Karna: The Unsung Hero

By LeshmiRajan

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Abandoned at birth, the son of Suryadev, Karna was raised by Radha and Adhiratha who belonged to the chariote... More

Chapter One: Abandoned
Chapter Two: Acceptance
Chapter Three: Red cloth
Chapter Four: A Painful Story (Part One)
Chapter Five: A Painful Story (Part Two)
Chapter Six: The Almighty's Boon
Chapter Seven: Unknown Feelings
Chapter Eight: Decision
Chapter Nine: Meeting Him
Chapter Ten: Becoming His Student
Chapter Eleven: Education
Chapter Twelve: Right Vs Wrong
Chapter Thirteen: Threatened
Chapter Fourteen: Fulfilment
Chapter Fifteen: Meeting One Another
Chapter Sixteen: Reunion Of Two Souls
Chapter Seventeen: A Shocking Secret (Part One)
Chapter Nineteen: A Shocking Secret (Part Three)
Chapter Twenty: Rising Anger
Chapter Twenty-One: Beginning Of A New Education
Chapter Twenty-Two: Creating a path
Chapter Twenty-Three: Seeking A Chance
Chapter Twenty-Four: Blessing In Disguise
Chapter Twenty-Five: A Motherly Love
Chapter Twenty-Six: The Vicious Duo
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Karn's Encounter With Kauravas And Ashwatthama
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Determination
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Unworthy
Chapter Thirty: Guru Dakshina (Part One)
Announcement! Please Read!

Chapter Eighteen: A Shocking Secret (Part Two)

1.7K 88 23
By LeshmiRajan

*Take note that the following chapters may contain flashback scenes here and there. Just for you guys not to be confused, all flashback scenes will be written in italics and everyday scenes will be written in the standard font. Also, certain characters' thoughts will be written in italics. Thank you :)


"MATA!" they heard a scream from outside and immediately turn their head to spot their one and only son Karn standing there with red eyes, anger radiating from his features. Karn entered the house and immediately hug his mother who hugged him back sobbing in his embrace. Karn broke the hug and cupped his mother's face.

"What were you saying, Mata?! Never repeat whatever you just said! Do you understand me?" Karn said as tears streamed down his face. Radha nodded and stared at her son... She knew that Karn has overheard their conversation. Was she ready to answer all his questions? Was she ready for the confrontation to admit that he isn't his actual mother? No! She was ready for anything that is about to come but she doesn't have much of a choice now.

"Putr... I know you overheard our conversation and I am sure you have a lot of questions and doubts. Whatever you want to ask, then ask it now," Radha said stammering a little as she looked at Karn who was staring at her with a lot of emotion. Adirath looked at his wife and his son. He never knew that a day will come when there have to look back at their past, to confront it... After Karn entered the life, they never really bothered about where he came from or whatsoever. It is not like anyone came to look for him as well.

"Aren't... Aren't you my... Aren't you my real mother?! Mata! Please tell me that whatever I heard earlier was a lie. Please, tell me it is a lie, Mata! Tell me that you are the woman that gave birth to me! Please tell me, Mata!" Karn cried as he held his mother's hand like a child. Radha closed her eyes as more tears threatened to spill out. She couldn't bear the agony that she is hearing in her son's voice. But, she has to do this! There is no use lying or hiding the truth from him. She took a deep breath to steady herself and opened her eyes.

"I am your mother Karn... I am your mother that taught you the values and morals that you need to have in life. I am your mother who carried you everywhere I went as you were a child. I... I am your mother who can't even bear to see her child with a sad face. But, if you say that only the woman who gave birth to you can be your mother, then... Then I am NOT YOUR MOTHER!" Radha said looking directly into Karn's eyes. Karn closed his eyes the moment Radha admitted that she wasn't his mother.

"Then who is it? Who was the person who gave birth to me?" he asked. His eyes were still closed. He didn't dare to open his eyes as he asked his mother this question. Radha couldn't say anything. Her mind was running elsewhere... She didn't know why but the moment Karn ask who was his birth mother, she wasn't feeling good. The fear of losing her son took over her mind.

Seeing his wife being silent, Adirath decided to speak up. He could understand what his wife was going through. He could see it through her eyes... The fear she had in them was evident.

"We don't know. One day, your Mata and I were conversing near the Ganga River when we heard the cry of a baby. When we looked around, we saw a basket flowing on the river and realised the cry was coming from there. I immediately grabbed the basket from the river and brought it to the shore. We both were childless for nine years and decided to take you in as ours. No one came looking for you and we too didn't know where you came from," Adirath said and Radha's mind too went back to the day when she first carried Karn in her arms.

"You might not have been born to us but that doesn't mean you are not our son. You came into our lives as a light when we were at our lowest point in life. I don't know what good we both have done for us to have you in our life, Putr!" Radha said with a sad smile as she cupped her son's face.

