Where Do We Go From Here

By TheIdyllicRose

524 13 1

"Was it so easy?" "Letting go and giving up?" Was it? She don't know, or perhaps only she does know, and that... More

Where do we go from here

524 13 1
By TheIdyllicRose

"Ilgaz please don't, Parla can't do it there, she can't be on her own."

"Okay, you won! Okay, your faith and justice!"

"Okay, your faith and justice!"

The words rang in his ears continuously, with an anxious feeling beating in his chest. Ilgaz's steps stopped abruptly in the spacious balcony of his house he was pacing with unrest.

Ceylin will help escape Parla!

Ilgaz's inner mind or intuition or prosecutor's skills or his way of knowing Ceylin, whatever he calls it- said him. He gulped, for first time, wishing in his heart for his thoughts to prove wrong. He doesn't even want to think the wreck it will made of him, if he will face this betrayal from Ceylin.

Ilgaz tried to maintain his composure, and picked his phone, sweeping aside the thoughts threatened to consume his mind all the way. He opened the contact list, to dial his brother's number. Maybe he can give the clarity now.

Just as Ilgaz was about to press the caller button, a notification popped on his screen. It was an unknown number, but the message contained only one single image sent to him.

Ilgaz will lie to himself if he just did not debated internally for brief seconds whether to open the unknown chat or not. But in the end, he did. Knowing that a single image will not take his time.

He was wrong!

And probably regretted it as soon the image opened infront of his eyes.

It was the whole Erguvan family, including Ceylin, was near the airport.

It was more than enough for Ilgaz to have his heart feeling ripped, and all his sanity lost to even question who could have sent him that image.

Ceylin still had outfit she wore in the morning. And Ilgaz certainly wasn't imagining the tears Erguvans had in their eyes.

Ilgaz sighed!

He has to grip the chair besides him to control himself. He was certain he can feel the sharp pain in his chest physically. The pain of apparent betrayal cut right through his heart to his eyes and the whole body.

Ilgaz blinked several times to get his eyes clear again after the allocating tears. And he gulped, to get his mind straight too for what he is about to do.



The hand that was waving at Parla stopped as soon Ceylin turned around hearing her name in cold voice. Her reaction was no different, she felt her body stiffen and froze, upon seeing Ilgaz. More shocking was his red and angry eyes having hint of tears. His face was full of pain, the pain of betrayal he got from his wife. Ceylin was quick to recognise it, because she know she had been there once a time.

Only difference is, Ilgaz was forced in between his families and Yekta made it look like a betrayal, but here, Ceylin actively choose to do it.

Ceylin loudly heard her sister and her mother's loud gasp. She was sure though that Aylin would've been more worried and at verge of breakdown, but she couldn't tear her eyes away from her husband's face, and it seemed neither can him.

This moment wasn't like their any other where they conveyed their love to each other through the eye contacts and a little smile tugged on lips, all wordless.

This was that moment when they sat opposite to each other in the court house's corridor where the whole world that pass infront of them was blur and the only thing visible was their pain- pain of love.

Ceylin was unconsciously aware that the police men passed behind her to take the hold of Parla. She heard her mother and her sister's whimpering and pleads to not ruin their girl's life.

But she knew it was of no use.

Nothing was any of the use now, Ceylin knew it! Not the escaping, not the efforts, not her relationship with her family and neither her marriage.


"Parla kizim..."  Aylin shrieked, going to hold her daughter when Eren hesitantly brought Parla near them.

Ceylin closed her eyes, and turned her face on other side. Only a single drop of tear roll down on her face. She didn't had the capacity to see the hurt she caused her beloved, neither to see her sister being all helpless.

"Parla, come on!"

"There is no use of running now."

Parla was still hesitant, but Aylin took her in arms. Eren took all the Erguvans in custody with help of his subordinate officers.

