Zero," Damon whispered.

"That's a pity," Klaus chuckled humorlessly.

"Mm," Damon smiled sarcastically.

"I'm gonna need that cure sooner rather than later. Hybrid shortage and all. How can I help?" Klaus asked, stepping away and smiling cutely, making me smile at him.

"You know now that you mention it. Jeremy watch and learn," Damon said, loading up a gun.

"What are you doing?" I hissed. A seond later he had shot Klaus twice in the chest.

"That's for manipulating my sweet, innocent friend, Allison," Damon said and I gasped.

"Damon!" I shreiked. I ran to Klaus who was glaring at Damon.

"Now you have my permission to date her. You literally took a bullet for her," Damon smirked sarcastically at me and I sighed.

"Damon, thanks for caring about me, but he's not manipulating me. And he doesn't need to take a bullet for me, ever. And we're not dating," I told him and he shrugged.

"Yeah but he's trying to court you. And I don't like it," Damon said with a shrug. I looked to Jeremy for help and he merely chuckled.

"We don't like Klaus, but if you do then we're happy if you're happy," Jeremy said and I smiled at them brightly.

"Right, Damon?" Jeremy asked.

"If you hurt her, I will drive a white oak stake through your damn chest cavity," Damon threatened and I ran over to hug them both.

"Be nice," I whispered to them both and they nodded. I walked back over to Klaus and he sighed as he saw me smiling at him. I was happy. Despite the fact they didn't like Klaus they were going to accept that he was important to me even though we weren't dating.

"I need to go get cleaned up," Klaus told me and I nodded.

"Okay," I muttered and he pulled me to him and pressed his lips to mine. I smiled widely and wrapped my hands around his neck, kissing him back. He deepened the kiss and brought his hands to my ass, squeezing gently making me giggle.

"Get a room! You're disgusting! Ew Allie, tell him to take his filthy paws off of you!" Damon shouted, him and Jeremy both groaning at our public display of affection. I giggled again and pulled away. "Go change," I told him and he nodded.

"I'll be back, love," he said and I nodded, pecking his lips. Once he was gone I joined the boys at the table again. I blushed as I saw them both staring at me.

"And you're not dating?" Damon smirked.


"Why not? You ran off with him for three days."

"Are you and Elena dating?" I retorted.

"No," he said, grinding his teeth.

"Why not? You've been in love with her for like ever," I mocked.

"It's complicated," Damon shrugged.

"Well, it's complicated for Klaus and I too," I said and he shot me daggers.

"Fair enough," he sighed and I smiled.


I stood from a distance watching Klaus approach Damon. I guess he just got back. I had went inside to use the bathroom, leaving Damon alone. Coming back now and Klaus was here. I stopped and watched them. Damon was sitting down infront of the fire and making stakes for Jeremy. Klaus was coming from behind him, approaching slowly. "If you're here for pay back, go for it. Because you'll be stuck babysitting the little hunter that could," Damon said.

"You know if you adjust your angle a little bit, you'll find the sharper edge," Klaus told him, sitting down next to Damon.

"I know how to whittle, thanks," Damon said sarcastically. "Now I know why those hybrids hated you. You are annoying." I smiled and slowly approached them, not caring if they knew I was there or not.

"Actually, I'm just perplexed, as to why Jeremy hasn't killed any vampires."

"Darwinim, Klaus," Damon said in an obvious tone. "He needs to be able to protect himself before we hunt down his first vampire nest."

"And here was I thinking you were the fun brother," Klaus said and I rolled my eyes. They both looked at me as I was close to them. I sat down on Klaus' lap and he wrapped one arm around my waist, pulling my back against his chest.

"Let's play a little game, shall we? Jeremy needs more victims and there's a whole town of people down the road just waiting to be turned into vampires for slaughter," Klaus added and I shot him a glare.

"Klaus," I warned and he shot me an innocent smile, pressing his lips to mine for a small peck then another. I sighed against his lips and relaxed against him.

"You don't think that occured to me?" Damon asked.

"The tragedy is, Damon it did occur to you and yet you chose to ignore it. My guess is you did it to impress Elena. Somehow, to honor her, you'll find a way to spare lives and walk Jeremy down the moral high road. That's why I've already made the necessary corrections."

"What'd you do?" Damon asked while I sat up straight, looking at Klaus in shock. He let a sexy smirk cross his ruby red lips as he gave an innocent shrug. I scoffed and got off his lap, heading into the house.


Well, going into the house was a mistake. A vampire got in attacked Matt and Jer luckily killed her before Matt got hurt. And that's when Damon showed up after the girl was dead. Damon quickly handeled the body, burying it and then telling us all to get in his car.

He wouldn't tell us where we were going but instead drove us around for a few agonizing minutes. We finally came to a stop and I hopped out the passenger seat looking at the place infront of us, it was a bar. Good, I could use a drink or two.

Damon ordered the boys to hurry up and then we all headed to the door. Matt and Jer walking in first followed by me then Damon. We all looked around and I clenched my jaw as I saw all these dead bodies laying around the bar that was playing old, sad songs. "I was beginning to worry you boys wouldn't find the place," someone said. The sexy british accent had me ready to melt. It was Klaus. Of course it was.

"What the hell?" One of the boys muttered. I wasn't paying attention to who said it as I made my way to Klaus who was sitting at the bar.

"Did you kill all these people?" Matt asked Klaus.

"Not exactly," Klaus smiled showing his dimples. Only the smile was evil so I shouldn't be attracted to it, but I was. "They're in transition," I said, realizing it immediately.

Klaus stood up with a glass in his hand and met me halfway, placing his free hand on my hip and looking down at me with a charming smile. "Killing them is your job," Klaus said, looking over at my shoulder, at Jeremy no doubt.

"You said you were gonna convince Klaus to do this another way," I heard Jeremy's voice. He had to be talking to Damon. I refused to look at anyone but Klaus who stood infront of me watching the scene unfold.

"Well, I thought about it. ANd then I realized his idea was better," Damon said. I scoffed and watched as Klaus grinned before taking a sip of his drink. I moved away from Klaus and over to the bar, grabbing a random bottle. I popped off the top and took a large sip. "You are both complete fucking assholes," I stated looking at each one of the vampires.

I slowly felt something grab me and I jumped. In a flash Klaus had removed the hand that was on my arm. He tugged me away and held me to his chest. "Call me whatever you want, but I'm always gonna be right here to save you," Klaus whispered in my ear.

I calmed down my racing heart, relaxing against Klaus and looking around. The vampires in transition were waking up. I looked back up at Klaus panicked and saw his sweet smile in amusement. Of course he wasn't scared. He could handle himself with ease. I looked at the bottle I held tightly and brought it to my lips. I was gonna need to be drunk to calm my nerves. And Klaus and Damon were here to protect so I'll be fine, right? Possibly.

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