Miraculous Short Stories Volu...

Por LiquifiedStars

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This is the second collection of stand alone short stories based around the Miraculous Universe. Some of the... Mais

A Timely Reveal
Nothing Else Matters
Broken Wings
A Touch of Red
Here We Are
Déjà Moo
Three Roses and a Red Leather Notebook


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Por LiquifiedStars

Team Miraculous have a new secret mission, to retrieve a stolen butterfly brooch from the house of Governor Gabriel Agreste and prevent it from falling into the hands of Akuma. If only team leaders Adrien and Marinette could keep their minds on the job and not on each other. A Secret Agent AU. Written for the Miraculous Fanworks Anniversary Prompts.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng, code named Ladybug, was one of the best spies in the business. Along with her espionage partner Adrien Fathom known as Chat Noir, they had completed more than 15 missions together in the last five years along with their trusted teammates, Alya Césaire - Rena Rouge, Nino Lahiffe - Carapace and Chloé Bourgeois- Queen Bee. As a team, they were entrusted with the most dangerous missions of Miraculous International, their identities known only to each other.

At 27, Adrien was two years older than the rest of the team and was by far the most experienced agent. Trained personally under the renowned Wang Fu, he was known for his fighting skill and quick wit, although no one knew much about his background. Marinette only knew that he joined Miraculous fresh out of high school, but beyond that was a mystery. An insanely good looking mystery.

At first, Marinette didn't think he thought much of her. He was hesitant when Fu insisted Chat Noir train her and his closed, stand offish persona made her nervous. It took some time but eventually they came to trust one another and there were times when Marinette thought they may have even become more, but he never crossed that line. Adrien was kind and sincere, but always a professional.

Sitting beside Adrien in the meeting room, Marinette inconspicuously glanced her eyes over the open leather jacket he was wearing, his hair slicked back into a low ponytail. She almost envied the high school students he taught Physics to for his cover job. He might not have been attracted to her, but she was sure attracted to him, even if she was trying to hide it.

When The Master, Wang Fu, called the Miraculous team to HQ late one night for a briefing they knew the situation must have been serious. A lost artifact, a butterfly brooch, was being held in the safe of the Governor Gabriel Agreste deep within his mansion. Gabriel was a well known sympathiser of Akuma, an international criminal organisation with one goal in mind, world domination. The only thing standing in their way was Team Miraculous.

"I don't get it." Alya said, leaning onto the round meeting table. "What would Akuma want with a piece of jewelry?"

"We are not sure as yet Rena." Fu said while rubbing his beard. "But they are willing to pay a high price for it and are sending their most ruthless agent, Volpina, to collect the package. Your mission will be to retrieve the brooch before Volpina can take it to Akuma."

Picking up a remote, Fu turned on a large screen showing the Governor's personal mansion. Marinette noticed Adrien shifted uncomfortably beside her but she focused her attention back on Fu.

"The Governor will be holding the mid-winter masquerade ball in his personal home this year. This gives us the perfect opportunity to enter undetected. Queen Bee has already been undercover and has used her social contacts to obtain tickets to the event. Our London contact, Argos, has also confirmed that Volpina will be there too, so be on your guard. Chat Noir, as team leader with Ladybug I will leave you two to finalise the details for the mission." Fu said with a pointed look and a nod as he handed Adrien a document. Adrien seemed to have understood the unsaid message and nodded back in response, looking resigned. "Remember, do not allow the package to get out into the open. If Volpina escapes with the brooch, we can not foresee the consequences. Queen Bee, Rena and Carapace, be sure to visit Max in IT before you leave, he has some new equipment for you."

Fu bid everyone goodnight and Alya, Nino and Chloé made their way out of the office. Adrien picked up the paperwork Fu had given him and looked over it while Marinette took out her phone.

"Not heading home yet?" He asked her. Marinette was a little startled.

"Oh, well yes but I have to order a taxi. My car broke down again."

"I can give you a lift." Adrien offered. He then rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Maybe we could get a nightcap and discuss the plan. There... there's something I think you should know, we'll, something I should tell you which could affect the mission."

Marinette was intrigued, but also felt a tingling of nerves. As professionals Ladybug and Chat Noir had always worked well as a team, but as Marinette she found Adrien Fathom to be a mystery and that enigmatic personality just added to her attraction. The fact that the usually extremely reserved Chat Noir wanted to have a late night conversation with her was something Marinette could hardly say no to.

"Sure, I don't have anywhere else to be." Marinette said, then she felt her face go bright red at his incredulous look. "I didn't mean that to sound the wrong way. I just meant I was free right now, not that I would normally be busy late at night because I just live alone in my apartment, well not quite alone I have a hamster, but alone as in no boyfriend, or friend or roommate or anything that is... um, I'm rambling aren't I?"

Adrien let out an amused chuckle. "It's fine. It's not the first time you've rambled like that. It's kind of cute really."

Marinette felt her face going red for a very different reason as she followed Adrien out of the building and over to... a motorbike?

"Well this would have been a bad idea had I been wearing a skirt." Marinette mused. Adrien gave her a cryptic smile.

"It's Tuesday. You always wear long pants on Tuesday at your cover job. You do clothes fitting for your models on Tuesdays right? and you said pants are more comfortable to work in."

"But how..."

