A Kingdom of Bloodshed

By ElleMoore23

356 71 64

Althea Alinac is of fae origin, born into royalty by Fae parents, yet mysteriously has human healing abilitie... More

Part One
*¬*Chapter One*¬*
*¬*Chapter Two*¬*
*¬*Chapter Three*¬*
*¬*Chapter Four*¬*
*¬*Chapter Five*¬*
*¬*Chapter Six*¬*
*¬*Chapter Eight*¬*
*¬*Chapter Nine*¬*
*¬*Chapter Ten*¬*
*¬*Chapter Eleven*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twelve*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirteen*¬*
*¬*Chapter Fourteen*¬*
*¬*Chapter Fifteen*¬*
Part Two
*¬*Chapter Sixteen*¬*
¬*Chapter Seventeen*¬*
*¬*Chapter Eighteen*¬*
*¬*Chapter Nineteen*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty One*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty Two*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty Three*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty Four*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty Five*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty Six*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty Seven*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty Eight*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty Nine*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty*¬*
Part Three
*¬*Chapter Thirty One*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Two*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Three*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Four*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Five*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Six*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Seven*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Eight*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Nine*¬*
*¬*Chapter Forty*¬*
*¬*Chapter Forty One*¬*
*¬*Chapter Forty Two*¬*
*¬*Chapter Forty Three*¬*

*¬*Chapter Seven*¬*

14 2 7
By ElleMoore23

Laying in bed after jolting awake from another horrible dream, I'm staring at the ceiling trying to comprehend the little information that Myra gave to me about myself. None of it was helpful. A curse? But why? Groaning, I roll over and finally sit up, seeing the plate of, hopefully, still warm food resting there. Reaching for it, I flinch at the tugging feeling in my arm and look down at it, only to see that it's been bandaged.
Arrow. I shake my head and make a note to thank her later.

Taking the tray from my desk, I place it on my lap and take the lid off, sighing that the delicious smell that comes wafting from it. Inside the container I see steamed carrots, fried peppers, some brown rice and steak. It's been seared perfectly and seasoned well. My mouth waters. Along with the dish there's a still warm bun and a small dollop of butter.

My stomach growls, "I'm famished." I mumble to myself. Grabbing the fork I dig into my meal sighing in happiness.

"I'm glad to see you're enjoying the meal." Startling, I nearly drop a forkful of my meal before whipping my head in the direction of the voice. "God, you scared me. Don't you know how to knock?"

He smirks at me, his lips quirking up to the side. "Apologies, didn't think I had to knock in my own home."

I frown, then pause when I realize who it is at my door. "Augustus, what do you want?" He grins at me, "Why sweetheart, I'm simply here checking in on you." My appetite suddenly vanishes, "No you're not. For all you care, I could die and you'd be happy."

He slaps a hand against his chest in mock hurt, "Ouch. Princess, I'm insulted that you think so lowly of me." Rolling my eyes, I go back to my meal and ask him once more, "What do you want?"

Snorting, his footsteps enter the room, striding for my bed. My heartbeat skips and not in a good way. I can feel the anxiety coming over me, the fear of wondering if he's going to assault me again. But he stops a foot away from me, "Seriously Althea, I'm not going to hurt you. I really am checking in on you."

I don't buy it. "Well you checked, I'm alive. Now leave." Augustus chuckles, "No, no, no. Not so fast. I want something for being nice."

"It's not being nice then is it? If you ask for a reward." Augusts grabs the chair in my room, spins it around so that he's straddling it, then sits down and states, "Bravo on the obvious statement. You're quick witted and I like it. You're right, I didn't come here to be nice. I do want something."

"Shocking. What is it?"

"You." I pause. "What?" Augustus smiles at me, his smile is disconcerting. "I want you." I blink, trying to process the words. "But, isn't the reason I'm here because of your brother? He's the one looking for a partner, isn't he?" Augustus frowns, "You know I'm getting tired of always hearing Kazimir this or Kazimir that. He's always been the favourite even though he's soft hearted and a coward. Everyone thinks he's this big, bad High Lord but really the one doing all the terrible acts is me. He's nothing!"

