Taming The Hybrid (TVD. Klaus...

By BeckySmolder

507K 9.7K 4K

Allison Lockwood, the older sister of Tyler Lockwood, returns to Mystic Falls after spending four years in Ca... More

Brotherhood of The Five
Obtaining the Sword
Dinner Date with Klaus
The Winter Wonderland
Kol's Death
Making Things Official
Klaus is Free
Saving Hayley
Expression Triangles
Back in New Orleans
Rebekah Visits
Meeting Marcel
Plan B is War
Carol and Tyler Visit
Bayou Bar Distraction
Unlinking Spell
The Baby's Blood
Klaus in Combat
To New Orleans
The Bar Attack
Casket Girls Parade
Four Elements, Four Stages
Mystic Falls Reunion
Saving Rebekah
Werewolf House Party
Magic Dreams
The Opera House
Rebekah's Trial
A Party for Peace
Feast of Blessings
The Bayou Attack
Dreaming of Mikael
Moonlight Rings
Esther's Decree
Home Town Comfort
Fighting for Family
Mystic Falls Return
The Wedding
10 Years Later
More Stories By Me

A Day in New Orleans

21.8K 493 260
By BeckySmolder

Chapter Four

I hugged Stefan happily as he arrived at my place. No one in the house but me. Tyler went out somewhere and mom was working as usual. Today was the Miss Mystic Falls Court. And Stefan Salvatore was my date. He broke up with Elena so he's not going with her. He also spilled his guts about her admitting she has feelings for Damon.

I didn't really need a date for today but I felt left out since everyone else had one. Elena technically didn't but we all know she had Damon. Hayley even convinced Tyler to go with since Caroline agreed to go with Klaus, both things I was informed of by Tyler. Glad I wasn't stupid enough to ask him to be my date. Too bad I was stupid for kissing him all yesterday.

"Ready to go? You look amazing," he complimented me. I smiled while bulshing. I slowly nodded my head, taking a deep breath. He grabbed my hand and led me to his gorgeous red car. I climbed inside and relaxed. I wasn't ready to show up knowing there was going to be some drama no doubt.

"So Klaus convinced me to get Jeremy to kill more vampires to complete the mark for the map," Stefan said and I nodded. "I wasn't supposed to tell you that but I did."

"Well, thanks. I'll be on your side through this and I won't let Klaus know that I know," I assured and he nodded, chuckling softly.

When we arrived they had just announced that April Young won the contest. We both clapped for her and I grabbed us both drinks as some guy walked by with some. I handed one to Stefan and he took it slowly, his eyes on something else. Or someone else. I followed his gaze to see Elena. She was rushing after Jeremy. I chugged my glass then took his out of his hand and took a small sip. "Go, I gotta get myself drunk," I told him and Stefan smiled, kissing my cheek while I giggled.

"You're are the absolute best," he said before running off after Elena.


I was sitting down alone drinking of course. Stefan soon joined me and took my glass chugging it. I raised an eyebrow and he sighed. "Elena doesn't want the cure if it means that Jeremy might lose his humanity with killing vampires. She doesn't want me to 'fix' her. I think this all may be for nothing but I can't--I can't just..." he sighed, grabbing another drink quickly and taking big gulps.

"Can't give up on her," I finished, patting his hand gently. He sighed and we soon decided to leave. We headed to my place and I poured him another drink. "So why are you drinking so hardcore today?" He asked me.

"I kissed Klaus yesterday. We were about to sleep together. My phone rings and he wants to keep going while I'm speaking to Tyler. His phone rings and he's off me and we're leaving Italy after spending an amazing day together. And with all that crap I forgot Tyler mentioned a long while ago that Klaus has a thing for Caroline. So that's why I'm drinking," I answered, grabbing the whole body and taking a large gulp.

"Okay. You need to be sober if you're going around kissing Klaus," he joked.

"Ugh, I told him he'd have to get me drunk for me to admit all the things I liked about him," I sighed, pulling my hair down from its nice bun. Stefan sighed and sat next to me on the couch, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

"He's so not worth it. And Caroline is dating your brother. Klaus is convinced that Hayley and Tyler hooked up when he was away. Caroline believed it but Tyler explained that she helped break the bond and Klaus doesn't know that. So they're all putting up false pretenses that Hayley and Tyler have a thing and that Tyler and Caroline are broken up so Klaus thinks he has a chance," Stefan explained.

"That's the thing! He likes her. Not me. What is wrong with me? Why do I even care? I barely know the guy. He's made your life a living hell and not to mention Tyler's," I scoffed in disbelief, drinking more.