"You told Alya during that stake we were doing last year." Marinette was surprised he remembered such an insignificant detail. She didn't even think he was listening to her when she and Alya were talking about their day jobs. Adrien handed her a spare helmet that he had sitting on his bike. Marinette slowly reached out and took it from him, looking at it in her hand. It was new and much smaller than his, just the right size for her.

"You already knew about the meeting tonight didn't you?" He nodded his head. "But the rest of us only got the message an hour before."

Adrien slid on his helmet before he responded. "Fu and I discussed it yesterday. He asked me if I wanted to change the team for this mission, bring in some outside help from London, but I'd rather not. It's taken me too long to train you." He gave her a cheeky wink and reached up to help Marinette get her helmet on, securing it for her. Marinette was watching him with wide eyes under the visor. Chat Noir had always been charismatic, and a little flirty before, but she had always put it down to the persona he adopts when on a mission, a part of his cover. She always thought that he probably fancied himself as a James Bond type. It was a little unnerving, but also exciting to see him act that way when it was only the two of them.

Climbing onto the back of the bike, Marinette breathed in the heady smell of Adrien's leather jacket. She held on to his waist as they took off, weaving past the city lights and all the late night shoppers and mid week party seekers. Soon the bike came to a stop down a side alleyway. Marinette took off her helmet and looked around at the dark walls with hanging creeping vines.

"Where are we?" She asked, feeling confused. Adrien took off his own helmet and shook out his hair.

"It's a secret." He replied, taking her helmet and packing them into the bike. "You haven't been here before?"

Marinette shook her head and Adrien seemed surprised by that. "Come with me then." Taking Marinette by the hand, Adrien pushed aside one of the shrouds of vines to reveal a hidden doorway. Knocking three times slowly, a small peep hole opened and an eye blinked at them.

"It's okay Ivan, it's just me." Adrien said. The door unbolted and a tall large man who looked more like a bouncer opened the door.

"Chat Noir, it's a pleasure as always." Ivan greeted, pulling Adrien into a bro hug. He then looked at Marinette with high suspicion.

"This is Ladybug, Ivan. She's from the agency."

At that, Ivan's whole disposition changed and he greeted Marinette with a warm smile. "The famous Ladybug eh? So you finally found someone to tame the wild cat, hey Chat Noir?"

Marinette wasn't entirely sure, but it looked like Adrien might have actually gone a little rosy in the cheeks at that. She followed Adrien and Ivan up a narrow staircase leading into a dimly lit room with a few tables and chairs and a well stocked bar. There was a view towards the Trocadero and music was softly playing from an old jukebox.

"This place belongs to the agency." Adrien said to Marinette in response to her wide eyes as she looked around. "It's safe to talk in here."

He pulled out a chair and gestured for Marinette to sit down. Luka took her drink order, a glass of Sauvignon Blanc while Adrien requested his usual. Marinette wondered what that might be. He looked like a scotch on the rocks kind of guy to her. Or perhaps something more expensive, a Louis XIV cognac maybe. Judging by the quality of his jacket he clearly had expensive taste.

"And the bartender?" She asked.

"Ivan is ex Miraculous." Adrien replied. "We went through the academy together but he left being an Agent when he got married. Now he runs the bar. We use this place for informal meetings."

A silence fell between them and Marinette felt Adrien was studying her. "What's all this about Chat Noir? You're not usually one for socialising."

"You can just call me Adrien here." He said, playing with the coaster on the table. "And I'm not deliberately anti-social, which is partly why I wanted to talk to you tonight about this mission."

Marinette raised an eyebrow at him. "And the other part?" 

Adrien smirked. "Maybe I just wanted to get to know you better."

There was something in his piercing emerald eyes that made Marinette shiver. He was like a cat sizing up a mouse and deciding when to pounce. Marinette wasn't sure why, but the fact she was sure she was the mouse made her heart race.

Ivan came back with a bottle of wine, pouring out a glass for Marinette and placing the bottle on ice beside the table. He then sat a mug of coffee in front of Adrien. Marinette picked up her glass and regarded the pale liquid.

"I'm curious, is there liquor in that coffee?"

Adrien shook his head as he brought the mug to his lips and gently blew on it. "No, I don't drink. I need to keep a clear head at all times."

Marinette took a sip of her own drink, it was sweeter than she was used to, but it tasted expensive. "Should I be concerned about you trying to get me drunk then?"

Adrien's eyes seemed to have played mischievously for a fleeting moment before dropping back to his more serious look. Marinette wasn't sure she had ever seen him like that before. Come to think of it, she had never seen him at ease much before either. This was a different, slightly less reserved Chat Noir and she liked it. "You don't have to drink all of it, but if you do, I'll be sure to make sure you get home alright."

"My hero." She drawled sarcastically, taking another sip. Adrien took out the paperwork Fu had given him from his satchel bag and showed Marinette a diagram of the Governor's mansion. He went through the guest list and the security protocols that would be in place for the event. Marinette continued to drink her wine, mesmerised by the sound of his voice, even if he was talking about surveillance cameras.

"This here is the Governor's office." He said, pointing at the map. "During social events there is a guard, a guy they call the Gorilla, who will be monitoring the door. Once we get past him the safe is hidden up here behind this painting."

