Only Love Can Hurt Like This...

By SecondsOfReading

15K 674 102

Willow fell in love with the bad boy when she was 16 years old- married him when she was 18- and became a wid... More

The start
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight (18+)
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven

Chapter One

1.4K 64 2
By SecondsOfReading

When Willow was 16 years old, she dreamed of meeting a prince and falling in love, riding into sunset together. She believed in the fairytale endings.

Then, she met Nathan Scott.

Nathan had just dropped out of high school and became a prospect for SAMCRO. He had the potential to be like his club brothers, especially like Jax who had changed over the years since Tara left, fucking everything in sight and letting his anger at life drive him forward, but Nathan fell in love with the good girl in town and vowed he would never hurt her, that he would be the best guy he could, for her.

Willow didn't give him a chance, not at first. She had her whole life planned out, straight A's and a bright future. Nathan might have been the most attractive guy she had ever seen, but he had just dropped out of school and wanted to join the gang in town. Willow didn't think they would have anything in common.

But she was wrong and Nathan was persistent and by the time they were 17, she was madly and deeply in love with him, as he was her.

The fairytale she always dreamed of was drastically different, riding into the sunset on the back of a bike instead of the back of a hoarse, but she didn't care, and the story she wrote for herself changed.

When she turned 18, graduating as valedictorian of her class, getting accepted into every university she applied to, she chose to stay in Charming, attend the local community college, and marry her first love.

It wasn't easy, learning how to be married, being married to a prospect of the local MC, learning how to be an Old Lady. Trying to stay afloat in their small one bedroom apartment while going to school. But they made it work.

Two years had passed and Willow and Nathan were more in love than ever. Nathan had became a full member the year before and Willow had two more semesters until she was done with school, perusing an art history degree.

Most of SAMCRO loved Willow. She took care of Nathan, would bring him lunch everyday she had off, patch up his wounds, allow members to sleep on their couch if they needed a place to crash. Despite her very different upbringing, she never looked down on the club or any of the members, and would even send Nathan off with cookies or pastry's she made for them. In most of the eyes of the club, she was the perfect definition of an Old Lady, even if she didn't have a crow on her.

Willow, despite having fallen for and marring a biker bad boy, was still the small town good girl at heart, and she  refused to get a tattoo on her before she could even have her first sip of alcohol. So, they agreed to wait to tat her until she turned 21, but even without the crow, she was still an old lady, and their life was perfect.

Until it wasn't.

Nathan going on runs wasn't anything new to Willow and she spent those nights alone fine, catching up on school work or just relaxing. She knew life in SAMCRO could be dangerous, but she always had the sense that everything would be alright and Nathan would come home. It had worked out every time, even if he would show up with some bruised knuckles or busted lips, he was there and he would be okay.

But when she got a call from Gemma, three days after Nathan had left, telling her to come to the club house immediately, she knew something was horribly wrong.

When she arrived, seeing all the solemn faces of the club members, she knew it was going to be bad. She walked into the church room, seeing Nathan laying on the table, silent, unmoving, and she felt her entire world flip upside down. She felt all the air leave her and her lungs scream out for more, but never getting any.

She didn't even know she screamed. Didn't know that tears were rolling down her face. She didn't know she had grabbed onto him, begging him to open his eyes, begging him to come back to her, to not leave her alone.

But no matter how long she begged, he stayed laying there, dead.

The club members watched as their fallen brothers wife sobbed over his body, remembering his last words, his last breaths, and each one of them vowing to keep them.

"You protect her. You promise me you'll protect her."

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