"Okay, I'm cutting you off."

"No," I pouted as he took the bottle from me. I looked to see it was already dark out. Stefan and I talked for a bit before he decided to go. "Don't think about it too much," Stefan told me.

"Oh, I won't. I'm getting drunk alone and then I'm going to the Grill to meet up with some human dude my age," I sighed.

"Don't go to the Grill. Go to sleep," he instructed sternly.

"Yes sir," I mocked, saluting him. He laughed and placed a kiss on my forehead before leaving. I took the bottle up to my room and continued to drink while reading a book. I was seriously pathetic.


"Wanna go on a roadtrip?" Damon texted me the next day.

"Hell yeah. Promise to get me drunk?" I asked him back, climbing out of bed and already getting dressed.

"Only if you don't puke on me," Damon texted back.

"Well, I'm ready. Come and pick me up," I sent back. I grabbed my phone, wallet, and jacket. That's all I needed for today. I didn't know where we were going and I didn't care. I'd do anything to have a good time right now. Plus things are always fun with Damon.

It took about thirty minutes for Damon to get to my place. I hopped in the backseat of his car because Stefan was in the front. "Sorry, not sorry to ruin your brother bonding," I said.

"You are not the sweet little Allie, when you're heartbroken are you? You have some type of sass. I like it," Stefan smirked.

"Heartbroken?" Damon asked, looking back at me before driving away from my house.

"Long story."

"Long ride," he quipped.

"Where are we going anyways?" I asked.

"To New Orleans. Elena's sired to me and we need to break that bond. I only know of a witch in New Orleans that can do that so that's where we're going," Damon answered. "Now spill. Tell me who broke your heart so I can rip out his."

"Klaus," I answered, shrugging to myself.

"What?!" Damon shreiked, the car coming to an uneasy halt in the middle of the road.

"Damon!" Stefan and I both yelled.

"Sorry. Now explain, everything," Damon demanded, driving normally while I told them pretty much everything. Not all the details but about the main things. We had lunch, hung out at the beach, danced, made out, and kissed the other night after he tucked me in. Also not to mention the dinner with Klaus, Stefan, and Rebekah.


We walked along the streets while the brothers argued about whether the sire bond was to blame for Elena's feelings for Damon. Why I agreed to come is beyond me? New Orleans was very live though. We finally came to a stop infront of a building. "This is where the witch lived," Damon stated.

"What? You were epecting to find the same exact witch in the same place?" Stefan asked.

"No, but since I couldn't remember where the store was firgured it would give us a start."

"Maybe there's another place to start. You think Charlotte might be in New Orleans?" Stefan questioned. Charlotte was a girl that was sired to Damon in the 40s. And that's how Damon knows about this witch. He went to her so she could break sire bond between him and that Charlotte girl.

"Yeah. Maybe," Damon answered.

"Where was the last place you saw her?"

"Corner of Bourbon and Dumaine. I kind of told her to count every bring in New Orleans, that I'd meet her on the corner," Damon said. "I was gone by morning."

Stefan walked off and Damon and I shared a look. "Where you going?" I asked him.

"Corner of Bourbon and Dumaine. See how literal the sire bond is," Stefan said, looking between Damon and myself. Yeah Stefan thought the sire bond was literal up to every little detail including Elena's emotions. Damon disagreed though. Hence the aruging they did on the way to this building.

"Speaking of bourbon, you promised to get me drunk," I told Damon with a small playful smirk. He smirked back and nodded, wrapping an arm around my shoulder loosely.

"That I did," he replied and we walked after Stefan.


"There's no way she's gonna be in the same spot after 70 years," Damon said as we walked around practically aimlessly.

"So what are we gonna tell Elena?" Stefan questioned his brother.

"I was hoping we wouldn't have to tell her anything."

"We can't just lie to her."

"It's not a lie. It's an omission for the greater good."

"Oh, I see. I see. That's Damon-speak for, 'let's not do the right thing. Let's just do what's right for me'."

"What about you, selfless one?" Damon retorted. "Are you doing what's best for Elena or for you? Looks to me like the only reason you wanna break Elena's sire bond is to restore her original factory Team Stefan settings."

Damon walked over to me and nodded in the opposite direction of where Stefan stood, towards another deserted street. "We're gonna go get a drink. Hunt us down when you stop being a dick," Damon told his brother. I sighed and looked at Stefan.