Adrien topped up her glass as Marinette looked at the photo showing a painting of a blonde woman with emerald eyes, very familiar looking emerald eyes. She looked back up at Adrien who was looking through his bag. "This is an ear piece so we can stay in contact on the night. Rena will be the lookout. Max has embedded a camera in her mask. She will take up position on the staircase with Carapace as support."

"I gather poor old Max wasn't going to need his tux for the night then." Marinette chuckled. Adrien watched her take another drink, her red lipstick staining the glass. She was drinking too quickly and he was sure it was nerves driving it.

"I'm afraid not." He replied. "Max is going to be parked in a van across the street, but he will be following us every step of the way."

Marinette picked up the ear piece from the table and dropped it into her purse. "What about Queen Bee?"

"Queen Bee will do what Queen Bee does best, run interference. It's also her job to take out the Gorilla. She's been working on some new serum with Max that leaves less side effects, but may not last as long. They don't nickname her Venom for nothing."

"I thought it was for her poisonous relationships." Marinette quipped. "Wasn't she your ex? I remember some gossip about you and another recruit from years ago."

Adrien stilled momentarily before picking up the bottle and refilling Marinette's glass for her, his poker face un-cracked. "That was just a rumour. People say a lot of things." He said flippantly. "Work and pleasure don't mix well. It's best not to have relationships in this business." She looked at him through her lashes as she drank some more while he ordered another coffee.

"If you keep drinking that much caffeine at night you won't be able to sleep." She said teasingly, the alcohol going to her head a little. She had meant it as a joke, but Adrien looked away from her like it had hit a nerve. Taking out a cigarette and lighting it he blew the smoke up towards the darkened roof.

"I don't sleep much anyway, so it doesn't make much of a difference." He wasn't trying to be angry, but there was a sharpness to his response that unnerved Marinette a little.

"So what will be our job on the night then?" She asked, changing the topic back.

"Extraction. Once the Gorilla is out of the way we will enter the study, retrieve the brooch and get the hell out of there before we get caught." He took another drag on his smoke, flicking the ashes into the ashtray.

"I don't remember you smoking before." Marinette observed. "We were on a stakeout once for three days. You never smoked once."

"I was considering it when Alya and Chloé started arguing about who left the wet pile of towels in the bathroom. It was Nino by the way." He added with a chuckle. "I don't smoke all the time." He then admitted. "Only when I'm nervous."

Marinette smirked at him, leaning across the table with her chin on her hand. She was trying to look flirtatious, but probably just looked tipsy. "Do I make you nervous, Adrien?"

Adrien raised an amused eyebrow. "You? Why would I be nervous of you Ladybug?"

He was playing it off, but Marinette heard the strain in his voice. There was something he wasn't telling her and she was determined to find out what. "What's this really about Adrien? You could have told me about the plan at headquarters. Why come here? Why the drinks and the view and the music?"

In the distance the Town Hall chimed 11pm. Adrien took a final drag before stumping out his cigarette. Ivan placed another cup of coffee in front of him. He took a sip of it but before he could place it down Marinette reached out and took the cup from his hand and took a sip of it herself. She was convinced there must have been alcohol in that coffee, but to her surprise it really was just coffee. She placed it back down, leaving her lipstick stains where his own lips had been.

"Tell me, what do you know about the Governor?" He suddenly asked her. Marinette blinked at him.

"What's that got to do with anything?"

"Humour me."

Marinette had to think for a moment. "No one knows much about him really. His name is Gabriel Agreste and he made his fortune as a fashion designer with his wife Emilie. Many thought she was the real brains of the company and probably the money behind it too. After she died he sold the business and went into politics. First he replaced his one time friend as Mayor of Paris and later ran for the Governor position. Rumour has it that he got there through bribes under the table and underhanded dealings with Akuma."

Adrien wasn't looking at her as she spoke, but fiddled with the corner of the folder still on the table. Rain began to spatter onto the windows and lightning lit up the sky outside. "And his son?"

Marinette narrowed her eyes at him. "What about him?"

Adrien looked over at her, his expression concealing his thoughts. "What do you know about him?"

She shook her head slowly. "No one knows anything about him. Emilie took ill and took their son with her while she received treatment in England at her family home. After her death, the boy stayed with his Aunt's family."

"She wasn't ill." Adrien said quietly. He looked out the window and let out a long, pained sigh. "At least not at that time. He just said that to the media because he didn't want people to know she had left him in case it hurt his political career. She knew he was involved with Akuma and she didn't want any part of it, so she went home and took the boy with her. When she died..." He paused, swallowing thickly. He turned back to Marinette who was watching him closely. "When she died, my cousin Félix and I both joined Miraculous. He's our London contact, Argos. That's how he found out the brooch was in the safe my... my father keeps in his office. Fathom is Felix's last name. I'm... I'm Adrien Agreste."

He was looking at her waiting for a reaction. He wouldn't have been surprised if she had gotten up and walked out, calling him a traitor for who his father was, but instead she reached her hand across the table and placed it delicately on his. "Do the others know?"

Adrien shook his head. "Only The Master knows, and Félix of course. That's why Fu asked if I wanted to change the team." He then looked away guiltily. "No, that's not quite true. I offered to leave the team. I felt it was deceitful not to tell you of my conflict of interest in this mission. You are co-leader of the team though. If you feel it would be better if you lead the team yourself then Fu is fine with that and I'll stay with Max in the van."

