Haikyuu Oneshots

By KimJKai19

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This contains popular and rare pairs, BL, Smut, And fluff. Angst does not exist to me (i mean there may be so... More

SAKUATSU(🖤💛) Fluff
Atsusuna NSFW Week On twitter

SakuAtsu Angst

22 0 0
By KimJKai19

(This was inspired by I hate to Admit by Bang Chan [of Stray Kids]. I Hate to Admit gives me major break-up vibes, it's on a SakuAtsu playlist I made on spotify, I had the idea for this and roughly outlined it for some friends who seemed to really like it- so this is for them!  Sakusa is a dick, because I enjoy writing him as a dick sometimes - It's just fun. Anyway, enjoy!) 


This was it. 

Atsumu had had enough. Enough of the pulling away, enough of the lies and enough of him. He sat in the dark of the apartment he shared with Sakusa Kiyoomi- a simple lamp on the coffee table, lit up his face and his soured as he waited for the other to return home.

For months now, his boyfriend had been pulling away, hiding his phone and himself. Atsumu had assumed it was a relapse of problems they had already worked through, and he even contacted their old therapist for one to one consultations. Everything pointed to something Atsumu didn't- couldn't think about. 

Kiyoomi was cheating on him. He never had the evidence, but all the signs pointed to it- well, until today. 

After practice, Kiyoomi's phone went off, and the man smiled as he read whatever he had received. 

"Atsu- I have to go see my brother today- he just sent me a reminder. I'm sorry I haven't gone home with you recently, They are dealing with a messy business deal- they want my opinions on things because of my degree... I hope you understand, Love!" Sakusa had said, as he wrapped his arms around Atsumu's waist and kissed his head. 

"Of course Omi, Take all the time you need. I'll have dinner ready for you when you get in!" Atsumu replied, just blissful in the small amount of affection he was finally receiving. 

"Perfect! Just perfect. I'll head off now, and I'll see you later!" The other announced, before running out of the changing rooms. 

Atsumu glared darkly at the pictures on his phone, his anger festering and growing with each passing minute. The door opened and in walked Sakusa- dressed as presentably as possible, the norm for him when visiting his family's company. 

"Atsu? I'm home!" He called. 

The blond took a deep breath, steadying and readying himself for what was to come. 

"Atsu? Love? Oh, there you are! What's wrong?" He asked, Kneeling in front of Atsumu. "Did you and Osamu fight again? Is your Mom okay? Has something happened? Tell me, babe." 

Atsumu sighed and stood up slowly, walking away. "Osamu is fine, Mom's fine- It's not them. It's you, Kiyoomi."

"Me..? What did I - Wait, Kiyoomi? What happened to Omi?" he asked panicked. 

"Omi was a nickname that you had when you loved me. Now you are Kiyoomi... hell, you don't even deserve that, Sakusa." Atsumu's voice was dark and laced with the poison of his anger. 

"When I loved you? I still love you, what are you-"

"YA STILL LOVE ME? STILL? WHILST YER ARE CHEATIN' ON ME? N' DON'T LIE TA ME! I HAVE THE FUCKIN' PROOF!" Atsumu shouted as he held his phone up, showing Kiyoomi one of the pictures he had received. 

Kiyoomi stood there, in stunned silence for a moment, taking in the evidence of his cheating being presented to him by his partner. 

"Sakusa, we've been together for nearly 5 years n' this, THIS, is how ya repay me fer the time we spent together?"

"Who the fuck sent you that?" Kiyoomi seethed. 

"It doesn't matter who sent it ta me! Ya not even denyin' that it's you! I can't fuckin' believe ya! GET YER ASS OUTTA MY APARTMENT, YA SHIT IS IN THE FUCKIN' LOBBY!" 

"Fuck you Atsumu." 

"Ya haven't done that in a while, Ya been gettin' it elsewhere!" Atsumu replied sarcastically. 

"At least Kageyama is better in bed than you would ever be." Kiyoomi spat. 


Atsumu walked Sakusa into the hallway of the apartment and watched him pick his stuff up and leave. That was it. They were done. Five years down the drain because Kiyoomi had to go elsewhere for sex. 

As soon as the door closed, Atsumu threw the closet shoe at the wood and began to cry. He hadn't healed from losing Nationals to Kageyama in high school, he was constantly the second-best setter in the Volleyball league- making him feel inferior to Kageyama anyway. The insecurities bubbled up and up, making more tears, the more tears he cried, the harder it was to see, to breathe. 

He slid down the wall and sat on the floor of his dark, half-empty apartment, crying. His sobs echoed around him and sent him spiralling. He lay there for a while, just crying, grieving a relationship he put so much work into. 