"Anne..."  Ceylin took her mother's apparent shivering hands in hers.  "Don't worry okay, I will not let you all go there at any cost."  Ceylin tried to console her mother. Her mother looked at her with painful eyes and the fear of her granddaughter possibly getting convicted.

Seeing Gul, Ceylin had to gulp hard to stop the tears furthermore and breaking down. Ceylin's mind was simultaneously filled with all the bitter memories of herself going to jail and how it mentally wrecked her, till this date.


Eren's low and pleading voice told Ceylin she shouldn't take further time, as Eren is bound to do his duty regardless of anyone. Though she felt she should ne thankful for the compassion she received from her dear friend, which someone else wouldn't have ever got.

Ceylin let go of her family, and turned. They all got handcuffed and were ready to be taken. She noticed Ilgaz standing perfectly opposite to her face, his face was outwardly stretched on left side, more than necessary, giving away that he doesn't even want to see her face right now.

Ceylin knew exactly what she was getting herself into, and how this was supposed to happen.

They all walked outside the station and Ceylin once again glanced her whole family that is only left to her, getting in car with the officers.

She looked around to find not any place left for her.

Except for Ilgaz's car!

And the way his husband sat inside, his face leaning towards window, told her he was waiting for someone.

That someone was her!

She was right when all the rest pf vehicles pull away but his doesn't, showing the obvious that he won't leave without his wife. Even after facing probably the most painful betrayal of his life, he still thought about her, and cared for her.

Ilgaz always cared for her even in the most heating and angry moment, never disrespecting her.

And in Ceylin's mind, this is just another reason why she never deserve him. And how Ilgaz too never deserve her - because he is too good for her.


Ceylin stood in the hallway near glass, watching outside world continue living their own lives. The las night in the precinct ended just as she expected, with all the people involved having detention in the precinct for time being. It was so hard for Ceylin seeing her niece helpless going to the place where her family dreaded most their entire life.

Her sister and mother had the breakdown whole night, which Ceylin was hardly able to handle. She made hundred promises to her family reassuring them that she will free her niece, but it was very hard for them to actually comprehen it and giving Ceylin tough time furthermore.

Ceylin didn't budged, kept her gaze and hand on glass, even though she felt a presence coming close to her. And she will know with her eyes closed who was it. Let it be the love and intuition to tell her, or her getting used to her husband's way of walking and presenting himself.
But either way, Ceylin can tell from distances about Ilgaz's presence.

Ilgaz probably wanted answers about why she did it, or he wanted to finally, finally express about how he is finally done with her and constant problems she came with, in his life. This is why she stood in the middle of hallway, knowing Ilgaz will confront her.

She swallowed her thoughts and took the risk of turning around, to have the confronting and heart breaking conversation of her life.

Ceylin sucked her breath unexpectedly, she did not knew what she expected, but the most destroying emotions on his face along with the painfully red eyes was certainly not in the list.
Ilgaz as usual had the charming look, not one hair out of it's place, neither a single crease on his perfectly matched outfit, yet the face of his alone gave away all that could've happened with him today.

"Was it so easy?"

"Letting go and giving up?"

A single question he asked her, breaking all her strength right there and then again.

Was it?

She don't know. Or perhaps only she does know. But she did not have an answer for that. She did not knew how to open her heart and pour away all that of inside her. She was never taught to do that. And her attempt to change in past months wasn't enough to teach her to deal this complicate matter, as this has not happened before with Ilgaz.

So she chose what she can do better and have been doing it all her life.

She ran away!

But she can't explain that. Honestly, Ceylin did not had that much courage to accept it.

"Don't know." Ceylin tried to keep her face straight in attempt to stop the tears on edge threatening to fall.  "But that is what I have been good at, giving up and never looking back. Is that what you want to say?"  Ceylin managed to say with a hoarde voice.

"I don't know what should I say Ceylin, god damn, I don't even know if I have that right anymore, because you never stopped back to hear what I had to say. You just went and did what you wanted, again!"  Ilgaz fired back.