Marinette gave his hand a supportive squeeze. He stiffened a little at the touch, but didn't move his hand away. "Did you really think I would throw you off the team just because of who your father is? I thought you knew me better than that. I'm your partner, remember. I've trusted you with my life time and time again for the last five years, and I will trust you again this time."

Adrien moved his hand around hers, entwining their fingers where they rested on the table. "Thank you for that." He said, a small but genuine smile on his face.

"But what about your father? Won't he recognise you?"

Adrien scoffed. "I haven't seen or spoken to him since I was about 14. Besides, we will be wearing masks. He wouldn't know me from a bar of soap."

Marinette felt her heart break at the bitter undertone as he spoke. He slipped his hand out of hers as he leaned back into his chair. The storm was becoming heavier outside and Adrien turned his eyes back towards her. Marinette knew those eyes, knew what he was thinking. This was dangerous territory. Maybe it was the wine going to her head, but as the music shifted and a melancholy sax began to play, she almost considered moving from her seat and straight into his lap, the thought of kissing his senseless plaguing her mind.

The rumble of the thunder stirred her from her stupor and she realised they were still looking at each other. Marinette quickly looked away and stood up, a little unsteady in her heels. "I should go. I have an early morning."

Adrien caught her wrist in his hand. "No you don't. Wednesday is your half day." He felt her hand tremble slightly in his.

"Should I be unnerved that you know me so well? It's creepy." She mused.

Adrien grinned at her, standing up and pulling her closer to him. "I'm the leader, remember? It's my job to know everything about everyone."

Adrien's other hand slipped around her waist and they slowly began to sway to the music. She knew that music, it was Careless Wisper by Gerorge Michael and somehow she felt the music through every bone of her body.

"What else do you know?" Marinette asked. "Or is that above my pay grade."

"I know Alya and Nino are secretly dating."

Marinette chuckled. "That is probably the worst kept secret at Miraculous. You'll have to do better than that."

Adrien rested his head next to hers and they moved into a slow turn. "Chloé has an expensive shoe addiction."

"Why doesn't that surprise me." Marinette smiled. "But still not an earth shattering secret."

Adrien hummed. "I know you've been single since your boyfriend left 2 years ago."

Marinette pulled back from him and looked up with wide eyes. "You knew I had a boyfriend?"

"I told you, Marinette, it's my job to know my team. You didn't need to try and keep it a secret from us. Relationships aren't exactly against the rules." Adrien slid his hand back around her waist and pulled her closer to him. "So what happened?"

Marinette debated telling him it was none of his business, but in truth she had never spoken to anyone about Luka before. "Too many secrets I guess." She admitted, resting her head against his chest as they moved once again to the music. "It's hard to maintain a relationship when nobody truly knows who you are. And what about you, Chat Noir? Are you telling me there is no gorgeous blonde keeping your bed warm at night?"

Adrien ghosted his lips past the top of her hair before dipping his head closer to her ear. "I'm no altar boy if that's what you're asking, but no I don't have anyone. Besides, blondes aren't exactly by thing."

Marinette shivered as his hand ran up her back and entangled into her hair. The smell of the leather, the coffee, the cigarettes, that musky cologne he always wore... this was dangerous territory for her when she could no longer think clearly. She could feel his warm breath against her hair, and her own breathing became more ragged. They had a mission, they had to stay professional. She couldn't risk letting this escalate any further no matter how much she wanted to because despite it all she had never had a man look at her the way was looking at her tonight, like she was the only woman in the world.

"I have to go." She heard herself say despite every part of her wanting to stay. "I... I can't do this now." She let go of him and took a step back before turning.

"Because of the mission?"

She stopped and looked back over her shoulder, but not at him. "Yes." She said simply. "We can't risk things becoming awkward between us. The mission has to be our first priority."

Adrien moved closer to her. "And if we didn't have a mission?"

Marinette bit down on her bottom lip. That look was going to kill her, she just knew it. "Best not to ask me that question when I've drunk half a bottle of wine, because I might just answer it."

"Answer it anyway." He whispered, his voice hoarse with emotion. She knew exactly what he was asking and she also knew what her answer was.

Without warning she turned and grabbed up the lapels on his jacket, surged up onto her toes and crashing her lips into his. Adrien buried his hand into her hair, their kiss hungry with repressed desire. He backed her to the wall and pressed his body into hers. They were becoming lost in each other but even in her alcoholic hazed, lust filled mind Marinette knew this was a bad idea. She was the one to break away first leaving Adrien wanting to chase her lips for more but she pressed her palm to his chest, holding him at bay.

"I shouldn't have done that." She said, her breathing still ragged and her lips swollen. Adrien brushed her hair aside and cupped her cheek with his hand, running his thumb across her bottom lip.

"Why not?" He asked, leaning his face closer to hers. "Alya and Nino are together and it doesn't stop them from doing their job."

Marinette turned her eyes up towards his. Adrien could see she wanted him as much as he wanted her. It had been there simmering between them ever since she joined the team, even when she was secretly dating that boyfriend of hers, he could feel the connection between them. He had tried not to cave into it because of who his father was, because he didn't know if he could trust her, but he knew now that none of that had mattered to her. She had seen past the name to the man behind it and yet she was still trying to hold a barrier between them.