"I have my phone on me. Just call. I do need a drink if I'm gonna listen to you both argue all night," I told Stefan and he nodded. Damon and I then walked off. We didn't get too far before Damon was tackled by some girl. He groaned as he hit the ground and I let out a small scream.

In seconds Stefan was there and got the girl off his older brother. "What the hell just happened?" I asked them.

"She kissed me," Damon said. We all looked at the girl and slowly moved closer to her.

"Damon, I always knew you'd come back for me," she smiled. Creepy girl. I take it this is who we were looking for. This must be Charlotte.

"I must have counted literally every brick on every building in all of New Orleans," the girl continued. And again Damon is wrong. The sire bond is literal. The first thing he was wrong about was about Elena being sired to him, she is and he had believed she wasn't.

"Literally every brick," Stefan emphasized. Damon looked at me with a pained face. I nearly laughed at him but realized this was serious and so not funny. Charlotte moved closer placed her hands on Damon's shoulder. Damon placed one on hers keeping her a good distance away from him.

"Uh, Charlotte, uh, please, tell me you had a full life and you've done something other than counting bricks," Damon said to her, desperate that she would tell him what he wanted to hear. That the last 70 years of her life didn't consist of counting bricks just because he told her to do so.

"Of course I have. I'm not crazy," she replied. You might be.

"Then why are you still here?" I asked her.

"You know when someone breaks up with you and there's a song that reminds you of them?" She asked. I think it was rhetorical. "At first you hate it, but then it brings back all the good memories of them. Counting the bricks is my song and I've been playing it for decades."

And there's proof. She is indeed crazy. Now I really need that drink. "That's a really long time stuck listening to the same song," Stefan said and I let out a small giggle. I couldn't hold it back. This girl was crazy in general and crazy for Damon obviously.

"Yeah. Heh, well, uh, you know in the plus column you know New Orleans better than anyone in the world which is really nice, because we need your help finding someone," Damon told her, removing her hands as she wrapped them around his neck.


Well, the boys went to visit the witch's place and I went to the bar a few blocks down. The boys came to pick me up about two hours later. They said that they were looking for was gone but her daughter was there. And the witch said that her mother lied because there's no spell to break the sire bond. Her mother, Val, had Damon do a human sacrifice of 12 and Val took the magic released then for evil power.

Anyways the daughter, Nandi, stated that the only way around the sire bond was to set the person free. Tell them to move on with their life and then to leave that person. I know Damon can't do that with Elena. I didn't really expect him too especially since Nandi also informed them that the sire bond is created when the person has human feelings for the vampire and then when they're turned the vampirism heightens them. So Damon was right. The sire bond didn't control how Elena felt for him.

While I sat at the bar I was ignoring tons of calls from Klaus. He called me a total of ten times, left 3 voicemails that I didn't bother to listen to, and four text messages. I didn't want to talk him. He wouldn't stop though.

"Are we going home?" I slurred as Stefan carried me out of the bar.

"Yes," he answered and I smiled, wrapping an arm around his neck as I tripped. Stefan groaned and handed me over to Damon who lifted me up bridal style. "I can't believe you got drunk without me," Damon chuckled.

"What time is it?" Stefan asked.

"Well, the sun is rising so I'd say early," Damon answered. I cuddled into Damon's chest just as my phone rang again. I groaned and grabbed it out my front pocket. "What?" I slurred into the phone.

"Allison?" That sexy british voice came through.

"Leave me alone," I whined.

"Are you drunk? Where are you? I'll come get you," he said, sounding rather concerned. I smiled and giggled ready to tell him how sweet he is just when Damon took my phone.

"No need, Klaus. Stefan and I are with her. She's safe in our hands. And we're a little to far away for you to get her anytime soon," Damon told him.

"Klaus!" I shouted, hoping he could hear me.

"If she was safe in your hands then she wouldn't be drunk!" Klaus quipped angrily.

"Klaus-wausy! I miss you," I said rather obnoxiously.

"She wouldn't be drunk if you didn't upset her so badly that she turned to drinking," Stefan called over our shoulder. All these boys were ignoring me. Fine then. I pouted and crossed my arms, facing the crowded streets as we walked around. Well, the boys walked and I was carried by the blue eyed Salvatore.

"I beg your pardon? Me? I haven't even seen the girl in days," Klaus argued, sounding rather amused that he was accused of anything.

"Well, she's a little hurt by your actions in those past few days," Damon said before hanging up the phone.

Damon sat me down on a bench and Stefan sat next to me. "I'll be right back," Damon said to his brother before walking away from us. As I went to follow and ask where he was going Stefan pulled me back to my seat.

