A Monarchs Redemption [My Fir...

By AshuraStories

23.4K 394 379

Time Travel, something that only occur in fairy tails or stories where someone or something ends up in a comp... More

Chapter 1: A Second Chance - Part 1
Chapter 2: A Second Chance - Part 2
Chapter 2: Doubts
Chapter 3: May's Wish
Chapter 4: Moving Forward...
Chapter 6: Champions...
Special Chapters Part 1: The Decision...
Chapter 7: Legends Meeting
Chapter 8 - Astrid
Chapter 9 - Unexpected Meeting
Special Chapter: Part 2 - A Prime Wedding (1/2)
Update Announcement!!!!!!!!

Chapter 5: Max's Suffering...

2K 33 29
By AshuraStories

Hey there everyone!! AshuraStories here and welcome to Chapter 5 of A Monarch Redemption. Happy 2023 everyone and i wish you all a happy life this year!! Im currently writing the first few parts of this chapter a day after Chapter 4 was published and im just finishing it on the end of the third week of January since i was very busy with school after the winter break. So yeah…

Also, i noticed that some of you guys commented that the girl i showed at the end of Chapter 4 was either Dawn or Serena and all i just wanna say is that im adding a bit of oil to the fire. What i mean by this is that Ash will be more suprised than you guys when he finds out who this girl is, of course I'll be manipulating a few things to make you guys think your guesses are right or wrong but trust me you'll all be suprised on what i had in store for Ash. Anyways lets get on with the chapter since what im saying probably doesnt make any sense in the slightest…

[Quick Note: Im adding a narrator from now on, he won't appear that much but ill add him at the start and end scenes of every chapter…]

Two Days After May & Max Parted Ways With Ash, Pikachu & Brock and had just arrived home

The Narrator: It was a very great day in Petalburg City, the Taillow's and Pidgey's chirping, cars and trucks honking, the streets of petalburg city bustling, its such a wonderful and peaceful day in the hoenn region.


The Narrator: Okay, almost a peaceful day…

Location: Petalburg City - The Maple Household

No One's P.O.V

"Please Spare Me!!!!!!" Max yelled as he was running around the house with a raging May not too far behind with a giant mallet in her hand. "I wasn't the one who knocked you out!! It was Ash who did it!!" he added as he jumped to dodge the mallet as it crashed down onto the floor.

"And you didn't make Ash back come home with us, with me!! Now those hungry hussies might've seen him walk around the town after we left and now are pursuing him to try and be his girlfriend!!" May retorted shouting as she delivers another swing that made a dent in the wall with Max's face under the mallet a few inches away. "So why did you let him leave!!" she added as she pulled back the mallet.

"I had no choice!! After he gave me his farewell gifts to me and said that they could help me get stronger in the future i was stuck in a daze trying to figure out what his words meant!!" Max shouted but quickly realized he twisted a few of his words and his face goes pale as he looks at may slowly. "M-may, its not what it looks like, i made a mistake, one of those was actually…" he said trying to correct his words but he immediately jolted in fear as soon as he saw May's face.

"What did you say? Ash gave you a farewell gift but didn't get me one? Hahaha…" May said as she stepped back while holding her face and laughed a bit maniacally before looking at Max with a seductive yet twisted look. "Oh Max, it seems like your also trying to take My Ash away from me like those hussies back in kanto. I never expected my little brother to betray me like this. Oh well…" she added as she gets ready for another swing.

"What!? Hold on May!! You misunder…" just before Max could finish his sentence, May interrupted her. "Oh dont worry, ill make it as painless as possible so please stay still okay?" she asked with an innocent face and smile.


It was at this day that Max had learned to never ever let May see or even get a glance or peek at Ash together with another girl ever again. It then took the whole day for May to be calmed down since she kept demanding to see Ash and have him cook her lunch. Calling Ash was impossible because their house's video phone was in pieces and the pokemon centers video phones were undergoing maintenance which made May get irritated even more cause she cant see Ash but Max miraculously somewhat or somehow replicated what Ash had cooked up for them before they parted ways that passed may's taste buds. Also, if your all wondering how these two pair of siblings were able to run amok inside the house without getting stopped by their parents then the answer is very simple, both Norman & Caroline were the first to be caught up in the start of the uproar. This happened because both of them along with Max were eating lunch discussing what happened for May to be unconcious when they arrived home but then suddenly May entered the room with the giant mallet in her hands. She started going on a rampage and didn't care on who got caught in her rampage, that sadly included both of their parents.