His words stabbed like a knife in Ceylin's heart, but she knew that was the truth anyways. And isn't that's what she wanted anyways, for Ilgaz to push her away. So Ceylin consoled herself with the fact that she succeeded in what she aimed to.

A throbbing sensation took over Ceylin's head, which caused her eye sight to blurr for some seconds, but Ceylin had no regards for what is an acute pain infront of her heart. She blinked several times to clear her eyes.

Ceylin opened her mouth to say something, but the unexpected blackness suddenly took over her eyes and she felt as if she lost her balance.

Last thing Ceylin knew was she heard her name from the mouth of Ilgaz in the most anguished voice of Ilgaz she could've heard.


Ceylin: Because I had to do it Eren, there was not any other way.

Eren: Ceylin you literally show like you are betraying Ilgaz, you showed like you gave up on your marriage. For God's sake how is this any better?

Ceylin: I betrayed Ilgaz the moment I choose to hide the truth from him and choose my family above him Eren. This is only better for Ilgaz, because all I did was create problems for him.

Ceylin: I made a very big mistake by agreeing to my sister, my mind wasn't working when she said she will do something to herself. I knew Parla will never be able to live hiding a crime, and I didn't had courage to hide from Ilgaz that I knew his grand father is innocent. I had to take Parla away so she will be able to get off this case in right way and I have to show Ilgaz that I'm not worth it.

Eren: Ceylin, have you gone mad? Ilgaz will understand you were manipulated by your family, he will understand you had to do it. You still have time Ceylin, please don't do it.

Ceylin: He will understand Eren, he always did. But he doesn't have to, it's high time he shouldn't be the only one to make sacrifice in thi relationship.

Eren: Ceylin but...

Eren presses the stop button of recording for the conversation he had with Ceylin, it wasn't a whole, but it was clearly understood that Eren started in middle of conversation, and as Eren predicted, it turned out useful, knowing how stubborn Ceylin can get.

By no means Eren would've saw Ceylin destroying her own marriage, pushing away the only person who clearly gave her more happiness than any person in her life did.

The speechless demeanor of Ilgaz said it all. His utter lack of words might have broke out a war in Ilgaz's mind battling between how he couldn't see Ceylin's another step of self-destruction and how he could believe the play she displayed infront of him.

This was the second shock of the day Ilgaz got, first was Ceylin suddenly fainting leaving him worried considering Ceylin's previously deteriorated mental health.

Eren knew Ilgaz will have more stress added to himself, and probably some guilt too, knowing him. But this was for the better, and Eren did what a true friend needed to do.

Ilgaz sighed heavily.

"Who clicked the photo?"

"Eh... Tolga did! Ceylin pursued him saying there's something she is planning and he should not tell you, but Tolga told me yesterday after the arrest of everyone."  Eren revealed to him.

Ilgaz sunk on the chair, near which he was standing, covering his face with his hands. He can't fully grasp the way their life changed drastically in one day, when they were having best time of their life just two days ago.

And even till this point yet, Ilgaz doesn't know how to accept it all.

The knock of nurse brought Ilgaz back from his trance of continuous thought about new revelation he had an hour ago about Ceylin. Ilgaz still hasn't figured out how to deal with his big feelings, but he knew he had to do it. And he knew what he had to do.

The nurse smiled at him entering the room, which he faintly returned.

"Let me check the blood pressure of the patient. And hopefully doctor said the reports will be be back in an hour or so."  The woman politely informed Ilgaz.

Extracting the necessary instruments among the things she held, she performed necessary steps on Ceylin, checking the lawyer's blood pressure and noting it down. She also did a short check up for the safety purposes.

Ilgaz watched as Ceylin remained unconscious the same way she had been from two hours now. He was praying and waiting for his wife to open her eyes safe and sound, that was enough for him.

