You are Spring for My Winter...

By IzabellaFehr4

74.1K 4.6K 406

A suddenly orphaned, young and weakened omega like Wei Ying, had little chance of escape when some alphas fou... More

🌷 | Intro + Note
🌷 | Characters
Chapter 1 | A sad chapter
Chapter 2 | The hiding rabbit in the realm of wolves
Chapter 3 | An alpha who not only followed the light
Chapter 4 | The alpha has returned home
Chapter 5 | Short omega stories
Chapter 6 | "You're like a white magnolia"
Chapter 7 | Bad memories come back as nightmares
Chapter 8 | Rainy day, tearful heart
Chapter 9 | Shadow around the house
Chapter 10 | A stormy evening
Chapter 11 | Legends and news
Chapter 12 | Back to the beginning
Chapter 13 | So far from hope
Chapter 14 | The hiding bunny
Chapter 15 | The hunting red fox
Chapter 16 | The last dark night
Chapter 17 | Know the truth
Chapter 19 | The red bird
Chapter 20 | The first kiss of spring
Chapter 21 | Like the last breath of winter.

Chapter 18 | After the fall

1.9K 156 5
By IzabellaFehr4

┌────────── •✧• ────────── { H A L F } F L A S H B A C K: P A R T 1

Wei Ying's fall into the lake happened in an instant for everyone. Yet Hua Cheng reacted quickly and he immediately jumped into the lake to rescue Wei Ying from the water.

But Wen Chao just stood motionless, speechless in front of the situation that had happened to him a few moments ago. Wen Qing grabbed Chao's shoulder and began shaking him after Chao had repeatedly ignored her. The frozen beta was slowly shaken back to reality by Wen Qing's voice. Wen Chao looked at Wen Qing in confusion.

"What happened to you? ...What did you see that scared you? ...What have you done, Wen Chao?" asked Wen Qing desperately. All her questions were getting louder. But Wen Chao didn't answer her. Wen Chao just looked to the side as soon as he heard Hua Cheng's frightened voice.

The alpha hurriedly walked out of the lake and laid his unconscious little brother on the ground. Since Wen Chao didn't answer her, Wen Qing quickly left him and instead rushed to the alpha's aid. Wen Qing kneeled down next to the omega and they immediately began to save Wei Ying's life. After the omega regained consciousness, he coughed up the water. Wen Qing quickly took the ripped piece of clothing from the alpha's hand and bandaged Wei Ying's bleeding forehead and arm with it. After that, Hua Cheng immediately took the stunned, half-unconscious Wei Ying in his arms, lifted him up, and left the area. From then on, the alpha didn't care at all if the two Wen was following him or not. He was only interested in getting home with his younger brother as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, Wen Qing began to question Wen Chao again. But instead of answering, Wen Chao just rudely pushed her aside, leaving Wen Qing alone. Wen Chao refused to admit that he hesitated for a moment and that he had not accidentally let go of the omega's hand. Wen Chao expected the omega to just fall into the water, but not that Wei Ying wouldn't emerge from the water, and especially not that Wei Ying might even get hurt.


When Hua Cheng got home, Wei Ying was unconscious again. Wei Changze immediately ran for a healer. Fortunately for him, Xie Lian was near his house that day.

Meanwhile, Sanren was taking care of Wei Ying, and trying to calm her troubled son as well. Hua Cheng nervously told her all that had happened. Sanren repeatedly told her son that she did not blame him for what had happened to Wei Ying. But no matter how hard Sanren tried, she could see that her words had little effect on Hua Cheng.

The situation did not improve too much with the arrival of the healer and Changze.

While Xie Lian and Sanren were in the room examining Wei Ying's condition, Changze began a rough argument with his alpha son. Hua Cheng had told his father everything in vain, Changze hadn't softened even after the story was over.

Changze blamed only Hua Cheng for the accident. He thought Hua Cheng hadn't taken care of Wei Ying enough. In his eyes, his son failed as a strong and protective alpha.

The argument between the two of them was interrupted by Sanren after Xie Lian had finished examining the omega. The parents had not received good news from Xie Lian. .. And that only ruined the relationship between the two alphas even more.

After Xie Lian left the house, Changze started shouting at his son again. Sanren tried to stand up for her son's innocence, but Changze's opinion did not change. It took Sanren a long time to calm the tense situation between the two alphas. After the argument, Changze stormed out onto the terrace. Sanren went back to Wei Ying's room, but Hua Cheng was only willing to enter there at his mother's repeated requests.

Since Changze's words had deeply wounded him, Hua Cheng made a difficult decision that night. He waited until his mother fell asleep from exhaustion. He quietly left the room and then the house. Changze did not stop the young alpha's sudden departure because Changze was still on the terrace at the time. Changze didn't even suspect anything.