Half Month Later With Ash & Pikachu In The Kanto Region

Location: Pallet Town - The Ketchum Residence

Ash's P.O.V

It has been half a month since my journey with May & Max ended and its been pretty much normal just like how i remembered. Me and Pikachu arrived back home right before dinner since we had to make a few detour's to meet a few friends along the way. The moment we arrived home, me and pikachu were given a bone crushing hug from my mother that lasted until my and pikachu's spine were mere inches away from cracking. We then decided to eat dinner before heading straight to bed due to fatigue and i decided to tell all of the things that happened during my travels in Hoenn to my mom once again with me and pikachu excluding the fact that i time-traveled back into the past from the future.

"Ash!! Breakfast is ready!!" I heard my mom shout from the kitchen.

"Coming Mom!!" I yelled out and quickly exited my room with Pikachu on my shoulder wearing a dark blue jacket over my standard plain black T-Shirt and dark grey jeans and headed to the dining table and proceeded to eat the pancakes mom made while Pikachu began eating some leftover electric type pokemon food i had made the day before. Mom and Mimey was of course a bit shocked to find out i could actually cook now but quickly brushed it off since they think i learned it from Brock which if im being honest? Its very much a fact. Brock along side Cilian, Clemont, and a few other friends taught me how to cook properly when we attended a picnic gathering me and Pikachu organized when we were given a week off from my duties as the World Monarch.

"So Ash, i had been wanting to ask you something. Would it be possible for you to answer truthfully?" my mom said to me as i was eating with Pikachu.

Me and Pikachu were both of course confused a bit and we both raised one of our eyebrows towards her. "Uh sure mom but can i ask what is it mom?" I asked her and she seemed to let out a sigh of relief.

She then took a deep breath and looked at me with a serious face. "Ash are you and Norman & Caroline's daugther, May dating?" she asked which of course caused both me and Piakchu to choke on our food due to us being shocked and got caught of guard.

"W-what did you say mom?! What makes you say?!" I shouted as me and Pikachu look at her with disbelief. "Pika Pika!!" my partner shouted saying he also wanting moms reason for asking that question.

"Well ive been getting calls every two days from both Norman and Caroline about May demanding to see you. They kept saying she's been going around their house chasing Max whenever she's reminded of the way you guys parted ways" my mom explained as she placed her hand on her cheek while her eye's are closed and she has a smile on her face. "She also kept demanding to have you cook her food. I guess the saying: The Best Way To A Mans Heart Is Through His Stomach but i guess it also works the other way around" she added as she lets out a giggle.

Upon hearing this, both me and Pikachu could only let out a nervous laugh with nervous expression's. "C-come on mom, May is like a little sister to me. Sure i taught her a few things along our journey but i only did it since i thought of her as a little sister eager to learn something new from her big bro" i said with nervously.

"Pika Pikachu" my partner chirped in agreement as he nodded his head but as if on cue. "Oh right!! May's Eevee also kept demanding to see you Pikachu" my mom suddenly said causing Pikachu's face to go pale and horror as he immediately went to my lap in the blink of an eye and tapped his pokeball which was placed onto my belt before getting sucked in.

"Oh my~ It seems like Pikachu doesn't want to hear anything about May's Eevee huh? Wonder why…" my mom innocently wondered having no clue on the matter.

"I think its best you dont ever find out mom, its a kinda hard for him to talk about it…" i stated calmly, not shocked by Pikachu's behavior one bit. "I understand dear…oh right i had nearly forgotten. Prof. Oak called me on the phone just this morning saying that he wanted to see you at his laboratory later after breakfast" my mom said to me as we continued to eat.

"I see, thanks for telling me mom. Ill go there later after i take care of the dishes and clean my room" i stated as i take the last bite of my meal but i wash suddenly given a bone crushing hug. "Oh Ash!! My baby boys finally all grown up!! Mommy's so proud of you!!" My mom shouted as she loudly squealed in joy.

"M-mom, can't b-breath…" i said trying to get away due to me not being able to breath any oxygen but unsurprisingly, my mom didn't let go and continued to try and kill me unintentionally for atleast five minutes before letting go and asking to just go clean my room and be on my way. It then took me about half an hour to clean my room and freshen up before going towards the professor's lab. It only took me about another five minutes to reach it since it was on top of the hill at the outskirts of Pallet Town.