"You're like one of Chloé's poisons to me, Adrien. I could become addicted to you and we still have this mission to do. I can't... I can't let my feelings for you jeopardise that. Especially with the risk you're taking by going there yourself. You need a clear head for this because I don't want you getting caught because of me."

She took a step back and Adrien let her reluctantly go. Picking up her purse from the table and headed towards the exit.

"What about after the mission?" Adrien called after her. "You can't just pretend that this didn't just happen."

Marinette paused at the doorway, her hand on the handle and her back still to him. "We can talk about this afterwards, when the job is done."

Well it wasn't a no. "At least let me take you home. It's pouring with rain outside."

Marinette looked over her shoulder at him with a flirtatious smile. If she wanted to bury him, that look was going to do it. "I don't mind the rain. Besides, I only live a few streets away, but you already knew that, didn't you? Goodnight, Adrien Agreste."
Adrien watched her as she disappeared through the door. He hadn't heard his name said like that in almost ten years, and yet when she said it, it didn't make him want to cringe or hide away in shame.

"Oh Marinette, what have you done to me?" He sighed, contently. He left a generous tip on the bar for Ivan before making his own way home in the rain.


Cameras flashed as the cream of French and European society made their way across the red carpet and towards the stairs that led into the Governor's mansion. A flurry of masked faces posed and chatted, coats shed to reveal stunning evening dresses and expensive jewels.

Marinette took a deep breath as she walked through the doors and into the foyer. The mansion was opulent, but empty of anything that would make a house feel like a home. It hurt her heart to think that Adrien grew up in such a cold environment, at least up until his mother took him to London.

"I'm in the foyer." She said quietly. She looked up and found Alya in a burnt orange off the shoulder evening dress with a matching mask whose camera was capturing every guest that walked in. "I can see Rena on the staircase. Where's Carapace?"

"I'm coming." Nino replied, a loud flushing sound following.

"Nino, cover the mic next time before you flush the damn toilet." Alya hissed.

"Code names, Rena, code names." Max calmly scolded from the van outside, otherwise known as the Hub. "I can not guarantee the security of this line and your identities must be preserved." Nino joined Alya on the staircase looking suave in his black three piece suit with emerald tie and kerchief.

"This is ridiculous, utterly ridiculous." Chloé grumbled.

"What's ridiculous?"

Marinette's heart skipped a beat when she heard Adrien's voice. They hadn't seen each other since the night in the bar, but she couldn't help the way her stomach churned into knots at the thought of seeing him again.

"These canapé's are soggy. Someone didn't drain the caviar properly."

"Should have known it would be a crisis."

"Shut up you dumb cat."

Marinette crossed the foyer and entered into the great ballroom. The room was decorated with silver and blue hanging bunting and the chandeliers hung like shards of ice. For all the opulence though, Gabriel had clearly cut corners by using a DJ rather than a band or orchestral group. Perhaps all was not as it seemed.

Marinette skirted around the edges of the room, passing Chloé who was still at the canapé table. The blonde nodded as they passed each other.

"Try the h'orderves m'lady." Adrien's voice practically purred down the radio. "That is if Queenie hasn't eaten them all."

"Speak for yourself." Chloé quipped, opening her hand fan and partly hiding her face. "I'm going to make a round of the room and suss out the guests."

Marinette looked over the h'orderves and saw a red rose lying next to the ice sculpture of a butterfly. Marinette picked it up and found a small charm of a heart shaped pendant with a paw print embedded in it. A smile crept across her lips.

"You are breathtaking, Ladybug. You know red really suits you"

Marinette turned her head, but she couldn't see him anywhere. The room was nothing more than a blur of hidden faces. "Did you just put this here?" She asked. "How did I not see you?" Adrien chuckled.

"I'm a cat, remember? I didn't get that code name for nothing."

"I can vouch for that." Nino chimed in. "When it came to stealth, Chat Noir was top of the class."

Marinette slid the charm off the rose and placed the flower in her hair. She still couldn't find him, but she could feel his eyes watching her as one of the male guests approached her and started up some small talk.

"I have eyes on Agreste." Alya suddenly said. "I repeat I have eyes on Agreste. He is just making his way into the ballroom now."

Marinette casually turned her head and saw a tall, imposing figure walk into the room. She spotted Chloé near the doorway, keeping an eye on both Gabriel and his bodyguard near the study.

Marinette had forgotten the young man standing beside her until he passed her a glass of champagne. She took it and gave him a pleasant smile which only seemed to have encouraged him to keep babbling about some new work project he was doing. She wasn't really listening to him, her mind was still on trying to find where Chat Noir was.

Marinette was about to lift the glass to her lips when a hand suddenly plucked it away from her. "You know you really shouldn't be drinking that darling, the doctor says it isn't good for the baby."

Marinette could hear the rest of the team spluttering in laughter through the earpiece as Adrien put an arm around her waist and guided her away from the confused guest. "Chat, what the hell?" Marinette blurted exasperated, giving him a shove. Adrien looked at her slightly amused, a clear glint in his emerald eyes hidden behind a black mask.

"Would you rather I told you not to drink at an event like this incase agents have spiked your drink?" He said warily. "This place will be crawling with Akuma goons. You can't be too careful. Besides, alcohol and you don't mix well I discovered."

