Wednesday's Child Is Full Of...

By BaguetteManOfficial

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New cover is courtesy of the wonderful @Aikon_MJ5 Apparently this story has been"Hand picked by Wattpad amba... More

Wednesday's Child Is Full Of Woe
Making Friends
The Semester Begins
M Is For Murder
Classes Resume
The Investigation
The Rave'N
The Week Of Despair
I Wrote This Late At Night. I Love It.
The Addams Family
The Family
I Cant Think Of A Good Chapter Title
Thing's Mission
Another Sleepover
Making Friends
Very Productive Writing Time
Date Night
A Day Out
Wednesday's Birthday
Wednesday's Conundrum
The Better Birthday Chapter
Baby's First Torture
Waffle Aftermath
Swap Part 2
The Thinning Of The Herd
Abyssinia Enid
Muffin Of Death
Courtney's Home
Video Chats
The Blood
Wednesday Returns (Is This Clickbait? Read And Find Out)
Enid Returns
Last Day Of Freedom
March; School Starts Up Again
May; Plans
Puppy Love
"The End"
Winds From Another World Pt. 1
Winds From Another World Pt. 2


8.5K 369 116
By BaguetteManOfficial

(This was a very quickly written chapter since it needed to be done by Friday afternoon. I'm Jewish, no electricity between Friday night and Saturday night. That being said occasionally a friend of mine will log onto this account during that time and respond to comments for me)

Wednesday Addams' eyes shot open as she awoke. She was surprised to feel a pressure on her leg. She quickly looked over to see the arms of (y/n) (l/n) had at some point let go of his plush Espeon and instead wrapped around her leg.

Wednesday let the boy rest for another moment before quickly grabbing him by the hair and pulling it, causing him to jolt awake. He quickly clung to her leg tightly with one arm as he swatted her arm away from his hair. "Move your arm or lose it" Wednesday motioned to the boys arm and he just as quickly let go.

"Sorry" (y/n) smiled nervously as he grabbed his Espeon and moved a bit father from Wednesday.

"Don't let it happen again" Wednesday slid out from under the covers and walked to her closet.

"You sure you didn't like it more than you're letting on?" (Y/n) asked as he watched Wednesday pull out some clothing.

"absolutely certain" Wednesday shook her head.


"God damn it" (y/n) muttered as he realized that the families had been invited to join their children for breakfast. He looked from the entrance of the room at where his family were sitting and eating. He would be expected to sit with them.

Wednesday glanced at the boy and then to where his gaze landed. "Even a spoon could be a dangerous weapon in the right hands" (y/n) quickly turned to Wednesday. "Just an idea" she walked off towards her family.

"Let's get this over with" (y/n) muttered as he walked towards his family.

"Well look who decided to grace us with his presence" (y/n)'s mother spoke sarcastically as the boy was sitting down between two of his brothers.

"Fuck off" (y/n) replied as he grabbed a bread roll from a plate in the middle of table and took a bite.

"You sound upset. That girl tell you she's not interested?" Eros asked from the boys side.

"No, as a matter of fact I was actually happy until I sat down here" (y/n) glared at his brother as he took another bite. "Can we just eat in silence? After that you can all go your ways and I'll go mine"

Everyone was silent for a moment until Eros spoke again. "So you and her did hook up"

"I'm not dignifying that with a response" (y/n) shook his head as he finished the roll.

"That itself is a response" Nero added in from down the table. (Y/n) didn't bother glaring at him. The glare was implied.

"So you didn't" (y/n) didn't like how sure of his answer Eros seemed.

"Of course he didn't" (y/n)'s mother spoke as she waved her hands as if waving off the topic. "Now (y/n), sweetie, I was looking for-"

"I hid all my valuables the second you told me you were planning to come" (y/n) replied as he picked up his spoon and twiddled it between his fingers. "They're not even in my room"

"I wasn't-"

"Yes you were" (y/n) replied matter of factly. "You we're gonna ask about something less valuable that I usually keep near my wallet or something else of value. Then you'd sell or take my money and use it to buy stuff without dad knowing"

(Y/n)'s mother was fuming, it did not help that his dad replied with "he's right. And you have to stop stealing from the kids"

"I don't-"

"Oh come on. They tell me every time it happens. I end up just giving them back the money or giving them something of equal value" (y/n)'s mother quickly stood up before walking away.

(Y/n) thought that was the end of it until he heard a loud yell of pain. Everyone turned to see what happened except (y/n). "Whoops" at the sound of the not at all sorry voice of Wednesday Addams (y/n) turned to see that the girl had seemingly knocked into his mother, causing her to fall to the ground, before not so accidentally dropping a plate full of food on her head.

The whole family was of course laughing their asses off alongside a few others who had noticed but were trying harder to contain their laughter. (Y/n)'s mother stood and quickly left the room, it showed just how embarrassed she was that she hadn't stopped to yell at Wednesday.

(Y/n) looked at Wednesday and their eyes met. "I bloody love you" he mouthed to the girl causing her to nod before returning to her family. This gesture was of course noticed by Eros, if anyone else at the table had noticed they just didn't seem to care.

"So that's the girl?" Eros asked causing (y/n) to turn to see his brother looking at him. "Short, pale, and goth doesn't seem your usual type. However-

"However it is one of your types. That what you were gonna say?" Eros shrugged. "I hate the fact that we're related. You know that?"

Eros just shrugged once again. "Cry me a river lover boy" he picked up a grape from his plate and tossed it into his mouth.

"Jokes on you I'm okay with that nickname. That's my second favorite Queen song" (y/n) snatched Eros' plate causing the boy to glare at him as he stood up.

(Y/n) picked up a grape and tossed it into his mouth, similarly to how Eros had done earlier, as he walked towards the rooms exit. He had gotten to see his mother humiliated by Wednesday Addams, it would be a shame to let the morning be ruined due to continued exposure to his family.

Word count: 1084

(I am so close to making the nerdiest reference of all time. It's so nerdy that I'm certain 99.999999% of readers will not get it. I'd be shocked if anyone who reads wattpad understood it. Those who don't know it would be confused as fuck. Only issue is I have no clue when to use this reference)

(And we've got more fan art from two of our resident artists! Thanks once again dears!)

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