Nurse exited the room giving the couple privacy again. Ilgaz knew people generally wasn't allowed in the room with patients, and this is most definitely his State Prosecutor's card giving him this benefit, but if he will be honest, he is a little selfish today to not care about it, since it's matter of Ceylin.
And he knew he always loved to be selfish whenever it came to Ceylin.

He was informed a little over an hour ago that the stress certainly brought Ceylin to the bed- once again- and she needs serious psychiatric evaluation considering her declining mental health over past year and the continuous tragedy upon her not giving her a chance to catch break- once again-

And that was then when it dawned on Ilgaz that how much Ceylin needs professional help. Sure she appeared to be all normal, sure he managed to recover from her loved ones death and sure they had relatively perfect life together, but at the end of the day, she is human, who had scars from past, which was never healed.
And they bleed at times like this.

Ilgaz really understood this, when he was informed by Eren that Ceylin played the betrayal game to get Parla finally at verdict she needs primarily, but secondarily to push Ilgaz away by making him believe that all she is someone who betrays and never deserves to be with him.

It breaks his heart a little more everytime remembering that Ceylin had to pull this act, that how much of abandonment issue she has to assume she is not worthy of love the moment something goes wrong or she makes a mistake.
The realisation is painfully real and though he is still understandably hurt, he knew she needs a lot of work to see herself the way she is, the way he sees her, and even their marriage requires some real acts.

But he knew, everytime and anything he would do is definitely worth his woman.

What seemed like after forever, Ilgaz put a brake to his running musing, when he felt some light movements on his hand which was tangled with Ceylin's. He lightened the grip on her to give her more freedom to move her muscles, and as expected she did.

Ceylin's breath pattern had a noticeable difference which was obvious that she woke up. And just then, she opened her eyes. The relief flooded inside Ilgaz seeing ger opening her beautiful green eyes he always adored.

Ceylin gave Ilgaz a glance and turned her head to register her surrounding. She did efforts to get up, but her body seemed like holding her back.

Ilgaz gently helped Ceylin getting up, and made her sit by taking support of the bed.

"Are you okay Ceylin?"  Ilgaz softly asked her, while not leaving his entwined hand with her.

Ceylin nodded her head in yes, assuring him she is fine.  "Do you want water?"  Ilgaz asked again.

"No..." Ceylin shook her head and closed her eyes for some seconds. Ilgaz knew she was worn out.

"Ceylin..."  She opened her eyes upon hearing her name.  "I will inform the doctor that you are up."

Ceylin was clearly getting agitated by increasing questions of the doctor, her face said she just wanted to be left alone. The doctor updated Ilgaz about her situation, and assured him that Ceylin was absolutely fine physically for time being and explained the couple that she needs precautionary measures from any stress and heavy situations.

Ilgaz mentally noted all of that, and assured the doctor he will take care of it all, and of Ceylin too.

Ceylin was fixated on getting discharge from the hospital, as for her, since she is fine, there is no need for the extend stay. Ceylin did not liked at all, when the doctor suggested to wait until her reports comes out confirming everything is fine.

Ilgaz supressed his urge to giggle seeing Ceylin's tantrum for trying everything to convince doctor for the discharge like a child doing everything within for a chocolate.
But the doctor kept his professionalism as he seemed trained to deal with such situations.

Ilgaz quickly thanked him, as he exited the room. Ceylin sighed, not wanting to stay even for seconds there. And Ilgaz happened to notice the way Ceylin was constantly avoiding any eye contacts or basically any contact with Ilgaz.

Just like she always did!

She even tried occasionally to seperate her hands, but Ilgaz kept his firm grip and acted like he didn't just witnessed it. He knew Ceylin felt in her heart that she does not deserve Ilgaz and Ilgaz is by her side right now just to fulfill his duty.

Ilgaz had his sturdy eyes on Ceylin, which she was avoiding at every cost. And it made Ilgaz more determinant to confront her.

"I... I want to sleep."  Ceylin said, and pulled the cover on herself.

Ilgaz almost wanted to laugh at Ceylin's very lame attempt to ignore him.