└────────── •✧• ──────────

"So after I took Wei Ying home and got into an argument with my father, I left the house that night, but only to talk to Wen Chao, or at least Wen Qing. However, when I was at Wen's house and tried to talk to Chao, he denied what he had done. He did not feel guilty about anything. But then he suddenly changed the subject and told me how his brother; Wen Xu felt about Wei Ying. .. I could see in his eyes that he had planned something. I couldn't believe his words. But I knew for sure that Wen Chao just wanted to annoy me with that. .. That was the moment I left Wen Chao. But when I was already on my way to the gate to leave the Wen estate forever, .. it was there that I met Wen Xu. ... Then and there, I needed all my strength to go on without words or deeds. But unfortunately, it didn't work out, as Wen Xu stopped me as soon as he saw me. ..." said Hua Cheng.

┌────────── •✧• ────────── { H A L F } F L A S H B A C K: P A R T 2

"Oh, hey Hua Cheng. What a surprise to see you here. Perhaps you were the first to hear the news and come to congratulate me?" said Wen Xu proudly.

"I don't know what you're talking about, but I sure as hell didn't come here because of you." - replied Hua Cheng, trying to quell his anger. - "Now get out of my way."

Hua Cheng pushed him aside and then continued to walk, but Wen Xu did not remain speechless.

"Don't you know? My father will soon make me the leader of the pack. And you know what that means in a powerful family like mine, don't you?" asked Wen Xu.

Hua Cheng slowly paused. His fists clenched tightly as he turned back. Wen Xu stared at him with a satisfied smile.

"I'm warning you Wen Xu. ... Stay away ... from my little brother." said Hua Cheng slowly, with a threatening look.

"Do you seriously think .. I'm going to listen to you?" asked Wen Xu. He walked there in slow steps, in front of Hua Cheng. - "Or that you think I'm afraid of you, huh?"

Hua Cheng continued to try to control his anger, but he couldn't contain his menacing growl, which erupted from his throat. Ignoring the threat, Wen Xu continued to tease the other alpha.

"You'd better go home and keep everyone away from my little future mate. You've done this so well so far, so I think you'll last a few more days while I —"

A big blow to his face silenced Wen Xu. Just as he was about to recover from the first blow, he got another one.

The two alphas then stopped talking and started a fight, which Wen Chao later joined. When Hua Cheng managed to push the Wen brothers away at the same time, Wen Xu decided that he would end the fight as a winner anyway. Wen Xu suddenly pulled a gun from his pocket. He took aim at Hua Cheng, then he pulled the trigger. ... However, Wen Chao stepped in front of Hua Cheng to attack the alpha at the very moment when the gun in Wen Xu's hand went off. The shot hit his heart from behind, causing Wen Chao to immediately fall dead to the ground.

The two alphas just stood in shock at the situation.

Then Wen Xu slowly knelt down and dropped the gun from his grip. He took his dead brother into his arms. Meanwhile, the sound of a gunshot caused several Wen guards to rush toward them. Hua Cheng was immediately captured and locked up in prison.


Wei Changze appeared outside his son's cell in the early hours of the morning. His face was tired and gloomy. Seeing this, Hua Cheng already knew that he could not expect anything good from his father.

"I'm sorry, .. father." said the young alpha brokenly, but he couldn't bear to look at his father. But Wei Changze said nothing to him.

They were both just waiting quietly for the other to speak when Wen Ruohan appeared and stopped next to Wei Changze.

"Then I'll tell you again so you can hear what your father already knows." said Ruohan in a restrained voice. But his eyes continued to radiate hatred towards the younger alpha.

"Wait." - Changze interjected abruptly. - "I'll repeat it to .. him."

Changze stepped closer to the prison bars, then stared down at his injured son sitting on the cold ground with a serious look.

"Since you are responsible for Wen Chao's death, you will remain in prison for several years. .. Or until Wen Ruohan decides otherwise. But, if you try to escape or cause trouble, we'll have to pay for it too. This means that the Wen pack will take Wei Ying. ... Do you understand what I'm saying?" asked Changze coldly as if he were talking to a criminal, and not to his own son.

"I get it. ... You, .. my father think I did it." said Hua Cheng in the same tone. He struggled to get up on his weakened feet and walked to the prison cell to look closely into his father's eyes. - "But still, you don't have to worry. I won't run away or cause any trouble. My little brother's safety is more important to me than my freedom."

"Then keep that in mind while you're here, alpha." said Wen Ruohan abruptly and sternly before leaving.

After Wen Ruohan's departure, Wei Changze was reluctant to speak for a long time. But when he did, he destroyed all hopes and family ties that his son still faintly believed in.

"After Wen Ruohan lets you out of prison, ... you don't come home. I don't want you to put Wei Ying in danger again."

"What? .. Dad, I know I made a mistake when I came here. But the ..."

"I don't care anymore! Stay away from us! .. I never want to see you around my house again! This is not your home anymore. ... You're not .. my son .. anymore." Changze turned away from his son and said this coldly. He couldn't have uttered the cold words when he should have looked into his son's eyes. But unlike him, Hua Cheng only looked at him.

Then, Changze turned around and left. He didn't look back, he didn't look at his firstborn son, .. he just walked away quietly. Hua Cheng didn't feel sorrow or disappointment then, but rather hate and pain.

"Goodbye, .... father." said Hua Cheng to himself.

