Too Soon | Sidemen fanfiction

By Grace_xix

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The Sidemen, a group of average teens going to secondary school in the UK. Well, maybe not quite so average... More



70 4 4
By Grace_xix

"Josh, you prick- get to D-wing lockers right fucking now- Freya's picking a fight with Valerie!" My dazed state was broken as Vik grabbed my arm, Ethan besides him, as he began jogging down the corridor, his tight grip on my forearm pulling me to the scene.

The information hit me like a bucket of ice, shocking each of my senses. I gulped to swallow the saliva that had crowded my mouth, worrying about what was happening from the little knowledge Vik had shared.

Freya wouldn't really fight her, right? At least not fist fight... Maybe yell, but that could easily be resolved. I didn't know what or if Valerie had done anything, but I had a feeling Valerie didn't deserve anything Freya was going to throw at her. Valerie was too good a person- what could she have done wrong to piss Freya off?

Why are you worried more about Valerie than your own girlfriend?
We know you have a crush but that doesn't mean you need to be a prick too...
You're probably the reason they're fighting, problematic asshole
As if they'd even fight over someone as meaningless as you, Joshua, don't be so egotistical

I battled with the voices in my head, trying to shove them to the back of my mind and tell them to shut up, though they came in heavy blows, and caused my nerves to shoot through the roof as I rounded the corner- Ethan pushing around the throng of people that had formed a crowd- and allowing Vik and I to follow until we could look over the heads of some people, and see the situation in the middle.

"YOU FOUL, FUCKING BITCH, VALERIE!" Freya screamed, enunciating each of her words with a bang elicited from her hand slamming against a locker. 

Valerie stood opposite the raging blonde, eyes large and Josh could see a reflection in them; tears. 

"HOW DARE YOU TRY AND STEAL MY BOYFRIEND- HOW DARE YOU TAKE HIM TO YOUR PLACE, YOU FUCKING RAT!" Freya enunciated her screams with a heavy push against Valerie's collarbone, sending the poor girl hurtling into the lockers behind her. My mouth fell open, eyes widening as I felt the sickly feeling of eyes of those in the crowd turn to me, whispers and glares suffocating me. I took a step forwards, getting ready to split them up and tell my girlfriend himself that Valerie and him had done nothing- until it hit me like a brick.

She had seen Valerie leaving school with me the other day. 

Of course! Her form room faced the exit of the school- she would've seen Valerie pulling me along, leading me to her home after I had been battered. And now it was her paying the price for her kindness and my naivety...


"Freya, I did nothing with him, I promise-" Valerie's cried were cut short as Freya's arm swung forwards, hand harshly slapping Valerie's soft skin and eliciting a harsh slap sound that made the crowd watching ooooo as Valerie's head jolted to the side.

I gasped and tried to get through the throng of people- separate the two and stop the madness, not wanting to see Valerie get hurt anymore. 

Valerie stood, back to the locker, hand pressed against a cheek which was growing redder by the second, a singular clear stream rolling down her cheek and soothing the burn. Her lips were parted in shock and terror, and brows pulled tight in a look of innocence. Though Freya didn't buy it.

"Why the fuck did you do it, huh, Valerie?" Freya questioned maniacally with a laugh. "Why'd you try take my boyfriend? Was it because you don't like me? Because you're jealous?" Though her smile vanished from her face and was replaced with a scowl as she hissed the next part. "Or was it just because you're that much of a fucking skank, you couldn't help yourself-"

The next part happened too quickly to register in my head.

I was at the front of the crowd, ready to pull Freya away from Valerie. But she didn't need my help.

In two movements, Valerie pushed Freya firmly by the waist, creating a distance between the two- before allowing Freya to take an angry step forwards, and- BLAM- Valerie twisted and allowed her fist to hammer into Freya's face. It was a powerful right hook, and it caused the crowd to gasp and ooooo at the way Freya's head swung the other way, body following as she slowly fell to the floor- not unconscious- but shocked by Valerie's violence.

No sooner had it happened, did JJ burst through the crowd with Simon, yelling at people to get out of their way and clear off as they put an arm around either side of Valerie and pulled her out of the situation.

"Val!" I called out, running to her to provide help, but was sent off as she yelled. "FUCK OFF JOSH!" In return, Vik, Ethan, Tobi and Harry finding and joining Val as they ushered her out of the back door- leaving myself stood stark in the middle of the corridor- simply watching as she left. 

"J-Josh..." The whimper behind me caused me to whip around- Freya stood behind me clutching her cheek. The crowd still hadn't left, and were now intently watching mine and Freya's interaction with hungry eyes, needing more drama. 

It all pissed me off. The stupidity and idiocy of the watchers, the innocent and longing expression Freya was pulling, the puppy eyes she was forcing, the fact I was the centre of attention...

"What the fuck, Freya." I hissed, seething- not raising my voice to more than a whisper. She didn't deserve any more attention. And I wasn't going to put up with any more of her stunts. "What the fuck IS WRONG WITH YOU!!"

"Why'd you go with her?" Freya questioned, her eyes filling with tears and bottom lip wavering. She flinched at my shouting and face deformed into one of sadness. One that I didn't care for.

"Why does it matter anymore?" I laughed at her, taking no pity in her acts. "You happy after slapping her? You feel any better after WRONGFULLY accusing her of taking me? And assuming I'd cheat on you?"

"S-so you didn't?" Her eyes filled with hope. 

"No I didn't, Freya." I grit my teeth as I spoke. "She was and is a fucking friend, and you hit her for no reason- I'm fucking done with you, Freya Nightingale- we're done. I've had enough of you and your bullshit, enough is enough. Good-bye."