Marinette glared at him. "Need I remind you it was your idea to buy me a bottle of wine for myself."

Adrien moved in closer to her, hooking his finger under her chin. "I needed to test your limits, and need I remind you it took less than half the bottle for you to kiss me."

"Whoa, say what now?" Nino gasped.

"Called it, you owe me babe." Alya chimed in. Chloé mumbled something unintelligible under her breath.

Marinette tried to ignore all the voices. "I knew I had made a mistake kissing you." She said, moving a few steps away from him and pretending to admire the tall flowers in the ornate vase near the wall as a few guests walked past them. "Because I haven't been able to think of anything else."

Adrien followed her and ran his hands from her shoulders and down her bare arms making her shiver. "I can always give you another taste." He practically purred into her ear, quiet enough that the others didn't hear.

Marinette turned around, her back hard against the wall. Adrien placed a hand on either side of her head, caging her in. "Will you?" She asked breathlessly as his lips ghosted passed hers. "Will you poison me with those venomous lips of yours again?"

Adrien's lips were closing in on hers when there was a crackling on the radio. "I hate to break up this little interlude of yours." Max's voice said flatly. "But you might want to keep your minds on the mission and not each other. Volpina just entered the room."

Adrien quickly pulled back and looked around the planted vase. Chloé was standing near enough to Gabriel that they could hear him as he continued to greet guests.

"Queen Bee, you need to take out the Gorilla so we can get to the safe." Chat said, his all business mode completely switched back on. Marinette on the other hand was still quivering. How could that much heat turn cold so fast? Had all this been just some kind of act? A test?

"I can't." Chloé hissed. "There's too many people here in the foyer. We need a diversion. Rena?"

"No can do." Alya replied. "I've got eyes on Volpina from the foyer stairs. She's trying to make her way to Gabriel. I don't think he has seen her yet."

"Where's Carapace?" Adrien asked.

"Still here with Rena" Nino chimed in. "Just throwing it out there, but what if we request the DJ play something more lively. If we get bodies on the dance floor, maybe we can clear the foyer enough."

Marinette looked up at Adrien and could see the wheels turning in his head. "You two had to do a dance class recently for a mission didn't you?"

"Oh no!" Rena warned. "Nope, no way. I am not going on that dance floor in front of all these people."

"Good God, will you just get over yourself!" Chloé growled. "I'm on my way to the DJ booth now to switch up the music. You two get your backsides on that dance floor."

Adrien and Marientte had to bite back a laugh as Rena grumbled. "My backside is where I'm probably going to end up if I go on that dance floor."

"Good." Chloé bit back. "It will create more of a distraction if you do."

"You owe me for this Noir." Alya threatened as Adrien caught her eye. He just gave her a playful wink knowing she wasn't really mad at him. Well maybe a little bit.

Moments later the music started up with a salsa inspired dance track and all eyes were soon on the couple taking center stage on the dance floor.

"Queen Bee?" Adrien asked.

"On my way." She replied. "The foyer is emptying out perfectly."

"I no longer have eyes on Volpina." Max said nervously. "All I'm seeing is swirling from the dance floor and I'm sure that was Carapace's nostrils."

"I see her." Marinette said. "She's on the other side of the room from the Governor."

Adrien gave Marinette a nod, taking her hand and leading her around the edge of the room. Gabriel was still standing near the doorway, but his eyes were narrowed in on the couple stealing all the attention. Adrien could practically feel the anger radiating off him as he and Marinette snuck behind the man he no longer considered his father. It was uncomfortably close for him, maybe the closest he had been near Gabriel since his mother's death when the man had the gall to turn up to her funeral, and Adrien hoped it would be the last time he would ever have to come under this roof again.

Once in the foyer there was no sign of the Gorilla, but there was also no sign of Chloé either. "Queen Bee?" Chat asked on the radio. "Queen Bee?"

"Her radio dropped out." Max said. "I've lost the connection."

"Maybe you should wait." Alya urged, puffing from still dancing. "Something feels wrong."

Adrien looked at Marinette. Something did feel wrong. It wasn't like Chloé to leave her post. "We have..." He was cut off by the appearance of the Governor's security detail entering the house. "Ahhh, Rena I think you and Carapace are about to get carted."

"Don't worry, we'll give them the runaround. You get that brooch."

There was no time to waste. Adrien opened up the door to the study and ushered Marinette in. She stopped in her tracks at the sight of the Klimt inspired painting and the strikingly beautiful blonde woman. "Is that...?" She asked quietly and Adrien simply nodded. So that was his mother. Well she could see where Adrien got his good looks from.

Adrien approached the painting and opened it to find a safe hidden behind. "Let's hope that combination Argos got was the right one." He breathed. Carefully he turned the dial... first number, one full rotation clockwise to the second number, anti-clockwise to the third number and the familiar click of the bolt unlocking.
Opening the safe though, all Adrien found was an old travel guide and a photo of his mother. "It's not here." He gasped.

"Do you think he hid it somewhere else?" Marinette asked. Adrien didn't get a chance to answer though when he heard voices approaching the door.

Thinking quickly Adrien grabbed Marinette's wrist and pulled her towards a wall where he pressed a concealed button. They barely had enough time to scramble into the tiny compartment and shut the door before Gabriel and Volpina entered the room.