└────────── •✧• ──────────

( Meanwhile, the two omegas stood in the hallway and listened to the alpha's story. )

"After that, the days passed slowly for me. I was afraid that while I was locked up, Wen Xu managed to get close to my little brother. That thought just didn't let me rest. ... But then when I had been locked up there for a week, one afternoon Wen Ning appeared outside my prison cell and told me that Wen Ruohan had decided to let me go. Wen Ning said he witnessed what happened between me and Wen Xu and even how Wen Chao died. But he told Wen Ruohan all this only after he heard that I had been imprisoned because of Wen Xu's lie. While I was finally able to leave the Wen estate, Wen Ruohan deprived his son of that very freedom and the promised power as punishment. But even though this was good news for me, it didn't make me happy for so long... for I remembered my father's words as soon as I left the estate. There was no more home for me to go back to. In addition, I was also too weak due to a lack of sleep. But luckily Wen Ning was there and helped me, saying he owed me a lot. ... So after Wen Ning accompanied me to the healer, he went to my .. to my former home to tell my parents the news about me and also to get some news about my brother. While I was waiting for Wen Ning, I started talking to Xie Lian and we quickly became fond of each other. He was kind, understanding, gentle, and caring to me, .. even after what he learned and heard about me. .. So time passed quickly, and when Wen Ning finally returned, he told me all that he had learned from my parents, .. more precisely, only from my father."

"And what was it?" asked Lan Zhan.

"I learned that while I was in prison, Wen Xu visited my parents several times, but only to see Wei Ying. But my parents rejected him every time and did not let him near Wei Ying. They did this because Wei Ying still hadn't woken up at the time. ... He only woke up when I became free again, but at the same time, Wen Xu became a prisoner of his own estate, .. thanks to Ruohan. According to Wen Ning, it was a sign from Fate." said Hua Cheng incredulously, then continued after a small silence and a tired sigh.

"So,... after Wen Ning informed us that Wei Ying had regained consciousness, he and Xie Lian immediately went to him, while I was forced to remain in the house alone and await further information. ... After that, it was always Xie Lian who informed me of my brother's condition. But then, after Wei Ying recovered, it was Wen Ning again who helped me and kept an eye on my family for me. But I owe a lot not only to him but also to my mate. Xie Lian not only healed me and my younger brother, but he also accepted me into his house. And after I was healed, I took care of him from then on. Although I have become his protector, he will forever be my savior. .. Since he is my omega, .. my soulmate."

Hua Cheng glanced for a moment at a small silver butterfly among the small ornaments placed above the fireplace. As the smile faded from his face, he continued.

"So... as time passed, we could rely more and more on Wen Ning. He became our secret messenger about what happened at the Wen estate. The years passed quickly. ... But on the day Wen Ruohan died, I knew hell had begun for me and my family. I suspected that after his father's death, Wen Xu would leave the estate immediately to take revenge on my parents first. ... And, unfortunately, this has occurred. .. When I got to the house, I realized I was too late. My parents and Wei Ying are also missing, ... but the scent of the Wen alphas was still very strong in the air. That's where it started for me to find my parents and Wei Ying and then finally get revenge on Wen Xu for what he did to me." said Hua Cheng. His thoughts, which had been in the past, were returned to the present in no time.

Suddenly, two scents (chamomile🌼 and orange blossom💮), familiar to the two alphas were felt in the air, although one of the scents was in a slightly more bitter version. Both alphas stood up in alarm and then glanced at the two omegas at the same time.

Wei Ying and behind him Xie Lian appeared in the doorway of the living room. Wei Ying looked at his brother with slightly teary eyes.

"Wei Ying? .. Are you awake?" asked Hua Cheng in surprise.

"Yes, and I just came here at the right time. I've heard everything you've said happened in the past.. about my accident." replied Wei Ying.

Wei Ying walked slowly, visibly exhausted, towards the couch. Xie Lian followed him quietly, but behind the couch, he stopped.

"So, ... then you know the truth. .. The bitter truth." replied Hua Cheng quietly.

"Yes, .. and I'm sorry I didn't help you. .. But dad this whole thing that happened to you, ... he hid it from me and mom."

Lan Zhan gently grabbed one of omega's wrists and sat him down on the couch, then he sat down next to Wei Ying.

Hua Cheng and Xie Lian sat down on the other sofa opposite them.

"He did this for good reason, Wei Ying. ..." replied Hua Cheng bitterly. But Wei Ying just shook his head.

"No. ... According to our mother, after you left, Dad went to look for you. But when he returned home he only told her, and later to me, that you decided to leave and never come back." continued Wei Ying.

"Dad just spared you from hearing the lying news that Wen Xu spread about me." said Hua Cheng sadly.

"But I didn't believe dad's words. I knew you wouldn't have done that, .. and with that, mom felt no different. Dad gave up on you, ... but mom and I never did. Every night, we waited for you to come home... because we missed you so much." Wei Ying finished his sentence and then wiped the tears that had suddenly dropped from his face.

"Thank you, little brother. ... Thank you that at least you and mother still considered me important in your life." replied Hua Cheng in a fading but somewhat joyful voice as he watched his emotional brother.

"You are my brother, Hua Cheng. .. You will always be important to me."


Thank you for reading! I hope you liked it! 💛✨

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