"If that was the case, Mata. Why is this conversation even brought up now?! Why were you talking about me leaving you both?" Karn asked.

"Our neighbour Latha's sister had come over. I don't know why but ever since we adopted you, she always tells us that you will leave us someday. We never really paid heed to her words until today. You were away for eleven years and we didn't even know where were you! There wasn't a single day she didn't remind us that you were just an adopted son. But, today she told me that, you might have found your real family and you must have left us for them and I don't know how and why but it got into my head!" Radha said and she started crying once again. The thought of her son leaving her without saying a word made her go crazy and mad.

"I know that one day you will somehow get to know this truth but I never really gave that so much of a thought but now that is not the point. Now, that you already know the truth, whatever you want to do, I will leave it in your hands but just know that both I and your pitashree will always be by your side," Radha said and Karn nodded. He had so many unanswered questions and he knew there was only one person who could answer his questions.


He looked at the sun that was shining brightly for the entire universe. He doesn't know if the almighty are witnessing whatever that is going on in the world but there were only two people who are witnessing whatever that is going on always. Firstly, Suryadev till the sunset and next is Chandradev till the sun rises. But between these two, he always feels attached to, particularly one of them.

Ever since the day he could remember, there wasn't a day where he ever stopped worshipping him. He believes that his day will not go smoothly if he doesn't worship him. Not worshipping for even a day, is like a sin. When people close their eyes and run away from the brightness of the sun, he will love to be underneath it and embrace it.

"Bhagwan Suryanarayan! There wasn't a day that I never remembered you. I have always felt some sort of a connection with you since young and I don't know why. Today, one of your devotees here wants some answers and I believe that you were one of the gods that witnessed everything that went on in my life. Today, I Radhey Karn hope that you can appear in front of me to answer my unanswered questions and provide me peace," Karn said and a tear slipped from his eyes.

Suryadev looked at his son who was calling out to him. Karn was just a son that he had to give an ungrateful woman. He was the father of several gods and goddesses like Lord Yama (God of Death and Justice), Ashwini Kumars (The twin gods of Health and Medicine), Shanidev (God of Karma), Lord Revanta (The Divine Master of Horses), Devi Yamuna (Goddess of Yamuna River) and Tapati (Goddess of Tapati River). But none of them took after him or neither did any of his celestial children had his power. But Karn was a part of him... Which makes him love Karn more than any of his other children.

"Why are you just staring, Suryadev? Our son is asking for you... He needs his father!" Devi Sandhya said with a tear-stricken face as she looked at Karn from their abode. Karn might not have been her son. He was a boon that was abandoned by the wicked woman. But, he was a part of her husband which also means he is her child as well.

"I can't, Sandhya. It is against the rules!" Suryadev said in defeat. Sandhya looked at her husband with anger.

"The rules were broken when Kunti abandoned our child in the river. All of us almighty was witness to his plight and we couldn't do anything apart from ensuring his safety. But not anymore, he needs us and if you don't go, then I will," Sandhya said and Suryadev closed his eyes. He knows that he shouldn't be doing this, but it seems like he doesn't have a choice now.

Karn was about to leave. What did he expect? The god to come, just because he called? He sighed, thinking that he will just have to live his life without getting answers to his life story.

"Putr Karn!" he heard a voice call out to him. The temperature of the sun seems to be higher than usual but it didn't affect him at all. He felt like Lord Suryanarayan himself was near him. He turned as his eyes went wide.

Lord Surya was in front of him with a small smile on his face. Karn just couldn't believe it. He stood there frozen. Suryadev was in front of him.

'I am sure, I am dreaming... Suryadev is not here,' Karn thought and was about to leave again when Suryadev stopped him once again.

"You are very weird, Putr. You called me to come and now that I am here, you don't believe... You, humans, are really very weird," Suryadev said and Karn just looked at him.

"Are you really Suryadev?" Karn asked and Suryadev sighed.

"Yes, Putr... You called me and how can I say no," Suryadev said and Karn look at him confused.

"But why? Please don't get me wrong... I know I called you but why would you want to come to a mere Sut that called you?! Why a mere sut like me is given importance by a Lord?" Karn asked and Suryadev felt anger rise in him. The fact that his son is calling himself like he isn't important made him feel like a failed father.

"Stop it, Putr! You are not just a mere human nor are you a Sut!!! You... You are my son! You are Suryaputr Karn!"


That will be the end of chapter eighteen. What do you guys think about the chapter? Now tell me... How many of you guys expected this to happen?! Anyways, what do you guys think will happen next?

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Please do share your thoughts and opinion on this chapter, in the comment section below. Along with that, if you guys have any ideas or scenarios that you all want to see, also share them with me :)

Once again... thank you all for supporting me and will see you guys again very soon :)

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