crimson veil of the moon

By vanaaa___

17.7K 928 359

Xie Lian and Hua Cheng drifted centuries apart from each other when one of them dies protecting the other how... More

prologue of questions
unveil - II
he of the many masks
uncomprehending him
noticeable sentimentality
concealed thoughts
us in a wicked pretense
eclipse of you
darling of the heavens
you are my eternity
caped flames
enamour of paradise
melody of tragedy
day of prophecy
sleep of death
Haunting silence
demolition of the soul
tragedy of existing
tragedy of existing-II
us withered in ashes
monarch of the shadows
sword of a thousand twilights
monochrome cape of lies
dethroned devotion
invisible museum of lurking shadows
yearning of the moon
ballad of the heavenly emperor
crimson veil of the moon
divinity under influence
silent cry
a misty memory
ghostly devised
scarlet clouds
detest devotion
youth in hell
art of the fallen
sunset of the soul
crimson against twilight
fallen for pain
unveil: no devotion
faint of heart
dear ghost
crimson veil of the moon
alternate ending- I
alternate ending-II
alternate ending-III
alternate ending-IV
alternate ending-V
alternate ending-VI


204 14 18
By vanaaa___

"t-this is a painting of me, w-why would you do that?" 

"i'm sorry i knew you wouldn't like it." 

"NO, it's not that, it's unrealistic yet it's beautiful, but why would pick me as a subject for your painting?" I faced him. 

"because it could only ever be you." What is that supposed to mean? I don't look at myself, i hate mirrors and this is a possible mirror but it is impossible, only if i ever looked this good, it's his art style, it's me from his eyes. 

"i don't get it, how do I look like this in your painting, it must be your distinct art style." But Hua Cheng's face was visibly confused.

"So you think the way this painting looks is because of my art style and not because you look that beautiful?" 

"Of course i don't look half as beautiful as this painting, i look like i am a certified douche bag."I let out soft giggles to hide what i truly felt but only if that would even work on this man, he reads my mind. Hua Cheng slowly moves towards me, he gently caresses my cheek with his soft sculpted fingers. 

"Lian can you stop making yourself so horrible all the time? the way my painting turned out this way wasn't because i chose a certain art style or color i painted you just the way you are, i like you just the way you are, i find you pretty, i only find you most beautiful." My heart is beating at a crazed rate, nobody has ever said this to me i can't seem to register this, is it okay if i feel happy? But what if I get hurt later-

"Stop thinking and look at me." He halted my thinking process, i looked at him. 

"Just look at me." And then it was as if i heard a soft melody mesmerizing my ears, soft petals touching my skin, his soft lips embracing mine, i don't hesitate, i won't hesitate. Something about being with him at this moment, it feels as if it was written prior, a chapter in someone's tragedy or perhaps fairytale only time will tell. 

He slowly breaks off the kiss, i feel blood rushing to my cheeks i could never get used to this.But my eyes caught attention of something some papers with horrible handwriting, was it supposed to be our language or just something else. I went forward and skimmed through those papers. 

"what is this San Lang?" 

"Oh i sometimes do some of my school work, so it must be that." 

"Is this your handwriting?" 

"yes." And that was the end of it, i began laughing like a maniac for a man who's face looks as if it's sculpted by the gods and his art like a visual poetry but his handwriting is as if ink has been smeared on the paper. I laughed for a good 5 minutes before i could catch my breath. 

"oh my god, i haven't laughed like this in so long."

"i could see." He smiled softly. Why does he gaze at me like that? As if he wants to apologise for something, something unforgivable. The melancholy in his gaze pains me. 

"Do you want to practice for the dance competition a bit?" 

"I thought you weren't going to participate?" 

"well i changed my mind." 

"so have you thought of any song?" I ask.

"there could never be a song better than 'red lights' for a duo performance and come on the lyrics are damn good." i practically choked on air, is he nuts? Red lights for a school performance? 

"are you dumb? Red lights for a school dance performance?" 

"Who's gonna care, it's not as if they would know what we are going to perform if there are any repercussions we can deal with them at that particular moment, right now let's at least practice a bit of the choreography." 

"i'm not doing it." 

"OH COME ON!!" ughhhh what have i gotten myself trapped into.

"alright only 10 minutes." 

"works for me." 