"Don't worry, this is a panic room." Adrien said calmly. "It's completely soundproof, but it also cuts all radio contact, so we're on our own for the moment."

He flicked the switch on a closed circuit monitor which showed the office on a camera. Gabriel had removed his mask but Volpina was still wearing hers.

"... I'm not interested in playing games, Agreste. I was told you have the brooch, so where is it?"

"You really think I will just hand over the brooch to you with no assurances?" Gabriel sneered.

"You have a deal with Akuma and you know there are consequences for those who do not comply."

"And maybe I want the jewel for myself. I'm sure I could get more for it on the black market."

Gabriel sat down in his chair and folded his fingers. Volpina took a few steps closer to Gabriel with a threatening stance. Adrien and Marinette could see she had a weapon concealed behind her that wasn't hers.

"She's got Chloé venom." Adrien said between gritted teeth. "We need to find her."

Adrien went to make a move when Marinette grabbed his arm. "Wait. We need to know where the brooch is. Gabriel might have hidden it somewhere else if he didn't trust Volpina."

Adrien knew she was right. It wasn't like him to want to be so irrational, but Chloé was an old friend. Oh who was he kidding, it was being in such a small space with Marinette that was making him irrational. The room wasn't much bigger than a closet and Adrien could feel Marinette pressed up against him. Maybe it was the rapid acceleration of his breathing that caught her attention, but when she turned her eyes up to him, he almost lost all train of thought. Marinette's cheeks flushed and Adrien felt as though she was reading his thoughts.

"Greed will be your downfall, I assure you." Volpina snarled. "I don't give a rats about your debts or who you owe money to. That's your problem. Hand it over Agreste!"

"Tell Akuma I will give you the brooch once they have renegotiated the price. If they want it that badly, I'm sure we can come to a new arrangement."

Unconsciously Gabriel adjusted the tie around his neck, but the motion alerted both Volpina and Chat Noir to the location of the brooch hidden underneath. Volpina grinned behind her mask.

"Oh, I'm sure we can make a new arrangement." She said as she moved closer again. "Starting right now."

In one swift movement Volpina stabbed Gabriel's arm with the venom, causing him to collapse, and ripped the brooch off him. Chat opened the hidden door and he and Ladybug confronted the agent.

"Hand the goods over Volpina, you have nowhere to go." Chat demanded. The villain folded her arms and looked at the two Miraculous agents with annoyance.

"You... I might have known you two would show up. Did you tell your little girlfriend that the Governor is also your father, Agreste? Maybe you are secretly working for him, or want the brooch for yourself."

Chat snarled at her. "You know that's bullshit Lila. The only double agent around here is you." Chat lunged forward and engaged in close combat with Lila who was shown to be incredibly skilled, almost on par with Chat. Mirroring one of Chat's signature moves, Volpina brought him to the ground before making a dash out the door.

"Rena, Carapace where are you?" Ladybug called urgently down the radio.

High on the roof of the Agreste mansion, Rena and Carapace were still engaged in a game of cat and mouse. "Keeping Agreste's goons entertained while you two disappeared. Where the hell were you?"

"Never mind that, Volpina has the package and it's in the open."

Ladybug raced over to Chat, helping him back to his feet. He'd taken a blow to the head, but seemed alright otherwise. "She knew your moves." Ladybug said, checking the wound. "It was like she anticipated what you would do."

Chat was about to say something, but changed his mind, pointing to his earpiece. "I'll explain later." Chat said, shaking his head. "Hurry, we need to find her."

"I see her." Rena said over the radio. "She's walking down towards the Seine. Carapace found Queen Bee too, she's out cold, but okay. He's taking her to the hub."

Chat gave Ladybug a nod. "Keep watching, we're on our way."

Exiting the mansion, Chat grabbed Ladybug by the hand and they weaved in and out of the shadows towards the Seine. The commotion at the mansion now had security and police crawling all around the vicinity.

"Rena, do you still see her?" Chat asked, pulling Ladybug with him towards a side street near the entry to a dingy nightclub. The red neon sign overhead flickered and buzzed above their heads. Adrien threw off his mask and Marinette followed suit.

"Yes." Came the quick reply. "Carapace is with me, but his radio is down. Volpina is heading for a boat on the river, but she seems wary of the police. We'll go...she will...surround the boat..." Static.

"The radio's are being jammed." Chat growled. He peaked around the corner of the wall. "Ugh, it's Raincomprix, I should have known. That incompetent police captain thinks he'll make superintendent one day." He scoffed. "But he needs to keep his nose out of Miraculous business."

"We have to stop Volpina before she gets away." Ladybug said determinedly, then she lowered her voice. "Adrien? How did Volpina know... about your father? Or you? She anticipated all your moves."

Adrien closed his eyes and let out a heavy sigh. "Lila joined Miraculous before you did. She looked like she had huge potential and Fu wanted me to train her as my partner. I trusted her and I trusted her with my secret about who I was because we were supposed to be partners, but she wanted more than that, much more and... I believed her." He lowered his head down, pushing the palm of his hand into the wall behind Marinette's head. "I was such a naive fool then."

Marinette understood what he meant. "So what happened?"