Ilgaz hold the cover midways, and rested it properly on Ceylin's leg as it was before.

"Really Ceylin?"  Ilgaz raised his brows.  "You did not even wanted to sit here till minutes ago, and now you want to sleep?" Ilgaz sarcastically questioned her.

Ceylin's expressions morphed offensive very quickly but she did not protested at all. She just settled with rolling ger eyes to show her disagreement.

Ilgaz exhaled deeply. He knew it's probably now or never, and he ain't leaving any chance related to her.

"Why you did it Ceylin?"

Ilgaz watched Ceylin freezing again, with the question. She was definitely not ready for this, but Ilgaz knew this has to be done. He is not letting their relationship go over Ceylin's manipulative family, neither will he let Ceylin do it, knowing very well Ceylin have no intentions to live without him.

"I really thought our love was more stronger than you pretending to betray me!"  Ilgaz revealed and in seconds he saw the realisation on Ceylin's face

Ceylin gasped, nearly to the point that tears started accumulating in her eyes. Ceylin seemed too weak to give explanation now. Ilgaz took Ceylin's other hand in his, squeezing. He stood and sat besides Ceylin on spare space.

She clenched her legs together bringing it to her face, Ceylin sobbed loudly now. Ilgaz brought Ceylin's face to his shoulder, she wrapped her arms around his torso. The urgency in Ceylin's touch told him how much she needed him, not that it was any different for Ilgaz.

Ilgaz closed his eyes and stroked her hairs gently, letting Ceylin take out all she had been holding. He kissed on side of her forehead.

Ceylin backed up and faced him, she still has tears in her eyes, buf didn't left Ilgaz.

"Ilgaz I am so sorry I did not knew what to do. I knew my sister would never have let me hand over Parla and I felt so guilty that day asking you to hide the video in desperation. I thought this is what I should do. I..."  Ceylin sobbed while trying to explain herself in hurry.

Ilgaz's heart ache even more seeing Ceylin had to explain herself and that she never had relationship where things could be solved like mature adults.

"It's okay Ceylin, calm down!". Ilgaz pulled back Ceylin's head and wiped her tears with his fingers.

"I don't know what to do, I don't know how will I move on from this Ilgaz, I don't know how our relationship will proceed from this, I am so helpless Ilgaz!"  Ceylin sighed in tears. Her eyes were clearly hopeless and exhausted.

It was understood Ceylin was all despaired because she probably never had people in her life worth giving efforts, instead all they did was constantly use her for their needs and forget her existence.

Ilgaz had all hopes and believe in Ceylin that with all the efforts she can be that partner too who gives and receives love equally, rather than her nature which is all about giving.

"We will pass it Ceylin, not only this but every problems we will dace together in future, we will solve it hand in hand. But I need you in this, we will fight, we will not talk with each other, we will sleep in seperate rooms, we will even not eat food if necessary, but I believe in our love that we can move on from every problems if we are together and willing to do it."

Ceylin broke down completely in Ilgaz's arm, having heard such words from her loved one was something she never expected, sure Ilgaz loved her, more than anyone, but in her mind not enough to be willing to keep the relationship with her even after her mistakes.

"Just don't leave my hand Ceylin, I promise we will overcome anything together. Can't you see Ceylin, I love you and I am ready to face anything as long I have you by my side."  Ilgaz pleaded, almost as if begging Ceylin to see the depth of his love, as if he is convincing her that there is no seperation between them until he takes his last breath.

"But you should not Ilgaz. You should not destroy yourself like this because of me Ilgaz. You don't have any obligation."  Ceylin argued.

Ilgaz sighed closing his eyes. He felt himself getting agitated, not because of Ceylin, but because he felt he was failing, failing in keeping them together.
But he was trying to not lose his hopes.

"I will do it because I want to Ceylin. Not because I see it as obligation or duty, I want to put efforts, and I want you with me because I love you!"  Ilgaz desperately stated.