2 minutes in and i want to kill myself, this song is too how can i even explain, though it has quite wonderful lyrics but the choreography... Hua Cheng is going to do Bang Chan's part and i'm doing Hyunjin's, FUCK THIS SHIT OMG. 

"seriously i'm gonna have to do this??" 

"Of course especially the ending." Hua Cheng winks at me. 

"i'm gonna kill you." 

"after we finish the choreography darling." 

And after 2 hours of learning the choreography i want to dig myself a hole and just lay in it and die. Great now i was starving and drenching in sweat. 

"You are drenched in sweat Lian." 

"Thanks for stating the bloody obvious and it's all thanks to you." i reply laying on the ground gasping for breath. 

"you know you can change your clothes, wear mine." 

"yours? You know you are like 5 inches taller than me and way more huge." 

"i prefer well built." We both giggle at the remark. 

"alright just give me a hoodie." 

We both change into new clothes, i came out wearing his black hoodie and my god his face was as if he had witnessed a god but something about his scent it made me feel comfortable and safe. 

"you look so cute." 

"cute?" That's the last thing i wanted to hear from someone especially from him. 

"im gonna murder you." 

Both of us killed a shit ton of time and now it was lunch time so he decided we would go out to one his favorite restaurants and then he would drop me back home. 

To my utter shock it wasn't a Michelin star restaurant but a quite petite one. Don't let the petiteness fool you it had breathtaking interior, the walls were covered in renaissance art worth millions i could tell because i once had interest in renaissance art. The staff was unbearably hospitable i guess it might have been that he is stinking rich. 

"Do you like the place?" 

"i won't lie i thought you would take me to one of those Michelin star restaurants but this is quite to my surprise." 

"Nah i despise those places, i have been visiting those places ever since i was a kid with my parents but i have always preferred places which are more grounded ,intimate and filled with art." I could listen to him without getting tired, it's just the way he talks makes you want to hear more. 

"So you said you were the eldest son out of three?" 

"yeah i have a younger brother and sister, they are unbearable i tell you." 

"really? I find kids cute." 

"Kids cute? Lian you are different then, i can't stand my siblings even if they are a just bit younger than them they are naive." 

"of course they are, they are kids they are expected to be naive." 

"would you like to meet them?"Hua Cheng asks me.


"Next time i'll take you to visit them, but i'm warning you they are going to drain your energy." 

"I don't mind." Both of us share a laugh, we soon finished our meal which was quite enjoyable to say the least. I almost forgot now I had to return home, but deep inside I don't want to. 

But just we were about to leave we were met by,

"He Xuan?" 


The Four of us were shocked, not because we met at a familiar place but because we never expected the pairing He Xuan and Shi QingXuan? since when was He Xuan interested in him? But Hua Cheng wasn't surprised. 

"He Xuan seriously? You really had to ruin the moment." 

"You asshole i can say the same to you." 

"Alright Alright guys calm down." Shi QingXuan said. 

"Shi what are you doing here?" 

"We were on a date." He Xuan replied. I almost lost it, did he just say date? Wow, who knew.

"DATE?" I had never sounded more shocked in my life. 

"I-i was about to tell you in school but you were absent today." Just as we were conversing, Hua Cheng was whispering something He Xuan but i didn't quite catch it. 

(third person POV) 

"for someone who was advising me on whether i should become close with Xie Lian or not you are rather quick to latch yourself onto your lover." 

"Shut Up." 

"So Hua Cheng and Xie Lian what were you two doing together?" Shi QingXuan asks in utter curiosity. 

"we were on a date too." 

He Xuan and Shi QingXuan jaws dropped on hearing the other male. Xie Lian choked on air again. 

"W-what the fuck are you saying?" Xie Lian asks. 

"Isn't it the truth darling?" Hua Cheng replies with a wicked smile on his face. 

"I'm gonna kill you Hua cheng." 

"I told you do it." 

"No No seriously? You guys are dating?" Shi QingXuan asks. 

"Yeah we are." I reply.

"Hua Cheng i leave you alone for 5 minutes and you get yourself a boyfriend. What a quick bastard." 

"oh shut the fuck up." 

(Xie Lian POV) 

In this moment, i just don't know but all of it feels so familiar it feels as if I know these three people from way before. This vague nostalgia isn't leaving my mind there is something wrong and something right but i don't know which one i'm gravitating towards. 

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