Augustus's outburst shocks me. He clears his throat and collects himself, "Apologies. I'm a little on edge. Where were we? Right, I want you. I want you to be mine, to be my partner to rule with me. I don't care the we're not mates. Sometimes it takes a while for the bond to snap into place, but I don't care about that. I want you and that's all."

I still don't understand. I'm trying to process what is happening, what he's saying.

"Augustus..." I trail off, trying to find the words to say this, to let him down easy. I've just figured it out when a knock at the door has us both turning.

"Yeah?" I call out and the door opens. Kazimir stands there, looking at Augustus and myself seeming perplexed.

"What's going on here?"
"Well brother, I've asked Althea here to be mine. To be my partner and to help me rule this kingdom." Kazimir frowns, "You're not High Lord of this Kingdom though. You're next in line." Augustus laughs, "I don't care. She'll rule beside me once you've passed the torch over."

It's my turn to frown, "But I haven't agreed to this. I was actually about to say-"

"Yes?" He turns to me, his eyes bright. "No. I was actually about to say no and I was trying to find a gentle way of telling you." Augustus pauses, then clears his throat and rumbles, "No? You were going to say no?"

I nod, "Yeah, sorry Augusuts. I just... I don't see you in that way." He snarls, "I don't see you in that way either, I just know you'd make a perfect power match for me. It has nothing to do with romance. You'd be my bride and you'll carry my children, that's it. That's your purpose."

I blink, "Pardon me?" Anger burns beneath my skin, but it's nothing compared to the ferocity I see on Kaz's face. "Augustus, apologize."

His brother snarls, "No. I'm tired of listening to you. Of being overlooked. I will have what I want, no matter the means it takes to get it." I swallow, my heart skipping beats in my chest. "Augustus, if you cannot behave I will be forced to take matters into my own hands."

"You keep saying that, but you never do anything. You always just sit there and watch. Watch as I take what's yours, watch as I hurt people and do terrible things. You're weak Kaz, you always have been. You don't deserve to rule this kingdom."

I blink, is this seriously happening right now? Are these two about to have a fight in my bedroom? What the hell is going on?

Sitting in silence I observe the two High Lords as the glare at each other. The room begins to crack with energy, the lights flickering as both males become heated.

Augustus, I will not ask you again. Leave."

Augustus stands his ground and throws his shoulders back, "No." Lighting cracks outside, causing me to jump. It wasn't storming moments before. The lightning makes me think of the storm that appeared at my home all those days ago, when Kazimir came to collect me. Is he doing this?

Staring at the two males in my room, all I can do is sit in silence and wait wondering who is going to make the next move.

Both males are staring at each other, not moving. I'm not even sure if they're breathing. The air is charged with power, static energy that's making my skin tingle. "Guys?" I call out, my voice snapping through the room, but neither of them turn to me. "Augustus? Kazimir? Is this really necessary?" More silence. More tension.

"I'm not fighting you brother, this is ridiculous. I'm head of the this house and you will fall in line." Kaz's voice ripples through the room, like a knife slicing through a canvas. My heart is in my throat, I need them to get out of my room.

"I am going to fight you, this has been a long time coming."

"If you insist on being stupid, then take it outside." Thank God. My sigh is loud but I don't care, they need to get out. This needs to stop.

Augustus pauses but then flicks his head to the side, "Fine. Let's go. Althea, you're staying here, watching from the balcony."

I blink, how dare he! Who does he think he is, bossing me around like that? "I will go where I please, thank you." Kaz is expressionless but I see his lip quirk at the corner, as if my response amused him. The thought of him enjoying my sarcasm sends waves of warmth crashing through me, I don't like it.

Without another word, Kazimir snaps his fingers and both males vanish, only a slight rustling sound to leave proof of their exit. Sighing, I lean back in bed not caring where they went or what they're doing.

My hunger comes back tenfold and I put all my focus on that instead. Devouring my meal, I wipe the side of my mouth when I've finished and place the dish back onto my desk. I'm about to lay back down when I hear thunder boom in the distance, a clap of lightning following suit after. Turning to my window, I throw the blankets off and toss my legs over the side of my bed. Forcing my sore body upwards, I limp towards the window, opening the balcony doors and stepping out. Harsh winds greet me, whipping my hair into my face and causing me to stumble back a step. Making my way to the edge of the balcony, I peer over and see both males standing in the middle of the courtyard. Their stances lazy yet ready to strike.