"During her final mission she stole the files we were supposed to intercept and gave them to Akuma. She wanted me to join her, work as a double agent for Akuma too, but I refused. If it hadn't been for Fu having my back, I might have been kicked out of Miraculous too as a co-conspirator by my... association. After that I was careful to guard my secret connection to those traitors." He finally met her eyes. Adrien wasn't sure what her reaction was going to be, but all he found was warmth there - and love. She really did love him, he could see that now.

Marinette reached up and touched his face. "Adrien, whatever Lila did to you, I will never do that, I promise. I will never betray your trust in me." She then gave him a reassuring smile. "Now let's get that brooch back."

Adrien was about to make a move when the distinctive sound of police moving in formation started to get closer. Protectively, he held Marinette against the wall and sneaked a peek around the corner again. They were running in their direction. "Forgive me." He said to Marinette before closing the space between them and locking lips in a searing kiss. The sound of footsteps passed by them and they parted breathlessly.

"What are we going to do?" Marinette asked, trying to catch her breath. More footsteps started approaching. "Quick, kiss me again."

Marinette buried her fingers into his hair as Adrien lifted her up against the wall. She wrapped her legs around his waist, losing herself in his smell and taste. The police took little notice of the two lovers under the neon lights. 

"Oh gees, is this what you get up to when I'm knocked out?"

Adrien and Marinette parted to see an indignant Chloé with her arms folded and her eyebrow raised. "Queen Bee!" Marinette exclaimed.

"Just call me Chloé now, all the radio's are down and Max is having a coronary over it in the van." She said, waving her hand around. "Alya and Nino are closing in on Volpina, but they will need your help."

"Great." Adrien said, putting Marinette back down on the ground. "And how are we going to get over there and do that?"

Chloé smirked. "Just leave that up to me."

Turning around, Chloé ran out into the middle of the street, screaming at the top of her lungs. "Help, I've been robbed. Raincomprix you ridiculous man, get over here and help me right now."

"Miss Bourgeois?" Officer Raincomprix asked, running over to her with several officers. Adrien took Marinette's hand again and the two used the opportunity to make their escape.

Finding the boat tethered on the Seine, Rena and Carapace were already engaged in a fight with Volpina. Despite being outnumbered, Volpina wasn't about to surrender. Moments later, Chloé also joined in the fight.

"We don't have long, Raincomprix is on his way here." She said before turning her attention to Volpina. "And I want my weapon back, you weasel."

"I'm a fox, you idiot." Volpina sneered before blocking another attack from Alya.

"I'm the only fox around here, Volpina."

Despite her efforts, Volpina found herself overpowered, pinned down by Carapace. Adrien searched her for the brooch.

"Watch where you're putting those paws Chat Noir." Volpina smirked. "You're little girlfriend over there might get jealous."

Adrien just ignored her, pulling the jewel out of her pocket. "Believe me Lila, if you were the last woman on Earth I would rather roll over and die first."

"And I'll just take back my weapon, thank you." Chloé added, reclaiming her venom.

"Halt, in the name of the law." Officer Raincomprix announced as his officers grabbed the Miraculous team.

"Not us you idiot." Chloé screeched. "You were supposed to arrested..." But as they turned around, Volpina was already gone.


Wang Fu admired the butterfly brooch in his hand. "Well, Volpina might have escaped us once again, but at least the package is now in safe hands." He said, placing the brooch into a lock box and securing it shut. "Take a well deserved rest team Miraculous. I will send out a communique when you are needed for the next mission."

Fu left the meeting room and Nino helped Alya up onto her feet, her high heeled shoes sitting on the table. "Ugh, someone just killing me now." Alya groaned. "My feet are killing me."

"Want me to carry you out to the car babe?" Nino offered her. She smiled, patting his cheek. "That's alright, I'll manage. You can carry my shoes though."

Chloé rolled her eyes. "Amatures. I've still got my heels on." She said, pointing down to her stilettos.

"You were also knocked out for how long?" Alya retorted, taking Nino's arm and heading for the door with a yawn.

"That wasn't my fault." Chloé called out after them, sitting on the table and folding her arms. She gave Adrien the stink eye as he chuckled at her. "What are you laughing at you damn cat. I'm a professional."

"No one said you weren't Chloé." He said, his lips curling up into a playful smirk. Chloé narrowed her eyes at him.

"Hmm, you just remember that. And what about that kiss I saw you two sharing. Was that for purely professional reasons too?"

Adrien looked at Marinette and smiled at the adorable blush spreading across her face. He rested his arm around her shoulder. "Well, maybe not totally professional." He admitted. Marinette looked up at him adoringly, interlacing her fingers with his hand draped over her shoulder

Chloé slid off the table and waved her hand over her shoulder. "Ugh, I'm sure I don't want to know. See you two at the next mission."

After Chloé left Adrien pressed a kiss to Marinette's temple. "So m'lady, now that the mission is over does that mean we can pick up where we left off?"

Marinette touched his face tenderly with her hand and kissed him softly on the lips. The kiss might have been chase, but the look in her eye was anything but. "I think we can, Kitty Cat."

"Then your chariot awaits." He said, pulling her up out of the chair and taking her out to his motorbike.

As they rode off into the night, Adrien felt Marinette rest her head against his back, her arms wrapped securely around him. The sun was just starting to rise in the sky ahead of them, and Adrien smiled to himself at the beginning of a new day.

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