Upon arriving at the lab, i was greeted by none other than my best friend and rival Gare Bear or commonly known as Gary Oak. He said that the professor was at the ranch outside on the back and letted me in so that we could go meet him but unsurprisingly, all of my pokemon who were from my travels in Kanto, the Orance Islands, Johto who were at the ranch at the time which currently only consisted of: Bayleef, Totodile, Cyndaquil, Heracross, Noctowl, Kingler, Muk, Snorlax, Donphan, Bulbasaur and my herd of Tauros came charging straight towards me and Gary which we both tried to move out of the way but inevitably, we got rammed hard and were both sent flying off. We were both then got taken back inside to get ourselves checked and it seemed like Gary got two broken ribs and a twisted ankle from the impact of our fall while i only suffered minor bruises which he annoyingly asked me how did i even come out with ony a few scratches while he practically got a beat down. Upon hearing this though, both Prof. Oak and my good pal Tracey couldn't help but laugh at Gary and told him that my bodies stronger than his to be able to withstand getting rammed by a horde of pokemon which got him ticked and started ranting pointless excuses. I then remembered what i came to the lab for and had just decided to ask the professor directly. "Hey Prof. Oak, mom said you wanted to see me?" I asked the professor as he realized what i meant and just nodded.

"Oh right, i wanted to see you so that i can update your Trainer I.D now" the professor stated which got Gary and Tracey a bit confused on what the professor meant by that statement by i on the other hand had my eye's widen.

"N-no way, this scene was suppose to happen when i reach the age of 20!! Not after i just finished my journey through Hoenn!!" I shouted inside my head clearly shocked on what the professor had just said. The reason being was because when i turned 20, that was when i learned that i could've had my carrying limit increased along with a few other perks due to all of the achievements i accumilated over the years. After the update, i found out that i could bring along a total of 12 of my pokemon. "U-umm, can you explain what you meant professor?! Im k-kinda confused here…" i asked trying to act confused and shocked aswell since it would be suspicious that i know what the professor already meant.

"Oh right, i didnt explained this to you both when you started your journeys huh? Well all i wanted to say is that due to the achievements Ash had accomplished throughout his journey such as winning the Pokemon League in the Orange Islands aswell as defeating the entire Battle Pyramid, i can now update your Trainer I.D or Data to let you use some new perks such as instead of your pokemon carrying limit being only 6, after im done placing your achievements in your Trainer I.D then it will increase to 9" the professor explained which both Gary and Tracey were shocked about.

"So your saying that Ash can have his carry limit increased?!" Tracey shouted with his jaws agape. "Is that even possible gramps!? You serious!?" Gary added clearly shocked from the information he just heard with Tracey.

"Why yes its possible Gary, you can also have this perk if you can win a Pokemon League and if become the Champion of that region. Since its Ash's first time having his Trainer I.D updated with his achievements such as winning the Orange League and defeating the Battle Pyramid, his carrying limit would be randomly be increased from 7-9. If he becomes a champion then his carrying limit would've been increased to 12 immediately since thats the maximum limit a trainer can have" the professor explained to me along with Gary and Tracey who somewhat calmed down.

"So my carrying limit could've increased by only one when you update my Trainer I.D?" I asked the professor and he just chuckled and nodded.

"Yes indeed, luckily for you Ash it landed on 9 so you can have 3 extra pokemon with you now, although you can only use 6 in battle just like before. It wouldn't be fair if your opponent only had 6 pokemon while you have 9 of your pokemon" Prof. Oak explained. "I also took the liberty updating your Trainer Data for you a couple of days ago and i only need your pokedex now to complete the process and you'll be good to go" he added and i took out my pokedex out of my pocket and handed it to the professor who immediately went straight to his computer and began doing the necessary updates on my Trainer I.D or Data. The whole process took atleast all day since the professors tech was way behind compared to the technology he will have in the future but after it was all done, i was now able to carry up to 9 pokemon when im traveling. It was then about an hour before dusk when i was able to arrive back home and just like before, i was given one of my moms deadly hugs that nearly broke my spine again. I then quickly ate dinner, took a shower and went straight to bed where i had pikachu come out of his pokeball and tell him what happened after he just entered his pokeball this morning and just like my reaction, Pikachu was shocked to know i already had my carry limit increased by three.

Meanwhile, At The Same Time With The Maple Family In Hoenn

Location: Petalburg City - The Maple Household

Norman's P.O.V

Its been half a month since May and Max had ended their journey with Ash and Brock. Both of my children are both back home safe and sound but im not sure if that'll be the case for long. Why you might ask? Well…

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" Max screamed as i could hear almost all of our furniture being shattered or destroyed. "Why are you still trying to kill me!? Its been half a month now and your still upset about what happened!?" he added, as i could hear what seemed to be…

"MAX!!!! You said Ash would call me when i arrive at the pokemon center!!" May yelling at her little brother so loud that it can even rival Groudon's roar.