They're literally have a pissing match. Rolling my eyes, I lean over the balcony edge, watching them, curious to see if Kazimir is as they say. Soft steps approach from behind me, hidden due to the storm. Delicate arms join me on the edge, I don't have to look to know it's Arrow.

"They're always at each other's throat. I think this match will be the match to end it all."

"Do you really think so?" Arrow sighs, her head coming to fall upon my shoulder as she whispers, "I don't know." That's not reassuring. Another boom of thunder tears through the air, creating an ominous atmosphere to this fight. Augustus takes his coat off, rolling up his sleeves then seems to crack his knuckles. Kazimir simply stands there, with his hands in his pockets; waiting patiently.

The easiness of his stance seems to irritate Augustus. "Let's go brother. Time to end this once and for all."

It's hard to hear them over the wind and storm. Turning to Arrow I look at her, "Should we go to the main level to hear them? Or stay here?"

She seems uncertain but then shrugs, "Let's go. If anything happens I'll keep you safe." I roll my eyes and playfully swat her, "I can take care of myself."

"I know. But I'd hate for one of them to be careless and end up hurting you." I swallow, "Would they?"

Arrow looks nervous, pausing a few steps within my room she takes my arm and sighs, "I'm not supposed to say anything, but I trust you. Augustus is known for his hot temper, nothing shocking there. But Kazimir? He's always been more reserved, collected. However, when he snaps, it's scary. I've only seen it once, and I nearly shit myself. He hurt someone he loved very much and never forgave himself for it. So yes, I think it's possible that one of them would hurt you. Which one is hard to say."

I shiver, digesting the info. "Who did Kazimir hurt?" Arrow pauses at the doorway now, her eyes widening before she shakes her head. "I'm not allowed to say."

"Arrow, please. I need to know, in case something happens. In case, for some reason I am the one he chooses, I need to know who it is I'm stuck with." Arrow clenches her jaw, then looks to the floor, "Her name was Beatrice and she was Kazimir's first wife. He caught her being unfaithful and snapped. In his fit of rage he killed her, not realizing his error until it was too late."

The breath leaves my lungs, causing me to still. "He's never laid a hand on another again. He also never lets anyone else touch him, for fear that it'll trigger him." Now it makes sense, why he kept switching up any time he'd touch me or I touched him. Why he'd close off and push me away.

The dots are connecting. "But you must never speak of this to anyone. This remains between us." I nod, hearing the desperation in her voice. Exiting my room, we walk in tense silence downstairs and pause when we see that all the other girls are there; standing by the front door. I hear their whispers and see their curiosity, the murmurs that follow through the group.

"Oh come on, open the door. I wanna see! My money is on Kazimir." Someone says, others agree or disagree.

"No way, Augustus will win. He's more lethal." Again, murmurs of agreement. Arrow and I pause at the bottom step, wondering what we should do when Tara breezes through the crowd and reaches for the door knob, "Ok enough of this. Let's go give these two an audience." She turns the knob and wrenches open the door. The storm beyond stinging our faces as the wind enters the house.

One by one they all step outside and sit on the porch, watching. I hang back, uncertain but then Arrow grasps my hand in hers and gives me a look. Together we exit the palace and close the door behind us, taking a stance by the side of the steps and leaning against the railing watching the two brothers circle each other. Kazimir and Augustus glare at each other, both brother's seeming ready to fight but not wanting to make the first move.

"Come on Kaz. Make the first move. I know you want to."

"Why don't you, Augustus? Since you're so clearly itching for a fight." Kaz's voice is like melted gold, warm, deep, and rich. My skin prickles at his tone. For another few moments they circle each other, Augustus seeming to get more irritated by the second.

"Enough, let's end this now."

With that he flicks his wrist and sparks snap between his fingers, dark wisps of smoke mixed with embers pool from him. Augustus lets that power build and coil, twisting until it's a sharp bolt in his hand before he whirls and launches it at Kazimir.