"Not so fast you little drunk," Stefan joked and I giggled, hitting him on the arm playfully.

"Where's he...g-going?" I hiccupped.

"To 'set free' that Charlotte girl," Stefan said and I nodded. I laid my head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around me. I then slowly drifted off to sleep.


I waved to the Salvatore brothers as I walked into my house. I was so glad to be back. I wanted to get some sleep. I dragged my feet up the stairs and walked into my room. I was shocked to find Klaus sitting on my bed. "What are you doing here?" I asked him, shutting the door behind me.

"I came to see you."

"Why?" I frowned.

"Because you've avoided all my texts and calls all night long. When you did finally answer you were drunk out of your mind in the company of the Salvatore brothers."

"Did you ever think that could mean something?" I asked. "Like, oh I don't know, I didn't want to speak to you?"

"And why wouldn't you have wanted to speak to me. I thought we were friends."

"Well, we're not," I replied, moving to my dresser to find some pajamas.

"We aren't? Why not? What changed?" He asked and I scoffed.

"Nothing that's the problem."

"I beg your pardon?" He questioned.

"You still like Caroline. Your feelings for her haven't changed. What happened between us was a mistake. I get it. So leave me alone now."

"Is that the only reason you're upset? Cause a lot didn't change. My feelings for you didn't."

"You have no feelings for me. If you did you would have never kissed me."

"And why not?"

"Because kissing led me on and that hurt me. You don't purposely hurt people you have feelings for or people you care about," I sighed feeling exasperated with this conversation already.

"Who said I meant to hurt you? I didn't know the Caroline thing would bother you."

"Well, it did. And you obviously meant to hurt me because you didn't think twice about blackmailing her into a date or being her date for the Miss Mystic Falls court," I said, biting my lip and looking at the ground to fight back tears that were welling up in my eyes.

"I'm sorry that I hurt you, Allison. Honestly, it wasn't my intention. I do care for you though. I can't seem to stop thinking about you. And Caroline has Tyler. I need to move on," he said and I looked up at him.

"You should have come to that realization when we were in Italy," I snapped and he sighed.

"I couldn't think about Caroline when I was with you. She didn't cross my mind when we had dinner together. Not when we danced and surely not when we kissed," he stated and I rolled my eyes.

"And I didn't cross your mind either when you first saw her when we got back home. So save the lies for someone else and get out of my room and out of my house," I ordered.

"No," he said and I scoffed, shaking my head but still walked into the bathroom with my clothes in my hands. As I went to shut the door Klaus stopped me. He pushed the door open and I crossed my arms, glaring at him.

"What do you want?" I asked tiredly. I was getting more and more upset by the minute.

"You and for you to forgive me."

"I can't right now Klaus!" I shouted and before I knew it he had me pressed against the bathroom wall and his lips were glued to mine. I gasped and that allowed him to deepen the kiss. As his taste burst in my mouth I caved. I began kissing the hot Original back.

"I'm sorry," Klaus told me pulling away from my lips.

"I forgive you but seriously this shouldn't be happening."

"Yes it should. I'm kissing the one girl I've been wanting to kiss all day. I missed you that's why I was calling and texting you all night. I wanted you to keep me company in my big old house," he said and I smiled, blushing.

"I've missed you too. I've been thinking about you all day. And drinking since yesterday to get over you," I admitted and he chuckled.

"Well, stop that immediately," he said and I smiled, pressing my lips back to his. We kissed passionately for a minute and then his phone began to ring. "Don't answer it," I said and he shook his head.

"I have to, love," he told me, stepping away from me and then leaving the bathroom to take his call. I groaned in annoyance but took this opportunity to change into my pajamas.

When I went into my bedroom Klaus was laying on my bed shirtless. "You don't mind if I stay the night, do you, love?" He questioned.

"Not at all," I smiled and he stood up, unbuttoning his jeans and then fully removing them. Now he stood in only his boxers.

"Let's go to bed," Klaus suggested and I nodded, climbing into bed next to him.

"If Tyler or my mom show up you need to hide or leave. You have the vampire hearing, you need to be the alert one."

"You won't get caught, love."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive," he answered, placing a hand under my chin and tugging my face closer so he could place a tender kiss on my lips. "Night, Allison."

"Goodnight Niklaus," I retorted and he chuckled, burying his face in the crook of my neck. After one more kiss on my collar bone, Klaus stopped to let us both get some sleep.

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