I took one last look at her sorry and sad face, picking up on her swelling cheek and noting how good a punch Valerie had given her- before storming away- happy that was the end of a chapter with Freya Nightingale.


"Who's house is the closest?" JJ shouted the question as we walked out with Valerie, patting her back and walking alongside as she cried onto JJ's shoulder. 

"Josh's but he isn't here..." Simon spoke. "I think we know my Mum n Dad wouldn't let anyone else to my house- Tobi, yours is too far... Vik, Ethan, Harry- any help?"

"Bad parents." Harry shook his head.

"My brothers will be home, it's a no-go from me, sorry." Vik apologised.

Ethan simply nodded and jerked his head, showing he could lead the way. 

A quietness set across the group- not awkward- but understanding, as Valerie no longer sobbed, but instead simply let tears silently slide down her face whilst her body shook every so often from holding in a cry. JJ had opted for carrying Valerie instead of making her walk, and so Valerie was carried bridal style in JJ's arms, with Simon holding an arm around JJ's shoulders and Valerie's back for extra support, though he knew fully well JJ could easily carry the girl.

Walking through the door, a woman could be heard shouting a quick greeting, before she shuffled in through another entrance, jovially greeting the rest of the boys before her eyes landed on the girl, crying in JJ's arms. 

"Oh, deary me, Pet, what's going on here then?" Valerie lifted her head from JJ's chest, looking up to the kind face and curled blonde locks. She didn't know the woman in front of her, though she felt safe in her presence- her warm aura radiating and calming Valerie.

"I-I'm sorry this isn't the best way to greet someone." The woman let out a warm laugh allowing Valerie to give a watery smile. "I'm Valerie, it's lovely to meet you, Mrs..."

"Oh no matter, I'm Ruth Behz, you can just call my Auntie Behz." She patted Valerie's back before addressing the rest of the boys. "You look after her boys, and feel free to come down for a chat if you need one at all, pet."

The boys all raced up the stairs, opening the door they were all too familiar with and entering into Ethan's room. Valerie thought his room was great. 

Desk in one corner, with a rainbow-light keyboard and monitor sat on top, as well as a double bed opposite that- lavishly decorated with a starry duvet and black blanket. The walls were a pleasant cornflower colour, and covered in posters and pictures of music artists, bands, and posters from magazines, and pictures of Ethan with the boys, and his mum. Across the floor, lay a few pillows, as well as a dark blue beanbag and an egg-shaped swing chair which looked incredible comfortable. 

Valerie opted on joining Tobi in the swing chair, lowering herself down next to Tobi only to feel him wrap his arms around her and pull her into his chest which she willingly obliged with. 

"How are you after that?" Tobi asked, resting his head against her and gently rocking them back and forth. The other boys had spread themselves along the beanbag and on the bed, Ethan leaning back in the gaming chair and staring towards the ceiling.

"A bit shaken." Valerie admitted. "And I'm awfully sorry about your shirt JJ, I didn't mean to get all that mascara on it."

"Oh it's fine, I can at least use it to convince my mum I'm straight." JJ chuckled as Simon slapped his arm playfully.

"God, how many is that; JJ, Simon, Vik and Harry ALL in happy unproblematic relationships..." Valerie sighed though the couples all knew of her support for them. "Where'd your luck fall short, Tobi, Ethan?"

"Can't pick which girl I want." Tobi shrugged. "Believe me, if I knew what I wanted, I wouldn't be single."

"And Ethan?"

"Never really made an effort?" Vik said on behalf unsurely, though was confirmed by Ethan's nods. "And asexual- never been too interested in dating or relationships." With a point to the wall, Valerie observed the small purple, grey, white and black asexual flag hidden in amongst all the pictures scattered across his wall. 

"I suppose Josh is single too, now." Tobi sighed. "Him and Freya were really quite sweet in the first few months, though I think Freya became too much for Josh... What was Freya on about when she was going at you, Valerie?"

"I don't really know," Valerie thought, trying to piece together why exactly Freya was so enraged. "Well, I suppose yesterday after you and Josh fought," She spoke to JJ "I left with Josh to get his wounds cleaned and whatnot, and I guess she thought that was me taking him back with... You know, romantic intent."

"You do like Josh though, right?" Vik questioned, causing everyone to look to Valerie in curiosity. 

"I... I think so?" She cringed at her answer. "I mean, sure, he's cute, I like talking with him too... But I just... don't know yet. I think it's too early to decide."

"Fair enough, I think it's weird when people rush into a relationship after only a few weeks." Harry joked, putting an arm around Vik, who rolled his eyes though held Harry's hand none the less. 

"Also it would be slightly weird if straight after breaking up with Freya we get it going." Valerie scrunched her nose. "If he even likes me, that is-"

Her words were cut off by furious and indignant yells from the boys which made her laugh.

"IF he likes you?! Bloody IF he likes you?! Vally, look at how he treats you compared to everyone else! He treats everyone like they've just murdered his pet, but he treats you like a very distant friend! If that doesn't show he doesn't have feelings for you then bloody hell..."

"Alright, alright, I get the idea!" Valerie laughed, wiping her eyes of the long gone feeling of tears and enjoying the feeling of a smile which she could share with the boys. Her boys. 

Mood uplifted, the group found themselves talking and enjoying more than ever- telling jokes, passing around spare sweets and throwing Haribos for one another to catch in their mouths- eventually even taking it in turns to play games of COD on Ethan's monitor, cheering and booing on the gameplay and enjoying themselves into the early hours of the morning- though Simon and Vik had to leave earlier in the night to get back to their houses. 

Valerie didn't think she'd ever had quite so much fun, and fell asleep with a smile on her face, sandwiched between Tobi and JJ on the beanbag.


posted 6:33pm, 30th Jan 2023

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