To my shock the bolt bounces off the air in front of Kaz, landing on the ground in a pile of ash. Augustus growls, preparing another strike. Blow after blow he launches at his brother, but each time it's deflected. Whatever shield Kaz has up, it's strong. Really strong. The strom swirls closer, becoming angrier by the second.

"Augustus is going to tire himself out, it seems that Kaz has a shield up." Arrow nods, "Yes he's shielding himself. But that can only last so long. Both males are powerful, but I know Kaz is stronger. He just doesn't let his powers show. So this," She points at the storm and the shield he has up, "Is only the tip of the iceberg for his powers." I swallow, if this is only a small portion of it, I can't imagine what else is hiding beneath that cool exterior.

Augustus keeps attacking, trying from many different angles to reach his brother. Soon enough he stops and throws his hands up, "Alright, I forfeit." What? No way he forfeits. My instincts begin to ring, the warning bells going off. Kazimir smirks at his brother, "Do you think I'm stupid? I know you're up to no good. But I'll play along, I've lowered my sheild, now we can fight, male to male."

My heart is in my throat. What the hell are they doing? Another bolt of smoke and embers appears in Augustus hands but it's Kaz who's got my attention. The power rippling from him takes my breath away.

Dark plumes pool from his body, mixed with midnight blue and violet. Something glitters within that smokey mass, like stars or shattered glass. His eyes have darkened, become nearly black, his teeth and fingers sharpening, his body hardening. Kazimir seems to have transformed, his magic taking over his body.

When mother told me that the Kingdom of Bloodshed was chaos and evil embodied, this is what she meant. That they're power is dark, mysterious and ancient. But I also think there's a beauty to it, something enchanting about that darkness. The way Kaz looks right now, with the storm coiling above him, his dark shadows cocooning his body makes my stomach flip.

"By the gods... I've never seen such power before." I whisper, in awe at what I'm seeing. Arrow nods, "This isn't even all of it. He's never allowed much to escape, the tight leash he has on his power is insane." I gulp, "That's not all of it? By the gods..." I turn back to the males with bait breath and watch as both sibling launch a bolt of power at the other, their magic colliding in the center and sending a deep boom crashing throughout the earth.

"We'll be at this for hours. No magic, weapons only. Pure strength, wit, and swordsmanship." Augustus snarls. He'll say anything to try and win. Kazimir smirks and snaps his fingers. In a blink it's gone. The magic, the storm, all of it. The air becomes clear and calm again, the early summer breeze taking place of the brutal winds that were here moments before. The static energy has fizzled out, leaving me feeling dizzy. "What are they going to do now?" I ask Arrow, watching as swords appear out of thin air into their hands.

"Now? Now they fight."

My heart is in my throat. I don't really know how to process everything that's going on but I'm entrhalled by the way that they move. Both males move in quick, smooth succession, each one landing a powerful blow. Both are good fighters, equals when it comes to swordplay. Kaz and Augustus continue to swing at each other, the clanging of their swords the only sound that can be heard. Augustus takes a swing, aiming for Kaz's shins, but its deftly blocked by Kaz who then in turns archs his sword upwards and nicks Augustus's shirt, slicing it. His brother growls in disapproval, "You can't ever let me win can you? You just have to be the king of the world." Kazimir frowns, "I don't want to be king of the world, nor do I have to win. I am simply proving to you which of us is better."

The brothers swing at each other again, their faces milimeters away both of them snarling at each other.

"This is ridiculous, they'll be fighting each other for hours." One of the girls mumbles, seeming bored of the fight now. Tara snorts, "Just wait a minute, it's about to get interesting." To my shock, she was right. It's like a switch flipped within both of them, their movements becoming so fast that they blur together.

I can't keep up with who is who amongst the brawling. At one point, I think they even toss their swords aside and start using their fists. I hear the sound of flesh being hit, skin ripping, and clothes being torn.

These males are giving it everything they've got. Augustus lands a sharp blow to Kazimir's face, his head snapping sharply to the left, but then Kaz snaps a blow right back. His fist colliding with Augustus' face and I hear the sound of bones breaking.