Soon enough, he wiped his eyes, picked himself up and headed to his bedroom. 

He channelled every emotion, memory, and thought of the last five years into words, pulled his keyboard out of the wardrobe and began making a melody. Putting them both together, he left his phone on the floor, the back camera open, and began to record the song he had just made. 

"I don't want to admit it. I still miss you. How could I forget? We made a promise. I don't want to admit it, it's hard to understand. How could I forget the day you lied to me?" Atsumu sung. His misguided belief in Sakusa had led him to ignore the obvious, and yet he still missed the other.

"Please don't go anywhere and stay by my side. Even if I say this, it's too late, the you I've pictured even in my dreams have already changed, well, who knows, maybe you can come back? What's the use of saying this, this happened last time too. From how I see it, it's already done for. The one who made this collapse is you, yeah." The hurt of finding out his trust had been broken, finding out it was Kageyama and how Sakusa really felt made his voice weak. 

"I'll be honest, I want to give up but I don't know. I can't give up on you! I will wait a little longer, I've been doing it till now, woah." The nights Atsumu spent waiting, sitting on the couch till he fell asleep when Sakusa told him he was seeing his mom, his sister, or his brother and going to get dinner after just brought up more thoughts- How long had they been doing this? Was Kiyoomi seen in public with him? Was it played off like they were friends or did they book more private places where the information wouldn't leak that they were lovers? 

He put every memory of the last five years of love, the last god knows how many months of being cheated on and every lie he was told into his mind, and sung. Vulnerable, hurt, lost, and broken - that was all he felt. 

When he was done, He turned the recording off and started to deliberate. 

"If I post this, Everyone is gonna have theories, but it's also the easiest way to tell everyone at once. But If I don't say anything, Sakusa could twist this on me... Fuck it. I'll post it and turn my phone off, I'll deal with the repercussions in the morning."  he muttered to himself.

"Here goes nothing." Atsumu said, as he posted the video to Instagram with the caption of a broken heart, shared the link on Twitter, turned his phone off and went to sleep.

Atsumu was rudely awoken by a banging at his door, he got up, still half asleep and wrapped in his blanket- still wearing the clothes from the day before. 

"Hello?" He said as he opened the door. 

"ATSUMU! What the hell is goin' on with yer post?" Osamu's voice said.

"Yeah, dude! the V-league chat has been going crazy since you dropped it, and Kiyoomi won't give us a straight answer!" Suna added. 

"Huh? what...? " He let the pair in and went to get his phone. 

He joined them in the living room as the device turned on and started getting spammed with notifications. That definitely woke him up. 

"So what happened?" Rintarou asked. 

"O-... Sakusa cheated on me." He admitted. 

The pair sat on Atsumu's couch wide-eyed, staring at him. 

"I'm gonna fuckin' kill him." Osamu seethed, standing up. 

"Samu..." Rin put his hand on Osamu's arm and looked up at him, begging him to sit. 

"Fine... I won't right now, but if I see him in Onigiri Miya- no holdin' back."

"Do ya know who he was cheating with?" Rin asked.

"Kageyama Tobio." Atsumu answered curtly. 

"Kags was the only one missing from the v-league chat last night when we were talking about your post." 

"I was gonna make Sakusa go stay with his mom, but when He mentioned that Kageyama was better in bed than I was, I broke up with him n' told him ta go be with him." 

"Fuckin' hell. Why didn't ya call me?" Osamu asked. 

"Didn't want ta get ya involved in this stupid shit." Atsumu pouted. 

"Well, we are involved now!" Osamu replied, taking Atsumu's phone. 


"Nope. Rin, Fill Meian, Coach Foster, n' yer Team in about what Sakusa's done.  Tell Foster and Meian Tsumu's takin' a week off." He replied, throwing Atsumu's phone to Suna, "Tsumu, Go pack a bag, Ya coming back ta Hyogo with me fer a week. I am calling a locksmith- Cause I'm guessin' ya didn't ask him ta give ya spare key back!"

Atsumu sighed, he knew Meian and Foster would grant him the week off- he never used days off- and with how big the drama had already spread, they would probably recommend it. Hyogo is about as far as Atsumu could get, for now, knowing full well he'd need to reset and would probably have the old Inarizaki team reminding him that he is worthy of love and that Sakusa was a dick. 

He indeed hadn't asked for the spare key back, and his best guess as to why Osamu wants his locks changed is for protection. The Sakusa family were extremely wealthy, who knows how well they would take their youngest sibling and son being slandered through song?

But That week away in Hyogo did him wonders! the twin's Mother gave all her best advice and told her headstrong son to keep being headstrong, the old team got back together and reassured him of all his worries, Osamu took him to work at Onigiri Miya and kept him in the back of the shop so no one hounded him. 