With each words, Ilgaz gripped Ceylin's hand tighter, wanting to show Ceylin his affection through every possible way. Ilgaz realised Ceylin's sob subsiding. Her posture calmed, and he can see the vulnerable look appearing in her eyes, which she only and only reserved for him, as her subconscious trust allowed her to.

Ilgaz cupped Ceylin's cheek, and wiped the remaining tears on her face. Somewhere inside him, he hated that they had to go through this here, with Ceylin's already sensitive health. But he knew, avoiding the confrontation means their issue will not be solved anytime soon, for which Ilgaz had no patience from the moment Eren gave him the news.

Ceylin took a deep breath, and for the first time today, she reciprocated his endearment. Ceylin interlocked their fingers pulling it close to her.

"Ilgaz I am scared."  Ceylin finally revealed. She continued. "I am so scared of myself, if I will ruin everything...again."  Ceylin's voice broke at the end of her sentence. Ilgaz brought her knuckles to his lips, and gave a light kiss.

"You will not Ceylin. I believe you, you will never ruin anything for me. Just stay by my side, that is all I want."  Ceylin nodded, tears pooled in the corner of her eyes again, but the hint of gratefulness was clearly visible in her gaze.

"Will you ever be able to forgive me?" Ceylin whispered to Ilgaz, not knowing if he will ever forgive her drives Ceylin to edge.

"Ceylin... Look I am hurt, very hurt, but at same time I understand where you comes from."  Ceylin lowered her eyes, she was having hard time processing someone understanding her.

Though Ilgaz has been the most supportive and selfless person she ever met, Ceylin still struggles with her self doubt whenever she is met with wise and understanding attitude from her opposite one.
The aspect of someone loving Ceylin and willingly making efforts to amend still makes her uncomfortable after being habitual of years of solitude and cold shoulders.

Ilgaz continues.  "I am not angry with you, to not forgive you. I am hurt and understand the position you were put in. Maybe we will still lots of work to do, to solve this issue, but I can never have any ill feelings for you in my heart forever."

He completed, with Ceylin nodding once again. As much she was grateful, she was finding words to express herself, her gratitude and her agreement with Ilgaz, but she failed. Hence settling for actions and expression, hoping one last time for Ilgaz to read her. And she made her mind to do whatever it takes to work out their relationship from now on.

"One last thing Ceylin, I was thinking we should do something that will be very helpful." Ilgaz shared his opinion.

"What?" Ceylin said.  "Running away to Kapadokya forever?"

They both laughed out at her unexpected response. Surely, Kapadokya proved to be heaven for them, in every terms for sure!

"I mean, that is good idea too."  They both smiled. Ilgaz and Ceylin can never deny tye possibility of something that will bring them peace, a rare factor in their life.

"But I was thinking how about if we join therapy, and couple counseling if necessary?"  Ilgaz raised his brows, asking her, and hoping Ceylin won't take it in wrong way, moreover her consent is must.

"Hmmm..."  Ceylin shifted closer to Ilgaz, and cupped his cheeks affectionately. Ilgaz made sure to return her gesture with full heart.  "I think it's a good idea, I really need it."

"We both need it."  They chuckled once again, but the sound of their giggle died down with their lips meeting.

Ilgaz pecked her lips once again, just when Ceylin thought they are done. His notorious stealing made Ceylin giggle, the best sound Ilgaz heard today.

"Ilgaz thank you so much, for never giving up on me. I can never put in words how much I am grateful for it."  Ceylin expressed what was itching in her chest to get out.

Ilgaz grinned whole heartedly, he knew for certain Ceylin valued him, but he felt somewhat content hearing it from her, and he undoubtedly intend to return the very same to her wife.

On the part of Ilgaz's welcome, he stole another sweet kiss from Ceylin, leaving her with the same smile smeared on his face.

No wonder they questions how did the couple managed to came back from Kapadokya with their sanity still intact.