"Oh my god..." I stare in horror at the brutality of this fight. Both brothers keep swinging, their fists leaving marks upon the other, blood begins to stain their skin; bruises speckling along cheekbones and jaws.

"They're going to kill each other." I say. Arrow is silent beside me. I wonder if she's thinking the same thing too? They don't stop. Both of them are heaving, gasping for breath but both are far too proud to admit defeat. "Quit already." Augustus gasps, his chest rising and falling with the deep intakes of breath, "Never. Where's the fun in that?" Kaz smirks, seeming less out of breath than his brother.

Augustus roars and charges at Kaz, full speed. I watch as the two brother's collide their bodies smacking into each other with such force I'm afraid they'll snap their ribs.

In a blink the fight is over.

Kaz has Augustus in an arm lock, his shoulder pulled taut at an awful angle and his knees pressed into Augstus's back. His brother is fuming.

"Let me go!" He roars, but Kazimir simply smiles, "Admit it. Admit defeat and this will all be over." Augustus shakes his head, his pride will be the death of him. "Never." Augustus tries to get out, but Kaz is overpowering him, his strength is gone.

Kazimir simply pulls on Augustus's arm, making it pop out of place; before his brother taps out, admitting defeat.

Releasing him, Kaz pushes away and turns to look at us, seeing all of the girls standing there gaping at them. "Ladies, sorry you had to witness such childish behaviour. But there was a score to settle." He dusts his torn shirt off, before striding away from his injured brother. Augustus spits, then stands, popping his arm back into place before he storms towards the palace; his face is furious. "This is not over Kaz." Then he slips around to the back of palace and disappears. The girls disperse and head back inside, mumbling about the fight.

Arrow turns to me and loops her arm through mine, "Let's get you back to your room. You still have some recovering to do." "But..."

"No buts. You're going back to bed. I need to check that bandage before we do though. Give you a clean one before you sleep."

She doesn't leave much room for argument. Pulling me upstairs and closing my bedroom door behind her.

"Arrow that was rude. I didn't even say anything to Kazimir." She raises an eyebrow knowingly at me, "Did you want to say something to him?" "Not like that. I just wanted to congratulate him on his win." She huffs at me in disbelief and mumbles, "Sure" before heading to the side table and grabbing supplies from it.

She must have put them there when she cleaned my wound the first time. Shaking my head I walk to the bed and sink into it, my body aching and mind even more tired than when I was here before. Sighing, I lay down on top of the covers and stare at the ceiling trying to ponder everything that I saw plus the dream I had before both brothers burst into my room. Arrow appears in my line of sight, "I need you to sit up for a minute." I blink at her, "Can't you do this with me laying down?" She laughs, "No because I can't access the wound easily if you're laying down. I promise, as soon as I clean it, you're good to sleep."

Groaning, I sit up feeling the room spin. "Whoa..." Arrow lays a hand on my shoulder supporting me, "Are you ok?" I nod, "Yeah, just a head rush. I think I need to lay down. It's been quite the last few days." She nods then reaches for my left arm, taking the bandage off then turning my arm slightly to see the wound better. Cringing at the searing pain that lances up my arm, I grit my teeth and keep silent. "Sorry." Arrow mumbles. She takes a cream and after wiping my arm gently, rubs it into the cut. It's immediately soothed, the pain disappearing. "Oh my gosh what is that?" I sigh as I feel myself visibly relaxing.

"It's just an ointment to help with pain. It won't heal it but it'll soothe the irritation." I smile and watch as she dresses the wound before covering it again. "There, all done. You are free to sleep or do whatever you want now. No one will bother you." I smile, "Thank you, Arrow." She nods, squeezes my shoulder than exits my room. Now that I'm alone, I lay back down and resume staring at the ceiling. Trying to process what Myra told me. A curse? There's some sort of curse on me that's made me become human in the sense of healing and immortality. I wasn't granted those gifts because of it. But why? Who did it and why? She also said that I'm of direct descent of her bloodline.

It's all confusing. I need to think about it with a fresh, clear head. Turning to side, I slip under the covers and close my eyes hoping that for once, I'm not plagued by horrid dreams of torture and ancient secrets. 

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