It was those days he worked the back of Onigiri Miya that set an idea of how nice it'd be to run the place with his brother, Build something Osamu worked so hard for into a lifelong legacy that would outlive both of them. 

When he returned from his break and headed to practice, he was met with reporters waiting outside the gym.

"Oh, so you're finally back." Sakusa quipped. 

Atsumu ignored him - a request from Meian, and tried walking into the gym. Sakusa grabbed his wrist and stopped him. 

"I know that song was about me." he whispered, "What did I ever do to you? I treated you so well, Atsumu." he volume changed- getting louder and attracting the attention of the reporters gathered. 

That sentence- "What did I ever do to you?"- broke Atsumu's last nerve. 


Atsumu stormed off into the building, refusing to comment with any reporters. Over the next few hours, news of Sakusa and Kageyama's affair spread like wildfire online. Even the team caught wind of it on one of their breaks when Hinata checked his phone. 

"Omi-san! YOU CHEATED ON ATSUMU-SAN WITH TOBIO?! WHAT THE FUCK?" Hinata got up in Sakusa's face with the article pulled up. 

Meian had to pull Hinata away, whilst Bokuto kept his distance from Sakusa. Foster ended practice early that day to avoid more drama surrounding the Jackals or the possibility of in-fighting. 

Atsumu scrolled through Instagram after returning to his apartment and found a statement Sakusa released that day after the reports came out. 

'Hello, This is Sakusa Kiyoomi, 

I want to clear up any rumours going around regarding me at the moment. 

Yes, Atsumu and I have broken up- to me the reason is unclear, he believes I cheated,  which I did not do. I have been nothing but a good partner to him for the last five years, this break up was out of the blue and after an argument. It is unfair to lay the blame solely at my feet as I wasn't the one who has seemingly brought our friends and co-workers into this mess that could have easily been solved with a conversation nor was I the only one in this relationship. 

I will once again reiterate- I did not cheat on Miya Atsumu with Kageyama Tobio. I had no reason to look elsewhere when the most caring and loving man that had walked into my life decided he wanted to stay. If anything I was planning to propose to him on our anniversary. I had no desire to cheat on the man I love. 

-Sakusa Kiyoomi" 

This lit a fire in Atsumu. He gathered screenshots of the conversation with the pictures clearly visible and showing, at first, Sakusa and an unknown person having sex on a desk in an office building, then very clearly Sakusa and Kageyama making out.  He wrote out a caption and posted it. 

'If Sakusa-san wants to deny cheating on me so much, it is best he know his own mother caught him and sent me the images that very clearly show him and Kageyama being more than a little friendly. I was cheated on, his mother saw and felt it best I knew. She raised both her boys the same way, and to say she expressed extreme disappointment in him as you can see in the messages also attached. 

Never mess with the Fox that was always known for his bite." 

These two posts, back to back ruined Sakusa's career. His mother paid for him to fly to France and not return until he understand to the fullest extent the pain he inflicted on not just Atsumu, but his own family, with his actions. She sent him with a team of bodyguards, and they were told to not allow Kageyama near Kiyoomi, let alone let Kiyoomi out of their sight. Kageyama's contract was cut short, but he had taken another place on another team in Poland. 

Atsumu had the support of the V-league, his team, and his friends. He continued to play with MSBY for a few months after the scandal had died down but also retired when volleyball had been ruined by the thought of his ex and his rival. He turned up to Onigiri Miya, smile soft and arms open- Osamu gave him the biggest hug. 

"What are ya doin' here?" Osamu asked.

"I have a business deal fer ya- I wanna run Onigiri Miya with ya, side by side. Miya twins takin' over the world again! I wanna help make ya dream as big as it can be. We can open at least two more locations this year using all the money I saved from Volleyball n' sponsorships- let's show the power o' the Miya twins again, eh?" Atsumu said, Handing his brother some paperwork. 

Osamu read over it before looking up, "Are ya sayin' ya want me ta hire ya? Yer actually okay with working under me?" 

"Yes, o' course I'm okay working under ya. This is yer dream- we did mine in high-school. Let's take yers ta the next level n' even further beyond." Atsumu smiled. 

"I was just gonna ask ya ta be the face o' Onigiri Miya- everyone knows ya, it'd be great ta market with my pro-volleyball player brother."

"Ex pro-volleyball player brother. I retired two weeks ago. It's official as of today- and I kinda wanna come out of the public eye. I wanna live a quiet life, n' see where it takes me." He laughed. 

"Okay, Okay, sure. Let's do it!" Osamu agreed. 

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