Ilgaz had to stop making the table in midway, as Ceylin's absence bothered him. It has been more than ten minutes dinner was ready and it was a shocker that tue kitchen wasn't loud due to Ceylin's impatience bicker for food.

He entered the bedroom to see his wife sitting on bed and glaring at the screen. Maybe that gave Ilgaz a possible idea of her silence, other than the hormonal sickness and sleep.

"What happened sevgilim?". Ilgaz rested his hand on Ceylin's belly fr behind and kissed on the side of her head.

Ceylin tilted the mobile's screen and he read the message on screen. It was a detailed plead from her mother-in-law for Ceylin, requesting to meet, so that she can take of her daughter just like how mother's should, and that her upcoming grandchild will have the only grandparent from baby's mother's side.

Ilgaz felt a pang of hurt in his chest seeing the mention of grandparent for their baby. It has been a year and half since Ceylin limited her contact with her family. She successfully acquitted Parla, and collapsed like never before.

Ceylin had the most hard time those days with her family's manipulation weighing more and more on her. And some complicated days, she finally took the decision to cut her family for good. Even then, she struggled a lot and finally with conclusion of limited the contact to phone calls once or twice in month settled for her.

All those time, Ceylin had Ilgaz by her side giving her more strength than ever. She cried many nights enduring distance from her only family that is left after loss, she also cried tears of agony after finding out her pregnancy with realisation that her child may not have her only grandmother's presence actively.

But she always knew it was for good, and she always found Ilgaz comforting her with every means he had, and even going beyond.

"Are you upset Ceylin?"  Ilgaz softly asked rubbing her belly, just the way she loves. Ceylin smiled feeling the soft warmth of his hand  on her stomach.

"A little bit."  Ceylin said.  "But I am fine now"  Ceylin turned to see Ilgaz and smiled at him. He gladly returned the favour.

"Are you not hungry?" Ilgaz asked tucking her hairs behind ears, earning a mischievous smile from her.

Ceylin eyed the exposed chest of Ilgaz peeked from the upper part of shirt. The combination of his messy hair, open shirt and folded sleeves does so many things to insides of Ceylin without fail.

"Ofcourse I am. In fact, my hunger just increased tenfold."  Ceylin replied with hint of smirk on her lips which Ilgaz definitely noticed, seeing the way he licked his lips in anticipation.

Ceylin grabbed the collar of her husband and brought his face to claim his juicy lips having ability go solve many problems of her life.

"Oh, looks like someone is very hungry. I will be damned if I will let my wife fo hungry."  Ilgaz replied with same passion Ceylin held, and tugged a bunch of her hairs in his fist.

The sloppily make out as Ceylin wrapped her arms around his neck. They broke the trail of kiss for a minute as Ilgaz helps Ceylin to lie behind with the support of bedrest. He carefully leaned towards her, as to not place any pressure on her belly.

"Your wife is impressed dear prosecutor. Turns out you are not only efficient in your office work, but on your home works too." Ceylin winked at him, and bit her lips to stop the giggles.

Ilgaz looked at her with amusing and intense gaze, not failing to be surprised everytime by his wife's bold claims and lines.

"I am an expert Avukat Hanim, and I intend to show you over and over again gladly."  Ceylin laughed out loud, as she can never get enough of the inner self of Ilgaz she gets to witnessed on special moments, like this!

"That would be my pleasure, Sevgilim."


I hope you like it dear Lia.
When I got to know I was writing for you, I was excited and nervous at same time, thinking I have to write for my favourite writer on whose fictions I dotted on from months 🤭

It felt a little complicated at first, because IlCey needs their essence they carry.
Also, considering the sensitive plot IlCey has been on, I tried to do justice with the characters as much as I can. I don't intend to show Ceylin as right one at all, and deep inside I can't consider what she did as right no matter how much I understand her.
And that is why, my point here was to show the conflict they could've solved!

And lastly, thank you for reading!

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