"But he messaged me on the phone that he'll call…" my son tried to explain but it seems like his last bit of luck has left his side. Why? Well its because…

"Max if your talking about Ash calling us then he just called us after May left to go to the Pokemon Center!! Did you forget that!? You even talked to him for half an hour!!" my wife shouted from the kitchen and i immediately grabbed her and blitzed to my gym's battlefield before locking the door. It was then after i had sealed the door shut that me and my wife heard Groudon's roar inside our house and Max's horrified scream was even louder which caused a few of our windows to crack.

"So umm, should we go call Ash again? We have a spare video phone at the basement" my wife asked and i let out an exhausted sigh before nodding my head slowly. We both then headed out to our house's basement and dialed Ash's mom, Delia's number and we only waited atleast half an hour before it was answered.

"Yes?" A brown haired woman asked as she was standing infront of the screen wearing her pajama's. "Oh!! Norman and Caroline hello there!!" the woman greeted and we both gave her a wave indicating we were saying hello.

"Hello to you too Delia!! Sorry if we called you when your about to go to bed but we really need to talk to Ash about what we talked about a few days ago" I stated and she seemed to have become a bit nervous when i brought it up.

"Umm about that…" she spoke in a nervous tone as she scratched her cheek with a finger. "Ash said that he and May are not dating at all. He only sees her as a little sister…" she clarified and as if on cue, the door broke down and when caroline and i looked back we saw May holding a giant mallet with her eye's glowing red while she's holding Max by the collar.

"I want to see my Ash!! Where is he!! I wont let anyone have him!! He's mine!!" May screamed. "Oh my~ it seems like my son seemed to have conquered your daugthers heart too much and made her a bit possessive of him huh?" Delia said through the phone.

"Mrs. Ketchum!! Is my Ash there?! Is he taking care of his health?! Has he said anything about me?! Have those hungry hussies from Terracott Town been bothering him!? Just tell me and ill head over there and turn them all into smoldering pieces of flesh!!" May asked as she rushed over to the video phone after tossing Max to the side and started asking Delia a ton of questions which lasted for about an hour. By some miracle though, Delia managed to calm my daugther down and tell her what Ash thought about her. May was silent for a solid minute before she looked back at the screen with a big smile on her face.

"I see, thank you for telling me then. Im tired now so ill go take a nap in my room then…" May stated as she seemed to be fighting her urge to cry. She then proceeded to bow her head to all of us present and she headed towards her room and as the doors was slammed shut, May started crying her heart out yelling the words: Why!?, Am i not good enough!?, Ash i need you!!, Please come back to me!! or around those words. She probably took this as some sort of rejection from Ash and Delia not approving of May wanting to be Ash's lover. Although, i highly doubt that if Im being honest…

Meanwhile, somewhere in two unknown chambers

No One's P.O.V

In a Room thats decorated with glowing Crystals

As May was crying her heart out, a small little entity seemed to have awakened and heard her voice. "Mama's crying, why? Why is she calling out to Papa? Did Papa leave Mama? Thats not possible, Papa loves Mama so much. So why is Mama crying?" the little entity thought to itself as it slowly glows blue before going back to sleep.

Meanwhile, in an ocean cave under a giant revenge under the sea floor

Another being seemed to have sensed May's cries and its eye's quickly opened and it letted out a roar. "Who dares hurt my champion!! I knew letting that lizards champion be her mate was a bad idea!! You will pay for bringing sorrow to her in my presence!!" the unknown being roared in fury causing a storm to occur out of nowhere above the water.

The Narrator: It would seem two unknown beings have been awakened by May's sorrow. Who are these beings and why did one of then call May its mother? Who is the father? Who is the other unknown being who calls May its Champion? An unknown mystery has unfold upon our heroes. Find out more, as the journey continues…


Hey gang!! You guys have reached the end of Chapter 5 of this story and i hoped you liked it. Sorry if this chapter was very short but i promise ill try to make Chapter 6 longer but ill be focusing on my new story now since i only have the character introduction their but fear not, ill atleast try and publish Chapter 1 & Chapter 2 of that story by the end of the month since my exams are next week so yeah, have a great day guys and see ya all in the next one. AshuraStories signing out!!

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